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Feedback: Vandin Huttball (The Skyshredder)


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Hey folks,


Please use this thread to post your feedback on the new Vandin Huttball Warzone. Any and all feedback is welcome. A few things that are different about this Warzone that you should be aware of:

  • There are new traps!
  • You can fall off the sides of the map.

Let us know your thoughts.



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I don't understand the benefit of the "Gravity Grapple" temporary ability (to pull yourself back up).

It is rare enough that you will be that far on the side that another player could knock you down. Yes, you can get a damage buff or medpack there but with desync it is already difficult enough to knock someone down (you can never be sure in what direction they will fly). So if someone manages to knock you down, there should be no counterplay available (outside of the Mara/Jugger leap).

Even if the player uses the temporary ability, he will always land in the same spot, which means you can already put down AoE before he even lands, so once a player falls down, he will die anyway, either to fall damage or to player damage. There's no need to give players that temporary ability.


One strategy I can see is to have a Sin or PT harpoon the ball carrier and then knock him down. But even this won't happen often since the ball carrier will immediately go to the center walkway; there is zero incentive to get to the sides. And in this rare case where you can set up two harpoons in a row followed by a push, it should result in a guaranteed death, with no chance to use the Gravity Grapple.

By the way, if a player dies due to fall damage, will the ball go to the opposing team or will it reset? If it just resets, there's not much point in knocking the ball carrier off the map.


But my main issue with the temporary ability is that it puts the "Throw the Huttball" ability into the second slot. This means that it will have a different keybind than in all other huttball maps. This alone is reason enough to remove the "Gravity Grapple" temporary ability IMO. Keybinds must be consistent across all Huttball maps and you shouldn't have to adapt to a different one for the Vandin map.



Other than that, I don't like the small gaps between the walkways and the crates (image 1, image 2). As a Scoundrel, I frequently need to roll to get stacks for knocking players back. Ideally, I roll against walls so I stay in place and still get a stack. But here I can't do that; I risk falling into the gap, or rolling into a fire trap. I can see the utility from falling down to the lower walkway, but then there should only be a gap in the center of the walkway, and the sides should be flush with the crate.



Finally, you need to add way more ground markers so players know which side to go to. In the other Huttball maps, there is always a yellow or purple arrow showing the direction but on Vandin, the walkways are barren.

Edited by Jerba
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I notice that a new Vandin huttball decoration is shown in the decoration list, but although its source is given as the martial decoration droid it's not currently available from that vendor. In any case, it's good to see that new huttball options will be added to Rishi as well as WZs. :)
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I really like the new map overall and the different trap types are neat. Operatives can still roll over fire ones and just take some damage, electric ones do some damage but otherwise just stun you don't kill you, and the gas ones are the hard hitters I can't roll over an active one of them without dying it seems. So that's cool.


I like the layout of the map overall. The grappling back up is kind of fun but I don't see it getting much use. And my biggest issue with the map is that the grapple back takes the slot of pass huttball, so you need a different keybinding from other huttball maps. I really don't want to have two different keybindings for passing the ball.


Desync is still an issue but didn't seem as bad as Queshball to me, at least from what I've played so far. Feels more like the original map as far as that issue goes. I never got the "this target can't be leapt to right now" thing that I get in Queshball. Still had some weird issues with holotraverse not putting me in the right place but I didn't really expect that to change.


So yeah I like it A LOT!!! Just please change the pass huttball to the same slot as the other maps.


Finally, you need to add way more ground markers so players know which side to go to. In the other Huttball maps, there is always a yellow or purple arrow showing the direction but on Vandin, the walkways are barren.


More ground markers certainly wouldn't hurt but those massive colored arrows on the wall of the spawn rooms seemed like they were visible from most places.

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More ground markers certainly wouldn't hurt but those massive colored arrows on the wall of the spawn rooms seemed like they were visible from most places.

Yeah, the spawn areas have a marker but I frequently have my camera pointed downwards, not toward the finish line which means I won't see them. And the large crates on the center walkway are blocking most of the view.

I assume that the developers first want to test the general layout of the map before working on the smaller details like markers; I don't think they'd forget about them.



By the way, with so many walkways and the crates around them, it is difficult to angle the camera if you fall into the bottom pit. The walkways are so low that you cannot fully zoom out, which means you'll have trouble orienting yourself.

I guess you could remove some walkways, or increase the depth of the pit to fix it, but I'm not sure if either of those is a good solution. I'll have to play more matches to make up my mind about it.

