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Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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Concrete evidence? LOL. That's cute that you actually believe a word they say. I'm angry that people keep pushing something that would ruin others' games.



Yes I believe the information available from official sources. The only return I didn't like was Elara's because her reason for not returning to her husband reeked to high heaven! Also they were two minutes long was because they had a major production shake-up. They're now out of Transition and Mr. Keith hasn't lied to anyone. Finally I find ironic that you seeth in anger at a relatively few players who want Lana to go away, when you advocate ruining their game.

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Oh, I hated the hair too. It looked matted, like it was never brushed.


I do wonder why they didn't just port her existing head onto a customizable body. That would solve the issue, at least for me. And the suggestion of the face customization is a really good one. If that's what they were able to do with Theron, seems like they could have made it work with her, too.

Yeah that could work.

I'd really like if they could give new customizations (mainly as new outfits) for Senya, Koth and Arcann too. Senya looks pretty uggly without the customization, way too young and way more skinny than the mom we see in KOTFE, same with Koth he looks like he's lost some muscle, and as that's how they first appear, i really consider their customisation as the real them.

As for Arcann, he's clearly bulkier than a regular BT2, but far less and far shorter than a regular BT3, but i'd really like a more casual and not all white/light grey outfit for him, i like the DS customization colour, but i like him better without the mask.

Could do for Lana as well.


See, I don't know. In the real world, I would think most of us hopefully have good friends that aren't our LIs, and that if we were to spend all our time with our LIs it would get boring really quick. My PCs don't romance their class companions most of the time, and even when they do, they spend a lot of time with the others. I don't like everyone on the class companion crews, but in each class, except for the trooper, there are one or two I consider to be close friends with my PC by the end. I really miss the companion convos where you got to talk to everyone.

Well my characters don't hang out only with their lovers but the ones who are the closer to them in a non romantic way are LI options, like Lana or Kira for my JK, or Dorne for my trooper, they're close friends but not in a romantic relationship.

Another exemple would be my male smuggler, he's close to Risha, but there is nothing else between them than friendship.

My JK also ended up quite close to Scourge too, but there is nothing like love or attraction between them (well this one is a bit of an exception for me as he's not a LI yet).


I do miss these convos too, it'd be nice if they were able to give new ones post KOTET, for both the class romances and the KOTFE ones.

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Yes I believe the information available from official sources. The only return I didn't like was Elara's because her reason for not returning to her husband reeked to high heaven! Also they were two minutes long was because they had a major production shake-up. They're now out of Transition and Mr. Keith hasn't lied to anyone. Finally I find ironic that you seeth in anger at a relatively few players who want Lana to go away, when you advocate ruining their game.


Two minutes and complete exclusion from the story isn't "meaningful." The devs did not keep their word. They haven't included the killable and AA companions in anything in quite some time. Bless your heart if you still believe in them, but some of us know better.


I actually think they need to stop with kill options for everyone, not just Lana. And you're upset that it's not your own perfect little world with nothing but people you personally care for - well, that'ssomething we all have to deal with in this game. We can't just erase everyone we dislike. I had to suck it up and deal with chapters of Senya and Theron; I had to deal with Theron's miserable family for entire class stories and SoR and Iokath; I had to deal with Doc's lechery in the class story, and none of my Imperials except for my Sith Warrior can get rid of Quinn. That's life.

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Well my characters don't hang out only with their lovers but the ones who are the closer to them in a non romantic way are LI options, like Lana or Kira for my JK, or Dorne for my trooper, they're close friends but not in a romantic relationship.

Another exemple would be my male smuggler, he's close to Risha, but there is nothing else between them than friendship.

My JK also ended up quite close to Scourge too, but there is nothing like love or attraction between them (well this one is a bit of an exception for me as he's not a LI yet).


I do miss these convos too, it'd be nice if they were able to give new ones post KOTET, for both the class romances and the KOTFE ones.


Yeah, that's a fair point. Most of the companions that my PCs are really fond of are LIs, even if they're not LIs the PC can access. I can think some non-LI exceptions that my PCs really loved talking to, like Blizz, T7-O1, Talos and Scourge, but for most of the classes, their BFFs were the people like Mako, Risha, Kira and Vette who were LIs for the opposite gender.

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Yeah, that's a fair point. Most of the companions that my PCs are really fond of are LIs, even if they're not LIs the PC can access. I can think some non-LI exceptions that my PCs really loved talking to, like Blizz, T7-O1, Talos and Scourge, but for most of the classes, their BFFs were the people like Mako, Risha, Kira and Vette who were LIs for the opposite gender.

