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Time to merge the US servers... again. Primetime window getting smaller and smaller.


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I’ve still been tracking numbers when I play by using the 1-10, 11-20...... 61-69, 70+... count system


It goes up and down, but Tuesday (my time) is by far the worst day of the week at this time.

9:30pm AEST

12:30pm GMT

7:30am EST <---

4:30am PST <---


Star Forge

Imp = 457

Rep = 540

Total on the server = 997


The time zone reflects the low numbers. But I have to say, this is the worst I’ve seen so far. :(


Well there's your problem. So far all you've posted are numbers for early AM US, when MMO activity is usually the lowest (AM I mean, not US specifically) and this game is primarily US and EU based. And when you did check in prime time you said:

I did a count on Star Forge in prime time. I’m not going to release the results as such because it just gets people worked up.

But you have no problem releasing early AM numbers (the antithesis of prime time for both Star Forge and Satele Shan).


Here's a thought. Since you like AM times so much why don't you check the numbers at 07:30 AEST, which would be 17:30 EDT, and give us those numbers?


ETA: And before you ask why don't I do it myself, because I already did over here.

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Well there's your problem. So far all you've posted are numbers for early AM US, when MMO activity is usually the lowest (AM I mean, not US specifically) and this game is primarily US and EU based. And when you did check in prime time you said:


But you have no problem releasing early AM numbers (the antithesis of prime time for both Star Forge and Satele Shan).


Here's a thought. Since you like AM times so much why don't you check the numbers at 07:30 AEST, which would be 17:30 EDT, and give us those numbers?


ETA: And before you ask why don't I do it myself, because I already did over here.


You’re looking too hard for a conspiracy where there isn’t one. I didnt release the primetime ones as they would have caused a lot of arguing over the results not being what most would expect.


I think we all realise that the times I posted would be low. I even put a disclaimer to say as much. You didn’t need to point out the obvious when it was already there :rolleyes:


You are trying to make more of my post then it needs to.


FYI, saying 100+ in your own count when there are more than 100, isn’t very accurate. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9642718&postcount=192

When I find there is 100+ of a class, I take the time to go in and search by instance.

For all you know 100+ means 101 or it could mean 401.


So instead of attacking me, get your own house in order first. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones :rolleyes:

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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You’re looking too hard for a conspiracy where there isn’t one. I didnt release the primetime ones as they would have caused a lot of arguing over the results not being what most would expect.


And yet you post numbers that slant toward your agenda. Yet base your argument for not doing it as "people would argue". That in itself is a joke & actually shows it's pointless to try & reason with you.

We all know this game isn't what it was when we joined it. But to try & claim the game is "dead" enough to force merges for one server is a joke & I will fight that tooth & nail until BW forces it.

Both servers have plenty of stuff do to in Primetime.

Heck last night I ran lockouts on both servers in prime time.



FYI, saying 100+ in your own count when there are more than 100, isn’t very accurate. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9642718&postcount=192

When I find there is 100+ of a class, I take the time to go in and search by instance.

For all you know 100+ means 101 or it could mean 401.


Either way, you're arguing semantics in that quote. 100+ is that. WE don't need to know exact numbers as what we know doesn't matter. BW knowing is what matters. And when the numbers that we can see are 100+, we are doing just fine with how the game is right now.

Spending that much time of your play time to calculate ever moving numbers as people log in & out, is a pointless waste of time.


So instead of attacking me, get your own house in order first. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones :rolleyes:

Attack? No it was a counter argument towards you. Attacks mean s/he was personally "throwing things" at you/your character.

Posting contradicting data does not conclude an attack on you.

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FYI, saying 100+ in your own count when there are more than 100, isn’t very accurate. http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=9642718&postcount=192

When I find there is 100+ of a class, I take the time to go in and search by instance.

For all you know 100+ means 101 or it could mean 401.


So instead of attacking me, get your own house in order first. People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones :rolleyes:


I already said that but thanks for reiterating the flaws in the system. And you seriously have a persecution complex because I didn't attack you at all. I pointed out a flaw in the system that you proposed. A system which you claimed is, with a small margin of error, accurate. As you noted, 100+ could be 101 or 401. Well, 100 of 101 is a small margin of error; 100 of 401 is not. You never said anything about checking every instance. I highly doubtful you know the names of every instance and even if you check the fleet and every planet you're still going to miss some. How many that are missed would determine if the margin of error is small or not. Since it's your glass house how about you provide a list of every instance you use so that anyone else trying to replicate your process can, ya know, replicate it since that is what you invited people to do and to post their results.

