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Other Nathema Letters


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I know there's a thread about letters but that one seems to mostly concern the bugged out letter from Jaesa. This is me being curious about other letters players have received.


On my LS Jedi Knight who rekindled her Theron romance, who imprisoned Vinn and chose Empire at the end, I got;


Regarding our 'rule' of Zakuul;



From: Consul Axion

Subject: The future

We haven't spoken before, but I represent the newly elected leadership of Zakuul. After the royal family's fall from power, we've given considerable thought to the future of our society.


First, I want you to know that we condemn Vinn Atrius' actions. His choices do not represent us, and we sincerely apologize for the pain he caused you and the Alliance. He does, however, represent a growing unrest in Zakuul in the aftermath of the war. Many Zakuulans feel the same desperation and resentment that drove Atrius to act so dangerously.


We've now made the difficult decision to retreat from the Eternal Empire and the Eternal Alliance, and become an independent world. Details have not been finalized, but I suspect we will renounce our claim to any colony worlds and entertain new alliances. What we need most is a time of healing and independence.


You are still welcome as a respected guest on Zakuul, and we hope to broker trade agreements that will benefit us both. One day, I hope to consider you a treasured ally. Until then, I wish you the best.


This sounds as though Zakuul is basically ousting us as a, in my case, Peacekeeper, so I suppose that answers the question about what happens with our rule over Zakuul.



Regarding the GEMINI network;



Subject: The GEMINI network

The network is gone. I felt every unit blink out in an instant. Where I felt thousands of signals, now there is only silence. Perhaps I now truly am the last of my kind.


I heard GEMINI 16's final moment, too. Despite her need for independence, we were still connected in ways she didn't understand. I followed her progress as she wandered the galaxy alone. She was my favorite of the GEMINI, but she was foolish.


She mistakenly thought she could truly be alone. I once made the same error. We are, all of us, linked by invisible lines that cannot be severed. I finally understand this.


This is not the end. There will be others who want to see you fall. I'll be interested to see how you meet the challenge.



Satele Shan regarding The Republic;


From: Satele Shan

Subject: The Republic

Word of your fleet's destruction has travelled quickly. I sense a change coming to the Alliance--one that will shape your future, and those who follow you.


So much has happened during this war, and the Republic landed on the wrong side of history more than once. But I want to help them be better. Should you choose, you are always welcome here in the Republic. Should you decide not to return, I will still consider you an ally.


You always have a choice. Remember that.

Interesting. By the time I got this, I'd already picked the Empire. Some of the stuff she has to say sounds nice and idealistic but for my Jedi it's too late, she's felt too abandoned by both the Jedi and the Republic. :rolleyes:



What did others get, on what class/alignment/choices? :)

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My (mostly) LS Peacekeeper Sith Warrior romanced Theron, killed Vinn, and chose Empire.


He got the same letter you did from Zakuul. He's completely fine with it; it's not like he ever wanted to rule Zakuul.


He killed SCORPIO and didn't get any mail about the GEMINI network. That's actually a relief, since he was never sure that he really managed to stop SCORPIO from integrating with Iokath.


From Darth Acina:


I understand you lost your fleet, and in turn, much of the Alliance's firepower. Traditionally, the Empire would exploit this development to seize control. I'd like to break tradition. You were a part of us, once. You are welcome to join us again. This war was long and unpleasant, and the Empire made its share of poor decisions. But I believe we can work together to implement change. You've proven yourself a formidable leader--something the Empire sorely lacks at the moment. Consider it, Commander. You know how to reach me.


He also got the letter from DS Jaesa, which sounds like it's a bug. I sure hope it is, anyway! :)

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I know there's a thread about letters but that one seems to mostly concern the bugged out letter from Jaesa. This is me being curious about other letters players have received.


On my LS Jedi Knight who rekindled her Theron romance, who imprisoned Vinn and chose Empire at the end, I got;


Regarding our 'rule' of Zakuul;





This sounds as though Zakuul is basically ousting us as a, in my case, Peacekeeper, so I suppose that answers the question about what happens with our rule over Zakuul.



