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State of Alliance Companions


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Has there been any word on our current Alliance companions we recruited when everything goes back to Republic vs. Imperials?


I feel like I wasted time bringing up all these influences only to find that some won't follow my character because of alignment. Honestly, could you see Talos following the Smuggler? He wouldn't even fit into that crew of misfits. :rolleyes: or the new Khem Val - :eek: Some I think would go either way like Blizz for example. The main companions like Aric Jorgen I could never - ever see following any of my characters going back to Imperial side, which is sad because I had him at a high influence. And my Trooper who is married to him went against Malcolm so there is that...


Has BW Team made any mention on how this will be addressed yet?

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I would love to see more Companion missions, like we had back during the class stories, to resolve these issues. Some of the Companions already have well established reasons to stick with the Alliance Commander, but you're right, many of them don't. This would be a great opportunity to give us missions to shore up their loyalty and make some sense out of any faction changes.


(Which I love, I hope we get to permanently switch factions. I would pay money to see my Dark Jedi face off with some Sith in a cantina or temple on Dromund Kaas...)

Edited by Xina_LA
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Existing companions will not be affected, so for example Aric Jorgan won't suddenly abandon you. However your choice at Iokath may have consequences, to my knowledge Charles mentioned something about certain companions not being too happy about it. Like Iresso reacting differently, or Malavai Quinn/Elara Dorne not joining if you if you're not a SW/Trooper and don't side with their faction. I don't think they'll restrain that much anymore, considering the last companion returns have been class-specific, worst case scenario your companion is pissed due to some of your choices but I doubt we'll get another Elara Dorne break-up again, I'd be glad to be proven wrong though as I love when choices have an effect on companions.


I would love to see more Companion missions, like we had back during the class stories, to resolve these issues. Some of the Companions already have well established reasons to stick with the Alliance Commander, but you're right, many of them don't. This would be a great opportunity to give us missions to shore up their loyalty and make some sense out of any faction changes.


(Which I love, I hope we get to permanently switch factions. I would pay money to see my Dark Jedi face off with some Sith in a cantina or temple on Dromund Kaas...)


Yeah. I'd love to have companion missions, I find it a pity that only 1 per class had missions while the others didn't. But considering their budget I doubt that will happen.

It would be nice but at best we can get cross-faction stuff, I don't think they'll ever do a full switch, lore-wise yes but gameplay wise no. It would be nice if it happened though.

Edited by FlameYOL
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Yes, this is what concerns me too. I think some companions will be flexible but I can see others following Quinn and Elara Dorne's lead and refusing to follow the player back to specific factions. Considering the effort to get some of those companions and raise their influence it would be a shame to see them go.


I also wish we had more companion missions and conversations with both the love interests and others around the base. Some of the Alliance Alert missions were really fun and I would have liked more opportunities to accompany specific companions on little side quests.

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Has there been any word on our current Alliance companions we recruited when everything goes back to Republic vs. Imperials?


I feel like I wasted time bringing up all these influences only to find that some won't follow my character because of alignment. Honestly, could you see Talos following the Smuggler? He wouldn't even fit into that crew of misfits. :rolleyes: or the new Khem Val - :eek: Some I think would go either way like Blizz for example. The main companions like Aric Jorgen I could never - ever see following any of my characters going back to Imperial side, which is sad because I had him at a high influence. And my Trooper who is married to him went against Malcolm so there is that...


Has BW Team made any mention on how this will be addressed yet?


Is everything going back to Imperial vs Republic? Is the new third faction of the Alliance being scrapped? I haven't yet done the last two Flashpoints of Copero and Nathema so I'm not certain of the finer points of the end story. It seems strange that two large expansions took all that time and effort to create, defend and make the Alliance a real power in the Galaxy - and then, pfft, it's gone. Sure, the Alliance didn't exist in the Star Wars movies, but this game is set a long time in the past and I'd be really disappointed if the Alliance story was abandoned so easily or so quickly.

