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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Why is there no kill option for Lana?


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Well, if they have a secret code from Rishi that the GEMINI can't read, and Theron's able to use it at the listening station, why not just use it before then to tell Lana what was going on? Both of them could have clued in the other, and they didn't.


Why they didn't start off with that is beyond me.

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Well, if they have a secret code from Rishi that the GEMINI can't read, and Theron's able to use it at the listening station, why not just use it before then to tell Lana what was going on? Both of them could have clued in the other, and they didn't.


The letter after Copero was disturbing, especially if one romanced Theron, I'll agree there. But still, I think it matters that despite how much she ranted about Theron, she didn't actually do anything. She was just venting her spleen. When it came down to it, she was the one who jumped to help him.

Yeah that part does not really make sense.

My only guess is that if he used it before, the GEMINI droid may have caught it over time and deciphered it, making all his effeorts useless.


I'm glad she did not, i would really not have liked to be forced to take side and choose between the two of them.

I'd obviously have sided with Theron on this one, but going against Lana is not something i'd like to do.

Similarly, i really hope that you'll have to go really really far for her to turn against you in the next storylines, because even if i would not mind seeing her a bit less, i still want to keep her around.

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At the end of the day, it's very simple why there's no kill option for Lana. The story requires a certain minimal number of critical NPCs, and Lana has ended up being one of those. Her intense personal loyalty to the PC and willingness to support them through pretty much anything (even if it goes against her philosophy) make her a reasonable candidate for this role.


It's unfortunate for people who have a strong aversion to her, and fortunate for those who love her. But there'll never be a character who gets 100% love across a whole fandom, so this will always happen to some extent. Even fan-favorites have some who hate them.


Personally I tend not to greatly like the NPCs that Bioware pushes into this role, preferring characters who get less of the limelight. To me, it often feels unfair that my favorites don't get the same "love" from the devs. But I guess there will always be some people in my position; the devs can't be expected to make everyone equally happy.

Edited by Estelindis
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Yeah that part does not really make sense.

My only guess is that if he used it before, the GEMINI droid may have caught it over time and deciphered it, making all his effeorts useless.


I'm glad she did not, i would really not have liked to be forced to take side and choose between the two of them.

I'd obviously have sided with Theron on this one, but going against Lana is not something i'd like to do.

Similarly, i really hope that you'll have to go really really far for her to turn against you in the next storylines, because even if i would not mind seeing her a bit less, i still want to keep her around.


TBH, given the letter, that was what I was really worried about with Nathema. That it would come down to Theron vs. Lana and you'd have to make another awful choice. I think the double agent storyline was completely stupid, but at the same time I was relieved that didn't end up happening. Of course I would have gone with Lana, but it would have been an awful thing to force players into.


And I agree with you. Given what Charles has said about that on Twitter, I do hope the deal breaker is a real major thing. or a series of things, and that if they do keep Theron around for those who kept him, they will give Lana the same courtesy. I have a feeling that leaving Theron to die might have actually been Strike One there, because she was very unhappy about it.

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At the end of the day, it's very simple why there's no kill option for Lana. The story requires a certain minimal number of critical NPCs, and Lana has ended up being one of those. Her intense personal loyalty to the PC and willingness to support them through pretty much anything (even if it goes against her philosophy) make her a reasonable candidate for this role.


It's unfortunate for people who have a strong aversion to her, and fortunate for those who love her. But there'll never be a character who gets 100% love across a whole fandom, so this will always happen to some extent. Even fan-favorites have some who hate them.


Personally I tend not to greatly like the NPCs that Bioware pushes into this role, preferring characters who get less of the limelight. To me, it often feels unfair that my favorites don't get the same "love" from the devs. But I guess there will always be some people in my position; the devs can't be expected to make everyone equally happy.


I think this sums it up well. There are always going to be characters in that critical role who are disliked by some, and they're never going to be able to make everyone happy or program the game so that you only see or interact with characters you personally like. In every class story and KOTFE there have been characters I'd rather have not included or interacted with. I can't stand a few fan favorites.


It is what it is. If Lana were not in that role, someone else would be, and there invariably would be intense complaints about them, too. I have no doubt that when the story shifts away from Lana and Theron in 5.10 and 6.0, there will be plenty of people complaining about the new quest givers and NPCs and demanding kill options for them, too.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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I think this sums it up well. There are always going to be characters in that critical role who are disliked by some, and they're never going to be able to make everyone happy or program the game so that you only see or interact with characters you personally like. In every class story and KOTFE there have been characters I'd rather have not included or interacted with. I can't stand a few fan favorites.


