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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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There isn't a need to insult each other simply for one person liking a companion you do not. You can disagree with each other without insulting each other. You can have vast opposite tastes in romances and yet enjoy a healthy discussion or debate. Hating a character shouldn't be synonymous with hating the fans of that character. Fans who are no different than you, human beings playing their own game with their own unique approach to the story--they just happen to love someone you do not, that is all.


I'm not a fan of Lana yet I've had plenty interesting discussion with people who do enjoy her. They won't change my mind about her but I can respect their views and I still engage with those fans in other threads, concerning other topics we do agree on.


Same with Arcann. I don't like him. No matter what you say, I will not romance him but there are a few Arcann-fans I've had decent conversations with. There was someone who took the time to explain why romancing Arcann works for her JC, how she approaches it and while I play my JC entirely differently and will not romance Arcann, I understand and appreciated where she was coming from. And really, she's just another fan of the game and a human being, passionate about her characters and the stories much like I am. A reasonable and mature person who's love for Arcann doesn't define her, imo.


The thing is, we could make such a united front if only we could let go of who loves who and instead focus on the fact that no matter our difference in taste, we ALL love Story, Companions and Romance. We're passionate enough about it to insult each other, why can't we be passionate enough to stand together and ask Bioware to do right by the story and our companions no matter who they are?


I probably sound like I'm preaching and I'm hardly flawless myself, perfectly imperfect really but yeah, it is long overdue to put the petty bickering in the rearview mirror.


PS: This is in general because I have seen fan-on-fan hatred from most sides--Arcann, Quinn, Theron, Lana, Vaylin, Scourge etc. fans included. Never every single one of them but still plenty and I've faced my share of getting called out, having my sanity questioned and being ridiculed over the years for liking someone others hated. In turn, I've likely done the same at times through sheer aggravation and heated responses which no, isn't okay.


Once again, words of wisdom from JennyFlynn. I still remember the small conversation that we had about Arcann and why someone may like to romance him when things were boiling down on forums few months back.


Imo the big difference between Quinn and Arcann is that Quinn betrays your trust, Arcann doesn't. That might be harder for someone's character due to that character's personality, and it might certainly be harder on the player. Personally I didn't feel anything when Arcann did bad stuff, but it sure did sting me, as a player, when Quinn pointed a gun at my character.


However, I already liked Quinn before that and enjoy when games suck me in and make me feel something, so it just made me like Quinn more. :p I'm a little strange, I know.

I'm there with you on what you said on Quinn, his betrayal only made his character more interesting for me, didn't make me hate him like it did with some people. :p

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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?

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So, I've read almost all of this thread and I think the problem can all be boiled down not to the fact that the players have favorites, but that devs have very clear favorites, that they treat better than others. While the LIs are computer characters in a game, the players are not. The players have favorites and companions that they enjoy. What we're seeing with all the LIs and the kill options is that it's created a Hunger Games-esque atmosphere among the players.


Were it not for the way the LIs have been handled I think, for the most part, people would be happy to enjoy their favorite comps and let others do the same. As it stands now, it really feels like a kill or be killed situation, because it does seem like attention and content is being taken from some LIs and given to others. It creates a sense of inequality among players, which breeds resentment and anger. People get much more testy and protective when they're worried about losing something they care about.


It's not right to take it out on one another. We need to band together and tell them to stop pitting us against one another. I don't want a kill option, but I understand that people want choices. However, it's not particularly reasonable to expect people to be okay with losing favored comps because a kill option was put into place. The middle ground here is for everyone to demand the same thing, Have story that reflects both choices.



I like this --- very true --- but will anyone listen ?

For Pete's sake devs ---- HEAR us !!!

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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?



I've been married for almost 30 yrs -- to the exact same man --- ( he was kind of, much sweeter, but kind of ) LOL like Doc in his youth --- but as the relationship grew-- he grew up -- just like I did ... maybe that is why I tolerated Doc and married him ... )


I didn't marry Vector or Torian ... ( Torian reminded me of my nephew LOL; so just NO )


I married Corso --- didn't want to --- but that getting down on one knee bit did me in LOL .....

Now I may leave Corso and stick with Doc ....


but .... this is a game --- not real life --- we all play to escape a little --- this is Star Wars; not 21st century Earth, with all its problems ...

that is one of the reasons we love it


Real life creeped in with Doc and Torian -- but not with the others ....

it is a game --- let people play it like they want .....

If they want to break up with companions ... let them ....

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Cawyden's original post was referring to the Arcann people, that's who they were talking about, how they're entirely respectful and Io agreed with that sentiment, and I was disagreeing with both.