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Is everything going back to Imperial vs Republic? Is the new third faction of the Alliance being scrapped? I haven't yet done the last two Flashpoints of Copero and Nathema so I'm not certain of the finer points of the end story. It seems strange that two large expansions took all that time and effort to create, defend and make the Alliance a real power in the Galaxy - and then, pfft, it's gone. Sure, the Alliance didn't exist in the Star Wars movies, but this game is set a long time in the past and I'd be really disappointed if the Alliance story was abandoned so easily or so quickly.


I'll put what happens on the spoiler tag, read at your own discretion.


No the Alliance itself isn't over. However during the events of Nathema the Order of Zildrog manages to activate the machine-god "Zildrog" who takes control of the gravestone and uses it to destroy the eternal fleet, as well as blow up the Eternal Throne control's mechanism which was transferred to Odessen in the end of chapter 9 of KOTET(So either your War Table or your Dark Eternal Throne gets blown up, depending of course on your KOTET choice).Afterward according to a codex entry regarding the state of the galaxy the bulk of the Alliance forces return to their original factions, however some ships still patrol the wild space in the name of the eternal alliance as well as the commander still having some loyal troops who remained in Odessen after the Nathema Conspiracy FP. Overall the Alliance is still there but it's clear you won't be strong enough to overpower both the Empire and the Republic, so you will have to choose one as your ally making the other your enemy. Currently I'd call the Alliance Commander an Elite Warlord rather than a Galactic Leader, but a very influential one and a threat not to be underestimated.


So don't worry, the Alliance is still there, just in a different form.

Edited by FlameYOL
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I think that we made a choice. Joining with either Republic or Empire on Iokath is a choice. And since The Alliance is no more in position to weight on a Galactic scale. So basically we're back to a Republic vs Empire conflict :D GOOD now check my post: "Expansion Diplomatic War" ;)
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I think that we made a choice. Joining with either Republic or Empire on Iokath is a choice. And since The Alliance is no more in position to weight on a Galactic scale. So basically we're back to a Republic vs Empire conflict :D GOOD now check my post: "Expansion Diplomatic War" ;)


I think Charles mentioned we'll get another shot at it actually. So regardless of our choices at Iokath or Nathema we'll be able to ally with whoever we choose, I hope this means a little more story variety in regards to the faction leaders considering what happens at Iokath.

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Regardless of choices, IMHO there are companions who are going to be disappointed and won't be comfortable with one's faction choice. I just hope the ones I like stick around. :)


It makes me wonder how the Zakuulans fit into all of this if you kept them. Koth I think will continue operating on principle. If you use the Alliance or your new faction to be cruel to civilians he'll probably want out regardless of the faction you're siding with. I can't picture either Empire or Republic side having strong feelings about him.


With Senya and Arcann, even though they're 'redeemed,' the Jedi don't seem to ever accept Force users who aren't Jedi, so there still might be a problem, Republic side. Empire side, I doubt they'd be happily received.

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So don't worry, the Alliance is still there, just in a different form.


Thanks for your post. I am somewhat mollified. I finally managed to finish Copero today after taking a week-long break from it (my perpetually-laggy Warrior kept getting killed by the first boss) and the last step will be the Nathema Conspiracy. I guess I could have avoided both flashpoints but I really wanted my character’s involvement in the story line and eventually get Theron returned from story line-wilderness.


Regardless of choices, IMHO there are companions who are going to be disappointed and won't be comfortable with one's faction choice. I just hope the ones I like stick around. :)


With Senya and Arcann, even though they're 'redeemed,' the Jedi don't seem to ever accept Force users who aren't Jedi, so there still might be a problem, Republic side. Empire side, I doubt they'd be happily received.


