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Revise Guild Leader auto-transfer


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Currently the Guild Master position of a guild is automatically transferred after a month of not logging into that character. Not a month of logging into your account or game time, just a month on that single character. Auto-transfer needs to be run of logging into your account, it's that simple. I've recently lost a guild (even though I was actively playing and subscribed the whole time) because the one character that had GM was not logged in for a month (my poor light sorc has had a tough run). This might have worked back when the most valuable asset a guild had was its Bank, but with Stronghold that changed significantly.


The whole system of auto-transferal is a bad idea, as it stands CS will transfer it for you if the GM is inactive for too long and guild members see an issue. However, as it stands now anyone logging in at the right time (even a new recruit, CS claims it doesn't pass to recruits if there is an active officer but I've seen it happen multiple times) can inherit an entire guild with billions of credits of assets. Should this happen CS policy is NOT to help you unless the other party agrees to give leadership back (which would mean a ticket is not necessary)


Either auto GM transfer needs to be account activity based OR customer service policy needs to be significantly reworked to assist Guildmasters who get shafted by the system because at the moment it is significantly lacking


This probably won't be read because it seems almost nothing from this board actually makes it into the game or results in policy changes. If it does however I believe it would be a colossal step forward in customer service and guild management.

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Currently the Guild Master position of a guild is automatically transferred after a month of not logging into that character. Not a month of logging into your account or game time, just a month on that single character. Auto-transfer needs to be run of logging into your account, it's that simple. I've recently lost a guild (even though I was actively playing and subscribed the whole time) because the one character that had GM was not logged in for a month (my poor light sorc has had a tough run). This might have worked back when the most valuable asset a guild had was its Bank, but with Stronghold that changed significantly.


The whole system of auto-transferal is a bad idea, as it stands CS will transfer it for you if the GM is inactive for too long and guild members see an issue. However, as it stands now anyone logging in at the right time (even a new recruit, CS claims it doesn't pass to recruits if there is an active officer but I've seen it happen multiple times) can inherit an entire guild with billions of credits of assets. Should this happen CS policy is NOT to help you unless the other party agrees to give leadership back (which would mean a ticket is not necessary)


Either auto GM transfer needs to be account activity based OR customer service policy needs to be significantly reworked to assist Guildmasters who get shafted by the system because at the moment it is significantly lacking


This probably won't be read because it seems almost nothing from this board actually makes it into the game or results in policy changes. If it does however I believe it would be a colossal step forward in customer service and guild management.


Let me sure I understand you.


You claim to have been actively playing, but could not be bothered to even log in to the character that was GM of a guild for over 30 days? Logging in for even one second is all it would take to "reset the timer".


That doesn't sound like a game problem, to me. To me, that sounds like a "player" problem.

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There are a lot of issues that arise if the GM isn't logging in from time to time. Of course you can set permissions to make sure other leadership can keep the guild functioning, but if you can't be bothered to lead the guild, then the GM title should be passed on. If a recruit is getting the GM rank, then I believe it is because the GM and the officers haven't been logged in for the last 30 days. That means the Flagship isn't being moved for conquest and the members are left hanging.


If your guild is just a small thing to benefit yourself, then simply don't recruit.


GM isn't just a perk, it's a responsibility. If you want to be the leader or have to be the leader, then lead. Don't abandon / disappear.


I'm sorry for your loss and the disappointment that I'm sure you have. But if you know there are "billions of credits worth of assets" then as GM you are responsible for them. Your guildies are trusting you.

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  • 6 months later...
yup, it's 28 days, and if the gm can't be bothered to log in, they don't deserve to be GM. Also, it goes down by rank, unless that person isn't a sub, only then does it skip the rank, so if a recruit got the guild, then either an officer hasn't logged in, in 28 days, or none of the officers that logged in are currently subs
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In less than 24 hours, I will own a guild where I put one of my trash toons because the guild leader character has not logged on in 27 days, and no one else has logged on in 9. I've lost count of the number of guilds I've acquired this way.


The GL player last logged onto a toon 10 days ago, but that toon wasn't the GL toon.

I think in this particular case, it's a matter of ignorance more than laziness,

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Currently the Guild Master position of a guild is automatically transferred after a month of not logging into that character. Not a month of logging into your account or game time, just a month on that single character. Auto-transfer needs to be run of logging into your account, it's that simple. I've recently lost a guild (even though I was actively playing and subscribed the whole time) because the one character that had GM was not logged in for a month (my poor light sorc has had a tough run). This might have worked back when the most valuable asset a guild had was its Bank, but with Stronghold that changed significantly.


The whole system of auto-transferal is a bad idea, as it stands CS will transfer it for you if the GM is inactive for too long and guild members see an issue. However, as it stands now anyone logging in at the right time (even a new recruit, CS claims it doesn't pass to recruits if there is an active officer but I've seen it happen multiple times) can inherit an entire guild with billions of credits of assets. Should this happen CS policy is NOT to help you unless the other party agrees to give leadership back (which would mean a ticket is not necessary)


Either auto GM transfer needs to be account activity based OR customer service policy needs to be significantly reworked to assist Guildmasters who get shafted by the system because at the moment it is significantly lacking


This probably won't be read because it seems almost nothing from this board actually makes it into the game or results in policy changes. If it does however I believe it would be a colossal step forward in customer service and guild management.


I current have 3 Guilds.... 2 Republic... 1 Empire....


It takes me approximately 2 to 4 minuets total to log in to all 3 Guild Leaders check the Guild Roster and logout ....

I do this once a week. You could wait and do it every 25 days and still be safe.

So lets see:


There are 24 hours or 1440 minuets in a day....

If you check your guild every 25 days that's every 36,000 minuets you would log in your guild leader.

So it takes you we'll say (to be very generous) 5 minuets total to check you guild every 25 days.

That's 36,000 - 5 = 39,995 minuets or 600 hours left to play before you must log in again to check your guild.


It's not a major time consuming operation just to insure that you do not loose your Guild.

So it is not necessary to change the current system as it works and works well.


Oh and auto transfer systems is perfect for deadbeat guild leaders. It forces YOU as a guild leader to log in every 28 day or loose your guild. I have NO problem with that or the way it works.

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So you invite new players or players looking to do group activities into a guild you dont bother to maintain active? While you yourself play and participate in group activity in another guild?


Or the person walked away from the game and didn't care about the mess he left behind.

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