I've pretty much only felt abuse from one group, I have no issues with the other fan clubs and I leave the offending ones alone and hope they will leave me be too.


Definitely. There's no need to go pollute fan threads of characters that you don't like or follow people around the boards just to make them unhappy. I respect people's right to enjoy their favorite in their fan thread.


As for Quinn, yeah, it made no sense to me what they did on Iokath with the kill option. I could see had they left it in at the time maybe, even though I forgave him every time, but 10 years after the incident makes no sense.


I am quoting you Luna but it is meant to be general as well.


It is true that Arcann isn't the only character that receives or received hate in the past. And while hating the character is fine, putting it out on the fans is not. Doesn't matter which fandom. And people coming into fan threads just to troll and bash the character is not ok - doesn't matter which fan thread.


But outside of fan threads is where the fighting starts again - like in this thread. Someone starts with some remark and others join in to bash/insult/make snide remarks, others to defend and it goes downhill from there. And the cycle continues in the next thread. Like an endless loop.


Even outside fan threads people shouldn't bash fans but only the characters they hate.


Of course there are people hating Arcann or other characters but still be civilised about it.

So sorry about that - with Anti Arcann people I didn't mean of course everyone hating Arcann.


I post rarely but read a lot although not every post and thread. I can't speak for all people in the fandom - just for myself. As I said - and it is just my personal impression of course - I haven't seen recent attacks from people who like Arcann against others - but mostly the other way around. That doesn't mean that it is not happening or that it doesn't happened in the past. And if it happened - and no matter which fan is attacking which other fan - it is not ok.


I just think it is ridiculous to have fandom fight against fandom. Just because people are fan of x doesn't mean they aren't fan of y or z as well, generally speaking. And if people misbehave it is just them and doesn't speak for the complete fandom. If I get insulted by let's say a Koth fan I wouldn't blame all Koth fans - just the person who insulted me.


I am sorry if you, others or your fan threads were harassed - no matter who it was. This shouldn't have happened. But if it was by someone who like Arcann doesn't mean that the complete Arcann fan base is at fault or did this.


I am just saying that I have seen especially against Arcann fans a lot of hate - cyberbullying inclusive. Peoples opinion being dismissed just because they are seen as too "young", people beeing accused of being mentally ill because they like Arcann, people posting on twitter that Arcann fans are aggressive, hostile and into incest (no idea how people came up with that crazy idea), people even attacking the writers... and so on.


I know that fans of other characters get hate too. It isn't just Arcann fans. I choose him because in recent time I find mostly hate towards this fandom but I am sure it exists against other fans as well.


I really hope we can work past that. It seems there will always be individuals who decide to behave in an uncivilised manner but these are single persons that should be called out on their behaviour and not the complete fan base be accused of being at fault or acting the same. And we might just ignore this person and not take the opportunity to jump in to bash the corresponding fan base.


It shouldn't be fans against fans - we should work together to get more content for all our companions and LIs. As long as we fight each other we won't really accomplish anything. Bioware will of course do what they want but if we can at least voice together our wish to get more story + companion/LI content we might get at least heared.

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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?


Been with my husband for 18 years. High school sweethearts.


The only character that ditched her original LI is my merc, and that was because Torian's letter made it sound as if he was moving on and not waiting for the her. Every other letter, especially Vector's, spoke of how much they loved their missing LI and that they would wait for them. So my characters are all waiting for their LI returns. My Agent was so happy to get Vector back. <3

Edited by rachetsw
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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?


Well considering I am still with the person I lost my virginity to and he is the only person ive ever been with... the answer is 0. 20 yrs now. Ive had zero relationship changes and all but 1 of my chars has also remained faithful to their vanilla LIs. Ive created new characters and taken them through unromanced until they reached Koth, Theron etc to romance them. I dont like turning my characters into cheaters or having them swap romances anymore then I like them getting zero romance content with their current LIs.

Edited by Suzsi
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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?


I have been in two relationship in my life. Shortest one is my current one, who I have been with for 6 years.


All my characters stayed faithful to their LI. The later romances was done with characters, who didn't have any.


Seems like your assumptions could use some tweaking -both in real life and gaming.

Edited by Cowoline
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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?


Lol, all my characters have been much more faithful and loyal than I've ever been. They never cheat, my characters never have multiple flings going on in other Bioware games where you can do that kind of thing. My guys stay with one true love and are happy. I've never done that, but that's because I have issues when it comes to relationships. I've accepted that I'm not relationship material at all so I don't go there anymore, doesn't stop me from giving my characters happy lifes. I'm romantic person at heart and I do believe in True Love. We just can't everyone have it.