M y fully Light-aligned Sith Warrior I believe will go Republic given that the Jedi are (supposedly) of the Light. Since Malavai Quinn, in his own words, “is finished with the Empire” I very much hope that Quinn will follow my warrior wherever she goes. If not, I will personally and loudly raise a stink about it to BW. As for the others in my Warrior’s entourage – Theron I hope will tag along (once my warrior completes the Nathema Conspiracy Flashpoint). He was an ex-love interest for my Warrior whilst Quinn was MIA, and although my warrior no longer fully trusts Theron or Lana (due to them keeping Quinn’s whereabouts a secret from the Outlander) the three do have history together, and in my own headcanon I’d like to resolve their differences in the future and keep them around as close reconciled friends. Vette, I’m certain will not be parted, especially given that my Warrior saved her life on Odessen. As for the others? I wouldn’t mind getting Jaesa Willsaam back since my Sith Warrior spent a lot of time criss-crossing the galaxy trying to find her the first time around. As for the others? My Sith is not that connected to any of them really except for perhaps Aric Jorgan – when she amused herself talking him on a guided tour of Drumond Kaas and the Imperial Base one time.


I’ve hesitated taking my Jedi Knight through the new content because her ‘husband’ Doc hasn’t reappeared in the new content. If he never reappears then she, like my Sith Inquisitor, might have to settle for Theron instead.


I certainly hope the Republic accept my Light-aligned Sith Warrior. What I’d like to know is what will happen to player fortresses located on ‘enemy territory’ such as Drumond Kaas? I know that they can be visited by the opposite faction for a price, but I wonder if the game will offer us a corresponding fortress in the capital of our new faction. Personally I know that my Sith Warrior would rather have a fortress on Odessen than anywhere else, but that’s another story. Also, what will the Devs do about trainers etc. for ex-Jedi and ex-Sith. Perhaps the Alliance base on Odessan can be used as neutral territory for training, fortresses etc, for player characters who are otherwise exiles from their original faction?

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Has there been any word on our current Alliance companions we recruited when everything goes back to Republic vs. Imperials?


I feel like I wasted time bringing up all these influences only to find that some won't follow my character because of alignment. Honestly, could you see Talos following the Smuggler? He wouldn't even fit into that crew of misfits. :rolleyes: or the new Khem Val - :eek: Some I think would go either way like Blizz for example. The main companions like Aric Jorgen I could never - ever see following any of my characters going back to Imperial side, which is sad because I had him at a high influence. And my Trooper who is married to him went against Malcolm so there is that...


Has BW Team made any mention on how this will be addressed yet?



From what Charles said on the Passionately casual podcast, is that there will be a Republic vs. Empire thing again, unless your still in with the Alliance as being with the Alliance faction, which would make sense, as i hate the supid Republic vs, Empire junk. It shows no imagination nor real though process, and not showing real good intelligence.


But if we can have our Alliance, then that would show Real imagination and intelligence.:cool:


I will be hoping for more Alliance oriented, along with some Main characters from our original Star Wars saga.

Edited by MandFlurry
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If we ever do get a (semi-) permanent choice to actually switch factions, I hope there's an "Are you sure?" type dialog box to confirm, not just the standard dialog wheel. It's one thing if the story reacts to your decision, but it's quite another thing to get locked out of the planets you used to visit and have the game's foes switch. Edited by Xina_LA
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IIRC if you switch sides on Iokath, you get a letter from Theron or Lana saying that they've rigged your credentials so you can still visit your old faction's fleet, etc. That seems to be something they are considering. If you really switch factions permanently, though, that's something that seems as though it would be more complex, ie, the access you're afforded to the starter and homeworld planets and bases.


Personally I am not looking forward to the tired old Imps vs. Pubs returning, and I'd much prefer it if my characters could remain on Odessen and simply support whomever from there.

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Personally I am not looking forward to the tired old Imps vs. Pubs returning, and I'd much prefer it if my characters could remain on Odessen and simply support whomever from there.


^^^ I don't really want to get involved in another conflict with the Empire & Republic either. I would rather do my own thing while they tear each other apart.


I don't think any of the characters will end up jumping ship to X faction, I think we'll just plod along doing whatever war crime takes our fancy with little consequence.

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I'd just be happy if they fix the Lana relationship bug - my characters have had the relationship reverted back to pre-relationship and from engagement to begun a relationship.