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And yet you post numbers that slant toward your agenda. Yet base your argument for not doing it as "people would argue". That in itself is a joke & actually shows it's pointless to try & reason with you.

We all know this game isn't what it was when we joined it. But to try & claim the game is "dead" enough to force merges for one server is a joke & I will fight that tooth & nail until BW forces it.

Both servers have plenty of stuff do to in Primetime.


I concur.


Either way, you're arguing semantics in that quote. 100+ is that. WE don't need to know exact numbers as what we know doesn't matter. BW knowing is what matters. And when the numbers that we can see are 100+, we are doing just fine with how the game is right now.

Spending that much time of your play time to calculate ever moving numbers as people log in & out, is a pointless waste of time.


I concur.


Attack? No it was a counter argument towards you. Attacks mean s/he was personally "throwing things" at you/your character.

Posting contradicting data does not conclude an attack on you.


I concur.



Nothing more to be said really in my view.. other then to point out (in fairness to Trixxie) he does not actually believe servers need merging in the US at this point in time. Which to me makes the litigation being presented to be off the topic of the thread and a bit of a red herring to further stir up player passions.

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I already said that but thanks for reiterating the flaws in the system. And you seriously have a persecution complex because I didn't attack you at all. I pointed out a flaw in the system that you proposed. A system which you claimed is, with a small margin of error, accurate. As you noted, 100+ could be 101 or 401. Well, 100 of 101 is a small margin of error; 100 of 401 is not. You never said anything about checking every instance. I highly doubtful you know the names of every instance and even if you check the fleet and every planet you're still going to miss some. How many that are missed would determine if the margin of error is small or not. Since it's your glass house how about you provide a list of every instance you use so that anyone else trying to replicate your process can, ya know, replicate it since that is what you invited people to do and to post their results.


There are ways of finding every instance in the game (like I did) or you can also use the internet to look them up ;)

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And yet you post numbers that slant toward your agenda. Yet base your argument for not doing it as "people would argue". That in itself is a joke & actually shows it's pointless to try & reason with you.

We all know this game isn't what it was when we joined it. But to try & claim the game is "dead" enough to force merges for one server is a joke & I will fight that tooth & nail until BW forces it.

Both servers have plenty of stuff do to in Primetime.

Heck last night I ran lockouts on both servers in prime time.





Either way, you're arguing semantics in that quote. 100+ is that. WE don't need to know exact numbers as what we know doesn't matter. BW knowing is what matters. And when the numbers that we can see are 100+, we are doing just fine with how the game is right now.

Spending that much time of your play time to calculate ever moving numbers as people log in & out, is a pointless waste of time.



Attack? No it was a counter argument towards you. Attacks mean s/he was personally "throwing things" at you/your character.

Posting contradicting data does not conclude an attack on you.


Talk about a militant response :rolleyes:


I’ve no agenda. If you bothered to read any of my posts in this thread, you would see that I’m trying to stay neutral.


So please tell me what my agenda is?

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There are ways of finding every instance in the game (like I did) or you can also use the internet to look them up ;)


  1. Presents a system with a claim of accuracy.
  2. When a flaw in the system is found states that the system is only accurate if performed in this specific manner.
  3. When asked to provide full methodology so that others can accurately replicate tests tells them to find it out for themselves.


You know what that's called? It's called throwing your credibility and the credibility of any data you present down the toilet. Good luck with that but I'm done here. You have no argument and nothing with which to back up your claims.

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  1. Presents a system with a claim of accuracy.
  2. When a flaw in the system is found states that the system is only accurate if performed in this specific manner.
  3. When asked to provide full methodology so that others can accurately replicate tests tells them to find it out for themselves.


You know what that's called? It's called throwing your credibility and the credibility of any data you present down the toilet. Good luck with that but I'm done here. You have no argument and nothing with which to back up your claims.



  1. Explains the premise of a system I had to decipher from a reddit post. (I never claimed I discovered or created it)
  2. Points out there are some limitations and how it’s semi accurate
  3. Explains it’s limited at lvl 70 and the need to search individual classes if the lvl of people is above 100
  4. Assumes people don’t need their hands held to work out a method to break it down further if the classes are above 100 (which at the time of my first post, I didn’t need to do because there weren’t more than 100)
  5. Passes on knowledge that you can search by instance to break down classes even more


But because you didn’t think of how to achieve number 5 by yourself. All of a sudden my credibility is thrown down the toilet.

When in reality, it was your initial numbers that lacked the credibility of accuracy because you decided it was too hard to work out yourself how to find the real numbers above “100”.