Btw I find your question passive-aggressive. Another btw, I have been single since SWTOR was released, mostly in celibacy (there was this one time but we don't talk about that). Not that my sex life, or more like lack of it, is any of your business but as you so wanted to know, there you are.

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So, I've read almost all of this thread and I think the problem can all be boiled down not to the fact that the players have favorites, but that devs have very clear favorites, that they treat better than others. While the LIs are computer characters in a game, the players are not. The players have favorites and companions that they enjoy. What we're seeing with all the LIs and the kill options is that it's created a Hunger Games-esque atmosphere among the players.


Were it not for the way the LIs have been handled I think, for the most part, people would be happy to enjoy their favorite comps and let others do the same. As it stands now, it really feels like a kill or be killed situation, because it does seem like attention and content is being taken from some LIs and given to others. It creates a sense of inequality among players, which breeds resentment and anger. People get much more testy and protective when they're worried about losing something they care about.


It's not right to take it out on one another. We need to band together and tell them to stop pitting us against one another. I don't want a kill option, but I understand that people want choices. However, it's not particularly reasonable to expect people to be okay with losing favored comps because a kill option was put into place. The middle ground here is for everyone to demand the same thing, Have story that reflects both choices.


Yes, well put. I'm working on being more sensitive myself. There aren't any companions I truly despise anymore, anyway, like I did when the game was new. They just make me laugh and shrug my shoulders. It's the special treatment that gets my goat, when I really examine why certain things make me so angry.


This became clear to me when I realized how my feelings for Lana and Theron evolved from positive to negative over the course of fe/et.

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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?



My original Jedi Knight and first character married Doc at a time where everything was still new (to me as a player and her as a Jedi) but she's grown since then and fell in love with Theron, she's dating him now and will break up with Doc when he returns.


My Smuggler, my Jedi Consular, my Sith Inquisitor and my original Sith Warrior (because I oopsied and missed the lock-in moment for Quinn's romance), never married their original class LI and they are all dating Theron as well. They'll continue to do so.


The others will/have reunited with their respective husbands and never strayed.


I've been with my RL partner since 2009 and never strayed.


It's the special treatment that gets my goat, when I really examine why certain things make me so angry.


This became clear to me when I realized how my feelings for Lana and Theron evolved from positive to negative over the course of fe/et.

Very good point.


I never minded Lana when I first met her during the Shadows of Revan preludes. I found her interesting, different and unique, especially as a Sith.


But, while I liked Lana, I fell hardcore for Theron right from the get-go so her little stunt in setting him up to be kidnapped was the first strike against her. Her promotion to Minister of Intelligence over my far more experienced/qualified Cipher 9 didn't sit well either. But, not enough to make me hate her.


I didn't mind her rescuing me for carbonite though I wish it had been Theron. But then come the other things like her snooping around my bedroom and being so up in my face the second I wake up. Her constant presence and most recently, her aggressive wording and reaction towards the Theron situation, those things have really pushed me to a point where I'm rather done with Lana, for myself personally. I don't want her killed.


But yeah, quite a few of those things are in part because I would have preferred someone NOT Lana to be so very present and in my face. It's not really her fault.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?


I have two male characters who are romancing Theron, so I get to see those dialogues and cutscenes, letters, etc.


My other 8 girls were/are loyal to their vanilla spouses. Unlike some people who either hate, dislike, or are meh about their vanilla boyfriends/spouses, I'm not. I like Corso for my Smuggler. Torian for my BH, Quinn for my SW, Doc for my JK, etc


So I may have tossed a flirt out here and there in Forged Alliances, SOR, and one or two before chapter 9 of KOTFE, but that I saw as me in real life. In real life, I'm a happily married woman, been married 20 years, but I still toss out an occasional flirt to a guy. As long as it doesn't go further than a smile or something cutesy (usually I need a guy or stronger gal to lift a chair and bring it to me cause it is a heavy/awkward one), I don't cheat. Plus I have a strong STRONG thing against cheating and cheaters. So my girls don't/didn't cheat. Now, the other 30 or so characters who are still low level, I can skip past the vanilla romances and romance one of the new people, but not my 8 who are loyal to their hubbies.


So saying that 'well not many would stay faithful in real life with the situation' unless I knew 100% that my real life husband was dead and wouldn't be coming back, I wouldn't be flinging my body to the next guy 2 seconds after finding out. And it's the same for my characters. She may have been frozen for 5 years, but I would hope my companions, all of them, got skills from me, common sense, luck or whatever to not get killed one second after I went missing. Our companions may be goofy (and they are) but they're not stupid and they were doing just fine before they met us in Vanilla.

