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I've just created a thread for the ability suggestion "Protecting Power Probe": http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=952091


Anyone got ideas for the class in general? As that ability is some suggestion that would rather replace translocate than going on the whole class itself.


Nice when I am not playing I will read it and see if i can comment anything useful with some thought to it. :)


Hey, I got a question about PT AP, are there any abilities that you simply never use due to them being a waste of a GCD? I just pulled a ling sorc off the shelf, and all i did was remove force storm rofl... I guess the fact I never use it actually makes me focus on more useful abilities because my damage is decent considering i am a total noob on ling sorc, I mean relaitvely speaking of course judging my dps compared to other regs lol.


If you got any suggestions on PT AP let me know, I want to pull my PT off the shelf get her to 70 and test run her... it's been years since I played her though, so many changes have happened since then.

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Nice when I am not playing I will read it and see if i can comment anything useful with some thought to it. :)

Hey, I got a question about PT AP, are there any abilities that you simply never use due to them being a waste of a GCD? I just pulled a ling sorc off the shelf, and all i did was remove force storm rofl... I guess the fact I never use it actually makes me focus on more useful abilities because my damage is decent considering i am a total noob on ling sorc, I mean relaitvely speaking of course judging my dps compared to other regs lol.

If you got any suggestions on PT AP let me know, I want to pull my PT off the shelf get her to 70 and test run her... it's been years since I played her though, so many changes have happened since then.


Hmmmm... I play AP PT once a week, maybe once every two weeks, maining pyrotech. Every ability has its usage, for advanced prototype I am not sure whether i can tell you any ability you can safely remove, not using it anymore.


Beside that, Force Storm is decent DPS for the lightning sorc, dude! I play lightning sorc beside pyrotech a lot recently, and I make the same mistake as you do - I don't use Force Storm at all. Focussing on single target burst, though I am not sure whether lightning is supposed to be single target burst spec (it's probably not, have a look at chain lightning). Whatever, I queued double lightning sorc with a friend a few evenings in the past 1-2 weeks and he uses force storm quite often, unless enemies are in cc and we swap. And he ALWAYS outdpses me (well, he oudpses me for 90% of the matches). So I guess it's better to get used to using force storm if the enemies stack a lot.

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Hey, I got a question about PT AP, are there any abilities that you simply never use due to them being a waste of a GCD?


i've played quite a bit of ap, don't recall having anything removing-worthy. Sure, there are some abilities you use kinda rarely (Searing Wave, Shatter Slug, Deadly Onslaught, Flame Sweep(some of these builds quite a bit of Heat too)) But when enemies does the classic 8man stacking at mid, you are going to want to use some of these :p So, i wouldn't remove them.


Also, stealth detector thingy you probably won't use much, but sometimes you are going to want to have it on your quickbar.

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Hmmmm... I play AP PT once a week, maybe once every two weeks, maining pyrotech. Every ability has its usage, for advanced prototype I am not sure whether i can tell you any ability you can safely remove, not using it anymore.


Beside that, Force Storm is decent DPS for the lightning sorc, dude! I play lightning sorc beside pyrotech a lot recently, and I make the same mistake as you do - I don't use Force Storm at all. Focussing on single target burst, though I am not sure whether lightning is supposed to be single target burst spec (it's probably not, have a look at chain lightning). Whatever, I queued double lightning sorc with a friend a few evenings in the past 1-2 weeks and he uses force storm quite often, unless enemies are in cc and we swap. And he ALWAYS outdpses me (well, he oudpses me for 90% of the matches). So I guess it's better to get used to using force storm if the enemies stack a lot.


yeah, I see your point. I just figured my dps would be more useful running a rotation that procs the instant TB. I seem to never run out of power and my damage aint bad, I just lack burst. This is what I notice more than anything.


When attacking a healer, I tickle them; they heal through my damage easily. Basically I see my damage as average consistent single target damage with some fair AE damage with my instant TB.


If given time, I can whittle down single targets but my ling sorc is underwhelming if you compare the damage my merc can put out, especially on a single target.