I’m not here to hold your hand on how to find a work around, I had to find one myself. You could have easily asked at the time how to do it, but you didn’t.


I didn’t say anything about your numbers till you started to question mine. I didn’t feel the need to create a situation of arguing with someone.

Ive been completely honest and transparent the whole way through the thread. I’ve not said the game is dead or demanded mergers. I’ve no agenda and now you are questioning my integrity and credibility for no reason.


I could have asked or questioned you on what was your intent was when you posted your numbers? What was your agenda?

But I didn’t. I assumed that you were just presenting the data as you recorded it. Which is all I did when I posted mine.

I also put down the times I did it and I remarked that the reason the numbers were low was because of the time. Which you some how failed to read and decided you needed to question my motives and tell me to post the numbers during primetime. Honestly, why would I need to do that when you had already “semi” done so, I wasn’t trying to prove anything. I had specifically said I was going to be recording numbers during “my play times”.


How much more transparent do I need to get? Did you want me to write a legal disclaimer that is 10 pages long? I assumed my intent was clear and people were intelligent enough to understand the simple terms of “time zones” and “my time”. Obviously comprehension is beyond some people and they need it printed in black white with dictionary references ;)


As for finding the names of the instances. That is relatively easy, just use google. But just in case you need the address. http://www.google.com


People, not just you, are looking for a conspiracy or agenda on my part. There isn’t one. If I had an agenda you would know. I’m not shy in promoting any agendas I have. My posting history will support that.


None of this needs to be personal, I wish certain people who I won’t name, would stop trying to make it so.



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Talk about a militant response :rolleyes:


I’ve no agenda. If you bothered to read any of my posts in this thread, you would see that I’m trying to stay neutral.


So please tell me what my agenda is?


Yes you do. You want the servers merged so that your queues pop when you want to PVP.

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Yes you do. You want the servers merged so that your queues pop when you want to PVP.




How many times do I need to say it in this thread :mad::mad::mad:


Go back read every post I made in this thread and you show me where I said “I wanted the servers to be merged”.


I have said over and over what my position is.


So the there can be no mistake, let me say it again




Is that clear enough for you all??? Or do I need to write a 10 page legal disclaimer?


Do you comprehende now?

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the game is basically dead during oceanic time zone. with barely a wz pop.

yes a server merge would help, but for how long? they should just pull the plug and end this game its nothing but a cooperative/solo rpg now.



Without any indication of time, your screnn is not really telling much...


It's currently roughly 1pm french time, and for what i've seen so far on the french server, there are 14 people on Pub fleet, 25 on Imp fleet and 32 on Balmorra (imp side). So it's the middle of the day, in the middle of the week and there are still more than 70 players on only 3 different locations, does not seem that dead to me.


If your screen was taken when it's the middle of the night for american players on the american servers, that's pretty obvious there will not be much players hanging around. If i go on my french server at 4am french time, i don't think there will be much more than 10 people there.

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the game is basically dead during oceanic time zone. with barely a wz pop.

yes a server merge would help, but for how long? they should just pull the plug and end this game its nothing but a cooperative/solo rpg now.




That picture really doesn’t tell us anything. You could easily have been in a depopulating instance. Which is much more likely than only 3 people being on the Republic fleet. I play at the most dead times of the day and I’ve never seen anything below 20.


Even before the last mergers, Bastion use to have more than 5 people on the fleet at dead times and that server was a grave yard at primetime.

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Without any indication of time, your screnn is not really telling much...


It's currently roughly 1pm french time, and for what i've seen so far on the french server, there are 14 people on Pub fleet, 25 on Imp fleet and 32 on Balmorra (imp side). So it's the middle of the day, in the middle of the week and there are still more than 70 players on only 3 different locations, does not seem that dead to me.


If your screen was taken when it's the middle of the night for american players on the american servers, that's pretty obvious there will not be much players hanging around. If i go on my french server at 4am french time, i don't think there will be much more than 10 people there.


A fleet check won’t tell you much these days, more people spend time off the fleet than on.


Do a quick server check.


Go into the “who” search window and type 1-70.

If it says the first hundred, then you can use 1-10, 1-20, etc to find out how many for each bracket.

If you type 70 in “who” and it’s more than 100. Type 70 (and then the class).

If each one of those is above 100, then you can go further is you wish and drill down further for instances to get a better idea of numbers at lvl 70.


That will give you a better idea of how many people are on.

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the game is basically dead during oceanic time zone. with barely a wz pop.

yes a server merge would help, but for how long? they should just pull the plug and end this game its nothing but a cooperative/solo rpg now.




