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Another nerf thread.


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Right, I've played most classes to a decent level and all that so I do grasp how to play and how each class functions, to get to the point I WANT and WISH that something is done about commando's and mercs, the way they just stand like a tard and spam 1 button to kill everybody isn't my idea of skillful PvP. Seekermissles and what the hell the commandos ability is called I keep forgetting.


Almost every single BG a Merc/Commando is top in dmg due to their Death From above/Mortal Volley aswell as the konstant 1 button mashing, I personally don't think that's how PvP should work, spam 1 button and use 1 channeling ability every minute to **** everything in sight.


That being said, feel free to flame and call me a whiner like all kids do, a forum is made to discuss or like you children call it "Whine" or "QQ", this is open to discussion, share your opinions and all that, perhaps it's just me that feels like those classes are abit messed up at the moment.

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as an fyi you do know that a merc as an example has to stand still to do dfa and all missle attacks except their weakest one

and also as an fyi merc go down really easily

and if someone is spamming their missle the whole time, they arent a good player


With all that being said the dominate class in every game is a spam class that can AoE, why do you act that this game is any different then a ton of other before it


At least there arent macro so people can mash one button all the time

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it's their loss if they don't want to use all their abilities


interrupt seeker missile/grav round and they're forced to do something else


That's just the thing, they don't HAVE to use all their abilities to **** someone, simply knockback, stun and seekermissles and they win, simple as that.

Sure I can interupt that will save me 4 seconds or so, in which I'll be knockbacked or stunned. There is NO solution to it, sure they have to stand still but so what? I'd like to see you out-dps their constant stream of 2500 every 1.5 seconds without fail.

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Nerf? how about a complete class rework is what is needed


The entire class revolves around that skill


Spam 5 tracer missiles for defensive proc

Spam 5 tracer missiles for Railshot proc

Spam 5 tracer missiles for Armor debuff

Spam 5 Tracer missiles to vent 8 heat

Spam 5 Tracer missiles for Heatseeker missile

Spam 5 Tracer missiles to proc Unload on cooldown (even though Tracer missile out damages unload heh)


The devs obviously didnt know what to do with this class and took the lazy way out

Edited by Bejita
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Ok, you did tell the advantages of a BH/commando but you also told us a disadvantage: they aren't very mobile.


To use their key ability, they have to stand still the whole time. In a 1v1, they're totally screwed if they get a warrior or knight on them.


Edit: Commando uses knockback, followed by a stun. Warrior breaks the cc, leaps into the commando and starts owning him. There's nothing the commando can do to get the warrior off him

Edited by Kinglyrobin
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Ok, you did tell the advantages of a BH/commando but you also told us a disadvantage: they aren't very mobile.


To use their key ability, they have to stand still the whole time. In a 1v1, they're totally screwed if they get a warrior or knight on them.


still they can stun and continue to spam their missles, they spec so it rarely gets interupted by dmg so you still have to outdps their 2500 spam every 1.5 sec while they get their tons of instant procs and such, it's a laughable class to say the least that seriously has to be fixed.


I refuse to get killed by someone pressing 1 button all day long :p

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Honestly I have a level 40 merc and I rerolled cause I didn't think they were all that great. It's not that the class needs a nerf, it's that they need a better design. They lack mobility and when a class gets in melee range the BH is toast.


Spamming Tracer missle = a waste of time for me.

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Nerf? how about a complete class rework is what is needed


The entire class revolves around that skill


Spam 5 tracer missiles for defensive proc

Spam 5 tracer missiles for Railshot proc

Spam 5 tracer missiles for Armor debuff

Spam 5 Tracer missiles to vent 8 heat

Spam 5 Tracer missiles to proc Unload on cooldown (even though Tracer missile out damages unload heh)


The devs obviously didnt know what to do with this class and took the lazy way out


Still better than the commando one :


Incendiary Nade

Grav Round

Grav Round

Grav Round

<insert infinite>

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Warriors or Knights ?

Well am not comparing max levels yet, but for tracking missiles or so, they dont need even line of sight.

So i was running with my JK like an idiot, while he was just spamming missiles.

He doesnt need even to face you ... thats silly...


They arent very mobile... they have plenty of cc so dont need " sprint "


BTW look at pommel strike + opportune strike or how its spell, as Guardian.

Its only on stuned target - weak and standart. So i cant use it on strong and further.. and not even in PvP... my 2 strongest attacks are uselles.

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Can we give the forum whiners their own server to play on? Only take their sabers, guns an d armour off them and give them sticks, peashooters and cardboard. I guarantee some will still cry one is overpowered when they get roflstomped


Pvp and classes are fine as they are



Edited by BoDiE
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Right, I've played most classes to a decent level and all that so I do grasp how to play and how each class functions, to get to the point I WANT and WISH that something is done about commando's and mercs, the way they just stand like a tard and spam 1 button to kill everybody isn't my idea of skillful PvP. Seekermissles and what the hell the commandos ability is called I keep forgetting.


Almost every single BG a Merc/Commando is top in dmg due to their Death From above/Mortal Volley aswell as the konstant 1 button mashing, I personally don't think that's how PvP should work, spam 1 button and use 1 channeling ability every minute to **** everything in sight.


That being said, feel free to flame and call me a whiner like all kids do, a forum is made to discuss or like you children call it "Whine" or "QQ", this is open to discussion, share your opinions and all that, perhaps it's just me that feels like those classes are abit messed up at the moment.


"Right, I've played most classes to a decent level and all that so I do grasp how to play and how each class functions"


So you already have all classes on lvl 50 because thats the level where mmo's are balanced around.

