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Outrageous Respec Cost


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I would like some of you "Respeccing all the time is bad!" types to actually try and explain to the community why you believe that respeccing/experimenting is SO OMGWTFBBW bad for the game?


Respecs should be free, or atleast not have such a steep incline. People shouldn't be pidgeonholed into meta-specs and should be free to experiment.

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I personally don't think its nearly high enough. 50,000 is about 30 minutes - 1hr of questing and pvp. I've respecced once on my account with 3 toons totaling 120 levels worth, due to the fact i understand choices have consequence, and don't pop open my skill panel mid battle and drop a point in something just to spend it, or stick it in some worthless (yes, there are many utterly idiotic skills in the skill trees that have absolutely no impact, or even worse, negative impact) talent just to get something higher. Take your time, and plan your toon out, then maybe you wont flip flop back and forth. I think after the 3rd respec it outta run about 500,000 per respec.
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Take your time, and plan your toon out, then maybe you wont flip flop back and forth.


But.. But but but.. Planing things out takes effort. It goes against the current generation's instant gratification doctrine. It's totally un-wow, and un-modern, and un-everything else you could possibly think of!

Edited by Truga
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I would like some of you "Respeccing all the time is bad!" types to actually try and explain to the community why you believe that respeccing/experimenting is SO OMGWTFBBW bad for the game?


Respecs should be free, or atleast not have such a steep incline. People shouldn't be pidgeonholed into meta-specs and should be free to experiment.


By that logic you should be able to change between races and class at whim too... or buy a gun from the vendor then swap it for another for free if you don't like it?!?!


If that doesn't sound like a good idea then the same logic applies to the respec... It's just a matter of where you draw the line for people who don't like consequences for decisions.

Edited by spoonguy
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The people that "have been around for +10 years and seen more mmo launches than these kids have lived in years" (do note my sarcasm, you boring arrogant "adults") wants us to make choices that matter, and choices that have consequence!



I'm all for that. Give me **** that actually matters - I'll bite. I'll love it, too. I'm 21, 1990 - if you feel like you want to abuse me for my age you have it right there, out in the open - shoot!


Why do we want free/cheaper respecs?


I'm not sure how things worked in your days but this "instant gratification generation" (a generation raised by YOU (( oh man did you fail. )) ) wants to be able to play around with options. You see, the world is our playground and we know that with work we can reach anywhere and with discpline we'll go far. The world is more open nowadays than it was before and thus we have been raised with the attitude of questioning and understanding - perspective - good and evil is no longer black & white.


Why is this important? Because this crap is getting old - you bring up our age and make it seem like an insult "instant gratification"? Not at all. On the contrary, what we ask for is the ability to bring this game forward. To explore every single option - to create something other than the /Google->Most viable DPS Spec Jedi Counsular Telekinetics->Click->Spec.


If anything this generation suffers from not wanting to be like everyone else - in no way are we "instant gratification bla bla "... Maybe I want to stand out, or maybe I just want to create something other than what has been created before.



The people that actually tell me that in order to do so I have quest/pvp/farm/grind for x hours to do x respecs are just out to flame or they simply don't understand what they're advocating. Because its simply such a bad idea. Freedom breeds opportunity and progress because all parts that can be explored will be.



/This 1990 kid goes back to bed/WoW where he belongs (note extreme amount of sarcasm)

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This is a simple categorization error from people who want to ruin the game for themselves, and people who want to feel proud of their character for earning individuality.

People who want free respecs ruin the game for themselves, try one spec, jump to the next, jump to the next, pretty soon you are completely bored of every aspect of your class rather than just one. The idea that specing should not be something you do often is for pride of individuality. No one respects a dps/tank/healer if everyone can just jump around do whatever role is necessary. Furthermore that hinders another of the games key aspects, social interaction. If you do not have a role you find someone to fill that role who is geared towards it, and has a decent amount of experience doing it. Not have one person jump around to fill roles. While free respecs work great for singleplayer only games, it will hinder the masses in multiplayer games.