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I am quoting you Luna but it is meant to be general as well.


It is true that Arcann isn't the only character that receives or received hate in the past. And while hating the character is fine, putting it out on the fans is not. Doesn't matter which fandom. And people coming into fan threads just to troll and bash the character is not ok - doesn't matter which fan thread.


But outside of fan threads is where the fighting starts again - like in this thread. Someone starts with some remark and others join in to bash/insult/make snide remarks, others to defend and it goes downhill from there. And the cycle continues in the next thread. Like an endless loop.


Even outside fan threads people shouldn't bash fans but only the characters they hate.


Of course there are people hating Arcann or other characters but still be civilised about it.

So sorry about that - with Anti Arcann people I didn't mean of course everyone hating Arcann.


I post rarely but read a lot although not every post and thread. I can't speak for all people in the fandom - just for myself. As I said - and it is just my personal impression of course - I haven't seen recent attacks from people who like Arcann against others - but mostly the other way around. That doesn't mean that it is not happening or that it doesn't happened in the past. And if it happened - and no matter which fan is attacking which other fan - it is not ok.


I just think it is ridiculous to have fandom fight against fandom. Just because people are fan of x doesn't mean they aren't fan of y or z as well, generally speaking. And if people misbehave it is just them and doesn't speak for the complete fandom. If I get insulted by let's say a Koth fan I wouldn't blame all Koth fans - just the person who insulted me.


I am sorry if you, others or your fan threads were harassed - no matter who it was. This shouldn't have happened. But if it was by someone who like Arcann doesn't mean that the complete Arcann fan base is at fault or did this.


I am just saying that I have seen especially against Arcann fans a lot of hate - cyberbullying inclusive. Peoples opinion being dismissed just because they are seen as too "young", people beeing accused of being mentally ill because they like Arcann, people posting on twitter that Arcann fans are aggressive, hostile and into incest (no idea how people came up with that crazy idea), people even attacking the writers... and so on.


I know that fans of other characters get hate too. It isn't just Arcann fans. I choose him because in recent time I find mostly hate towards this fandom but I am sure it exists against other fans as well.


I really hope we can work past that. It seems there will always be individuals who decide to behave in an uncivilised manner but these are single persons that should be called out on their behaviour and not the complete fan base be accused of being at fault or acting the same. And we might just ignore this person and not take the opportunity to jump in to bash the corresponding fan base.


It shouldn't be fans against fans - we should work together to get more content for all our companions and LIs. As long as we fight each other we won't really accomplish anything. Bioware will of course do what they want but if we can at least voice together our wish to get more story + companion/LI content we might get at least heared.


For me, it's not that I hate the companions/npcs that much, except maybe the final boss fights in the vanilla stories. I get angry and start talking smack to fellow players when they go beyond not liking a companion, and go into basically bashing us fangirls/fanboys over the companions we do like.


I've had people who DETEST Quinn and bash him and call ME stupid or weird for liking him. They try to reason with me about how he betrays me in the story, as if it was my first time doing the story. I have like 6 sith warriors, 5 are female, 1 is male. So I know ALL about the betrayal. Still doesn't keep me from liking him. One mistake doesn't make me want to divorce him, kill him, or imprison him.


Or instead of just not liking Doc for his personality, people will tell me how Doc's a sex maniac creep and I'm gross for liking him. I actually don't mind Doc. I wish my real life husband was like that in some aspects (not the womanizing, but the rest) so it doesn't bother me. Could bother others and that's fine, but calling ME creepy is when my hackles get raised.


My point is, not liking a companion for whatever personal reason is fine, but when the person comes after ME THEN I will go in with guns blazing and talk **** about THEM for liking who they like. You love Arcann but hate Quinn, or want Vaylin, but hate whoever and you've said stupid **** about me or who I like but I have to be okay with what you like, no doesn't work that way with me.


How people say 'oh just be nice, don't lower yourself to their level'. Screw that. I will lower myself to their level, get dirty, and then pick my self back up. I should be the better person, but that won't happen. I will meet the person on the same level.


Now, like a companion, but not like another and not call me weird, we're aces. I don't care if you all (generally) wanted to bone Khem Val, but don't tell me wanting to keep Quinn my character's husband is stupid, but don't expect me to attack back.


And THAT's why I fight or say things. Because some people have no logic. Plus I hate when Bioware let's people kill love interests for really stupid reasons. Kaliyo, Jorgan, Quinn, Torian, Vette, Koth, yeah, I don't kill. I've never been that angry at my companions even in a role playing capacity.