It is what it is. If Lana were not in that role, someone else would be, and there invariably would be intense complaints about them, too. I have no doubt that when the story shifts away from Lana and Theron in 5.10 and 6.0, there will be plenty of people complaining about the new quest givers and NPCs and demanding kill options for them, too.


In the last two seasons we had Lana as mandatory companion in 90% of the story, i believe this will be the case with 5.10 & 6.0 too. The story will never shift away from her, for some reason the entire action is heavily focused on her and not on the Outlander,Commander or w/e we had to become.

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In every class story and KOTFE there have been characters I'd rather have not included or interacted with. I can't stand a few fan favorites.

But you don't (as I recall) ask for these characters to be eliminated from the story. I think we could all do with taking that attitude. As a friend of mine said recently, "try not to yuck anyone else's yum." None of us is obliged to enjoy the things anyone else does, but it doesn't mean we have to demand those things be removed from the game.


I think the most reasonable thing to ask is for parallel experiences. For instance, in situations where some people don't like our characters waking up to non-LI Lana when their LI is actively part of the story, BW could've put our LI in that position. It doesn't mean taking that role away from Lana in cases where either she's the PC's LI, there's no LI, or the LI is still missing. I find the little moments with various LIs to be some of the nicest elements between different KotFE/ET playthroughs, so a few more would've been welcome.


If Lana were not in that role, someone else would be, and there invariably would be intense complaints about them, too. I have no doubt that when the story shifts away from Lana and Theron in 5.10 and 6.0, there will be plenty of people complaining about the new quest givers and NPCs and demanding kill options for them, too.
I expect you are completely right. One constant (unfortunately!) is that some people will always be calling for character death. I wish it wasn't so. I think a story has far more possibilities with a wide pool of NPCs.


I do appreciate that in some cases it's out of character for particular PCs not to try to kill or otherwise punish an NPC. In some cases it should be allowed if it's a satisfying conclusion to that NPC's arc, and because otherwise it really stops people from RPing a vengeful character (an option that, in fairness, should be present in a Star Wars game with LS and DS). But there are times when I think just trying (and failing) is enough. Satele, for example (though I know it angers some people). But better to at least give characters who hate her the chance to try (and have them fail) than not give them the chance at all.

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In the last two seasons we had Lana as mandatory companion in 90% of the story, i believe this will be the case with 5.10 & 6.0 too. The story will never shift away from her, for some reason the entire action is heavily focused on her and not on the Outlander,Commander or w/e we had to become.


Charles Boyd has already said that neither Lana nor Theron will be the focus of 5.10 and 6.0 (and no, I'm not wasting my time finding the tweets, his Twitter is public if you want to find it yourself). And no, Lana was not the forced companion for "90% of the story." Want the breakdown? Here. Here are the companions you had in the last two expacs.



1: Solo; Darth Marr (briefly)

2: Solo

3. Lana

4. Lana, Koth, HK-55 (even)

5: HK-55, Lana (even)

6: HK-55, Senya

7. Senya, T7-O1, Koth (optional)

8. HK-55, Koth, Lana. Lana only rescues the PC if they are romanced; otherwise, Koth

9: Solo; many conversations

10: Kaliyo; Theron (briefly)

11. Aric Jorgan; Theron (briefly)

12. Solo

13. Vette, Gault

14. Torian

15. Senya, SCORPIO

16. Lana; multiple; solo


Chapters where Lana is significant companion: 5 (5/16 = 31.25%)

Chapters where Senya is significant companion: 3 (3/16 = 18.75%)

Chapters where Koth is significant companion: 3 (3/16 = 18.75%)




1. Theron, Lana (even split)

2. Acina

3. Koth

4. Torian, Vette

5. Vette

6. Theron

7. Lana

8. Choice of Lana/Theron OR Senya/Arcann

9. Choice of Lana/Theron OR Senya/Arcann


Chapters where Lana is significant companion: 2 or 4 (22% or 44% depending on player choice)

Chapters where Theron is significant companion: 2 or 4 (22% or 44% depending on player choice)


Iokath - Theron

Umbara - Theron, Lana

Copero - Raina Temple

Nathema - Lana, Theron


If people are going to complain they should at least be accurate. There were 12 (potentially 13) companions other than Lana that were forced in various chapters.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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But you don't (as I recall) ask for these characters to be eliminated from the story. I think we could all do with taking that attitude. As a friend of mine said recently, "try not to yuck anyone else's yum." None of us is obliged to enjoy the things anyone else does, but it doesn't mean we have to demand those things be removed from the game.