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Having the grapple ability take up slot 1 on the temp quickbar means anyone with pass the huttball keybound needs to rebind the key each game. If you insist on keeping that ability please move it to slot 2 so we don't have to rebind each match.


Having the grapple ability negates the whole point of being pushed off the edge. I'd recommend either putting walls there or not having such a stupid mechanic in the game to begin with. You aren't making clever gameplay options, you're making classes that are already strong in huttball even stronger for no reason.


The map is massive and has far too much clutter on it. From what I can tell the only purpose of these extra items is to lower FPS and make the map harder to look at, you could do with clearing up a large chunk of it that serves no purpose.


Knockbacks are significantly stronger on this map, it's so unnecessarily large that any knockback spammed by anyone is incredibly punishing. If you insist on keeping the grapple ability I'd suggest you add more points on the map to use it seeing as every single holotraverse I used to try and get back up bugged out.


All in all it's not a terrible map but could be much better if you fixed those points.

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Feedback 31st of August - PTS Play Test


There are a few things I'd love to mention about the playtest from today. But first i want to thank musco, any other dev employee and the people who logged in to help to test the PTS! I've had lots of fun testing it!




  • There are quite a few cases that the desynq is pretty terrible in this map. I don't know if it can be fixed before the release of the map. But it seems to be an returning issue in almost every huttball in the game now. (Quesh, Regular and now this one..)


Side Jump Pads

  • If you ask me, i don't see why they are there. You get out of the spawn zone, and 99,9% of all the players will go straight ahead. To put a special area on the side with a random jumppad which doesn't give you any advantages just doesn't seem logic to me.
https://media.giphy.com/media/5tgR6BBckI7lj7UZtg/giphy.gifMy suggestions? Get rid of them or change them where it would give you an advantages to the enemy team (land on the opposite side of the map, or something like that)


Change Location or add more health packs

  • I've noticed that there are only a few health packs placed on the side of the map. I like the fact that you can push people off from the side. However people will most likely not fight a lot on the side of the map. Most of the fighting happens on the ramps and near the traps and of course at the goalline.
  • My suggestion? Add Health packs on those places of the map and on the other sides of the map. (See links)


New Acid Traps. VERY OP

  • 19K Damage per second from the new acid traps and there is no way to get rid of it? I don't like that idea. I've pushed a few people into the traps and ran self through it. It seems like a fun idea, but no way a healer can out-heal the damage of a trap or cure it.
https://media.giphy.com/media/1xOuLccWApsWP7JqWK/giphy.gif My suggestion? Add an ingame vendor stim where you can cleans the trap damage with, or reduce the damage over time from 19k to perhaps 7-10k per second? and give it a timer on it from max 6 to 10 seconds. This way there is a way to survive those new traps and not be totally doomed.
Also a thing i noticed when running out of the spawn zone, is that all 3 the traps activate at the same time next to eachother. What about making the side 2 go off at the same time, and keep the middle open. When the middle trap activates, de-activate the side ones. This way you don't get a ''wait for the elevator' feeling and will make you participate with the fighting more. rather than waiting for some traps' . (really, it's taking really long and there is no other fast(er) way to go around it!)


Open Fighting Space in the Middle

  • I really like, yet also dislike the fact that there is a lot of open space in the middle area of the map. For snipers and other ranged classes: Great, brilliant! You can just cast stuff towards people their heads and they can't LoS it! As an assassin, melee? Also great! However for a stealth class you want to be able to stealth out and regen somewhere or LoS the attacks. However there is nothing to LoS with!
  • My suggestion? Add something in the middle where you can LoS with and hide behind when to regen your health


Queue for warzones (right-click disabled?)

  • Also a thing i'd love to mention/add is that you cannot queue for warzones anymore by right clicking the PvP icon on your minimap. I know a lot of people (including myself) right click it to solo queue, group queue or queue for ranked with it. It's a fast way to queue and many don't really like the fact that you have to left click it. drag your mouse to the middle and actually select (you can choose between 3 now) the type of warzone you want to play (regs, ranked or starfighter.)

    Is there a way that this right-click option will be enabled back into the game?


Grapple Hook/temp quick bar

I simply don’t see the use of it. You can use it when getting knocked off the side of the map. But nobody is fast enough to click that.

