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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Outrageous Respec Cost


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1. Try playing without their servers....all you own is the box and media, not the game.


2. Please do


3. It is not just a game when what you do affects others. It is called an "online experience." That is why there are rules for interaction and harrassment.


4. Wrong again. Changing how you respec changes the game across the board for the rest of the community. You getting it how you want will, a. give everyone else that ability, requiring content to be altered to accommodate those changes, or b. make you more superior if you are given that ability in a vacuum.


So you see, friend, you do not own a copy of the game, nor do you have any right whatsoever to dictate how it runs. The only right you have is to quit, which would make at least two of us happy.


1. I don't presume to own the entire game. I own a copy of the game. Just like I've said twice before. I'm not leasing it. I own it. When I'm done I'll delete my characters and cancel. I don't have to give those back either. They are mine and I will do with them as I please.


2. What I do with those characters is absolutely nobody's business.


3. The real argument here is that you want the rules of the game to be such that you dictate what someone can do with their character. A character that they made with a copy of the game that they OWN.


- I can delete my character and make a new one ever single day of the week. In fact, I can make up to eight characters per server and delete them every day of the week.


- I can cancel whenever I feel like it.


- I can log in and out of the game (assuming it's up :o ) whenever I feel like it.


- I can purchase multiple copies of the game and make a template for as many templates as I can on a single server.


- I can choose to group with who I want.


NONE of these things affect anyone else's game play in the least. Guess what? Neither does respec'ing. Not 1%. The limitation is arbitrary. The only and I mean the ONLY reason it exists is because people who like to pretend that they are hard core (like a video game makes you hard core right?) lobby so hard that the developers cave in and restrict it.


There is absolutely 0 reason why you shouldn't be able to respec 10x/per day if you want. It's a game. It's meant to be fun. You are not "Hard Core" for pretending to want it to be harder or less accessible to people with jobs and families. (For hard core see here: http://militarytimes.com/blogs/battle-rattle/).


If you think you have achieved anything beyond entertaining yourself for the time you've played it then you are doing yourself a disservice. Getting to be a level 50 Sith Sorc or Level 85 Fairy (for the WoW folks) means nothing more than you have found a game that you enjoy. Bravo!


You have no control over other players and if that is your main goal then my guess is that you have very little control over much else in your world. Respec'ing, double, triple, whatever specs mean absolutely nothing to anybody.



...and oh yeah... If I wanted to play the game without connecting to their servers... it wouldn't be the first time someone made an EMU for a MMO (hint... Google SWG EMU Anzel --> http://newdawn.cc/forums/showthread.php?2109-The-SWGEmu-team-has-a-conference-call-with-LA-%28Apprently%29)

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


The game manual says, 'However, the fee reduces to a standard fee with time.' Doesn't that mean it'll reset to the standard 1800 cred with time? or that it will always stay at 50k?

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No, cost are fine, of if anything, too low. It's not meant as a ghetto dual spec. It's meant to allow you to experiment while you level and correct errors in your spec. Pick one and stick with it. There is no dual spec. Get over it.


Too low, your a madman my last respec cost 70k!!

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Give the game a few months and 50k credits will be nothing, 1 million credits will barely be anything.



Seriously, money is so ridiculously easy to get in this game that you have to be *real* spend happy to ever have money problems.

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You're talking as if what you're saying is fact.


It's not.


We'll see what kind of game this is in 6 months, hmm? ;)


You want to say my summation is not a proven fact, I will give you that but, all the details I laid out before it to support it are. There is alot of evidence to support an intention to aim the game at casual, story-oriented play over harder-core playstyles. Beyond the actual bugs, just look at who is complaining and how so many of the "missing" features revolve around pulling back the curtain to focus on the the hard numbers the game runs on over the story or to facillitate optimization. What evidence to you offer do counter it?


The game is designed right, it's just not the game you want.

Edited by Matte_Black
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You want to say my summation is not a proven fact, I will give you that but, all the details I laid out before it to support it are. There is alot of evidence to support an intention to aim the game at casual, story-oriented play over harder-core playstyles. Beyond the actual bugs, just look at who is complaining and how so many of the "missing" features revolve around pulling back the curtain to focus on the the hard numbers the game runs on over the story or to facillitate optimization. What evidence to you offer do counter it?


The game is designed right, it's just not the game you want.


I've already given you my reasons why I think this will become closer to WoW, rather than a fun game where everyone runs around with magical fairies who make everyone smiley and happy because playing a game where you're not challenged is so much fun.


And don't forget that when WoW was released it was identical to SWTOR in many respects, with a restricted UI, no mods or addons, full of bugs and with unchallenging PvE content.


Hell, your average player had no idea how stats affected their abilities or what gear would work best for them. There's no way anyone wants to overload new players or complicate things needlessly to begin with. That's not a smart move.


But a few months down the line, when everything is starting to become a little boring and old...yes, that's the right time to make things more difficult and get people talking. To raise the bar, keep subs and attract new ones. As you yourself pointed out, the game runs on hard numbers. There's no getting away from them because humans will always seek out competition and challenge.