I romanced Lana on two characters and didn't have any issues. I do know a friend who never got a chance to romance her at all. He romanced her during SoR and flirted at every chance when she rescued him in KOFTE, plus he also romanced her back on Ziost. Then the Cantina scene in chapter 9 there was no flirt option for her. He was really upset. I heard you can escape or reset it to do again but he didn't know at the time so got locked out of her romance.


I do hope that Lana and Theron (even if they play a smaller role in the next expansion) still have a part. Especially, since many romanced either one of them. It would be sad if there was nothing after Nathema.


As for Koth, he can take the next shuttle back to Zakuul on my characters who kept him. He just bugs me. I don't even find his comments amusing like when he says good luck finding a captain for the Gravestone (paraphrasing). I just wanted my character to punch him after that.


I can't imagine Arcann being accepted by the Empire or Republic, but I guess we will see. Senya will follow wherever her little man goes so I imagine she would get the same reception from both factions.

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Regardless of choices, IMHO there are companions who are going to be disappointed and won't be comfortable with one's faction choice. I just hope the ones I like stick around. :)


It makes me wonder how the Zakuulans fit into all of this if you kept them. Koth I think will continue operating on principle. If you use the Alliance or your new faction to be cruel to civilians he'll probably want out regardless of the faction you're siding with. I can't picture either Empire or Republic side having strong feelings about him.


With Senya and Arcann, even though they're 'redeemed,' the Jedi don't seem to ever accept Force users who aren't Jedi, so there still might be a problem, Republic side. Empire side, I doubt they'd be happily received.


Actually I felt a lot of our choices as Jedi were to show mercy by offering a chance for any non-Jedi force user to either come to the light, or to come "back" to the light if they started as Jedi, turned dark, and are then captured.


The game treats the kill options for the non-Jedi/currently-Jedi force users as DS and any form of mercy as LS. My assumption is the mercy options mostly lead to the prisoner being shipped to Tython for "healing."


My memory isn't good enough to produce all the examples. The results may not be the same, but the goal for the mercy options are usually to have them turn back to the light. Bengal Morr, Lord Vivicar, all the Jedi Masters that the JC saves, Ako Domi (I might have butchered the name, the fallen Jedi from the Nar Shaddaa planetary arc), Noman Karr (one of the LS choices for the SW is to send him to Tython). Why would the Jedi Council tolerate their most high-profile Jedi Knight pal-ing around with the recently former-Emperor's Wrath if they didn't believe he could be turned to the light by the JK or themselves at some point? Currently blanking on more examples, but I know I'm forgetting some.

Edited by aerockyul
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I'd just be happy if they fix the Lana relationship bug - my characters have had the relationship reverted back to pre-relationship and from engagement to begun a relationship.


Yes please. I lost the marriage note on my main and it never showed up on some of the others, and I'm concerned that will affect future content.


I do hope that Lana will still have a role in the content, and that other LIs will get time, too. Actual conversations and companion quests are probably #1 on my wish list.

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Actually I felt a lot of our choices as Jedi were to show mercy by offering a chance for any non-Jedi force user to either come to the light, or to come "back" to the light if they started as Jedi, turned dark, and are then captured.


The game treats the kill options for the non-Jedi/currently-Jedi force users as DS and any form of mercy as LS. My assumption is the mercy options mostly lead to the prisoner being shipped to Tython for "healing."


My memory isn't good enough to produce all the examples. The results may not be the same, but the goal for the mercy options are usually to have them turn back to the light. Bengal Morr, Lord Vivicar, all the Jedi Masters that the JC saves, Tie Domi (I might have butchered the name, the fallen Jedi from the Nar Shaddaa planetary arc), Noman Karr (one of the LS choices for the SW is to send him to Tython). Why would the Jedi Council tolerate their most high-profile Jedi Knight pal-ing around with the recently former-Emperor's Wrath if they didn't believe he could be turned to the light by the JK or themselves at some point? Currently blanking on more examples, but I know I'm forgetting some.