Exactly. I've campaigned pretty heavily against kill options and asked for bricked companions to be included for those who want them there, because it's not just me playing the game. What we ask for does affect others. I will not play one specific class again because I cannot deal with one companion, but I've never asked for him to be killed off or excised from the story.


I think the most reasonable thing to ask is for parallel experiences. For instance, in situations where some people don't like our characters waking up to non-LI Lana when their LI is actively part of the story, BW could've put our LI in that position. It doesn't mean taking that role away from Lana in cases where either she's the PC's LI, there's no LI, or the LI is still missing. I find the little moments with various LIs to be some of the nicest elements between different KotFE/ET playthroughs, so a few more would've been welcome.


I agree. They did this in parts of KOTFE and KOTET and it would be nice if they could expand them further. For instance, the rescuer in chapter 8 is Lana if she's your LI; it's Koth otherwise. If Koth is gone in KOTET they have Tora and Hylo taking his dialogue. If you've romanced Koth, Theron or Lana, you call for them by name when you're stuck in the woods with Valkorian. They found a way to incorporate LI scenes into KOTFE and KOTET. I also feel that those moments make the story better, and feel that including more of them would make more players happy.

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But you don't (as I recall) ask for these characters to be eliminated from the story. I think we could all do with taking that attitude. As a friend of mine said recently, "try not to yuck anyone else's yum." None of us is obliged to enjoy the things anyone else does, but it doesn't mean we have to demand those things be removed from the game.


I think the most reasonable thing to ask is for parallel experiences. For instance, in situations where some people don't like our characters waking up to non-LI Lana when their LI is actively part of the story, BW could've put our LI in that position. It doesn't mean taking that role away from Lana in cases where either she's the PC's LI, there's no LI, or the LI is still missing. I find the little moments with various LIs to be some of the nicest elements between different KotFE/ET playthroughs, so a few more would've been welcome.


I expect you are completely right. One constant (unfortunately!) is that some people will always be calling for character death. I wish it wasn't so. I think a story has far more possibilities with a wide pool of NPCs.


I do appreciate that in some cases it's out of character for particular PCs not to try to kill or otherwise punish an NPC. In some cases it should be allowed if it's a satisfying conclusion to that NPC's arc, and because otherwise it really stops people from RPing a vengeful character (an option that, in fairness, should be present in a Star Wars game with LS and DS). But there are times when I think just trying (and failing) is enough. Satele, for example (though I know it angers some people). But better to at least give characters who hate her the chance to try (and have them fail) than not give them the chance at all.

I haven't seen anyone asking for any character to be taken out of the story, just for the ability to take that character out of THEIR story while who ever wants to keep said character can keep them. There are a few scenes in KotFE where the person you have the highest affinity with at that point comes (when fighting Arcann on Asylum it's Koth or Lana) or is called by your character (when Valkorion drags you off into the woods you call Koth, Lana, or Theron). I think the being there when you wake up and similar scenarios should be the same. It should be the character you have the highest affinity with so either your love interest or if you have no LI or they're not there, it's your closest friend. Not Lana by default always. For people that don't like Lana we wouldn't have to see her creeping on us and for people that love Lana nothing would change, they'd have the highest affinity with her and she'd still be the one always showing up. For people that love Lana the scene where she's messing around with the holocron in your bedroom while you sleep (for instance) may be sweet but for me it was super creepy and felt like a violation.


I think if story missions were more spread out with several characters taking turns going with you or being the main focus rather than just Lana and Theron (and in the first 9 chapters Koth) 90% of the time people wouldn't be nearly as resentful of any character (unless they're a super DS edgelord that wants to kill everyone because dark). I would still prefer the original way they did it with the class stories where most of the time you could take anyone you choose on missions and they'd have a few comments and lines of dialogue about it here and there. I wish SWtOR was being given the time and attention it deserves instead of being skeleton crewed and its profits and devs being used for Anthem.

