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Movie-Style Trailer for Adharma Silverknight, Dark Sith Assassin


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How do you get the interface to disappear and yet still make dialog choices?


I have a 16:10 monitor because I simply can't live with only 1080 pixels on the Y, I feel like I'm in a room with a strangely low ceiling. Sadly, when I upgrade my gear to something >1920 on the X, I'll have to adopt 16:9, because I'm on the losing team with aspect ratios.


That answers your question in no way whatsoever, but it's important to explain it so that my actual answer makes sense.


In the interface editor in-game, I've scaled the dialogue wheel down to it's tiniest setting, which, not being in-game right now myself to check, I *think* is 0.1 ... ? Anyway, it's all the way down. This makes it small enough that, even though it's onscreen when I record, it's cut away when I crop the video down to 1080p for YouTube. This makes it seem like it's invisible.


There might be a better way to do it, in fact I'm sure there probably is. But this is the solution I came up with.

Edited by Seelvir
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I usually don't like fan made videos, but you've got some serious editing skills. Your intro graphic is great too. Oh and props on not making your Nox look like a clown. Hence the reason I usually don't like fan made videos. ;)
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Adharma's adventure continues!


- Episode 6: Alderaan -



I usually don't like fan made videos, but you've got some serious editing skills. Your intro graphic is great too. Oh and props on not making your Nox look like a clown. Hence the reason I usually don't like fan made videos. ;)


Thank you for such kind words! It's hard to express how much I crave that kind of validation ... wait ... I mean "it's gratifying to know that people are enjoying this content." Yeah, that's better :p.

Edited by Seelvir
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