Maybe my 230 gears contributes to my experience and my lack of experience playing the class. I can do decent overall damage though, even top the scoreboards but my damage seems fairly impractical atm. I don't put much pressure on single targets and my AE is ok but doesn't seem to put much pressure on the other team where they need to worry about it.


Maybe I need to stick force storm back on my bar. heh

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i've played quite a bit of ap, don't recall having anything removing-worthy. Sure, there are some abilities you use kinda rarely (Searing Wave, Shatter Slug, Deadly Onslaught, Flame Sweep(some of these builds quite a bit of Heat too)) But when enemies does the classic 8man stacking at mid, you are going to want to use some of these :p So, i wouldn't remove them.


Also, stealth detector thingy you probably won't use much, but sometimes you are going to want to have it on your quickbar.


alright. well, the abilities and rotation is simple still I see. guess it's not a big deal I was just hoping to trim the fat if possible. :D

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I believe very strongly that if trauma regulator was a pt ultitly and not a merc, both merc and pt would be equal, along with merc being shipped down a spot or two.


to understand why I picked in my reasoning lets look at a few things.


merc cds:



trauma regulators: Trauma Regulators now heals for 4% per stack instead of 5% and stacks 10 times instead of 15


this means it is a 40% heal. supposing you are a tip top bounty hunter, with full dps augs ( not end ) your going to looking at on average about 135k- 140k hp. so 40% lets call it roughly 54k hp.


looking at juggernaught raging burst thats about 24k (thats usasly what I hit on average, and I use 236 augs with alacrity build over power) so essentially you just healed 2 non auto crit bursts. (non auto crit here directly refers to non set bonus surge crit)


adrenaline merc: The heal from Kolto Overload given by Kolto Surge can only heal the Mercenary up to 60% of their maximum health instead of 70%




usually unless you are a bunch of very good players, you wont burst through a merc adren duration. so assuming you let it burn, he used TR first, and gets a second TR after in one life, a mercenary in a single life will heal from TR and adren alone 140%. keep in mind a mecenary has a ranged 4 sec root and 3 offhls to use. so your looking at over the span of a duel likly another 40% worth. lets assume your pretty good, you got about 180% in hls.


this does not count the "absorb" granted from the utility that lowers energy shield cd. noteable because this is on pt only for AP, meanwhile all mercs get it.



that is a whopping 3 lives. now remove TR from mercenary. 180% drops to 100%. 60% from adrenaline, and 40% from generic offheals. a 100% heal in a 2.5 minute cd... thats fair, considering that what most classes have some variation of.



that is my reasoning for why it is the one change for merc.


why should it go to pt? this is why I think this is the what needs to happen.


pt cds currently



kolto missile on all specs heal you 3% per missile, equaling 12% for pyro and shield, and AP gains an addtional 3 pushing it to 21%. using 135k hp as a template thats is roughly around 14k for pyro and shield, and 26k for AP. (do not let "leet" people tell you this is a bad utility.)


you get an energy shield that lasts 15 seconds (3 more than merc) that DRs up to 25% inc dmg. AP gains a lowered cd, considering surviability your looking at another one every 45 seconds (vs dots 30 seconds. I truely believe that all reduced cd should be trigger dmged from direct dmg only, but that for another day)


and finaly adrenaline. andren will be activable at 100% and will keep you at 35% hp regardless of inc dmg for 8 seconds. (provided your are not dpsd to 0 faster than kolto can hl you back to 35%) pyro gains a lowered cd as well as a DR during its actual heal affect. (like its AP energy shield buff counter part, a pyro pt will gain back adren every 45-30 seconds depending on inc dmg type.)



so your looking at a whopping total of 45% heal, not even close to any other classes options.


if you gave pt TR (after removing it from merc, this is needed to happen) a pt would walk away with a 52% hl on shield and pyro, and a 61% on AP. all pts will include kolto, but due to it odd design (it doesnt "heal" you, rather it genericaly keeps you at an hp%.. its supposedly a "anti focus" LOL) yes an AP would gain the hl more, but the design of the pt in 5.x they just arent going to survive long enough to get another. would it make it "superior" to pyro? no because gets adren back at the same rate, and it would combine with TR. TR might actualy be the buff shield really needs tbh.


