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Things we were promised and still don't have:


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Character Customization: The choices we have on the character creation screen are awful, and I won't even get into it right now. The gear customization options are even worse. We have the amazing option of being Jedi and wearing Smuggler clothing, or being Troopers and wearing Jedi clothing. This is not customization, this is laziness. There should, instead, be a plethora of styles of all sorts of types and colors for each class, with mixing and matching between them as an added bonus.


If you PvP, there are about 5 gear sets, and 3 of the 5 aren't mod-able. Walk over to the light or dark side vendors, and you can pick out an entire new pair of boots for your alignment choice. Check out the end-game PvE vendors, and none of the gear is orange whatsoever. This is not revolutionary. This is average.


UI Customization: The UI isn't even scalable, and doesn't have enough slots for the abilities that you guys designed for us. That is lame. Not only that, but try going into voidstar and watch the upper-right hand map take up the top 1/4th of your right-hand bar. There is no way to fix this other than not having any abilities there. You guys designed this game, was there really nobody who noticed this problem?


Feeling Heroic: We were promised epic battles where we would walk in, and mop up the floor with multiple enemies and feel like a total boss. Being a Jedi and having a Jedi companion which allows you to kill not just 2, but 3 or 4 random Coruscant gangsters before having to take time out to heal from the battle you barely won is not heroic. Having a quest-giving civilian tell us how mean and nasty they are beforehand does not make the situation heroic.


And as you progress, even on Hoth and Balmorra we're still fighting groups of 3-4 mobs as 2 people. When did Darth Vader or Master Yoda ever have problems taking on a few random soldiers? And I've done flashpoints, and pretty much every boss fight is 4 people fighting one guy, just like in every other MMO ever.


Basically, none of these things are game-breaking or going to make me rage quit and threaten to go play another game. However, we were promised these things, and so far they haven't been delivered.

Edited by Unpleasant
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I don't remember seeing a "cross my heart, hope to die" statement on any of these. That being said, I do think most are going to be in game "soon".


"Feeling Heroic: We were promised epic battles where we would walk in, and mop up the floor with multiple enemies and feel like a total boss. Being a Jedi and having a Jedi companion which allows you to kill not just 2, but 3 or 4 random Coruscant gangsters before having to take time out to heal from the battle you barely won is not heroic. Having a quest-giving civilian tell us how mean and nasty they are beforehand does not make the situation heroic."


A game has to have some challenge or people will not play it.

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I agree with character creation. However I am hopeful the legacy system will add new species and customizations


How ever

"Feeling Heroic: We were promised epic battles where we would walk in, and mop up the floor with multiple enemies and feel like a total boss. Being a Jedi and having a Jedi companion which allows you to kill not just 2, but 3 or 4 random Coruscant gangsters before having to take time out to heal from the battle you barely won is not heroic. Having a quest-giving civilian tell us how mean and nasty they are beforehand does not make the situation heroic"


This is how I feel having to use a compaion in a duel is just stupid. Needing to being a friend along and have 4 of us beating on one guy in a duel is not heroic at all. Needing 2 people (me and my compaion) to beat 1 strong and 2 average mobs is not heroic.

It does not feel heroic to beat 3 foes if we always fight groups of 3 mobs. If it wasn't for the insnanly pointless death penalty this game would be very hard but with death probe all I do is kill the lesser mobs - die - death probe - kill the boss. Makes hard fights very easy but is not heroic.

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You do realize the game just came out, don't you? In software development, particularly with MMOs and internet applications, you gather up lists of bug fixes and new features to add to a game and prioritize them. It is an iterative process where new things are added a few at a time. Would you rather they release some sloppy, half-baked implementation of something, or take the time to do it right?


If someone is showing you around their house and they say, "I'd like to put a deck out back," do you really expect they are going to have a new deck there when you visit them a week later?


Be patient, they'll get to the improvements.

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I don't remember seeing a "cross my heart, hope to die" statement on any of these. That being said, I do think most are going to be in game "soon".


"Feeling Heroic: We were promised epic battles where we would walk in, and mop up the floor with multiple enemies and feel like a total boss. Being a Jedi and having a Jedi companion which allows you to kill not just 2, but 3 or 4 random Coruscant gangsters before having to take time out to heal from the battle you barely won is not heroic. Having a quest-giving civilian tell us how mean and nasty they are beforehand does not make the situation heroic."


A game has to have some challenge or people will not play it.


Challenge is not mutually exclusive to classes and fights "feeling heroic", or I should say not necessarily so.

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Means estimated time of arrival!


Sometime things don't happen as planed quit crying about it!


Yeah really.... its still the holidays for crying out loud, you don't need all this stuff RIGHT NOW do you?


(directed at OP)

Did you repeat 'mom?' every second over and over till she caved when you were younger? Really give it a sec.

Edited by Avrose
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@op... i think it's all a matter of perspective. I feel very heroic and don't have to heal after every battle. I think more customization will come in time especially for the UI. I actually really enjoyed the character customization and was about 1000 times better than WoW but not as good as say AION. Overall the game delivers a great experience for me and that's all I'm concerned about for now. It will get even better with time because I have faith in the developer of several other games that I love. Have hope.
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Character Customization: The choices we have on the character creation screen are awful, and I won't even get into it right now. The gear customization options are even worse. We have the amazing option of being Jedi and wearing Smuggler clothing, or being Troopers and wearing Jedi clothing. This is not customization, this is laziness. There should, instead, be a plethora of styles of all sorts of types and colors for each class, with mixing and matching between them as an added bonus.


You do know about orange gear, right?