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I haven't seen anyone asking for any character to be taken out of the story, just for the ability to take that character out of THEIR story while who ever wants to keep said character can keep them.


I've said this time and again, i don't want Lana killed, but replaced with someone else in my story.

Furthermore, i want my Pub characters ( who will return to the Republic, all of them) to shake Lana's hand and say " it been quite an adventure" and part ways forever. That's all.

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You know, all things being equal, there are certainly characters I'd *like* to say goodbye to, both in the class stories and in KOTFE/KOTET. That doesn't mean I don't want others to have or enjoy them. Out of sight, out of mind and all.


But the thing is, we KNOW it doesn't happen that way. We have so many precedents that once a character has been eliminated from the story for one person, or they appear in an AA, it really doesn't matter if someone else keeps them. They're bricked and gone for everyone. The 'save' option is useless. So for me, saying "but I just want ____ gone for me" isn't viable right now because we all know damn well that it won't be "just gone for me."


Arcann has been the one exception, but he also had a main writer actively cheerleading for him. Vette, Quinn, Torian, Koth, Aric, Kaliyo, Vector, Risha, any other AA or killable LI...we have such a body count of bricked LIs.


IF Charles and the devs keep their word and keep Theron as an active/speaking player in the story for those who have kept him, I might be willing to accept that maybe they're changing their ways with this and that they are planning on making save options mean something.


But until then I can't support kill or leave options for anyone. It really *isn't* that I demand that anyone else likes Lana; I just want to ensure she's still there for me and for others who love her and actively choose to keep her.

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TBH, given the letter, that was what I was really worried about with Nathema. That it would come down to Theron vs. Lana and you'd have to make another awful choice. I think the double agent storyline was completely stupid, but at the same time I was relieved that didn't end up happening. Of course I would have gone with Lana, but it would have been an awful thing to force players into.


And I agree with you. Given what Charles has said about that on Twitter, I do hope the deal breaker is a real major thing. or a series of things, and that if they do keep Theron around for those who kept him, they will give Lana the same courtesy. I have a feeling that leaving Theron to die might have actually been Strike One there, because she was very unhappy about it.

Yeah, i really feared that too. That's a choice i really did not want to have forced on me. The Vette/Torian one was already bad enough.


I hope too, because as i said i want to keep her around (just please don't make her be the first face my character sees everytime she wakes up while she's romancing Theron, because, that's super creepy, not even Doc dared do that), but considering tat my JK sided with the Republic, i really hope it'll be something really huge to turn her away.


Charles Boyd has already said that neither Lana nor Theron will be the focus of 5.10 and 6.0 (and no, I'm not wasting my time finding the tweets, his Twitter is public if you want to find it yourself). And no, Lana was not the forced companion for "90% of the story." Want the breakdown? Here. Here are the companions you had in the last two expacs.



1: Solo; Darth Marr (briefly)

2: Solo

3. Lana

4. Lana, Koth, HK-55 (even)

5: HK-55, Lana (even)

6: HK-55, Senya

7. Senya, T7-O1, Koth (optional)

8. HK-55, Koth, Lana. Lana only rescues the PC if they are romanced; otherwise, Koth

9: Solo; many conversations

10: Kaliyo; Theron (briefly)

11. Aric Jorgan; Theron (briefly)

12. Solo

13. Vette, Gault

14. Torian

15. Senya, SCORPIO

16. Lana; multiple; solo


Chapters where Lana is significant companion: 5 (5/16 = 31.25%)

Chapters where Senya is significant companion: 3 (3/16 = 18.75%)

Chapters where Koth is significant companion: 3 (3/16 = 18.75%)




1. Theron, Lana (even split)

2. Acina

3. Koth

4. Torian, Vette

5. Vette

6. Theron

7. Lana

8. Choice of Lana/Theron OR Senya/Arcann

9. Choice of Lana/Theron OR Senya/Arcann


Chapters where Lana is significant companion: 2 or 4 (22% or 44% depending on player choice)

Chapters where Theron is significant companion: 2 or 4 (22% or 44% depending on player choice)


Iokath - Theron

Umbara - Theron, Lana

Copero - Raina Temple

Nathema - Lana, Theron



If people are going to complain they should at least be accurate. There were 12 (potentially 13) companions other than Lana that were forced in various chapters.