Yes this doesn't apply to everyone, don't say oh well thats not meee, I don't do thhaaat. Well good for you! But more people do, this game is designed like all mmorpgs, for the masses, not for you.

Edited by Bantic
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By that logic you should be able to change between races and class at whim too... or buy a gun from the vendor then swap it for another for free if you don't like it?!?!


If that doesn't sound like a good idea then the same logic applies to the respec... It's just a matter of where you draw the line for people who don't like consequences for decisions.


Don't oversimplify things and don't distort the question asked.

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By that logic you should be able to change between races and class at whim too... or buy a gun from the vendor then swap it for another for free if you don't like it?!?!


If that doesn't sound like a good idea then the same logic applies to the respec... It's just a matter of where you draw the line for people who don't like consequences for decisions.


really? ....


The problem is that respecc is needed to figure out what specc u want to use!! i mean i play sorc and i have atleast 10 builds that i wanna try out to see how they feel and what will suit me best! one cant possibly know what specc will suit them best unless they try out some! and u only get 5 until the cost is 50k? :o:O if i wanna try out 10 different just to know how much i like them so i can deside im gonna have to pay like 300k ?! thats insane!


Ofcourse its bad that you can respecc due to situation but the solution is not high prize !!! it should be a LOw prize and have like a 4 day cd or something!

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People who want free respecs ruin the game for themselves, try one spec, jump to the next, jump to the next, pretty soon you are completely bored of every aspect of your class rather than just one. The idea that specing should not be something you do often is for pride of individuality. No one respects a dps/tank/healer if everyone can just jump around do whatever role is necessary.


The problem is that the performance of your character is based on stats. That may or may not improve based on your current spec. Meaning that subpar performance can be improved if you respecc. And then again there is the aspect of group play. At my level (26) I have not needed to respecc to heal in FPs. But I might have to in the future, and respeccing costs credits that I might not want to spend so I can heal one FP before spending more credits to switch back to my solo specc.

Edited by Ferev
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The people that "have been around for +10 years and seen more mmo launches than these kids have lived in years" (do note my sarcasm, you boring arrogant "adults") wants us to make choices that matter, and choices that have consequence!



I'm all for that. Give me **** that actually matters - I'll bite. I'll love it, too. I'm 21, 1990 - if you feel like you want to abuse me for my age you have it right there, out in the open - shoot!


Why do we want free/cheaper respecs?


I'm not sure how things worked in your days but this "instant gratification generation" (a generation raised by YOU (( oh man did you fail. )) ) wants to be able to play around with options. You see, the world is our playground and we know that with work we can reach anywhere and with discpline we'll go far. The world is more open nowadays than it was before and thus we have been raised with the attitude of questioning and understanding - perspective - good and evil is no longer black & white.


Why is this important? Because this crap is getting old - you bring up our age and make it seem like an insult "instant gratification"? Not at all. On the contrary, what we ask for is the ability to bring this game forward. To explore every single option - to create something other than the /Google->Most viable DPS Spec Jedi Counsular Telekinetics->Click->Spec.


If anything this generation suffers from not wanting to be like everyone else - in no way are we "instant gratification bla bla "... Maybe I want to stand out, or maybe I just want to create something other than what has been created before.



The people that actually tell me that in order to do so I have quest/pvp/farm/grind for x hours to do x respecs are just out to flame or they simply don't understand what they're advocating. Because its simply such a bad idea. Freedom breeds opportunity and progress because all parts that can be explored will be.



/This 1990 kid goes back to bed/WoW where he belongs (note extreme amount of sarcasm)


That's a very good point, all these EQ monkeys do seem to be of the older generation who try and make us feel bad for wanting to have fun playing a game. "Oh, these fancy new-fangled graphics...pah! Who needs that?! Back in my day, we gamed with MUDs and we were grateful for it."


If you want archaic, old style and restrictive games, please go back to playing them.


Leave SWTOR for those of us who enjoy learning new things, meeting new challenges, and playing for enjoyment. We don't want instant-gratification - we want the freedom to have fun in a GAME. It's not unreasonable. You are.