It's not about what kind of game I want. It's about what makes human beings tick, and I don't think you're in the majority here with wanting no difficult or challenging gameplay. But like I said, we'll see :)

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Obviously your one of those that came from WoW. If u'd play SWG ou'd know that the one

single NGE killed SWG in 10hrs the game lost about 90% of its subs.


While you are using some gross hyperbole (10 hours, lol) the NGE revamp was hardly one thing. It was a complete game-play replacement. It replaced damm near everything in the game, not just one thing.

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There's no getting away from them because humans will always seek out competition and challenge.


I don't know if that is as universal of a truth as you think it to be. Absolutes tend to break down under deeper investigation. In my experience, "Some humans will frequently seek out competiton and challenge." would be a truer statement.


You'll find just as many people looking to lay back and faceroll a challenge and brag about it or blow off steam as you will players quietly taking on their choice of handicap to provide themselves a good challenge and get on the edge of their seat.

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I don't know if that is as universal of a truth as you think it to be. Absolutes tend to break down under deeper investigation. In my experience, "Some humans will frequently seek out competiton and challenge." would be a truer statement.


You'll find just as many people looking to lay back and faceroll a challenge and brag about it or blow off steam as you will players quietly taking on their choice of handicap to provide themselves a good challenge and get on the edge of their seat.


Oh, absolutely it's a generalisation. But I think it's far more true than "people like doing things that are easy and gain satisfaction from trivial content" for the population. I don't think we would have gotten where we are as a race if so many of our number were content with just being 'satisfactory' and taking the easy ride.


But humanity has disappointed me before! :p

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Oh, absolutely it's a generalisation. But I think it's far more true than "people like doing things that are easy and gain satisfaction from trivial content" for the population. I don't think we would have gotten where we are as a race if so many of our number were content with just being 'satisfactory' and taking the easy ride.


But humanity has disappointed me before! :p


Take what I say here with a grain of salt because it has it's share of speculation and generalization but, there is a place for a relaxing, story-based MMO. Some people play competitive because that is how they do everything and some do so because the rest of their life lacks that "on the edge" aspect they crave. Conversely, some players seek a casual experience because they live life in the slow lane while others play relaxed because they need a little time out of the fast lane.


Alot of the people playing this game have done the competitive MMO thing, are your older original SW fans and/or a little further down the road with real life pressures abound. When I look at the game that has been delievered and/or promised, ai see alot more enjoyable ride to it than I see pressure filled e-sport. Not that either playstyle is right or wrong but, I think we'd have to agree that the two playstyles want different things and tend to chaffe when they are grouped up together.


I tend to believe that BioWare's strategy is that the best path is to make sure they can satisfy one group really well rather than the typically doomed strategy of being all things to all people. Of course they will try to cover alot of the market but, not to the detriment of that core group it has targetted. It's not what other MMOs have been doing so the established gameing culture struggles to adjust to the changes but, I think you'll find many dissatisfied gamers and non-gamers are loving SWTOR for what it isn't trying to be.


If I am right, it's sets SWTOR up as the big dog of the casual/story side of MMOs and leaves the competitive side open to WoW or whatever crops up to rule that side of things. It helps them avoid direct competition and allows them to better target how to serve their more cohesives player base. I'd also daresay that BioWare can more easily cater to this side with artistic effort as opposed to the heavier bias towards technology and performance the competitve player is more likely to constantly demand.


Certainly not proven fact but, read, consider and see if you the same signs of this as I am throughout the game.

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In SWG, you could get up to 1 million credits per respec. And 1 mil didn't come cheap. I like respec costs high. It means no one will expect you to respec just to do a heroic or something.


Respec fees are part of an outdated system. Most players like to play the game given the time frame they have available.


I'm a proponent of multiple spec options, or free respecs for life.


Can someone answer why we are charged to respec? It serves no purpose, and no one will expect you to play a style or spec your not into. If you want to dps, keep your dps spec. But charging for customer side versatility is just silly.


I'm 47 on my sage, and enjoying playing the character. I also enjoy trying out the different character options. Whats telekinetic like, whats seer like, what are hybrid options between the 3 types like.


Additionally pve dps/ pvp dps/ pve heals/ pvp heals are all different specs. It is impractical to pigeon hole a character into one type because they can't afford to make changes in playstyle that only reflect the amount to fun they are having.


For those not interested in versatility, you can pick you spec and stay there forever. But most of us find enjoyment in the ability to play our toon differently in changing needs and circumstances.


I sincerely hope that either multiple spec options are added, or respec fees are abolished due to the sheer silliness of the model.



Travel safe.

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Can someone answer why we are charged to respec?

Money-sink. It's needed, it should stay as it is.


People just need to either:

a) Learn to not respec so much (it resets back to free if you wait 168 hours before respecing again).

b) Learn to play your AC better or use an online calculator.

c) Stop trying to play two characters on one character.

d) Grind more credits to fund their respec habit/lifestyle.