all of this is why I believe that the only "fix" the bounty hunter class needs is to swap ultitys with each other. ( I also think pt needs a second root brake, maybe on his leap or pull (see rage jugg obliterate and intercede effects) but thats again for another day. and due to having 2 stun breaks, I believe a stun immunity would be OP/broken on pt

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Pt's are fine it's other classes who have been given too much survivability that makes them gimped. Nerf others don't buff PT because doing that continues the defensives arms race that has turned PVP into stalemates.
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Nice when I am not playing I will read it and see if i can comment anything useful with some thought to it. :)


Hey, I got a question about PT AP, are there any abilities that you simply never use due to them being a waste of a GCD? I just pulled a ling sorc off the shelf, and all i did was remove force storm rofl... I guess the fact I never use it actually makes me focus on more useful abilities because my damage is decent considering i am a total noob on ling sorc, I mean relaitvely speaking of course judging my dps compared to other regs lol.


If you got any suggestions on PT AP let me know, I want to pull my PT off the shelf get her to 70 and test run her... it's been years since I played her though, so many changes have happened since then.


your rotation on AP consists of the following attacks, retractable blade, mag blast, basic attack (not used much but excellent heat control) rail shot, energy burst, thermal detonator, shoulder cannon, and rocket punch.


the ability you use other than that are situational only. use shatter slug, if you use the slow utility (do not use this utility) deadly onslaunt and flame sweep (use flame sweep pre fight to proc a starting rail shot) only if you are fighting a merc. these ability go through RS and TR (they dont heal the merc. that being said, flame sweep has a high heat rate so dont spam it.


so the summary answer to your question is dont rotate flame sweep, deadly onslaught or shatter slug. your heat will punish you harshly for doing so, and an overheated pt is a dead pt. (remember to always take the heat reduce when slowed/rooted/stuned/kbd and if you arent snared/focused rotate your basic shots every 3 attacks. save vent heat for when you are at 80% heat. most likly this will happen from useing your aoe ability)


I was taught by Zaurok how to fight on AP PT and it is one of my favorite classes.




opener: (have 4 energy stacks) leap, thermal detonator, retractable blade, rocket punch, mag blast, rail shot.


your dps filler rotation on ap pt is a priority system, so I'm going to make a key graph.


x is rocket punch

y is mag blast

the starting hit of the filler is a priority in this order: Energy burst (only at 4 stacks) thermal denotator (only if off cd) x (only if off cooldown) or y. move two is either basic shots or x/y (if you are focused you will not need basic shot). move 3 is x (if off cd) or y. finally you use rail shot. you then return to Energy burst/TD/x/y and redo.


use y only if everything else cant be used, and use TD and EB only as the 1rst on the four GCDs

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@Seterade, I am not going to quote your entire message. I hate it when people do that, I usually never read the quoted stuff anyway.


First of all, your given numbers are wrong. Energy shield is NEVER going to be at a 30 seconds cooldown for advanced prototype. Also 40-50 seconds is very hard to achieve if enemies play hardswap (which means you won't get attacked at all for about half of the time, so your effect of reduced cd on energy shield is nullified).


Kolto overload for pyrotech is going to be around 30 seconds if you get tunneled by 3-4 players, including dots. Whatever, in practise and fight, you will hardly get a cooldown of 30 seconds, it will be more likely 40-50 seconds, due to it depending very much on how hard you get raped / attacked.


I guess you didn't read what I said. Your reasoning is all right, though you forget about the difference between pyrotech and advanced prototype. If you move trauma regulators from merc to powertech only, advanced prototype will be OVERPOWERED AF compared to pyrotech spec.