If you get a look you like on your character wearing orange gear, you can simply update the enhancements as you level and keep using it.


I'd like to see a website like wowhead.com with screen shots of gear and such and where they drop, Its tough right now to piece together cool looking sets that all match.

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concerning pvp armor, you can take the modes out and put them into any orange armor set you like.


This feature orange armor and modes is ingenious by bioware. You arent stuck with 5 armor sets to choose from, find a look you like and switch the modes to it it

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My character is already created, I've already done quests, and I'm already using the UI. Unless they plan on going back and redoing the entire way the game plays to make encounters more heroic, that ship has sailed. And if any of you really think that it's okay to ship a game with a broken UI... well, that says enough about your opinions. I can understand telling me to wait on more gear... but when features like "match color to chest" or whatever are taken out because they make people able to customize too well...


You do know about orange gear, right?


You clearly didn't read the rest of the OP, as I mentioned it in the next paragraph.

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1. PvP sucks - a looong story...

2. Character customization - this is I believe only MMO when you can't paint your gear

3. A LOT of Bugs - I know, this is just start, but e.g. bug when you can't even join PvP is unacceptable not matter what

4. Crafting system - IMO system when I have access to only 3 crafting skills is wrong

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Character Customization: The choices we have on the character creation screen are awful, and I won't even get into it right now. The gear customization options are even worse. We have the amazing option of being Jedi and wearing Smuggler clothing, or being Troopers and wearing Jedi clothing. This is not customization, this is laziness. There should, instead, be a plethora of styles of all sorts of types and colors for each class, with mixing and matching between them as an added bonus.


So you won't go into it.. Is there anything to go into? Then say you want a mix of colours.. When there was a "unify colours to chest piece" option because no one wants to look like a rainbow.

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The I want it now crowd has kicked in....


Age shows with the post for sure - Now while I understand what he is saying at the same time seeing this makes me wonder if the OP wants his game or wants the product that was made.


This is where the line gets crossed. People still forget it is NOT their game made catered to them exactly. It is made for the masses.... Not Joe XXXX.


I think that gets forgot in a lot of these posts.

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1. PvP sucks - a looong story...

2. Character customization - this is I believe only MMO when you can't paint your gear

3. A LOT of Bugs - I know, this is just start, but e.g. bug when you can't even join PvP is unacceptable not matter what

4. Crafting system - IMO system when I have access to only 3 crafting skills is wrong

2.) There are many games where you can't paint gear. WOW is one.


4.) WOW, you can only have 2. You want a game where 1 person can pick and have every profession?

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its funny, because thats exactly what we got. and still none of the above made in.

SWTOR: its like having the worst of both worlds


LOL you really have no idea how some major IP launches of games went down.


If you had seen WoW at launch or SWG you would have been flaming mad and crying 10 fold.


Huge disasters... shocking really. Looking back with all the server down time and crashes I can only imagine if people had been this mad those products would have not lasted a year or two.

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If someone is showing you around their house and they say, "I'd like to put a deck out back," do you really expect they are going to have a new deck there when you visit them a week later?


Be patient, they'll get to the improvements.


it's more like paying someone to build you a house to be ready on June 16. they say theyre gonna put a deck in but you find it missing when you move in. do you complain and take action or just wait for them to get around to it?

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To be honest, I agree with the OP. Having followed this game since the original announcement, I came (and was somewhat lead) to believe that combat would be a little different, a little special.


But yeah.. it's always the same. Mobs of 3-4, or 2 + Elite, etc.. It has almost nothing in common with the 'Star Wars feel' (in my opinion), except that there are blasters and lightsabers.


Mobs don't react. They don't run away. Even in the oft hated AoC, mobs would occasionally go and call for reinforcements. They don't move, either. Just stand there and wait to get murdered. Or work a very limited, set path. Then you tag 'em, and all they do is run up and hit you with sticks, or stand and shoot.


And yeah, boss fights are just the usual tank'n'spank.


No life to any of it. And it is becoming a real pity that so many people keep throwing the blanket of shiney voice-overs and cut-scenes to hide a very, VERY mediocre game.


But, it has it's moments, and with that in mind, I shall give it a few months to see if Bioware can deliver anything else but voice-overs.

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The I want it now crowd has kicked in....


When do you think is a good time to have a working UI or heroic quests in a game? How many months after launch? Better yet, I would love to hear your suggestion on how you think they'll change the entire story and feel of the game to make it more heroic, including everything from questlines to enemies.


Age shows with the post for sure - Now while I understand what he is saying at the same time seeing this makes me wonder if the OP wants his game or wants the product that was made.


I want the things we were told we would be getting when we purchased the game. There are things scheduled to come later, and I'm content to wait for them.

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I survived Star Trek Online, where players are still waiting, 2 years later, for fixes and features that were promised in the first patch.


This game is two weeks old and they released a bug fix patch already with a promised content patch in January. If they fall through on that, then there'll start to be issues.


I don't have an issue with the UI aside from the tooltips instucting left or right clicking getting mixed up sometimes.


My other gripes are mostly minor and sitting specifically in the area of Troopers getting somewhat screwed in the companion area.


One thing we as gamers need to learn is to temper expectations. Very rarely will devs be able to follow through on everything we think they're going to do. It's even less likely that they'll please everyone. In fact, it's nigh impossible.


The critical months of an MMO are the 1st, 2nd and 6th months. If we don't start seeing some things by the 6th months or BW's continually blown us or their plans off, then I'll be worried. The first month is for bug fixes and such. 2nd month should be the first content patch that aims to keep people subbed for longer.


Anyway, my two credits.

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