See, people always complain that it was the Lana & Theron show, i'd still rather call it the Lana show, she has much more screentime than him and he's you're only mandatory companion on 1 chapter and Iokath, optional in 2 chapters alongside Lana, mandatory in 2 FB alongside Lana and is with you like 1-2 min in 2 chapters, and she comes back 6 chapters before him.

And he has a kill option while she does not (not that i'm asking for one, i'm not, but i really wish they never gave one to him either)

Considering they're supposed to be equivalent, they should've had the same amount of screentime. I'm still sad that Theron was not part of the rescue mission alongside Lana, Koth and HK, he had more reasons to be there for my JK than Lana actually.


Exactly. I've campaigned pretty heavily against kill options and asked for bricked companions to be included for those who want them there, because it's not just me playing the game. What we ask for does affect others. I will not play one specific class again because I cannot deal with one companion, but I've never asked for him to be killed off or excised from the story.

They should never have started with the kill options on LI.


As it is it really feels like you're supposed to love some character and hate some others even when it's the complete way around.

Like :

"See this guy, well you really should not like him. So here there's a kill option, you should really take it because he won't be part of your story anymore anyways so please yourself."


"Oh look at this cute little girl, she's sweet you should really LOVE her. What you find her utterly annoying and don't like her ? But you absolutely should ADORE her ! She's not part of the main story and you really hate her and she never fitted with your PC, well too bad you'll never be able to kill her, even if killing her would not change anything to anyone's story..."


For people that love Lana the scene where she's messing around with the holocron in your bedroom while you sleep (for instance) may be sweet but for me it was super creepy and felt like a violation.

That's pretty much how i feel about Lana always being the first face my character sees everytime she wakes up.

I'd probably find it adorable if she was romancing Lana, but as she's with Theron, that's kinda creepy, especially that part where my JK is sleeping and Lana's there watching her sleep :eek:

The sad part here is that it makes it look like Lana's secretly and desperatly in love with our character even if there's nothing romantic between the two and they're just friends.

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You know, all things being equal, there are certainly characters I'd *like* to say goodbye to, both in the class stories and in KOTFE/KOTET. That doesn't mean I don't want others to have or enjoy them. Out of sight, out of mind and all.


But the thing is, we KNOW it doesn't happen that way. We have so many precedents that once a character has been eliminated from the story for one person, or they appear in an AA, it really doesn't matter if someone else keeps them. They're bricked and gone for everyone. The 'save' option is useless. So for me, saying "but I just want ____ gone for me" isn't viable right now because we all know damn well that it won't be "just gone for me."


Arcann has been the one exception, but he also had a main writer actively cheerleading for him. Vette, Quinn, Torian, Koth, Aric, Kaliyo, Vector, Risha, any other AA or killable LI...we have such a body count of bricked LIs.


IF Charles and the devs keep their word and keep Theron as an active/speaking player in the story for those who have kept him, I might be willing to accept that maybe they're changing their ways with this and that they are planning on making save options mean something.


But until then I can't support kill or leave options for anyone. It really *isn't* that I demand that anyone else likes Lana; I just want to ensure she's still there for me and for others who love her and actively choose to keep her.


Bottom line.. no matter what we do, we will HAVE to keep Lana .

Poor Snoke, Kylo Ren & Hux.. they lacked originality when they created their oppressive society aka " The First Order" .. it existed since the Old Republic era.

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See, people always complain that it was the Lana & Theron show, i'd still rather call it the Lana show, she has much more screentime than him and he's you're only mandatory companion on 1 chapter and Iokath, optional in 2 chapters alongside Lana, mandatory in 2 FB alongside Lana and is with you like 1-2 min in 2 chapters, and she comes back 6 chapters before him


Lana's actually your only mandatory companion for two chapters too - KOTFE 3 and KOTET 7. Other than that it's all shared with others.


I'll concede that she had much more screen time in KOTFE but in KOTET and the traitor arc it was totally balanced. You have Theron and Lana as a solo forced companion for one chapter each in KOTET and they share duties in KOTET 1, plus share duties in KOTET 8 and 9 if you choose that. In Iokath you have to deal only with Theron and have to deal with more of his family drama whether you want to or not, Lana has more time in Umbara, and then Nathema is both of them.


So they did balance it, and when people say "waaaah! Lana was every chapter!" Well no, she wasn't. There are 12-13 other forced companions there. I had to suffer Senya's presence for three chapters whether I wanted to or not. I had to do several chapters with Koth. I hate Theron but there he is. We've talked about the issue of having Raina be the forced companion for Copero.