I will quote myself so you can reread it:


- Advanced Prototype

The utility that heals you for 40% after energy shield pops is going to make this spec of the PowerTech OVERPOWERED AF (pretty much like merc is atm, lol). This spec has theoretically around (no guarantee for correct numbers) 45 seconds of cooldown for energy shield. For the other specs, energy shield has a constant cooldown duration of 2 minutes, which is going to place the advanced prototype in a huge, huge, hugeeeee advantage over pyrotech.


- Pyrotech

The utility that will increase the power of kolto overload: Kolto overload heals you up to 60% with the doubled tick rate (and whatever, just massive healing). Keep in mind that Pyrotech PowerTechs have a (theoretically) 26.7 second cooldown on kolto overload, where as the other 2 specs have a constant cooldown duration of 3 minutes. Moving this utility to the PT is going to place the pyrotech in a massive advantage over advanced prototype.


This is why moving either trauma regulators or the massive buff to kolto overload (heal to 60% and faster than before) won't ever fix the powertechs, nor balance anything. Please do not even think of suggesting "give both to the powertech". Just don't. Thanks.



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it already is.


Im not sure who informed you that pyrotech is a good class, but its in a really bad state.


like Ive always said, math is my weaker point, so I looked up the effect on here http://dulfy.net/2016/12/22/swtor-5-0-advanced-prototype-powertech-pve-guide-by-jaymis/ seeing how energy shield is 120 second cd, and its 3 seconds off every 1.5.... I tried to figure it out in my head, not the best math god, but it seems to be (1.5+3) divided by 120 (and yes you will get every possible tic vs dot specs) I came up with 26 tics. if I did it wrong, I apologize. math is not my strong suit.


so then, I did 26 * 1.5 = 39 x 3 = 117. so its 40 seconds? the only thing that really points out is that ap.. wont be as strong as every 30 seconds.

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I believe very strongly that if trauma regulator was a pt ultitly and not a merc, both merc and pt would be equal, along with merc being shipped down a spot or two.


to understand why I picked in my reasoning lets look at a few things.


merc cds:



trauma regulators: Trauma Regulators now heals for 4% per stack instead of 5% and stacks 10 times instead of 15


this means it is a 40% heal. supposing you are a tip top bounty hunter, with full dps augs ( not end ) your going to looking at on average about 135k- 140k hp. so 40% lets call it roughly 54k hp.


looking at juggernaught raging burst thats about 24k (thats usasly what I hit on average, and I use 236 augs with alacrity build over power) so essentially you just healed 2 non auto crit bursts. (non auto crit here directly refers to non set bonus surge crit)


adrenaline merc: The heal from Kolto Overload given by Kolto Surge can only heal the Mercenary up to 60% of their maximum health instead of 70%




usually unless you are a bunch of very good players, you wont burst through a merc adren duration. so assuming you let it burn, he used TR first, and gets a second TR after in one life, a mercenary in a single life will heal from TR and adren alone 140%. keep in mind a mecenary has a ranged 4 sec root and 3 offhls to use. so your looking at over the span of a duel likly another 40% worth. lets assume your pretty good, you got about 180% in hls.


this does not count the "absorb" granted from the utility that lowers energy shield cd. noteable because this is on pt only for AP, meanwhile all mercs get it.



that is a whopping 3 lives. now remove TR from mercenary. 180% drops to 100%. 60% from adrenaline, and 40% from generic offheals. a 100% heal in a 2.5 minute cd... thats fair, considering that what most classes have some variation of.



that is my reasoning for why it is the one change for merc.


why should it go to pt? this is why I think this is the what needs to happen.


pt cds currently



kolto missile on all specs heal you 3% per missile, equaling 12% for pyro and shield, and AP gains an addtional 3 pushing it to 21%. using 135k hp as a template thats is roughly around 14k for pyro and shield, and 26k for AP. (do not let "leet" people tell you this is a bad utility.)