[*] my suggestion? Add the acid stim ( see prev note ) to the bar for free or just get rid of the temp grapple hook bar


Walkway Gaps & Acid pools in the middle

  • I self find this very annoying as you can easily phantomstride to people who are on the walkway and land wrong. Ending in the area below. Same goes for those acid pools in the middle area. Its an big area thats covered in acid. When PS’ing over it you get out of stealth. Both things will make people not wanting to PS as it will be a waste of the ability.
  • Suggestion: Perhaps make a ring acid pool rather than 4 big pools as they are now around the ball spawn spot.
    And with the walkaways: no gaps

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Regarding the gap between the walkway and the crates:

Other than that, I don't like the small gaps between the walkways and the crates (image 1, image 2). As a Scoundrel, I frequently need to roll to get stacks for knocking players back. Ideally, I roll against walls so I stay in place and still get a stack. But here I can't do that; I risk falling into the gap, or rolling into a fire trap. I can see the utility from falling down to the lower walkway, but then there should only be a gap in the center of the walkway, and the sides should be flush with the crate.


I just realized that this gap only exists on the eastern side of the map. On the western side, there is no gap between the walkway and the crates. Obviously, the map must be symmetric, so this is a bug.

Like I mentioned before, in my opinion it's better to have the crates flush with the walkway so you can roll against them. I wouldn't mind a small gap; being able to drop onto the lower walkway makes for more dynamic gameplay. But then the gap shouldn't stretch across the whole crate but only be in the center, so that you can still roll against it on the sides.


More feedback to come later.

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But my main issue with the temporary ability is that it puts the "Throw the Huttball" ability into the second slot. This means that it will have a different keybind than in all other huttball maps. This alone is reason enough to remove the "Gravity Grapple" temporary ability IMO. Keybinds must be consistent across all Huttball maps and you shouldn't have to adapt to a different one for the Vandin map.


I have only done one match with this map and I already agree with this 100%. I was already slow when it comes to passing the ball, and now, since I can't even use my normal keybind to pass it, my grandma could pass it faster than me and she's dead.

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Regarding the gap between the walkway and the crates:



I just realized that this gap only exists on the eastern side of the map. On the western side, there is no gap between the walkway and the crates. Obviously, the map must be symmetric, so this is a bug.

Like I mentioned before, in my opinion it's better to have the crates flush with the walkway so you can roll against them. I wouldn't mind a small gap; being able to drop onto the lower walkway makes for more dynamic gameplay. But then the gap shouldn't stretch across the whole crate but only be in the center, so that you can still roll against a wall on the sides.


More feedback to come later.


Yup I discovered this today too, I was confused why I couldn't fall to the lower walkway on one side when I was sure I had done it before. I kind of like having the gap but either way it should be the same on both sides.



Eastern side where you can drop:

Western side where you can't:

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But my main issue with the temporary ability is that it puts the "Throw the Huttball" ability into the second slot. This means that it will have a different keybind than in all other huttball maps. This alone is reason enough to remove the "Gravity Grapple" temporary ability IMO. Keybinds must be consistent across all Huttball maps and you shouldn't have to adapt to a different one for the Vandin map.


Agreed . I hate getting the ball, but sometimes you can't help it. I can only get halfway decent passes by double tapping to throw which is much faster with a keybind.


The grapple sounds nice in theory, but I didn't have it activate once, and pretty much just ignored it.


Other than that I'm only a casual pvp player, so I don't have much to add to what's already been said about the map layout. Except that the large layout makes it easier to get out of combat and stealth up, which is good.


There's also too many places for snipers to roost around the ballspawn and phantom stride never worked right so getting rid of them is a real pain, or at least it was for my sin.

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I finally got concrete evidence that the Gravity Grapple temporary ability is broken. Most players who tested this ability, including myself, jumped off the platform themselves and would then use the ability to pull themselves back up.


However, when you are knocked back by another player, you are stunned and all your abilities are grayed out while you are flying, which means you cannot use the Gravity Grapple at all. In addition, the zone where you can use this temporary ability only seems to extend in a small area around the platform. Any knockback that knocks you further away will put you outside of that zone and the ability stays grayed out.


I tested it today on two occasions. Both times, I would be the ball carrier and stand on the side platforms so an enemy player could knock me off the map.

