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Outrageous Respec Cost


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Weren't people talking about how easy it is to make 300k creds just from dailies the other day? I'm not even level 40 and while 50k is a decent chunk of money, it doesn't seem unreasonable- and as the economy inevitably inflated, that 50k will look like pocket change in a few months.
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You call $15/mth top dollar? Additionally, when dual-spec is released you will still pay $15/mth. Funny stuff.


It is top dollar in its field of MMOs. You know of other MMOs that charge more?


Additionally, yes, if they implemented badly needed features and made this a better game I'd be back yes. I am not trolling here, I really want/wanted to see a WoW beating game.

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Good point, I admit defeat. I should have come to these forums before I bought the game.


I wouldn't say that. I would say stop whining and play what is, by almost unanimous decision, an awesome game. Just because of one or two features that you'd like are missing doesn't break the game. If it does, then you have a whole bag of other personal issues you need to sort out and online games might not be the thing for you. There's a reason for the Internet-based gaming advisory on all of these games.

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Were they also charging top dollar for colliseum views before they built it?


If 15 bucks is top dollar for you... lol, just lol.


That's barely over half an hour's pay, and I'm not even particularly well paid. Even if you were on minimum wage, and hour and a half of work gets you a month of game time.


If the game really isn't worth flipping a dozen burgers and dumping some fries in the deep frier to you, perhaps it's not your game?

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For those of you who have not gotten to my point at respec cost let me tell you the cost structure.


1st time: free

2nd: 1800 cred

3rd: 8300

4th: 25000

5th: 50000


if I have to respec again it would cost 50k to do so. When the loading screen suggest I try out different specs through experimentation that is exactly what I did. I also have been switching between healing and dps just to make a heroic grp work for my guild.


Just to get a sense of how much 50k is, I would have to do 10 warzone matches just to be able to pay for a respec.


Learn to play your toon and stop using repec every 5 mins, problem solved.

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Weren't people talking about how easy it is to make 300k creds just from dailies the other day? I'm not even level 40 and while 50k is a decent chunk of money, it doesn't seem unreasonable- and as the economy inevitably inflated, that 50k will look like pocket change in a few months.


Because farming dailies every day just to be able to change specs for different types of gameplay is bad design?

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The problem with this is TIME. I work 8-5 myself and after getting home, going to the gym, and eating dinner I'm left with maybe 2-3 hours to raid in a night. If the content is at least decently challenging that time will get filled up. And I definitely won't be able to clear it that night.


Then when it's picked up later in the week (we always had 2-3 raid days) we don't always have the same people online, or different people had signed up to go. We can't really reschedule the time of everyone around say, one person, because they couldn't make it at any other time during the week.


That's why the ability to add more people, or have an existing person change what they can do, is important to raid dynamics.


Keep in mind this mostly only applies to raiding.


I cannot believe that so many people are trying so hard, apologetically even, to explain raiding 101 to these fanboys.


"I must really apologise and with all due respect I wish to group up and raid top level content where every boss fight might take many wipes and tears, please do not take it personally if I ask for a quick respec?"

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If 15 bucks is top dollar for you... lol, just lol.


That's barely over half an hour's pay, and I'm not even particularly well paid. Even if you were on minimum wage, and hour and a half of work gets you a month of game time.


If the game really isn't worth flipping a dozen burgers and dumping some fries in the deep frier to you, perhaps it's not your game?


Reading comprehension is hard I see.


Top dollar in the market of monthly subscription costs for MMO's is what they meant. It had nothing to do with hourly wages or how much a person makes. I've seen and played a lot of other MMO's that charge between 5 and 15 dollars a month, but I've never seen one that cost more than 15.


Which makes 15....top dollar.

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You are kidding correct? Right?


Why in Warfare are bows and arrows not being used anymore? BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT VIABLE AND COMPETITIVE AGAINST GUNS. Please come out of the rock you are living under and quit trying to defend your defective arguement.


Also in MMOs and games in general there are things that are not viable. In World of Warcraft (dare I say it), in the top teir arena you would never see a holy priest. Because that was considered to be a PvE spec and not viable in PvP.


Hell even in PvE in StarWars. If there is a mob that does an AoE attack. A Vanguard would be more viable tanking because he wouldn't be hit by an AoE near the boss, whereas a Jedi Knight/Shadow would be.


Quit spewing crap to defend an argument that has so many holes in it. The respec cost money, it is a money sink in-place to make you THINK about your choices. Normally when you change a choice, you have to sacrafice something. In this case it is money.


And you are also complaining about rejuggling hotbars? Seriously? You picked a new spec. Unless you expect Bioware to place the spells on your hotbar exactly the way you want it (well they can because you think they are wizards)?


Perhaps this isn't the game for you as it requires a slight bit of thought in order to play. May I suggest a lighter game, like I Spy:Haunted House, where it tells you where to look and offers tips so you can be completely free of indepentant thought?


You are frankly so stupid that I'm not going to bother tearing into you for this ridiculous post.


Rejuggling hotbars IS tiresome and time-consuming, and other successful games in this genre save your choices and allow DS. SWTOR will be next. I don't have the time to spend doing pointless crap, which is why I'm keeping this short. Fair enough if you want to spend time polishing your sword in-game before every fight, but not everyone is retarded enough to want every aspect of reality mirrored in a game.


That is why we have games.


I should know better than to expect an imbecile to grasp that, though.

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If 15 bucks is top dollar for you... lol, just lol.