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The people that "have been around for +10 years and seen more mmo launches than these kids have lived in years" (do note my sarcasm, you boring arrogant "adults") wants us to make choices that matter, and choices that have consequence!



I'm all for that. Give me **** that actually matters - I'll bite. I'll love it, too. I'm 21, 1990 - if you feel like you want to abuse me for my age you have it right there, out in the open - shoot!


Why do we want free/cheaper respecs?


I'm not sure how things worked in your days but this "instant gratification generation" (a generation raised by YOU (( oh man did you fail. )) ) wants to be able to play around with options. You see, the world is our playground and we know that with work we can reach anywhere and with discpline we'll go far. The world is more open nowadays than it was before and thus we have been raised with the attitude of questioning and understanding - perspective - good and evil is no longer black & white.


Why is this important? Because this crap is getting old - you bring up our age and make it seem like an insult "instant gratification"? Not at all. On the contrary, what we ask for is the ability to bring this game forward. To explore every single option - to create something other than the /Google->Most viable DPS Spec Jedi Counsular Telekinetics->Click->Spec.


If anything this generation suffers from not wanting to be like everyone else - in no way are we "instant gratification bla bla "... Maybe I want to stand out, or maybe I just want to create something other than what has been created before.



The people that actually tell me that in order to do so I have quest/pvp/farm/grind for x hours to do x respecs are just out to flame or they simply don't understand what they're advocating. Because its simply such a bad idea. Freedom breeds opportunity and progress because all parts that can be explored will be.



/This 1990 kid goes back to bed/WoW where he belongs (note extreme amount of sarcasm)


You are now my favourite person ever mr 1990 kid! For what its worth, my boyfriend is 39 and he shares your opinion. Nobody wants to be pidgeon holed.

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I've respeced four times over the last two weeks and my respec cost is at 100k


The problem is that respecc is needed to figure out what specc u want to use!! i mean i play sorc and i have atleast 10 builds that i wanna try out to see how they feel and what will suit me best! one cant possibly know what specc will suit them best unless they try out some! and u only get 5 until the cost is 50k? :o:O


Protip: If you don't respec for a full week, the cost resets back to 0.

Edited by Truga
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Notice how long it is taking the elitist to brew up a response defending the costs...


No need to defend anything.


Working as intended.


The costs are prohibitive because you are not supposed to respec very often. Once or twice to undo a mistake or a bad choice...cost is fine.


If you try to use the respec like a dual spec mechanic (which many of you are) then of course the cost becomes prohibitive - because you are not supposed to do it.


Getting clobbered for creds when using a mechanic outside of its original design scope does not need "defending" imo lol.



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The people that "have been around for +10 years and seen more mmo launches than these kids have lived in years" (do note my sarcasm, you boring arrogant "adults") wants us to make choices that matter, and choices that have consequence!



I'm all for that. Give me **** that actually matters - I'll bite. I'll love it, too. I'm 21, 1990 - if you feel like you want to abuse me for my age you have it right there, out in the open - shoot!


Why do we want free/cheaper respecs?


I'm not sure how things worked in your days but this "instant gratification generation" (a generation raised by YOU (( oh man did you fail. )) ) wants to be able to play around with options. You see, the world is our playground and we know that with work we can reach anywhere and with discpline we'll go far. The world is more open nowadays than it was before and thus we have been raised with the attitude of questioning and understanding - perspective - good and evil is no longer black & white.


Why is this important? Because this crap is getting old - you bring up our age and make it seem like an insult "instant gratification"? Not at all. On the contrary, what we ask for is the ability to bring this game forward. To explore every single option - to create something other than the /Google->Most viable DPS Spec Jedi Counsular Telekinetics->Click->Spec.


If anything this generation suffers from not wanting to be like everyone else - in no way are we "instant gratification bla bla "... Maybe I want to stand out, or maybe I just want to create something other than what has been created before.