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How many of your PCs have been more loyal to your 1.0 love interests than you have been in the real world?


Like, consulars who are still holding out for Felix after all this time ... how many of you have changed your real life relationship since the start of KotFE?

No change for me, in-game or IRL. :)


That said, your question implies some odd assumptions. A couple can mutually agree to break up, and eventually move on to other partners, without any lack of loyalty on anyone's part. It a relationship isn't working, it's not some kind of character defect to recognise that and act appropriately. While you're with that person, you're loyal to them. If you both agree to make a change, and find new people to be loyal to, it's a change in the target of your loyalty, not a change in how loyal you are as a person.


Of course, saying all that, I'm thinking of unmarried relationships. I think, when you make a commitment to someone for life, they become the one you're loyal to until death (barring something egregious enough to annul the marriage). My consular is married to Felix. Actually, all my eight first characters are married to the leading gentlemen of the class stories. They gave us that choice in the class stories, which I think naturally inclines those of us who view marriage as a strong commitment to keep our characters in this relationship, unless we come to the view that the absent LI actually did die. But, because we as players have the meta-knowledge that all the companions are coming back eventually, we know they didn't die. That either makes it extra-reasonable to keep waiting, or gives us some roleplay/real-life disparity if we choose to RP our characters as believing something that IRL we know isn't true.


In spite of the game giving us the choice to get married, I don't remember a single time after the class story when it referred to the married companion and PC as husband and wife. (People are free to tell me if there's something I missed.) So I guess it's just left to us to roleplay our level of commitment as we see fit.


I have two male characters who are romancing Theron, so I get to see those dialogues and cutscenes, letters, etc.


My other 8 girls were/are loyal to their vanilla spouses. Unlike some people who either hate, dislike, or are meh about their vanilla boyfriends/spouses, I'm not. I like Corso for my Smuggler. Torian for my BH, Quinn for my SW, Doc for my JK, etc


So I may have tossed a flirt out here and there in Forged Alliances, SOR, and one or two before chapter 9 of KOTFE, but that I saw as me in real life. In real life, I'm a happily married woman, been married 20 years, but I still toss out an occasional flirt to a guy. As long as it doesn't go further than a smile or something cutesy (usually I need a guy or stronger gal to lift a chair and bring it to me cause it is a heavy/awkward one), I don't cheat. Plus I have a strong STRONG thing against cheating and cheaters. So my girls don't/didn't cheat. Now, the other 30 or so characters who are still low level, I can skip past the vanilla romances and romance one of the new people, but not my 8 who are loyal to their hubbies.


So saying that 'well not many would stay faithful in real life with the situation' unless I knew 100% that my real life husband was dead and wouldn't be coming back, I wouldn't be flinging my body to the next guy 2 seconds after finding out. And it's the same for my characters. She may have been frozen for 5 years, but I would hope my companions, all of them, got skills from me, common sense, luck or whatever to not get killed one second after I went missing. Our companions may be goofy (and they are) but they're not stupid and they were doing just fine before they met us in Vanilla.

Bravo, well said! I couldn't agree more. In-game, or in real life, cheating has no appeal to me. It's only something I do in-game when I'm intentionally RPing a character as not a good person. (Not counting the odd casual, friendly flirt that you described so well as cheating - though the friendly, teasing flirting is still only something some of my characters do, according to their personality. My agent and smuggler flirt with pretty much everyone, but stay committed to their hubbies. My consular has flirted with no one but her husband literally ever.)

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I've had people who DETEST Quinn and bash him and call ME stupid or weird for liking him. They try to reason with me about how he betrays me in the story, as if it was my first time doing the story. I have like 6 sith warriors, 5 are female, 1 is male. So I know ALL about the betrayal. Still doesn't keep me from liking him. One mistake doesn't make me want to divorce him, kill him, or imprison him.


Cut most of the quote because, hello essay lady ;) But I get what you're saying!


I've had people SPIT on me and Quinn while walking around the Fleet with him by my side. I've stood on Tython and /hug my Scourge and got whispers asking me what the eff is wrong with me, receiving a massive rant on how horrible Scourge is. A couple of months back I had a girl whisper me telling me Quinn (who was next to me) is an evil monster and suggest I must like spousal abuse while, and here's the kicker, she stood there with Arcann at her side. Like, seriously, what the heck is wrong with some people? Not to mention the dudes who think they're a better partner than Quinn and won't hesitate to tell you as much lol.