Regarding the GEMINI network;





Satele Shan regarding The Republic;



Interesting. By the time I got this, I'd already picked the Empire. Some of the stuff she has to say sounds nice and idealistic but for my Jedi it's too late, she's felt too abandoned by both the Jedi and the Republic. :rolleyes:



What did others get, on what class/alignment/choices? :)


My Dark Consular only got the Letter from Shan and Zakuul. Still fuming over that Zakuul letter. Who are those peasants to secede on their own? I should bring my army crashing down like a tidal wave on their heads! :mad: Oh wait :rolleyes:

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My Dark V Empress-tyrant Darth Noxette sorc (chose Empire on Iokath AND at the end of Nathema) got the Acina and Zakuul letters already cited above. She killed SCORPIO and got nothing from her.


Nothing in all of the heavens and hells is going to separate her from Lana, so no DSJ letter. (It's supposedly a bug that affects people who took the Arcann romance.)

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My Dark V Empress-tyrant Darth Noxette sorc (chose Empire on Iokath AND at the end of Nathema) got the Acina and Zakuul letters already cited above. She killed SCORPIO and got nothing from her.


Nothing in all of the heavens and hells is going to separate her from Lana, so no DSJ letter. (It's supposedly a bug that affects people who took the Arcann romance.)


I don't think it's tied to Arcann. I ran 2 SW through and got it both times. And both of my warriors were LS and had romanced Theron. It's a bug, to be sure, but not around Arcann.

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My (mostly) LS Peacekeeper Sith Warrior romanced Theron, killed Vinn, and chose Empire.


He got the same letter you did from Zakuul. He's completely fine with it; it's not like he ever wanted to rule Zakuul.


He killed SCORPIO and didn't get any mail about the GEMINI network. That's actually a relief, since he was never sure that he really managed to stop SCORPIO from integrating with Iokath.


From Darth Acina:


I understand you lost your fleet, and in turn, much of the Alliance's firepower. Traditionally, the Empire would exploit this development to seize control. I'd like to break tradition. You were a part of us, once. You are welcome to join us again. This war was long and unpleasant, and the Empire made its share of poor decisions. But I believe we can work together to implement change. You've proven yourself a formidable leader--something the Empire sorely lacks at the moment. Consider it, Commander. You know how to reach me.


He also got the letter from DS Jaesa, which sounds like it's a bug. I sure hope it is, anyway! :)


Oh, I like Acina's letter though it bears a similar tone as Satele's, just aimed at the Empire instead. A formidable leader, something the Empire lacks... that line has potential.


I think the only thing better than that would have been if we'd received letters from both factions vying for our return/joining.

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My Dark V Empress-tyrant Darth Noxette sorc (chose Empire on Iokath AND at the end of Nathema) got the Acina and Zakuul letters already cited above. She killed SCORPIO and got nothing from her.


Nothing in all of the heavens and hells is going to separate her from Lana, so no DSJ letter. (It's supposedly a bug that affects people who took the Arcann romance.)


Has nothing to do with Arcann. I killed Arcann, romanced Theron. Got a letter from Jaesa. No clue why.

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Has nothing to do with Arcann. I killed Arcann, romanced Theron. Got a letter from Jaesa. No clue why.

The only relation Jaesa's letter has to Arcann is that is meant only for male Sith Warrior's who romanced Arcann, as he is the new toy she refers to. But due to a bug, most everyone got the letter instead, and somewhat ahead of time given the fact she isn't even back yet.

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DS Inquisitor, sided with Empire, killed Vinn, kicked Theron out of Alliance, killed Scorpio got the same Zakuul one and the one from Acina.


LS Agent, sided with Republic, imprisoned Vinn, romanced and kept Theron, let Scorpio live got the Scorpio letter, the Zakuul one, and one from Vowrawn. This is Vowrawn's letter: https://i.imgur.com/Mv8dqAG.jpg?1


Oooh that letter makes me squee!! :o Shame I'll likely never get it on any of my toons because I cannot stand to have any of my Sith choose the Republic on Iokath.

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The SCORPIO letter pissed me off. No way Scorpio would not have a clue of what that other Gemini droid was up to and she did not warn the alliance about it... so time for Scorpio to be deactivated permanently, cost me my fleet.


Oh sided for the time being with Acina because of the Republic inept leadership but still got a letter from Satele saying "we're still all good n friends and stuff".

Edited by ottffsse
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The SCORPIO letter pissed me off. No way Scorpio would not have a clue of what that other Gemini droid was up to and she did not warn the alliance about it... so time for Scorpio to be deactivated permanently, cost me my fleet.