The people that actually tell me that in order to do so I have quest/pvp/farm/grind for x hours to do x respecs are just out to flame or they simply don't understand what they're advocating. Because its simply such a bad idea. Freedom breeds opportunity and progress because all parts that can be explored will be.



/This 1990 kid goes back to bed/WoW where he belongs (note extreme amount of sarcasm)



No... YOUR parents failed. Not me.


A responsible person wouldn't try to pull the BS you just posted.


They sure as hell wouldn't be leaning on such a crutch for justification to dumb down a game to your level.

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No... YOUR parents failed. Not me.


A responsible person wouldn't try to pull the BS you just posted.


They sure as hell wouldn't be leaning on such a crutch for justification to dumb down a game to your level.


Nice job addressing his points, bro. He isn't the one spouting BS here; this has nothing to do with dumbing the game down. If anything, it makes it more complex when you can access to more role options and specs. Want to roll one character and stick with one spec? Fine!


Just don't expect us to want that restriction.

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No... YOUR parents failed. Not me.


A responsible person wouldn't try to pull the BS you just posted.


They sure as hell wouldn't be leaning on such a crutch for justification to dumb down a game to your level.


I'm not even sure what to say, how old are you sir? I ask because, basically, the first thing you do in your post is insult me. How is that going to help your argument? How can you possibly justify an argument by acting like a complete child?


Whenever you feel like acting like an adult, you are more than free to do so. I shall await the explination why my argument "would be dumbing down the game", and I shall await it with gasping breath. You see, it will make for a very interesting read - most likely for the sole reason of the amount of insults you succeed at aiming at me "and my kind" in one single post.


Alternative 1: One spec. Learn it. Be good at it. Master it. Thats it , move on.

Alternative 2: Be able to respec, do it, learn, optimize, utilize, maximise, be good at ALL, master ALL, That's it, move on.



Sorry, I guess we're simply out for more. I'm not content with what you decide - and guess what - "my kind" is bullied enough in the real world - on here you are really, really, really not the majority nor the person to listen to - start acting like the minority, be humble. Be nice. Getting so tired of "adults" acting like you, jeez - a discussion brings us more than an insult?



At least thats the way my parent


failed me.

Shame shame, if only I'd be a better person and agree with your teachings.



(I feel like I have to add sarcasm since you would most likely not get it otherwise seeing how arrogant you are )

Edited by AdamLKvist
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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


Don't do it so much.


The reason the cost is there is as a deterrent. They want you, rightfully so, to play your class as it's defined, not change your role like you change pants.

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Nice job addressing his points, bro. He isn't the one spouting BS here; this has nothing to do with dumbing the game down. If anything, it makes it more complex when you can access to more role options and specs. Want to roll one character and stick with one spec? Fine!


Just don't expect us to want that restriction.




It has nothing to do with giving more options and diversity, you ALREADY have that within the current system.


This has everything to do with dumbing the game down to a level whereby you can have one toon (because rolling alts is far too much like hard work for you guys) that is a one man army...you want to be PvPing as your uber dps monster, then click click, now you are a top end healer spec, oh noes...still not enough...click click now you have a top end tank spec....


Its entirely about having the best of the trinity on one toon at no cost or effort....with the ability to switch specs at will....


That is what this is really about, saying you just want options is the BS here because you already have them.


The fact is you dont like the cost or the effort associated with experimenting with said options and you want it ALL for free.



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Alternative 1: One spec. Learn it. Be good at it. Master it. Thats it , move on.

Alternative 2: Be able to respec, do it, learn, optimize, utilize, maximise, be good at ALL, master ALL, That's it, move on.






Both alternatives are currently open, what are you moaning about exactly?


If you want to have more utility and optimize your spec, you have to pay for it. Too early in game to say whether the current cost is too high/low due to the economy establishing itself. If history is anything to go by; soon 50k will be NOTHING and BW will have to give that to players as starting creds.


In any case, those saying they want to try different specs and are crying about the cost of 4 specs, are you gonna pay for them all in one go after using them for 5 mins each or actually try the different specs for any amount of time!? If the latter then you'll likely have made enough creds in between to fund the respec cost.

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