Quite the same for me, all the non LI my characters like are the ones you listed, and same their BFF's are pretty much the LI for opposing genders, except Lana, who is available to both, but i really like her as my JK's closest friend. I really like that despite all their differences and the fact they should've been ennemies, they're able to work well together and respect each other to the point of becoming BFFs.


I'm somehow sad Talos is not a LI option though, he could've been a better option than Ashara for my Nox.

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Yes you can get rid of Quinn KEEP HIM IN JAIL!


Nope, try again. If you side Imperial and you're any class but Sith Warrior, you don't get to divest yourself of his company. There IS no option to send him to jail unless you're a SW who sided Republic. The only way to get rid of him if you're not a Sith Warrior is to side Republic, and then you're saddled with Theron's father and Elara Dorne.

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I'm somehow sad Talos is not a LI option though, he could've been a better option than Ashara for my Nox.


Talos doesn't float my boat physically, but he's so sweet and enthuasiastic and seems to really enjoy the SI's company. I think he would have been a great romance option. I envision Talos as writing really entertaining love letters, too.


That's one of the KOTFE-era reunions I hold as the gold standard, too. He's SO HAPPY to see the SI and the mission he has, with all of his little comments about Yavin 4 and the ghosts, is is really fun. On every character I take through KOTFE that is the first one I do after Yuun's required mission.

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Yes you can get rid of Quinn KEEP HIM IN JAIL!

Quinn was handled really poorly actually.


If you side with the Republic, with a SW who formerly romanced him you can only kill him, imprison him or take him back as a lover. No way to dump him but keep him by your side.


And if you side with the Empire, your only choice is to keep him if you're not a SW, but if you're a SW and don't want him by your side your only option is to kill him...


As for the rest, i wopn't believe they'll keep any killable or class specific LI untill i see it for myself in game.

Seriously i did not kill Koth and he was nowhere to be seen when his ship exploded, while we can see his WHOLE crew evacuating, it just made no sense that he was nowhere to be seen at that moment.


Talos doesn't float my boat physically, but he's so sweet and enthuasiastic and seems to really enjoy the SI's company. I think he would have been a great romance option. I envision Talos as writing really entertaining love letters, too.

Same i don't find him particularly attractive on a purely physical level, but i really like his personnality and the way he interacts with my SI, they could've been a nice pairing.


On a side note, everytime i talk to him, he reminds me of Stéphane Bern, which is quite amusing actually.

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Concrete evidence? LOL. That's cute that you actually believe a word they say. The devs also said that the companions would get meaningful returns. Instead we got two-minute, poorly written out of character returns and nary a peep from the companions afterward.


And the fact that we've seen neither hide nor hair of 90% of the companions in the content IS concrete proof. Sorry you can't accept that.


I'm not terrified. I'm angry that people keep pushing something that would ruin others' games.


Points for use of the word 'nary'.

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All I am saying is that according to the official sources we have and the information that is coming then I have hope that we will get more interaction with Companions. I believe that the two-minute returns were a measure taken during the Transition between Mr. Irving and Mr. Keith, and that Mr. Keith is doing his best to get the game's new expansion up. If you're determined to believe we will never have another Comp Conversation again, so be it.


But the argument that some people who get to banish Lana will ruin her as an LI forever for all is unfounded and has no basis in fact.

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But the argument that some people who get to banish Lana will ruin her as an LI forever for all is unfounded and has no basis in fact.


You mean besides all of the other companions that have kill options being bricked for those that didn't take the kill option, LI or otherwise? That's more than optimistic, that's willfully blind.

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You mean besides all of the other companions that have kill options being bricked for those that didn't take the kill option, LI or otherwise? That's more than optimistic, that's willfully blind.

Yep, that's pretty much it.


I'm still really worried about Theron, despite them saying he'll still be around :(

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You mean besides all of the other companions that have kill options being bricked for those that didn't take the kill option, LI or otherwise? That's more than optimistic, that's willfully blind.


In the past. Who's to say that in 5.10 and 6.0 it will be the same? Where is your proof?

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You mean besides all of the other companions that have kill options being bricked for those that didn't take the kill option, LI or otherwise? That's more than optimistic, that's willfully blind.


Yep. Denying that the AAs and kill options haven't bricked companions, or that a precedent hasn't been set, is like saying the sky isn't blue.

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In the past. Who's to say that in 5.10 and 6.0 it will be the same? Where is your proof?


Proof? Precedent. Who's to say it will be the same? I'll believe it when I see it. Given the 100% kill option to brick ratio and the fact that this studio is so under financed and staffed that it takes what feels like eons to produce content of any kind (I'll also believe this magical 6.0 is a real thing when I see it), I think the onus of proof is on whether it can and will be any different. Anything else is, like I said, beyond optimistic.