Or, they should just shelve PvP indefinitely, roll back all the nerfs made to accommodate a playstyle that, in the grand scheme of things, was never that important, and go back to what they do best, stories.

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Or, they should just shelve PvP indefinitely, roll back all the nerfs made to accommodate a playstyle that, in the grand scheme of things, was never that important, and go back to what they do best, stories.


Oh lordy lordy. PvP ruined story now? Give me a break, dude. First, the summer of nerfs were due to PvE not PvP and second, you don't need any skills, PvP or otherwise, to select 1, 2 or 3 on the conversation wheel. You're really reaching deep into the false equivalency bag for your anti-PvP agenda now.

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But why Trixxie? Why do you want our servers merged so badly??? :( :(


I kid. I don't necessarily want mergers myself, but I don't think the current situation is a good one either. In fact, I wish we had 218 servers still, all bristling with activity...sadly, we can barely support a single server with our current population. It is what it is and I still believe a final merger would be best for the game.

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I comprehend plenty. Stop being so damn hostile to everyone who sees it differently than you do. I can spam the mad emjois too Trixxie. See? It takes no skills and means zip. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::


I don't have to go back and read every single one of your posts. I know what you're gunning for.


You're gunning for a merge. .


I certainly share your frustrations here on this.


I think the underlying theme is not server merges per se... but stirring up already frustrated players with more reasons to amp up their frustration in some form of hope that it will pressure the studio in some way regarding PvP. Kind of a variation of waving a red blanket in front of a bull.


I don't think Trixxie cares how many servers there are or how active they may be over all... but rather.. only cares about PvP queue pops happening fast, and not just at level cap but as sub-cap levels as well. And yes.. there IS a correlation with this desire and the ongoing message about merging servers.. which is why this is being pitched in this particular thread. But if everyone stopped everything else in game and just queued for PvP from level 1 to 70.... I think Trixxie would be in MMO bliss on queues.. but then will come all the "this is broken", "this is poorly implemented", "this is not the right incentive", "we need more incentives for XYZ", "hey Eric.. when are you going to do ABC", etc.

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I comprehend plenty. Stop being so damn hostile to everyone who sees it differently than you do. I can spam the mad emjois too Trixxie. See? It takes no skills and means zip. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::


I don't have to go back and read every single one of your posts. I know what you're gunning for.


You're gunning for a merge. Maybe not right this second, but you are. November as you quoted in one of your posts is barely 2 months away. You've done nothing but scream about the ever decreasing numbers at this time and that time, and whatever time you're on, and you DO SO slant the numbers to your favor. All you do is talk about mergers and declining pops and how Bioware better hurry and do something which means merges. I've pulled quotes from all your posts and how is not anyone to take that you're after a merge? Everything you've said and done is to try and show that there aren't enough people for you to pvp with, including taking stats at like 3am on a Tuesday in NA servers. Who the hell plays at that hour? Of course, there's going to be barely anyone there.


I get frustrated when I read your posts. I see you blame the story for taking away from your pvp. I see you blaming strongholds and decorations for taking time away. I see Bioware getting blamed because they're not dancing when you crack your whip. You blame people who don't agree with you. You throw the 'rolling eyes' emoji around so much I wish I had a dollar for everytime you do.


Everything you argue about boils down to merges and pvp. You want merges for PVP. Period. Seriously, for you 'merging right now' must mean like next week, and you say, you don't want it now, but soon. Well, you said November, that's pretty darn close. Bioware would have to be thinking at least by now to do it then.


You're using all caps and snarly emojis... and frankly, it's rude and upsetting to have to deal with you. Honestly at this point, if you left, I'd be happy, and I'm never happy to see people leave. I'm just so freaking sick of this pretense you have going on that merges aren't what you want.


^In agreement with you Luna.


That really is weird, I keep hearing from all sides how dead Satele Shan is :(


What sides are you talking about? Satele Shan is bustling with people. I'm not quite sure where this "server is dead, MUST merge" mentality is coming from. See I came from a dead server, I was on other dead servers, SF & SS are not dead servers. Some sides are more empty than others but it's not dead.


Talk about a militant response :rolleyes:


Definition of militant

1 : engaged in warfare or combat : fighting

2 : aggressively active (as in a cause) : combative


My post was no where near either of the definition of Militant.


So please tell me what my agenda is?


Re-read Luna's post. She nails it spot on. Say what you want, but it's all about what you want BW to do for you.


we can barely support a single server with our current population. It is what it is and I still believe a final merger would be best for the game.