Yep, that's the thing. Jedi don't accept any Force user who isn't "turned to the light," and that means becoming a Jedi. They don't accept any other ways of thinking about the Force, and think that even Force users like the Voss mystics are wrong because they don't follow the Jedi Code. Their goal is to turn everyone Jedi, down to the Sith Emperor in the JK story.


In the JK storyline, they don't explicitly ask Scourge to become a Jedi, but the Jedi Council is also openly hostile to him and one of them pulls a saber on him. Satele agrees not to have him imprisoned, but even she warns the JK not to listen to Scourge too much. He probably only gets out of that room as a free man because Satele is Grand Master and more pragmatic than the others.


If you romance Lana Beniko as a Jedi in SoR, there are conversation choices that are a conversion pitch even there.


So I do wonder how the non-Jedi Force users (not just Sith, but also Voss mystics like Sana-Rae and any Zakuulan Force users, such as the Knights and royals) will fare if the Commander decides to go to the Republic; if they will be subjected to endless conversion attempts or excluded.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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It seems at the end of Nathema that the Alliance is still the Alliance, in a weakened state, but still tere.

So i'd say that the FU members of the Alliance are "subjects" of the Commander and not directly affiliated to either the Republic or Empire, and so that's the Commander choice to decide what to do with them, Jedi or Sith don't really have a word to say about that.


And considering the Satele / Marr chapter, they both seem to have a bit different understanding of the Force now. So Jedi migh be a bit more tolerant to non Jedi FU.

Edited by Goreshaga
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That's the thing that bugs me so much about the Lana relationship bug, and why I keep tilting at that windmill on the forum - if our "choices are supposed to matter", why has that bug been allowed to persist for so many people?


At that point, the devs should have kicked in an option of "hey, we know this happened, we're going to go in and tweak the code for chapter 9 to allow you to fix our screw-ups that have happened at every stage of the relationship for some people".


Instead, it has continued to be ignored, with no fix and no retroactive solution.

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It seems at the end of Nathema that the Alliance is still the Alliance, in a weakened state, but still tere.

So i'd say that the FU members of the Alliance are "subjects" of the Commander and not directly affiliated to either the Republic or Empire, and so that's the Commander choice to decide what to do with them, Jedi or Sith don't really have a word to say about that.


And considering the Satele / Marr chapter, they both seem to have a bit different understanding of the Force now. So Jedi migh be a bit more tolerant to non Jedi FU.


Those are good points. Assuming the Alliance is allowed to continue in some form, and everyone's allowed to stay on Odessen, the Commander's in charge and not the factions as far as the Force users go. I do hope that will be the case.


Also a good point that Satele seems to be more openminded now, and if she's still the Jedi Grandmaster or has returned to that position it might help change the attitudes toward non-Jedi Force users.

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Yep, that's the thing. Jedi don't accept any Force user who isn't "turned to the light," and that means becoming a Jedi. They don't accept any other ways of thinking about the Force, and think that even Force users like the Voss mystics are wrong because they don't follow the Jedi Code. Their goal is to turn everyone Jedi, down to the Sith Emperor in the JK story.


In the JK storyline, they don't explicitly ask Scourge to become a Jedi, but the Jedi Council is also openly hostile to him and one of them pulls a saber on him. Satele agrees not to have him imprisoned, but even she warns the JK not to listen to Scourge too much. He probably only gets out of that room as a free man because Satele is Grand Master and more pragmatic than the others.


If you romance Lana Beniko as a Jedi in SoR, there are conversation choices that are a conversion pitch even there.


So I do wonder how the non-Jedi Force users (not just Sith, but also Voss mystics like Sana-Rae and any Zakuulan Force users, such as the Knights and royals) will fare if the Commander decides to go to the Republic; if they will be subjected to endless conversion attempts or excluded.


I think that's a little off though. As it doesn't match up with the rest of the story, as one of the things a Knight can do, is convert a Pure Blood Sith to the Jedi order.


Then Scourge comes along and they're all "Sith! Can't be redeemed!"

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