  • The first time, I was knocked back by a jugger. The temporary ability stayed grayed out, so I fell to my death. But I was falling so fast that even if it had not been grayed out, I would have had less than one second to use it. When I died, the ball reset to the middle; it did not go to the enemy team. Sadly I did not record it.
  • The second time, I was knocked back by a jugger again. Once again, the Gravity Grapple stayed grayed out, together with all my other abilities (aside from the stun break). When I tried to use it anyway, it showed the red error message "Cannot Do That While Stunned". But because of the specific angle, I did not fall to my death but I landed on a random pipe and survived the fall (but there's no way to get back up from there). On the pipe, I got the area message "Must be Falling to Use" since I was outside of the zone. Shortly later, I died due to fall damage, and once again the ball was neutral; it did not go to the enemy team. You can see it on video here:


So I repeat my previous statement: Please remove this ability. It is completely unnecessary and means your normal Huttball keybind won't work. In normal gameplay, it is close to impossible to execute it correctly. You'd probably need to hit stun break before using the temporary ability, all in under one second (including desync delay + reaction time).


I did find one good usage for the Gravity Grapple: When you pick up the medpack, you can jump down and immediately use the Gravity Grapple to save like 20 meters on the way back. But I don't think that's the intended usage and I'd gladly give up on that utility. Please remove Gravity Grapple.

Edited by Jerba
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More Feedback: 1st of September - PTS Play Test


Gravity Hook Broken/Bugged/Not working as intended

  • In the livestream i decided to test the grapple ability as i elsewise never got pushed off from it. It turned out that it doesn't work as intended depending on where you get pushed/jumped from.
  • Suggestion? As mentioned in my other post: Simply remove the grapple hook or fix that you can't bump into the wall and still die. I also heard other players got stuck into the wall after being pulled up.


First jump pads

(to get on the ramps)

  • I like the idea that you can use those to get on the ramps, however it's on the higher platform. You can only get there on the side from your team. You accidentally jumped off? You cannot go back and use the jump pad.
  • Suggestion: Make the spawning floor on the same level as the rest of the map. Or add some stairs to get back up. Or move those jumpy pads one floor level down.


Move stim vendor to the spawn zone

(also goes for the other huttball)

  • When you die and spawn, you respawn at the room where you need to wait for the beamy door. I think it would be more usefull to have a stim vendor over there, rather than having one all the way in the back.


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In general, I'd say the map is mostly fine and only requres a few changes to be ready for release.

The general layout and the walkways take some getting used to, same with the different types of traps. At the start of the match, I always use the two closest air vents, which seem to be the fastest way to get to the center.


I don't see why anyone would want to run to the sides and take the far air vents (video by Aviriia); it takes way too long to get there and the air vents don't put you in a good spot. Maybe move those air vents closer, e.g. just to the left and right so you don't have to walk around the corner, and make it so they push you onto either the enemy side, or in front of the side ramp. That way, there'd be an actual reason to use those jump pads.



The traps seem to be a little RNG whether they hit you or not. Especially with the Scoundrel/Operative roll, sometimes you can get through them without taking damage or being stunned, at other times you can't. The stun traps are especially annoying because sometimes you roll through the trap and then get stunned outside of the trap. Also, on Snave's stream yesterday, one time he was stunned in the middle between both stun traps, but another time he was standing in the same spot without being stunned.


Since the stun traps are not player but environment damage, they ignore the resolve bar. In other words, your resolve bar is not filled up by the stun trap, and the stun trap can still stun you if you are whitebarred. This is a good thing IMO. That way, even if you have new players on your team that will whitebar the ball carrier, the ball carrier cannot walk through the stun traps but will still be stunned by them.


I agree with Aviriia that maybe the traps should not all activate at the same time. In the original Huttball map, the pattern for the fire traps is perfect. I didn't pay enough attention to the traps in Vandin yet to know which pattern would be best; I'll need to play the map more times to know for sure.



Regarding the layout of the walkways:

I feel that once the ball carrier gets beyond the first trap, it is close to impossible to stop him if you are still standing in the center. I tried following them, or jumping in the pit below to try to holotraverse to them or knock them down but most of the time, they were too far away (around 35-40 meters), or in range but out of line of sight (the walkways are so high that if the ball carrier is in the center of a walkway, you can only knock them if you are on the same level as them; you can't see them from below).

The distances are just slightly too big for stopping the ball carrier. I don't think the layout should be redone; it may be fine the way it is and we just need to spend more time learning the map.


And like I mentioned in a previous post, please ensure that the crates are flush with the walkways, especially the crates next to the side walkways. The center crate can be flush or there can be a gap but it must be identical on both east and west. Ideally, there'd be a gap in the center to jump down, and no gap on the sides so you can roll against the crate.