Mathematically she is your significant companion for 22% of the content from KOTFE-Nathema. That percentage only goes up if you actively choose to have her there for KOTFE 8 and KOTET 8 and 9.


That's pretty much how i feel about Lana always being the first face my character sees everytime she wakes up.

I'd probably find it adorable if she was romancing Lana, but as she's with Theron, that's kinda creepy, especially that part where my JK is sleeping and Lana's there watching her sleep :eek:

The sad part here is that it makes it look like Lana's secretly and desperatly in love with our character even if there's nothing romantic between the two and they're just friends.


Lana never once hits on the PC or initiates anything even remotely romantic. It's all on the player to pursue her.


In the med bay scene in KOTFE, she's talking with Koth and is across the room. They both walk over to you. In Iokath Theron's there and he's been listening to you talk in your sleep. Why is it OK for those men to be there and it's not creepy? Because they're men?


And at the last scene in KOTET, she's sitting at a desk studying the holocron. The devs shouldn't have put her there, but it's not as though she's sitting there watching you. She's busy.

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Bottom line.. no matter what we do, we will HAVE to keep Lana .

Poor Snoke, Kylo Ren & Hux.. they lacked originality when they created their oppressive society aka " The First Order" .. it existed since the Old Republic era.


And if we ever forget you'll be here to remind everyone we still have her!

Honestly, I hope Lana stays and I think she will. Even if she fades to the background, I hope shell never die.

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And if we ever forget you'll be here to remind everyone we still have her!

Honestly, I hope Lana stays and I think she will. Even if she fades to the background, I hope shell never die.


Ah, the president of my fanclub! Welcome back, dear! Really now, don't you want Arcann as a meaningful character in 5.10 & 6.0? Honestly, my Jedi would rather tag along with him than with Lana because Jedi are so forgiving!

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Lana never once hits on the PC or initiates anything even remotely romantic. It's all on the player to pursue her.


In the med bay scene in KOTFE, she's talking with Koth and is across the room. They both walk over to you. In Iokath Theron's there and he's been listening to you talk in your sleep. Why is it OK for those men to be there and it's not creepy? Because they're men?


And at the last scene in KOTET, she's sitting at a desk studying the holocron. The devs shouldn't have put her there, but it's not as though she's sitting there watching you. She's busy.

I know and i really don't think she has any kind of romantic feelings for your character unless you're going for it, but it sometimes makes it looks a bit weird when you're not romancing her.


Well both times she's not the only one here, but she's nonetheless the first face you see. In both instances, having Lana be the first to come to you makes sense if you're romancing her or if your actual LI is not one of these 3, but if you're flirting with Koth for the first one or romancing Theron for the second one, it should've been them, not her, especially considering that unless you're romancing Lana, it's Koth who comes to your help on Asylum, so they're able to make that kind of distinctions if they feel like it.

On Iokath, seriously for my JK romancing Theron, it would've been far better to have Theron be the one closest to her rather than Lana.

And the part with the holocron, i'm always left wondering what she's doing there with it after my character told her to keep it hidden from Valkorion. Does not really make sense that she'd be studying it right next to my sleeping character while Valkorion would probably not miss anything of what she's doing (which was probably the case as he knows very well about it).

She's supposed to be smarter than that :(

Edited by Goreshaga
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I know and i really don't think she has any kind of romantic feelings for your character unless you're going for it, but it sometimes makes it looks a bit weird when you're not romancing her.


Well both times she's not the only one here, but she's nonetheless the first face you see. IN both instances, having Lana be the first to come to you makes sense if you're romancing her or if your actual LI is not one of these 3, but if you flirting with Koth for the first one or romancing Theron for the second one, it should've been them, not her, especially considering that unless you're romancing Lana, it's Koth who comes to your help on Asylum

On Iokath, seriously for my JK romancing Theron, it would've been far better to have Theron be the one closest to her rather than Lana.

And the part with the holocron, i'm always left wondering what she's doing there with it after my character told her to keep it hidden from Valkorion. Does not really make sense that she'd be studying it right next to my sleeping character while Valkorion would probably not miss anything of what she's doing (which was probably the case as he knows very well about it).