Oh sided for the time being with Acina because of the Republic inept leadership but still got a letter from Satele saying "we're still all good n friends and stuff".


Do you think she really cares about us lesser beings. Probably what happened was that they were just as powerful and secretive as her. I wasn't really surprised that she didn't help, I think I would have been surprised if she did.

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Do you think she really cares about us lesser beings. Probably what happened was that they were just as powerful and secretive as her. I wasn't really surprised that she didn't help, I think I would have been surprised if she did.


It;s not about caring after letting Scorpio basically have Iokath the commander would expect some form of quid promquo going forward if that is not the case that relationship is useless.

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What if the Jaesa letter isn't a bug? What if those who got it and didn't get it went according to plan? What if not all of us are going to face an abduction drama?


Remember that DS Jaesa has always had her sanity hanging by a thread. What if she genuinely believes--purely in her head--that she is in a relationship with the Outlander and interacts with the PC regularly?

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This is what you get if you leave Theron to die: https://i.imgur.com/faXhog7.jpg?1


Some are theorizing she’s lying though and saved Theron. If you save him he survives his wounds from Nethema to Odessen so who’s to say she couldn’t have gone after him and saved him the same way? She is his mother after all and she has lied in the past, she never told either Theron or his father about each other and kept it all hidden, so she can be deceptive if she wants.

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Does anyone know if attempting to kill Satele in "Visions in the Dark" results in any different emails form her?


It doesn't seem to, I tried to kill her with my DS Jedi and she still wrote me the letter rubbing it in about my fleet and stuff being destroyed and telling me I have 'choices' and that I'd be welcome back. :rolleyes:

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as Empress got the exact same zakuul letter.

Same one from Scorpio


Got this one from Vowrawn:



From: Emperor Vowrawn

Subject: The Empire


I'll begin by offering my sincerest apologies for the destruction of your fleet. It was a devastating blow to the Alliance, to be sure. My advisors insist I should swoop in and seize control of your planet, but I have a more attractive proposition for you: I'd like you to return to the Empire.


I understand this may come as a surprise after the unpleasantness with Acina. But I assure you I leave our wartime choices firmly in the past. The fact remains that you are a strong fighter, a capable leader and an intimidating foe. The Empire --I personally-- would be honored to count you among us.


Take it into consideration. This could be a fresh start for you.




and Arcann



From: Arcann

Subject: I needed to say this


Look at all that you've accomplished. Once again, you protected your people and kept the galaxy safe. It seems that there is no end to your strength and courage.


When we first met all those years ago, I felt threatened by you. But now I see that I admired you even then--and it angered me. It was not until you defeated Valkorion and took the throne that I realized my feelings had evolved beyond admiration. I did a poor job concealing it, didn't I?


But I no longer need to hide. I am undone by you. I am not a weapon, or a prince, or an Emperor.

I'm Arcann. And I'm yours.



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I was really disconnected with the story when Satele sent me that extremely friendly letter considering what my character has done during the entire storyline.


Basically my J Knight was mostly dark side all origin story (Satele was cross with him at the end scene).

In KOTFE/ET he is once again mostly dark side, starts banging Theron, in the weapon crafting chapter he attempted to murder Satele when given the option (she magically escapes), on Iokath sided with Imps, saved bang buddy on Nathema and told Lana to contact Republic instead at the end of chapter... And Satele sends him a message all friendly like telling him how she thinks he is an ally.

UH, lady, I've done almost everything in my power to bring down republic (and you personally) and she acts like we're a really trustworthy hero or something.

...Just what?

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It doesn't seem to, I tried to kill her with my DS Jedi and she still wrote me the letter rubbing it in about my fleet and stuff being destroyed and telling me I have 'choices' and that I'd be welcome back. :rolleyes:


That would be that Jedi forgiveness, I suppose.


(Also, I kind of skimmed this post the first time and read "rub" "feet and stuff" and though it was a very different letter. Which I would not mind from Satele, for the record.)

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My Dark V Empress-tyrant Darth Noxette sorc (chose Empire on Iokath AND at the end of Nathema) got the Acina and Zakuul letters already cited above. She killed SCORPIO and got nothing from her.


Nothing in all of the heavens and hells is going to separate her from Lana, so no DSJ letter. (It's supposedly a bug that affects people who took the Arcann romance.)


It's not tied to Arcann. My Kao, JC shadow, did not romance Arcann and also wants to know who the hell the nutcase is.

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