Another player reported in chat that if a healer is standing under a ramp, other players can't attack him, they get the error message "Target not visible". I cannot confirm this myself and I don't know which ramp they mean, but this is worth looking into.



In general, there is way too much clutter on the map. Yesterday, I thought maybe I didn't spend enough time playing the map but I still feel that way after playing today. As was mentioned by Snave here in the forums and on stream:

The map is massive and has far too much clutter on it. From what I can tell the only purpose of these extra items is to lower FPS and make the map harder to look at, you could do with clearing up a large chunk of it that serves no purpose.




The Kick the Huttball item appears to be broken in Vandin. When you have the buff active, your character does the correct animation (kicking instead of throwing) but Baron Deathmark does not make any special remark about it, he just says "Successful pass" or similar.

In other words: The animation is correct but the voice-over is bugged.



I have a feeling that the stun traps might be bugged, in that a stun by another player will override the stun by the trap. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Enter a stun trap and get stunned by the trap (your stun break is grayed out)
  2. Get stunned by another player, now the stun break is available
  3. Use your stun break and suddenly you are no longer stunned.

But I am not sure about it; maybe the stun from the trap was so short that by the time I used my stun break, the stun from the trap had already expired. It is way too busy on PTS to test something like this.

Edited by Jerba
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Vandin Huttball clips of various things.


NOTE: light effects are not rendering for me on the PTS so I can't see the trap animations or the huttball or anything like that. :(


Vandin Huttball Map: https://imgur.com/a/ak9kKHE


Grapple Hook Fail #1 (got stuck in the wall): https://clips.twitch.tv/OilyFreezingBeePupper

Grapple Hook Fail #2 (dropped all the way to the bottom): https://clips.twitch.tv/CourageousHappyPenguinNerfRedBlaster

BammBamm (^_^) knocking me off: https://clips.twitch.tv/AverageCoyTarsierPeoplesChamp

  • Note that the grapple hook was available for only a fraction of a second during this.


Why is there an invisible wall here? https://clips.twitch.tv/HyperHonorablePigDoggo


Footage of the lightning/stun trap: https://clips.twitch.tv/MoldySecretiveConsolePeoplesChamp

  • It takes a chunk of health off and applies a stun, but is not a DoT

Footage of the acid trap's debuff: https://clips.twitch.tv/SpeedySlipperyWalletItsBoshyTime

  • This is perhaps too powerful of a debuff and/or too long that it ticks when you are out of the trap

The vents suppress your abilities: https://clips.twitch.tv/FaithfulArborealOstrichCorgiDerp

  • Whyyyyyy must we keep adding things that do this?


At this point I'm not even sure what the grappling hooks are supposed to do. What is the correct animation? Where are they supposed to put you? If it's in the same spot every time, I don't like this. It's too easy to troll people with this. The only thing to stop rubberband knocking people off of this by multiple folks is that the grapple hook has a longish cooldown. If the grapple hook mechanic must stay, I suggest:

  • It is an ability that is NEVER suppressed, even with electronet
  • No matter what circumstance you're knocked/fall off during, you have at least 2 seconds of it active in which to use before dying.
  • Have it put you in a random spot rather than the same spot you fell off or the same spot every time. Kinda like how the vents drop you in a random location each time you use them.
  • Put the grapple ability on gcd, no long 20s cooldown like it currently has


Also just want to make a final point about the suppression effect on the vents. I don't like this. We don't need more mechanics to discourage people from using their dcds properly because they simply can't. My normal behavior with vents in classic huttball (sorc/sage dps): While I'm on the vent, it gives me time to do a static barrier in the air or a resurgence, or pump out a couple insta attacks on someone while they can't reach me, or whatever. With these vents, you now can't do anything.


Overall I love the aesthetic of this, and am happy with the ramp design, and how different they are. Kudos! Now, just get rid of all the desyncing and horrible rendering issues and bad vertical movement problems and all huttballs would be 1000% better.

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I have the "throw huttball" mapped to a key in the other huttballs but for this I basically have to pick a different key? That is annoying.


Give me more notice when I'm about to die for holding the ball too long.


I died "again" from traps while in the respawn area a couple times. The effects persisted through death. I hate the traps in general.

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Give me more notice when I'm about to die for holding the ball too long.

There is a red warning message "The Hutt is becoming angry!" when there are only a couple seconds left on the Huttball but it is easy to miss in the middle of PvP. I agree that a voice-over from Baron Deathmark (just for the ball carrier personally, nothing global) would be better. On the other hand, I like it when the ball carrier explodes; if they get too many notifications so they never forget to pass the huttball, the game gets too boring.