I've had people on social media and the forums here question my sanity, lay into me and my personality, my life, because I expressed a love for Quinn and Scourge. Call me stupid and naive, suggested I have mental issues for sparing Quinn and wanting to romance Scourge, been told I must have ff-d up standards and so much more. Hell, I even had someone suggest I must like that Japanese tentacle stuff because I'm romancing Vector though honestly, that one just made me laugh.


I know not all fans are like that thankfully but sometimes I seriously question what the hell people are thinking when they act that way toward someone. :rolleyes:

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Been reading through the last couple pages, and a lot of the comments are assuming a serial monogamist position. I know technically there is no way around that with the in-game mechanics, but there are a few companions, Andronikos in particular, that present themselves as being just fine with whatever type of relationship your PC wants to throw at them. My "canon" relationship, for example, is my Sith Inquisitor (Darth Nox) with Andronikos and Theron. An OT3.


I'm a serial monogamist in real life, but I just wanted to throw it out there that there are other ways to have a relationship. There are a lot of ways to love someone, just as there are a lot of ways to be devoted and loyal.


I would hardly expect the 1.0 LI's to live a life of celibacy for 5+ years, with the very real possibility of never seeing their significant other again. I wouldn't call that "cheating" at all.

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Been reading through the last couple pages, and a lot of the comments are assuming a serial monogamist position. I know technically there is no way around that with the in-game mechanics, but there are a few companions, Andronikos in particular, that present themselves as being just fine with whatever type of relationship your PC wants to throw at them. My "canon" relationship, for example, is my Sith Inquisitor (Darth Nox) with Andronikos and Theron. An OT3.


I'm a serial monogamist in real life, but I just wanted to throw it out there that there are other ways to have a relationship. There are a lot of ways to love someone, just as there are a lot of ways to be devoted and loyal.

Sure. For a lot of us, it's monogamy for life. That's how I feel. But that doesn't mean it's how everyone feels.


Personally, I've got the feeling that Vector's unique situation as a Joiner makes him understanding of sharing. There are times when he approves of the agent solving a problem with flirtation instead of violence. But - and I could be wrong here - I feel like he wants the agent to love just him. On Voss, he doesn't disapprove if she spends the night with her Voss "husband," but he greatly approves if she doesn't. I think he understands and supports her no matter what, but it makes him so happy if he's the only one to hold her heart.

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For me, it's not that I hate the companions/npcs that much, except maybe the final boss fights in the vanilla stories. I get angry and start talking smack to fellow players when they go beyond not liking a companion, and go into basically bashing us fangirls/fanboys over the companions we do like.


I've had people who DETEST Quinn and bash him and call ME stupid or weird for liking him. They try to reason with me about how he betrays me in the story, as if it was my first time doing the story. I have like 6 sith warriors, 5 are female, 1 is male. So I know ALL about the betrayal. Still doesn't keep me from liking him. One mistake doesn't make me want to divorce him, kill him, or imprison him.


Or instead of just not liking Doc for his personality, people will tell me how Doc's a sex maniac creep and I'm gross for liking him. I actually don't mind Doc. I wish my real life husband was like that in some aspects (not the womanizing, but the rest) so it doesn't bother me. Could bother others and that's fine, but calling ME creepy is when my hackles get raised.


My point is, not liking a companion for whatever personal reason is fine, but when the person comes after ME THEN I will go in with guns blazing and talk **** about THEM for liking who they like. You love Arcann but hate Quinn, or want Vaylin, but hate whoever and you've said stupid **** about me or who I like but I have to be okay with what you like, no doesn't work that way with me.


How people say 'oh just be nice, don't lower yourself to their level'. Screw that. I will lower myself to their level, get dirty, and then pick my self back up. I should be the better person, but that won't happen. I will meet the person on the same level.


Now, like a companion, but not like another and not call me weird, we're aces. I don't care if you all (generally) wanted to bone Khem Val, but don't tell me wanting to keep Quinn my character's husband is stupid, but don't expect me to attack back.


And THAT's why I fight or say things. Because some people have no logic. Plus I hate when Bioware let's people kill love interests for really stupid reasons. Kaliyo, Jorgan, Quinn, Torian, Vette, Koth, yeah, I don't kill. I've never been that angry at my companions even in a role playing capacity.


I understand the wish to fight back and I did not ask people to not do that.



A single person does not speak for all others.


If someone who happen to like for example Theron and Vector insults you then it is the action of this single person. This person does not stand for the complete Theron + Vector fan base. Meaning just because this person acts like a troll doesn't mean all Theron and Vector fans are trolls and should now receive your hate in return. They don't deserve that. If someone who loves Quinn insults someone who loves Lana you would surely not like them to bash now all Quinn fans because one of them insulted a Lana fan.