How is multiple instances on fleets on both servers barely supporting a game? When Queues are popping past prime time?

You came from a dead server like I did. We both know it's not dead. It's not dying per se. It's alive & well. Both servers are.

A final merger would chase off all the RPers. And while I am not an RPer, I will stand with them saying NO don't merge for various reasons.

The SS PvP crowd would destroy the RPers & their methods of running things on Fleet.

That's not fair to them. I know you well enough to know you wouldn't think that's fair either.


I certainly share your frustrations here on this.


but stirring up already frustrated players with more reasons to amp up their frustration in some form of hope that it will pressure the studio in some way regarding PvP. Kind of a variation of waving a red blanket in front of a bull.


I think Trixxie would be in MMO bliss on queues.. but then will come all the "this is broken", "this is poorly implemented", "this is not the right incentive", "we need more incentives for XYZ", "hey Eric.. when are you going to do ABC", etc.



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How is multiple instances on fleets on both servers barely supporting a game? When Queues are popping past prime time?

You came from a dead server like I did. We both know it's not dead. It's not dying per se. It's alive & well. Both servers are.

A final merger would chase off all the RPers. And while I am not an RPer, I will stand with them saying NO don't merge for various reasons.

The SS PvP crowd would destroy the RPers & their methods of running things on Fleet.

That's not fair to them. I know you well enough to know you wouldn't think that's fair either.

At certain times, the servers are full and look promising. At other times, they're dead as hell and lack any activity at all.


I understand the plight of RPers, and I'm extremely sympathetic to their cause...but this isn't about that...this is simply a discussion about merging the servers. I believe a single server is all this game needs and I wish they'd have only opened one NA server last time...but relax...it's not going to happen. It'll never happen. Before we get down to a single server, the game will close. RPers never need to worry about being merged...there won't be another merge for this game ever. RPers should have been accommodated years ago...no group of players should ever have to play with the fear of harassment from others. That's on Bioware to police.

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^In agreement with you Luna.




What sides are you talking about? Satele Shan is bustling with people. I'm not quite sure where this "server is dead, MUST merge" mentality is coming from. See I came from a dead server, I was on other dead servers, SF & SS are not dead servers. Some sides are more empty than others but it's not dead.




Definition of militant

1 : engaged in warfare or combat : fighting

2 : aggressively active (as in a cause) : combative


My post was no where near either of the definition of Militant.




Re-read Luna's post. She nails it spot on. Say what you want, but it's all about what you want BW to do for you.




How is multiple instances on fleets on both servers barely supporting a game? When Queues are popping past prime time?

You came from a dead server like I did. We both know it's not dead. It's not dying per se. It's alive & well. Both servers are.

A final merger would chase off all the RPers. And while I am not an RPer, I will stand with them saying NO don't merge for various reasons.

The SS PvP crowd would destroy the RPers & their methods of running things on Fleet.

That's not fair to them. I know you well enough to know you wouldn't think that's fair either.









I’m done arguing with you people over nothing.


I would just like to say that when I ask Bioware to fix stuff or to address things, I’m not just doing it for myself or demanding things because “I want them”. I’m asking because I want the game to be successful. If things were perfect I would be throwing rose petals at their feet.


If I wasn’t passionate about the game and it’s success, I would have gone a long time ago, I certainly would not petition Bioware to try and fix stuff.


You maybe willing to continuously play broken things or accept dumb changes or mistakes, but a vast majority of people don’t, it’s why the game is where it’s at and why someone felt the need to make this thread.

If things were great, we would have more people still in the game and wouldn’t have needed the last mergers.


If I pay for a product, I have the right to complain or hold the people who sold it too me accountable if it doesn’t work as it’s supposed to.


I don’t ask you to agree with me, but I also don’t ask you to argue with me when I bring up problems that any blind man can see in the game. Honestly, the white knighting of some people in this forum and glossing over problems to defend Bioware at every turn is just sad.


If they don’t want harsh criticism or feed back, then they should fix stuff and also not release broken content to start with. I get they are short staffed and under pressure. I feel bad for them being in that position, but the game is so full of bugs and dysnc now that it’s often unplayable when they release new content.


I’m not the only one that feels this way. Even some of the people attacking me in this thread have said similar things over the last 6 months. But they all seem to put that aside and become hypocrits when there is a chance to act like a mob on the forums to focus hatred on me,


It really is the worst sort of bullying behaviour and a prime example of people hiding behind their keyboards and saying nasty things about others when they think there is blood in the water,

You may feel the way you act towards me is justified, but it’s not and most decent individuals would know that,

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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