If you really want to be on the safe side, I guess you can write yourself a StarParse timer with whatever notification you want, though I don't think PvP players use StarParse very much.

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I have not tried the Huttball on the PTS, this is just a reaction to your Huttball ad on the login app.


I think most players have a hate/love relationship to Huttball. I know people who loves it and people who don't, like myself. I would not mind a new Huttball if I had the option to deselect them when I queue for WZ. You have a great system in GF where players can choose what FP they want to queue for, and I really whish you could implement the same system into the wz. The random pops are forced and very annoying -- so me and my PVP buddies leave 99% of the time when it's Huttball. I see that not having the GF system is also ruining it for people who want to do Huttball, since the group suffer from constantly needing replacements of people who leaves.

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I didn't get much chance to test out the new huttball, but on the theory that more voices leads to more chance of something being changed... I want to add a "me too" to the part about the keybinds and where the abilities show up on the temp-bar. One of the 3 pillars of PvP (I just made that up, so I have no idea what the other two are :D ) is to keybind. Don't mess up our keybinds!


Overall I love the map. It seems complicated enough to be interesting. Currently I find the map pretty confusing about figuring out which ramp to take to get to where I want to go. It wasn't until about 1/2 way through my second match that I even figured out how to get to the enemy goal line. But I suspect that will clear itself up after a few more matches. I remember OPG, when it first came out, was the same way. And now it's just second nature to know how to get around that map.


I disagree with the opinion I've seen expressed in posts above me, where the say that the acid trap should be more survivable. In my opinion I thought the traps in the original huttball were supposed to be deadly. And that it was only the bloat of abilities that made it so that we could do things like "heal through the fire". I like the idea that we actually have one type of trap at least that we actually have to avoid or die. Just my opinion though.


I do agree that the timing of the traps needs to be more like the original huttball, where the "left" and "right" sides alternate, instead of turning on at the same time.


I only saw one really bad bug during my play time. As a sin, I ported to an enemy player that was at the edge of a ledge (so he was on the "2nd" level, I was on the first and did the teleport), and I ended up trapped inside the wall and below him. But I don't think that bug has anything to do specifically with this new huttball. I've had things like that happen in the 'live" game, and on other maps. So I think that's just a long-standing bug in the game in general.

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There is a red warning message "The Hutt is becoming angry!" when there are only a couple seconds left on the Huttball but it is easy to miss in the middle of PvP.


I didn't know that. Is that only on the new map on the PTS, or is it live? I guess I'll just watch for it live and check for myself... oh wait, I never survive that long with the ball. :p


... On the other hand, I like it when the ball carrier explodes;


This, for me. I think the extra bit of brain work required to roughly keep track of how long you've held the ball and decide the risk of "holding it a little longer" is good. When the timer was originally shortened, I was hoping they would add a "ball carrier explode" timer to the UI, but after playing it a while I changed my mind. More exploding people in PvP is always good. :D

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I didn't know that. Is that only on the new map on the PTS, or is it live? I guess I'll just watch for it live and check for myself... oh wait, I never survive that long with the ball. :p




This, for me. I think the extra bit of brain work required to roughly keep track of how long you've held the ball and decide the risk of "holding it a little longer" is good. When the timer was originally shortened, I was hoping they would add a "ball carrier explode" timer to the UI, but after playing it a while I changed my mind. More exploding people in PvP is always good. :D


It's a buff on your bar, so you can keep track. Granted, we have 10,000 buffs to keep track of, but this one is at least unique enough to eyeball and see how we are doing.

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So...I had a much longer feedback post written but I lost internet right when I went to submit the reply and well...I lost everything I'd written. But anyway, sob story over... Here's the TLDR version.


I really like this map! The size, the layout and the new traps (especially the poison one) are great!


But, like everyone else said, the placement of the grapple ability is annoying and needs to be moved. I'm pretty traumatised that I had to click on the 'throw the huttball' ability to pass it, to be honest. :p


Also, like everyone else said, why do we even have the ability in the first place when it's completely useless when you get pushed/knocked off the edge? I mean it works when you throw yourself off the edge but I mean we don't really want to be doing that all the time right? (Though I suppose it' be something to do if your team is completely useless).


So either it needs to be fixed or clarification is required as to the purpose of the grapple ability.


But anyway, I'm looking forward to further testing! :)

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