If someone just posts (not in a fan thread) that they hate character x then this alone is not an attack or insult - I really mean attacking/insulting other players/posters. Like saying something must be wrong with someone if they like character xyz and so on. This is not ok. Just saying (again not in a fan thread) they don't like character x is ok in my opinion.

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Been reading through the last couple pages, and a lot of the comments are assuming a serial monogamist position. I know technically there is no way around that with the in-game mechanics, but there are a few companions, Andronikos in particular, that present themselves as being just fine with whatever type of relationship your PC wants to throw at them. My "canon" relationship, for example, is my Sith Inquisitor (Darth Nox) with Andronikos and Theron. An OT3.


I'm a serial monogamist in real life, but I just wanted to throw it out there that there are other ways to have a relationship. There are a lot of ways to love someone, just as there are a lot of ways to be devoted and loyal.


I would hardly expect the 1.0 LI's to live a live of celibacy for 5+ years, with the very real possibility of never seeing their significant other again. I wouldn't call that "cheating" at all.

I can definitely see Andronikos as more receptive to an open relationship, and I see it in Nox's nature too. Same with a Smuggler in ways (if you're not tied down to Corso who's far more traditional) and an Agent who is given some leniency by Vector though I agree with Este, he'd want to be the only true love in your heart. But he seems to understand the flirtatious nature of an Agent, how it serves them in their line of work etc.

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As far as i see, there will be only two romance options, both forced on players. This is not OK! Get over it, some people are STRAIGHT, so they will never be with Lana. Some people actually want honorable good looking partners, so they will never be with Arcann.

Please stop this forced LI nonsense, it will make more people unsub.




- BH


What is forced? I thought we have the option to always not romance? I NEVER want to romance anyone. My jedi consular is very traditional in the ways of the jedi and will always avoid romance or intimate relationships. So I hope there will be no forced romance because I may have to quit over this. As it is I'm already not happy about so many changes over the past few years. I don't understand why they keep fixing things that are not broken and break things that are fixed and yet ignore the things that really need attention. This is what will kill the game in the end. They need to stop being influenced by the forums because they don't always represent the silent majority.

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Relationships do come in all flavors, including none at all. I do think that some of the original companions would be open to poly or open relationships with the PC if that were allowed. Andronikos I can see it with; DS Jaesa actually suggests it; Vector seems as though he would be OK with it as long as he's #1; maybe Kaliyo.


I don't think that all of them would have been with other people during those 7+ years, though. I've known people who have lost a spouse and that's it. They don't remarry or move on, they feel that they've had the love of their life and they don't need or want another. Or it took them a long time to connect with their previous partner and nobody else earns that trust. That's a valid choice too.


George Burns visited Gracie Allen's grave every week for twenty or thirty years and never remarried. Terri Irwin (Steven Irwin's wife) recently gave an interview where she said something similar, that she's had no need to be with another person since Steve Irwin died.


On the other hand nobody would or should fault a person for moving on after a few years. I think even in very conservative places it's not seen at all unusual for someone to remarry or have another relationship a year or more after their partner dies.

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Relationships do come in all flavors, including none at all. I do think that some of the original companions would be open to poly or open relationships with the PC if that were allowed. Andronikos I can see it with; DS Jaesa actually suggests it; Vector seems as though he would be OK with it as long as he's #1; maybe Kaliyo.


I don't think that all of them would have been with other people during those 7+ years, though. I've known people who have lost a spouse and that's it. They don't remarry or move on, they feel that they've had the love of their life and they don't need or want another. Or it took them a long time to connect with their previous partner and nobody else earns that trust. That's a valid choice too.


George Burns visited Gracie Allen's grave every week for twenty or thirty years and never remarried. Terri Irwin (Steven Irwin's wife) recently gave an interview where she said something similar, that she's had no need to be with another person since Steve Irwin died.


On the other hand nobody would or should fault a person for moving on after a few years. I think even in very conservative places it's not seen at all unusual for someone to remarry or have another relationship a year or more after their partner dies.


Yes, my OT3 is poly, but not open. Before meeting Theron, the relationship my Nox had with Andronikos was a unique brand unto themselves, no label required. It just worked for them. They loved each other, but nobody was tied down, and most of the time they did everything together. Sex and love are two different things...feelings were never part of the open end of the equation.


And then Theron came along...and turned their world on its end. That development is a big focus for my fanfic, especially since Theron has to reconcile his feelings for a Sith...a Sith who isn't single. And Andronikos isn't exactly keen on it in the beginning either. It's a long road for them.