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Proof? Precedent. Who's to say it be the same? I'll believe it when I see it. Given the 100% kill option to brick ratio and the fact that this studio is so under financed and staffed that it takes what feels like eons to produce content of any kind (I'll also believe this magical 6.0 is a real thing when I see it) that it can and will be any different. Anything else is, like I said, beyond optimistic.


I do agree with the overall sentiment, but maybe what they did with Arcann is a beacon of hope we can look to for our bricked LIs?

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I do agree with the overall sentiment, but maybe what they did with Arcann is a beacon of hope we can look to for our bricked LIs?


I thought the same when it happened many months ago. But since then there hasn't been any indication this would be the case. That was all done well before we went down the traitor rabbit hole too so we've had content since then that any number of bricked kill options could've been used and weren't.


That or it was pre-recorded.


Basically this.

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I do agree with the overall sentiment, but maybe what they did with Arcann is a beacon of hope we can look to for our bricked LIs?


I'd like to think so but I don't take Arcann as precedent because of the circumstances behind his content. It's known that he had a specific writer very actively cheerleading for him and pressing for a romance and content. The same writer was responsible for the Nathema script, which easily explains why they found screen time for him, all while claiming they didn't have room in the story even to show Koth evacuating the Gravestone with his crew.


So yeah. I don't take Arcann's inclusion as evidence of anything other than the fact that he had a writer heavily promoting him. The rest of the LIs probably don't have someone advocating as hard for them.

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Proof? Precedent. Who's to say it will be the same? I'll believe it when I see it. Given the 100% kill option to brick ratio and the fact that this studio is so under financed and staffed that it takes what feels like eons to produce content of any kind (I'll also believe this magical 6.0 is a real thing when I see it), I think the onus of proof is on whether it can and will be any different. Anything else is, like I said, beyond optimistic.


Optimistic perhaps, but not false thank you very much. Also, Arcann's writer is G-O-N-E she does not work on SWTOR any longer, yet those who want him will be getting more content with him in the future according to a livestream . Doomsayers may have precedent in the past but to Categorically state that the status quo will remain is not true. Again watch Boomy's YouTube link. Hard facts people!


The facts state, that they are returning to multi-line stories where in some Arcann is dead, or Theron is gone and Khem Val is around, and some where they are not. Therefore there is no reason to believe they cannot and will not do that for other Optional Characters. So it is possible to do the same for Lana.

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I feel like one could point out some things, like the fact that citing previous examples of the 100% kill-to-brick ratio is not "doomsaying," and that we currently HAVE "multi-line stories" where some characters are alive for some players and not for others, but at this point a polite shrug and "well, you're entitled to believe whatever you want' appears to be the most productive response. I suppose if one really doesn't want to believe what the game's writers have already established that's their prerogative, especially if it supports their agenda to erase characters while pretending it has no impact on others. Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I guess I prefer looking forward to positive future things (hopefully without Lana in my PCs' faces) then griping and being bitter about the past. Mr. Musco said that they want to get more content for Optional Characters and I don't see how that is lying. They also said no MM for God's of the Machines and MM OPS groups got it. However, if Lana lovers are determined to be spiteful and twitchy because they think they'll never get more of her, then they can do it happily. Personally, I see no reason to believe them.
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Optimistic perhaps, but not false thank you very much.


I never said false. More like fantasy. But if you want to think it's possible, go right ahead, anything is theoretically possible. Probable, though, is another story. I'll believe what I've seen and experienced first hand over someone's hopes and wants.


The facts state, that they are returning to multi-line stories where in some Arcann is dead, or Theron is gone and Khem Val is around, and some where they are not.


Hype. They've said lots of things before that turned out to be not what we got. Again, I'll believe it when I see it. I'll be glad to be proved wrong though.


Therefore there is no reason to believe they cannot and will not do that for other Optional Characters. So it is possible to do the same for Lana.



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I guess I prefer looking forward to positive future things (hopefully without Lana in my PCs' faces) then griping and being bitter about the past. Mr. Musco said that they want to get more content for Optional Characters and I don't see how that is lying. They also said no MM for God's of the Machines and MM OPS groups got it. However, if Lana lovers are determined to be spiteful and twitchy because they think they'll never get more of her, then they can do it happily. Personally, I see no reason to believe them.


I'm not a Lana lover. I'm a player that enjoyed being able to choose which companion I wanted to be a part of my story. However, with all the kill options and alerts now, none of them can be. It'd be great if it was possible, but I don't see any way forward given the precedents set and the state of the studio. This goes for ALL companions, LI or otherwise.

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