you get an energy shield that lasts 15 seconds (3 more than merc) that DRs up to 25% inc dmg. AP gains a lowered cd, considering surviability your looking at another one every 45 seconds (vs dots 30 seconds. I truely believe that all reduced cd should be trigger dmged from direct dmg only, but that for another day)


and finaly adrenaline. andren will be activable at 100% and will keep you at 35% hp regardless of inc dmg for 8 seconds. (provided your are not dpsd to 0 faster than kolto can hl you back to 35%) pyro gains a lowered cd as well as a DR during its actual heal affect. (like its AP energy shield buff counter part, a pyro pt will gain back adren every 45-30 seconds depending on inc dmg type.)



so your looking at a whopping total of 45% heal, not even close to any other classes options.


if you gave pt TR (after removing it from merc, this is needed to happen) a pt would walk away with a 52% hl on shield and pyro, and a 61% on AP. all pts will include kolto, but due to it odd design (it doesnt "heal" you, rather it genericaly keeps you at an hp%.. its supposedly a "anti focus" LOL) yes an AP would gain the hl more, but the design of the pt in 5.x they just arent going to survive long enough to get another. would it make it "superior" to pyro? no because gets adren back at the same rate, and it would combine with TR. TR might actualy be the buff shield really needs tbh.


all of this is why I believe that the only "fix" the bounty hunter class needs is to swap ultitys with each other. ( I also think pt needs a second root brake, maybe on his leap or pull (see rage jugg obliterate and intercede effects) but thats again for another day. and due to having 2 stun breaks, I believe a stun immunity would be OP/broken on pt


If you wanna advocate for upgrades then make sure is for something viable:

Trauma Regulator is not gonna cut it.. specially with the recent nerf and besides everyone know the trick to counter Trauma..so enough of that.. next.


Kolto Overloud" lets say at 70%.. well, unless you pop Energy Shield is not gonna work.. because players will blast through that 70 or 60% like butter, and since most likely that will be the case then what's the point in wasting two cds? makes no sense what you are asking.. but I got a better proposition;



How about Cloaking Screen, along with Evasion and Blow by blow? how about if we take those from the Operative and give it to the PT? the operative will still have plenty of other abilities that will make up for it.. besides they can increase blow by blow by 6sec once giving to the PT..



I think is a better idea if we take from the Operative since it as so many mobilities and counter attacks.. a whole lot more abilities to spare than mercs and any other class


Cloaking Screen will be the perfect anti_focus for PT since they don't have one at all..


**excuse my typos I write post in a hurry..:D

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How about Cloaking Screen, along with Evasion and Blow by blow? how about if we take those from the Operative and give it to the PT? the operative will still have plenty of other abilities that will make up for it


Ah yes, leave two specs of operative with Shield Probe only, and one spec with 2rolls in addition to Shield Probe.

Good suggestion my friend


lmao how are so many so dense in here

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If you wanna advocate for upgrades then make sure is for something viable:

Trauma Regulator is not gonna cut it.. specially with the recent nerf and besides everyone know the trick to counter Trauma..so enough of that.. next.


Kolto Overloud" lets say at 70%.. well, unless you pop Energy Shield is not gonna work.. because players will blast through that 70 or 60% like butter, and since most likely that will be the case then what's the point in wasting two cds? makes no sense what you are asking.. but I got a better proposition;



How about Cloaking Screen, along with Evasion and Blow by blow? how about if we take those from the Operative and give it to the PT? the operative will still have plenty of other abilities that will make up for it.. besides they can increase blow by blow by 6sec once giving to the PT..



I think is a better idea if we take from the Operative since it as so many mobilities and counter attacks.. a whole lot more abilities to spare than mercs and any other class


Cloaking Screen will be the perfect anti_focus for PT since they don't have one at all..


**excuse my typos I write post in a hurry..:D


the point is to give a pt a dcd... without breaking them. not rocket them to merc level. you dont buff buff buff, just because its at the bottom, you nerf the top a little, buff the bttom and in theory everything equals out

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Either way. The logical step is to NOT BUFF POWERTECH YET.


Nerf mercs something slightly (imo kolto overload).... bring them down to the level of other classes so theg are no longer FOTM. And from there maybe we can see if powertech still needs a buff or it is fine.

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Either way. The logical step is to NOT BUFF POWERTECH YET.