I don't see the other companions, even Andronikos, necessarily having relationships in the 5+ year span. Physical needs and such is what I was getting at. You don't need a relationship for that, lol. Even Jedi don't have to live in celibacy, hehe. But blowing off steam? Oh yeah, very much so.

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I don't see the other companions, even Andronikos, necessarily having relationships in the 5+ year span. Physical needs and such is what I was getting at. You don't need a relationship for that, lol. Even Jedi don't have to live in celibacy, hehe. But blowing off steam? Oh yeah, very much so.


I think some would have; some wouldn't have because of whatever significance they assigned to intimacy.


Like Vette - she insisted on waiting until marriage and I don't think she would have been interested in casual flings in those 5 years. I think she might have been open to finding another partner and marrying them, but not the casual side of it, so I think it would have been totally plausible for her to be celibate during that time span. DS Jaesa has meaningless flings even in the class story so I could envision her taking the opposite route.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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Personally I am more like my SW, who is fiercely protective of her marriage. Quinn was all she ever wanted, and their relationship was challenged by Baras from the get go. My first play through was before they made changes to tie events to the story instead of affection. So my SW was married to Quinn before Quinncident happened. They worked through it. No one would ever sway her from Quinn.


My agent on the other hand, in my headcannon, is actually in love with both her LIs, Phi-Ton and Vector. Again, played before events where tied to story, and my affection with Vector wasn't high enough to marry him yet. So she marries Phi-Ton first. At first for the mission. But Phi-Ton offers her something that Vector can't, and that is something that she doesn't have to share with anyone else. Every thing that Vector sees, hears, feels is transmitted to the hive. So while he can dampen the connection when they have their more private moments once he opens himself back up, his thoughts and his memories belong to the hive. But, while Vector may be okay with Phi-Ton, since he encourages it in the first place, my agent would never consider a third man into her life. It is not something I personally engage in in my real life, but it has been interesting trying to sort through everyones feelings about the issue. Both men know about each other, so she isn't sneaking around. I mean, Vector was at their wedding. Her relationships with them are separate, so that she has privacy from inquiring ant minds.


My SI wouldn't ever date Theron or Koth, they are both too goody two shoes for her. And she doesn't trust Arcann any further than she can throw him. So she stayed loyal to Andronikos. He supported her darker tendencies through vanilla and she liked the whole not wanting to be tied down, but can't resist you thing that they had going on.


My merc is where things get dicey. She is kind of flirty by nature. And when Theron blushed and started squirming well, she fell for him, big time. But she doesn't want to cheat on Torian. She flirts, she did kiss him on Rishi, and then again on Yavin. They don't actually kiss on Ziost, but in my fic I am writing a scene where they do. She doesn't take it any further, because she doesn't want to hurt Torian. But she feels like a monster, because she knows that she is capable of doing it. So in KotFE I made it clear that Torian has given up on her, he has declared her dead. And my merc gets a letter from her brother explaining this, and that she is no longer married. She doesn't run straight into Theron's arms when Theron shows up, she still struggles with her feelings about Torian and Theron. She doesn't just hop into bed with him as much as her hormones may want it, because she doesn't want it to be a mistake. Although, doing research for my fic, Mandalorians are kind of lax when it comes to infidelity as a whole, but I am not sure that Torian himself would be. In my headcannon he is when things are going well, but after Umbara he reveals his true feelings. Which is a little too late for my merc.


My trooper stayed loyal to Aric, because good lord it was hard to break down that man's walls. She isn't going to throw all that away on some fling.


Corso is just adorable, he is so earnest and sweet. And while my smuggler may be flirty by nature, she was taken in by his naivete.


My JK is the daughter of my SW so she doesn't follow the teachings of the Jedi as strictly as my JC. My JK secretly loves the over the top advances, they make her giggle as much as they make her blush. She doesn't take them seriously. She is still waiting for Doc, cause no one else can make her blush the way he does.


My JC is still waiting for Felix. It was hard enough for her to break the rules for him even though she loved him. She isn't going to go breaking the rules for anyone else.


Any new character I create I decide on their LI before I even get to that point and that is the only person they flirt with or romance because I personally do not condone cheating.

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As far as whether a companion was or was not with someone during that five year gap is pretty much up to whoever is playing it. For me, I'm a romantic so I've decided that my LIs remained faithful and weren't with anyone. Others may decide their LIs did have flings but didn't invest emotionally with anyone else, and still others have probably decided that their LIs found happiness with someone else and have moved on. To each their own, I guess.
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