Edited by Zebular
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Money-sink. It's needed, it should stay as it is.



It isn't actually needed by anyone.


If you don't need or care to ever respec great, then this isn't an issue which you will have any problems with.


But for those of us who value the versatility that it provides it is important to us. Just saying it isn't needed because the problem doesn't affect you isn't useful.


I understand there a plethora of players who found their "spec" and will play with it very little over the course of the game. I also understand that players have different needs based on a number of variables.


I.E. A tank on a pve server, who only tanks isn't going to respec very much. That is great for them.


But I'm a dps/healer class on a pvp server. I enjoy both healing and dps, as well as pve content and pvp. One spec with a high cost reset doesn't work for me, or my guild, or my pvp teammates.

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It isn't actually needed by anyone.


If you don't need or care to ever respec great, then this isn't an issue which you will have any problems with.


But for those of us who value the versatility that it provides it is important to us. Just saying it isn't needed because the problem doesn't affect you isn't useful.


I understand there a plethora of players who found their "spec" and will play with it very little over the course of the game. I also understand that players have different needs based on a number of variables.


I.E. A tank on a pve server, who only tanks isn't going to respec very much. That is great for them.


But I'm a dps/healer class on a pvp server. I enjoy both healing and dps, as well as pve content and pvp. One spec with a high cost reset doesn't work for me, or my guild, or my pvp teammates.


So, roll another character to suit the purpose you keep respecing to. Not only would you be saving money, you'd probably start raking in a ton more!


That is why I made 8 characters (and probably why we have 8 slots), one for each AC on Republic side. I'll end up choosing another server to roll up 8 sith characters, later on down the road.

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I feel obligated to post on this forum about a possible bug regarding respec costs and the UI.


I respec'd a few weeks back and have been leveling as a Scound/Scrap for awhile, but recently I wanted to spec Sawbones for some PvP. I've been observing my alleged "Respec Cost" as fluctuating between 80k-98k even though I haven't actually respec'd again in easily over two weeks.


And when I finally decided to bite the bullet, and hit "OK" to the 90k fee I was being told it was gonna cost me, I looked at my text window to see that it had actually cost nothing, and I double checked my inventory and seen that it was, in fact, free.


In short:


There appears to be some kind of reset, but the UI may mislead you into thinking you have to pay again after a week. In reality, it may not be accurate at all.


PS - Just for clarity, when I was in my mid 20's early 30's, I respec'd like 6 times to experiment with different builds. When it got to costing 90k, it became impossible to afford, and I took that build to 48(1-2 weeks later).

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You don't need to be min-maxed for every piece of content you do.



That being said, Dual-spec is coming. Until then, you'll have to deal with less-than-perfect min-maxed stats for things. For your information, your Operative doesn't need to be heal spec'd in order to heal a Heroic 4 or Flashpoint. They've designed the game to be rather forgiving regarding specs.

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Here is the logic of anti-dual spec people:


You leveled a Jedi Sage to 50 picking a damage spec. If you want to playing the healing spec, level another Jedi Sage to 50 and pick healing spec.




Respec costs is ridiculous and a thing of the past when MMOs were grindy.

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What kills me is, THERE IS RESPECCING ALREADY. In fact, if you want to play a different spec each week, you can, without fees. If you want to change more often, pay up.


It's not like they don't want you to switch and try different things... they just don't want people switching constantly!

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I'd like to add that there is a bug. costs don't reset every week. You have to gamble and see if it does or doesn't.

I'm raider who has to heal and dps at times. I also love pvp and that requires me going dps or heals.

What i don't get is why wasn't an MMO designed to not have easy switching between specs? I had a choice at lvl 10. Do i want to be pure dps sniper or hybrid healing/dps operative. I enjoy healing and dps so i went with operative.


I don't get why i can only be a dps operative or a healing operative at times because the respec is too high and sometimes it doesn't reset. I chose to heal and dps, but i can't?

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I respec'd my character for the first time yesterday, & it was 0 credits of course, but it would have been good to indicate to me the cost, prior to going through with it. But this is the sort of "polish", the little things that overall make a nice difference, lacking everywhere in the game.


I was discussing this yesterday with my Wife, & I thought it would be good to have skill/spec profiles. Each profile would set user-configured skill tree, & appropriate slot bar layout. Then, hey, when I'm going to PvP I can select my PvP profile & right away, I'm spec'd to play PvP just how I like to. Then when I'm done, & want to back to PvP'ing - quickly select my PvE profile & I'm good to go.


At the end of the day, the game is about fun & if I could do these things, it would only make things better for me. Making it difficult to respec seems pointless to me. Just my opinion, & I haven't really thought about it that much. Don't know if anything like this is in other MMOs because I don't really play them (haven't played WoW or EQ or anything like those).

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So you are actually o.k. with respecing? Just only under the conditions you think are o.k.? Careful, your greed and self importance are showing.


what? respecs should be unlimited and cost nothing. it's a game, people are just trying to play it.

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