Nerf mercs something slightly (imo kolto overload).... bring them down to the level of other classes so theg are no longer FOTM. And from there maybe we can see if powertech still needs a buff or it is fine.


that would only apply if merc was the only thing that was worlds ahead of pt, the fact is, skill v skill pt wont beat any class in this game and not by a small margin. merc is a seperate issue from buffing pts, they just are in the same convo before they share the basic classes allowing for dcd/utility sharing

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the point is to give a pt a dcd... without breaking them. not rocket them to merc level. you dont buff buff buff, just because its at the bottom, you nerf the top a little, buff the bttom and in theory everything equals out


You talk as if we back in 5.0

Mercs are no longer fotm. They're barely hanging in the top 4 classes. You get netted because the system queues 4mercs on one side v. 4melees on the other side, then oh well.. best talk or email the brilliant ppl who designated the queue system.


Those two abilities you always refer too are starting to become obsolete, pop trauma and all a player as to do is leave mercs alone for a second or so.. and bam problem solve, and Kolto overload is useless while getting tunnel, unless combine with something.. You wanna put those two dcd on a class that is totally obsolete in PvP?



An Operative as 3 anti - focus, we can go up to 5 anti-focus, but lets leave it at 3 for the purpose of this thread, which are Clocking Screen, Evasive and they can roll without a care in the world. So give any of those anti - focus to the PT..


Now assuming all this time we had been talking about Solo Rank random queue? right! we not talking about Trade Win, Group Rank, or Solo fix matches.. You know exactly what I mean..


Anyways, look at the Operatives.. you'll be surprise how many good abilities they have to/could spare with other much in needed classes, and still they wont break a sweat.


How's that tournament going? you bringing your Operative?

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my operative is lethality. I play that spec because its not broken, but it can hold its own against the fotm.


and I dont op, in fact its ease of play and rotation bore me. I main dps jugg and pt these day, tho up till 5.0 I was a sin main since 3.0


giving a class like pt "stealth" would be beyond broken, I have no interest in making any class in this game more broken than the next. do I wish like everyone else this game went back to 3.0? hell yes.. realisticly? it will never go back, because this game is pve focused, and pvers like their dcds.


as for mercs not being "fotm" just because you dont know any good ones doesnt mean they suck. most of the ones I know (rankers) can only be beat 1v1 by a con op or a skank jugg.


everytime I login, I jump on my 135k hp AP PT and go wrecking ball in regs for like 4 matchs (then I forget why I sub to this game and log off) do I destroy merc/maras/snipers 1v1? you bet I do, do I take that as a measure of skill and buff/nerf level? hell no, I recongize regs are where people learn to play. all classes are good to a point, but the only time classes should be buffed/ nerfed is when the best merc vs the best jugg vs the best pt ect. basing game design off the average player results in 5.x mercs.

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that would only apply if merc was the only thing that was worlds ahead of pt, the fact is, skill v skill pt wont beat any class in this game and not by a small margin. merc is a seperate issue from buffing pts, they just are in the same convo before they share the basic classes allowing for dcd/utility sharing


but you know as well as any person knows, that you do not balance a class around 1v1s.


acknowledge the facts: pt dps is high af. pt with a tank and healer is extremely powerfull. double pt/engi is a meta for cleave teams in 4s. however, yes, they do have **** poor defenses.


I really don't think buffing PTs YET is the solution. Ultimately, yes, I do believe PTs should and will get 70% kolto (I will explain later) to make them viable. But I think the logical first step is bringing down OBVIOUSLY OP CLASSES, like merc, to the level other classes.


I believe 70% kolto is the appropriate buff because to PTs because it will not make them too strong. As many bad mercs with 70% kolto have found out the hard way, it is very easy to be bursted through kolto if you pop it at sub 10% hp. However, if used properly, 70% kolto could potentially give PTs a (close to) htf which would allow could PTs to combat the fact that bad players can put minimal pressure on them, and they will still fall.


Will PTs still rely on their team? Probably.

Will PTs still be a glass cannon? Probably.