All i have to say is, get a life and take a break.


If your understanding of "decent" level is less then 20 then go play a bit more before you start judging the pvp.

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If all classes were as perfectly balanced as you think, then why would there be pvp forums? Ok, maybe to discuss the maxed out gear and such, but that doesn't need its own forum.

Stop being a fanboy and stop calling every critic a whiner, thanks.

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"Right, I've played most classes to a decent level and all that so I do grasp how to play and how each class functions"


So you already have all classes on lvl 50 because thats the level where mmo's are balanced around.

All i have to say is, get a life and take a break.


If your understanding of "decent" level is less then 20 then go play a bit more before you start judging the pvp.


I have characters well over 20 kiddo, I assume you're a merc/commando aren't you? And if classes are balanced at 50 why are mercs always top dmg even when they themselves aren't 50 and playing against level 50's? Whats the purpose of being able to PvP before 50 if 50 is the ONLY level things will balance out?


I've done alot of PvP on alot of different levels and PvP begins to balance out around 30-35.

And you tell me to get a life? You? Someone that clearly sits infront of this game several hours and hours a day? Made me giggle.

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If all classes were as perfectly balanced as you think, then why would there be pvp forums? Ok, maybe to discuss the maxed out gear and such, but that doesn't need its own forum.

Stop being a fanboy and stop calling every critic a whiner, thanks.


Prove to me I'm wrong. Not by some video of you being inept in pvp. Give me some irrefutable proof that profs are unbalanced.


Lern2play , seriously



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Right, I've played most classes to a decent level and all that so I do grasp how to play and how each class functions, to get to the point I WANT and WISH that something is done about commando's and mercs, the way they just stand like a tard and spam 1 button to kill everybody isn't my idea of skillful PvP. Seekermissles and what the hell the commandos ability is called I keep forgetting.


Almost every single BG a Merc/Commando is top in dmg due to their Death From above/Mortal Volley aswell as the konstant 1 button mashing, I personally don't think that's how PvP should work, spam 1 button and use 1 channeling ability every minute to **** everything in sight.


That being said, feel free to flame and call me a whiner like all kids do, a forum is made to discuss or like you children call it "Whine" or "QQ", this is open to discussion, share your opinions and all that, perhaps it's just me that feels like those classes are abit messed up at the moment.


I change commando mortar by force lightning...


If you're really serious and you played several chars, it's not so difficult to find out which classes are better. It's not only about damage done. There are a lot of details like the lag. Mirror classes with slower attack animations are worse, channeling spells with instant damage are 1000 times better than slow ones with more damage. Absorb damage bubbles are 1000 better than reduction damage bubbles, and I can keep writing and writing..

It doesnt matter if you're honest or not, Bioware has the stats of every server. You cant hide it, and the truth it's that inquisitor class stacking is the best option to win in WZ.

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Prove to me I'm wrong. Not by some video of you being inept in pvp. Give me some irrefutable proof that profs are unbalanced.


Lern2play , seriously




Why do you assume that everybody is bad at PvP and make yourself out to sound like you're the best in the world? Before having an attitude like yours don't you think YOU should prove to us that you're worth it?

Besides we DISCUSS in order to IMPROVE, you simply run around whining on discussion threads because you cant grasp the concept of an intelligent exchange. How about you stop trolling around and go back to your super-skilled-lol-pvp ?

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it takes 7.5 seconds to spam 5 tracer missiles whilst standing perfectly still.....

if you cant notice a BH bending over and a large flame trail coming out his rear (best animation in the game IMO) you arent really paying attention.


Death from above is only useful against multiple targets again its easily interupted and is announced by that BIG RED sith emblem ontop of you........again your failure to notice this means you arent paying attention.


It also takes one dot one stun one knockdown for the process to have to be repeated, if youve already hit the DFA you're on a long cooldown.


Seriously you people need to stop the complaining and learn to combat classes instead of yelling nerf over something you havent the knowledge to beat.

Edited by Mart-
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it takes 7.5 seconds to spam 5 tracer missiles whilst standing perfectly still.....

if you cant notice a BH bending over and a large flame trail coming out his rear (best animation in the game IMO) you arent really paying attention.


Death from above is only useful against multiple targets again its easily interupted and is announce by that BIG RED sith emblem ontop of you........again your failure to notice this means you arent paying attention.


It also takes one dot one stun one knockdown for the process to be repeateded if youve already hit the DFA you're on a long cooldown.


Seriously you people need to stop the complaining and learn to combat classes instead of yelling nerf over something you havent the knowledge to beat.



Once again, what does it matter if I notice or not when I can't stop the constant spam of missles? and seriously 7.5 sec for 5 missles, 5 missles being roughly 10k dmg or so, basically they kill people in 7.5 seconds and none thinks thats odd? I should "l2p" as kids call it and interupt, fine I interupt and then I'm knockbacked and stunned, then they continue their spam and I can't interupt again for 15 seconds when they apparently kill me in 7.5 roughly. Stun I have them, but like everybody we can break them. Standing still is not really a negative thing is it? It's what EVERYBODY does when dealing damage more or less, running around in circles as a melee against someone channeling is utterly retarded for example.


Plus they DO have heavy armor so they can take the beating alot better than most others, plus the taking 25% less damage for 12 seconds thing, oh and heals. It's not about knowing how to play or not, it's irrelevant when it's so obvious that the class isn't balanced with others. No other class I've ever seen or heard of can kill people in 7.5 seconds by spamming 1 button, and yes im aware of the fact that people have more than 10k hp but they do have instant attacks that deal roughly 2k aswell so it's still stuck at 7.5 sec.

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