That's barely over half an hour's pay, and I'm not even particularly well paid. Even if you were on minimum wage, and hour and a half of work gets you a month of game time.


If the game really isn't worth flipping a dozen burgers and dumping some fries in the deep frier to you, perhaps it's not your game?


I have replied somewhere else I am sure. It is top dollar in the business of MMOs since noone else charges more. Please, learn to read in context. We are comparing MMOs not burgers and fries.

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This is why my friends and I have both a snipers and operatives, one for dps, one for healing. Don't need to respect or have a second or third tree, instead we have two or three characters specifically designed for the role needed.


Gotta stop thinking in terms of other MMOs and embrace what is presented to you. Even in those other games, we always had multiple characters designed for specific roles. This game simply acknowledges that early choices for your character have lasting results. Want a healer, make a healer, can't find one, then look beyond your friends list.


And because healers do not generally grow on trees, you quit this excuse of a game and go back to WOW. Leave the fanboys spamming the chat channel for "healer needed for heroic" for 2 hours.

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While you may want the game to run a certain way and many players ask for dual speccing, your suggestions seem counter to the direction BioWare is going with this game. You have options at your disposal, you just don't seem to want to have to work at or pay for any of them.


Wrong. Switching between specs several times a day is not viable for me. I don't have that sort of time to waste, I'd rather do or play something else. If DS isn't implemented, I'll just unsub and I will be far from the only one. They'll put it in before that happens, though. If I get a character to 50, I should be able to PvE AND PvP with them. I picked my class for a reason; I enjoy playing it. Specs are not equally good so in both so it's perfectly right to want to have an optimal spec for both types of gameplay.


I did not pay for half a game.


Also, before lecturing me on psychology, you should know I am a behaviorist who deals with reward, punishment and motivation on a daily basis.


Then clearly you're missing the business & economics sensibilities needed to put any knowledge on the subject to good use. Competition is necessary for MMOs. People need to keep striving to be better, and that won't happen without difficult encounters, min-maxing and an elite developing.

Edited by Garnet
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I have replied somewhere else I am sure. It is top dollar in the business of MMOs since noone else charges more. Please, learn to read in context. We are comparing MMOs not burgers and fries.


I think the idea, dear boy, is that the use of the phrase "top dollar" implies it is costly. Any attempt to argue that is not what is inferred by its use is asenine. Semantics aside, I can say the gas station down the street charges top dollar for gas in my area, but the use of that phrase is laughable, because while they are the highest in their category, they are less than one percent higher than anyone else.


So I would argue that the use of top dollar isn't used properly to denote highest value in a category. Top dollar is relative to, and more aptly applied to, other categories of entertainment, such as movie theatires, dvd rentals, etc, where the margin is much more noticably spread.

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and people who need to respec that much are just bad players.


How does making a sacrifice to help my guildmates make me a bad player? Guildies need a healer, i respec. I need to do dailies? I respec to DPS.


How does this make me bad? No, it just makes me want to be efficient. I do dailies as a healer and it takes me literally 3 times as long as it does if i'm DPS.


So wanting to help my guildies makes me bad?


all that being said, the max respec cost is only 100k, which is easy to amass at 50. So i'm not too torn up about it, and i really want dual spec so i can switch without going back to the fleet

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I think the idea, dear boy, is that the use of the phrase "top dollar" implies it is costly. Any attempt to argue that is not what is inferred by its use is asenine. Semantics aside, I can say the gas station down the street charges top dollar for gas in my area, but the use of that phrase is laughable, because while they are the highest in their category, they are less than one percent higher than anyone else.


So I would argue that the use of top dollar isn't used properly to denote highest value in a category. Top dollar is relative to, and more aptly applied to, other categories of entertainment, such as movie theatires, dvd rentals, etc, where the margin is much more noticably spread.


Top dollar is absolutely used properly in the context. You are paying the current top cost of a product within it's genre. If I say "I paid top dollar for this steak" I don't mean "I paid top dollar for this steak but chicken would cost more", it means that I paid a very high price compared to all other steaks available.


That makes it stop dollar.


Stop being to be correct and accept that you're wrong.

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That is the point, the game should be scaled such that all builds using all their points class gear can be viable with a modicum of skill. By catering to higher percentages of optimized builds you begin to draw the scaling of the game toward those optimized builds and all of the sudden people choosing a build they find fun, unique or interesting stop being viable.


Again, look at the design choices they have made in this game. They aren't about competing with other games for the hard-core competitive optimizer types. They more frequently embrace casual and story-oriented play. That especially makes swapping your character from a duellist to a healer to weapon of destruction particularly out-of-place from a consistent story perspective.


While you may want the game to run a certain way and many players ask for dual speccing, your suggestions seem counter to the direction BioWare is going with this game. You have options at your disposal, you just don't seem to want to have to work at or pay for any of them.


Also, before lecturing me on psychology, you should know I am a behaviorist who deals with reward, punishment and motivation on a daily basis.


That could just work. WOW have gone that way with toned down end game raids and the LFR system. But you can still easily screw up with random talents or gear in the LFR. But if they take it a step further and tune end game raids around, say, 70% of max gear, 70% optimal talents, and 50% activity during the raid in order to kill the boss.


In other words, if instead of the boss enraging after 10 minutes he instead commits suicide! Now what a great idea.


And how about the boss almost always dies by committing suicide if needed, and drops gear equivalent to the average raid gear+participation+10%.


Can you imagine that. I should be hired as a director in WOW.

Edited by a_Stalker
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