But, will PTs be OP with high defenses and high DPS like mercs (pre 5.4)? No. And that's what I'm hoping to avoid.


On a side note, I have no idea what this 70% kolto would do to pyro. Pyro is a joke for other reasons than just defensives.

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Mercs are no longer fotm. They're barely hanging in the top 4 classes.


Is this a joke?


An Operative as 3 anti - focus, which are Clocking Screen, Evasive and they can roll without a care in the world. So give any of those anti - focus to the PT.


Is this a joke? You want to give PTs stealth?


Anyways, look at the Operatives.. you'll be surprise how many good abilities they have to/could spare with other much in needed classes, and still they wont break a sweat.



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but you know as well as any person knows, that you do not balance a class around 1v1s.


Absolutely. That being said, it should be noted that that comparitively a classes 1v1 ability affect more than 50% of its team ability. 9/10 if your class is good at 1v1, you're probably good at 4v4s too. Operative is an example of this. Despite Concealment being worlds above 50% of the class at 1v1, they are still moderate to good in group situations.


I would gladly take a "armor pentration" nerf if it ment I got a viable dcd, because as any pvper knows in any game, dcds rule pvp not dps. (lightning sorc is in a class all its own.. we don't talk about their backwards balance)

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What do you guys think of a minor damage absorption when using the single target taunt? (for all specs) maybe as an utility providing the effect, idk...


That seems like a good idea . The ability to taunt is supposed to be a class feature, yet it's useless if you're the first targeted by the enemy. So some sort of DR attached to it would give it dual purpose.

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  • 2 months later...

Back to an older thread about PowerTechs.

I have read several threads and posts about "Balancing in 6.0". When it comes to PvE, people desire a "Nerf PyroTech DPS down to the level of AP" and "Nerf PT DPS" at all. Yeah, sure, you can nerf the DPS if you give the class some love about DCDs.


It's nothing new that PowerTechs are stuck in 4.x, they got nerfed to hell, the burst is pretty much the same as any other class. I am not quite sure what I'm trying to achieve with this post tho, just a bit bored I guess.


Class wide: I have also read "Replace Translocate with something useful". My suggestion for this: Make Translocate an instant activation ability, it provides nice team support as well as kiting capability. You can add on each advanced spec / skill tree passives, such as damage absorption, which gives the PowerTech some sort of DCD as well.


Class wide: Also, don't forget my suggestion about the Protecting Power Probe - For tank spec it's usable on team mates as well as on yourself, apsorbing X% damage of the next 5 incoming single target attacks. Effect lasts for 10 seconds. Any charges that are left when the effect wears off will heal for 5% HP


Class wide: Rework PowerTech utilities, at all. If you wanna go for DPS you usually take 4 or 5 points in Skillful because all others are crap, lol. But don't give the PowerTech the same utilities as Mercenary has.


Class wide: Give some sort of Pull, maybe like the Merc or Sorc has.


Tank spec: I read this one somewhere else: An DCD for tank spec (after moving translocate class wide) with 1 minute cooldown, increasing your shield chance by 100% for 15 seconds and generating 2 heat every second. Can be cancelled manually earlier.


Class wide: When using single target taunt you absorp a small amount of damage.


PyroTech: Reduce Scorch DoT uptime from 30 seconds down to 15 seconds, reduce its damage and make it spreadable with Flame Sweep or Searing Wave (or maybe Shatter Slug, or Death from above?)


Class wide: Kolto Overload is triggered at 40% HP. Also, kolto heals for 2% HP every second if you are above that 40% HP cap (Like in tank spec atm).


Pyrotech: Kolto Overload triggers at 60% HP and lasts 2 seconds longer. In addition to this, the passive which reduces the Kolto Overload cooldown by 6 seconds every second if you're attacked is nerfed to 4 seconds instead of 6. Maybe reduce / increase duration and / or the provided damage reduction.


Class wide: Reduce Hydraulic Override cooldown to 35 seconds (25 seconds with utility).


Post if you like or dislike my ideas, suggestions welcome.

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