She's supposed to be smarter than that :(


Well, in the scene with the holocron, your character also loudly says "HEY LANA! GOT THE HOLOCRON??" when Valkorion is right there, so...*facepalm* nobody is being smart in that scene.


They could have programmed Theron and Koth differently in those scenes, and it would make sense for them to be the most concerned about you - and ETA, that seems like the type of small recognition of LIs that would make the game feel more personalized and better for many players. But some people seem to feel like Lana should never say anything to them, and how dare she make sure the PC is still alive in the med bay. I mean, don't you all have platonic friends of the same gender who look out for you? Or in your day to day life is the person you're shagging your only friend? I'm not posing the question to you or anyone here specifically, but it seems like some players want their LI to be the only person they ever interact with.


If it makes people uncomfortable, I guess it does, and that's valid, but again, I don't get it.


And again, since Koth and Theron are in the same room watching you/listening to you talk in your sleep in 2 out of 3 instances, I do have to wonder why Lana's always singled out in this. Having Koth or Theron there could make some players/PCs just as uneasy, but that's never called out.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Ah, the president of my fanclub! Welcome back, dear! Really now, don't you want Arcann as a meaningful character in 5.10 & 6.0? Honestly, my Jedi would rather tag along with him than with Lana because Jedi are so forgiving!


I always thought you were my fan, considering you dedicated several accounts on Deviant art to me!

But it's alright Adorned, no need to get back into that.:rak_01:



Anyway back on topic, I hope they won't entirely stray away from Lana.

While I'm not her biggest fan, she is still the only female character for females to romance. As a Bi woman, I'm not into her myself, but if I were to be more attracted to females and did like her, I'd be pretty darn sad to see her fade away.

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And if we ever forget you'll be here to remind everyone we still have her!

Honestly, I hope Lana stays and I think she will. Even if she fades to the background, I hope shell never die.


I guess you changed your mind after you said this:


Though I don't want to be a part of these types of threads anymore so I won't respond any further.


In this thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9669531#post9669531

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Well, in the scene with the holocron, your character also loudly says "HEY LANA! GOT THE HOLOCRON??" when Valkorion is right there, so...*facepalm* nobody is being smart in that scene.


They could have programmed Theron and Koth differently in those scenes, and it would make sense for them to be the most concerned about you - and ETA, that seems like the type of small recognition of LIs that would make the game feel more personalized and better for many players. But some people seem to feel like Lana should never say anything to them, and how dare she make sure the PC is still alive in the med bay. I mean, don't you all have platonic friends of the same gender who look out for you? Or in your day to day life is the person you're shagging your only friend? I'm not posing the question to you or anyone here specifically, but it seems like some players want their LI to be the only person they ever interact with.


If it makes people uncomfortable, I guess it does, and that's valid, but again, I don't get it.


And again, since Koth and Theron are in the same room watching you/listening to you talk in your sleep in 2 out of 3 instances, I do have to wonder why Lana's always singled out in this. Having Koth or Theron there could make some players/PCs just as uneasy, but that's never called out.

Yeah sometimes they're all pretty stupid actually.

I really love the romance with Theron, but clearly my JK would never show it that openly while Valkorion might be watching as it's clearly giving him and advantage over her she really should not want to give him.


I would honnestly don't mind Lana being in all these scene if the actually took into account the actual romances. Like i said earlier her being the closest to you and the most worried about your well being makes sense if you're romancing her or if your actual LI is not in the room. But in case your LI is there, they should be the ones being the closest and the most worried.


I can only speak for myself, but what make me uncomfortable with that is that there are 3 instances of you waking up like that and she's there the 3 times and is the first face you see the 3 times.

The first time after Asylum, i'm ok with that, she's the one who knows my JK the most at that time, it makes sense that she'd be the most worried on the ship, especially considering that Theron's not even there. And Koth standing behind her makes sense too as he was the one who saved her.

The second time in my JK's room on the Gravestone, i don't even know WTH she's even doing in that room at that moment. Even if she's studying the holocron she could've done it anywhere else considering she was the one who had it after our little trip on Nathema. (I think this one is the one that makes me feel the most uncomfortable as she has no real reason to be there at that time).

The third time on Iokath, Theron's my JK's lover, he's in the room, he should be the most worried here. Unless you consider that he knew all along that you'd be perfectly fine, but considering you fainted nonetheless, i'd say this was pretty hard on our character and he should still be worried that he might've been overdoing it.

Edited by Goreshaga
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