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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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*sigh* I never said you trolled anyone else. That wasn't even in the quote. I'm not sure how you're misunderstanding that,.


Do you really think that people who have trolled the love threads have been the only instances where fans of LI #1 have been nasty or rude to fans of LI #2? Because I don't. I've seen it all over the board. I've seen plenty of Quinn, Theron, Arcann and Lana fans all kick each other in the teeth in MANY threads around this board.


Maybe you haven't done it personally but if you're going to tell me that every single Quinn or Theron fan ever has been nice and hasn't bashed fans of another LI here, there's a bridge I'd like to sell you.


Heck, I'm too intimidated to even talk to the female fans *in my own guild* because I've felt so alienated by other fans on this board.


I didn't misunderstand, I'd just prefer not to be 'lumped in' as part of a generic whole when I haven't done a thing. Can I speak for all fans? No. Can I speak for myself? Yes. The two people I'm close to on this board, haven't trolled anyone either, so I include them with me. The rest? Who knows, I don't read threads I don't like. I've seen plenty of nastiness around the boards too, that go beyond the fan threads, so keep your bridge lol. I've always kept it about the character I don't like, and always kept it in a thread that isn't a fan thread. That's me trying to be respectful.

Edited by Lunafox
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I think all of this thread, the "Where's my Peeps" threads that originated half...ish way throught "KotFE" and many others in between should be Directed at (or Noticed by) Bioware. The "Zakuul" story, now and seemingly going forward are the cause. The situations in the forums among the community are a symptom and will further deplete the game for everybody. Address the cause and the symptoms will automatically lower. Other players are not the cause for missing or deadened or controversial companions. Edited by MikeCobalt
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That's fine, and I suspect it's largely owing to the fact you're positive about Arcann, of course they will welcome people who like him, that, I would think is the point of the thread. I've had plenty of trolls come into the Quinn thread over the 15 months or so it's existed, mostly I just point them to the hater thread, heck I'd even link them. I just don't get why people would bother. As much as I dislike some companions or characters I wouldn't go into their fan threads.


I'm glad you've enjoyed positive experiences, I haven't and would really prefer not to have to deal with that unpleasantness again.


(bolding mine)

I've also had bad experiences I'd rather not repeat, believe me.


And it might have something to do with me being positive about Arcann (as I said, it kind of makes me part of the in group). I'm positive about many, if not most of the companions, though. :p

And Arcann thread also has critics popping in, just like Quinn thread. I think all fan threads would get those eventually if they lasted long enough (not everyone is as polite as you), but it's possible that both Quinn and Arcann get more than most, since the characters have treated the player character badly.

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One thing i still don't get, why do arcann fans request the death and/torture of Zenith, when there no sign of him returning? Zenith is lost forever, will never ever be returned, so why be even more sadistic about it? You won, that should be enough.
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One thing i still don't get, why do arcann fans request the death and/torture of Zenith, when there no sign of him returning? Zenith is lost forever, will never ever be returned, so why be even more sadistic about it? You won, that should be enough.

I haven't seen this thread you're talking about, or posts of several Arcann fans claiming they want to torture Zenith. Can you link it please?

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I didn't misunderstand, I'd just prefer not to be 'lumped in' as part of a generic whole when I haven't done a thing. Can I speak for all fans? No. Can I speak for myself? Yes. The two people I'm close to on this board, haven't trolled anyone either, so I include them with me. The rest? Who knows, I don't read threads I don't like. I've seen plenty of nastiness around the boards too, that go beyond the fan threads, so keep your bridge lol. I've always kept it about the character I don't like, and always kept it in a thread that isn't a fan thread. That's me trying to be respectful.


Then you're not being part of the solution, if you're going to deny that fan groups are part of the problem. Saying "oh, it's not me" does nothing to address the fact that the behavior happens from the collective group. Talking about the collective isn't implicating the individual.


It's been explained to you about seven times now that saying that ****SOME**** LI fans behave deplorably is not just about trolls in the LI threads, it's about overall behavior and how they interact with other fans, and how they contribute overall to a toxic environment on the board. It's not all about you.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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(bolding mine)

I've also had bad experiences I'd rather not repeat, believe me.


And it might have something to do with me being positive about Arcann (as I said, it kind of makes me part of the in group). I'm positive about many, if not most of the companions, though. :p

And Arcann thread also has critics popping in, just like Quinn thread. I think all fan threads would get those eventually if they lasted long enough (not everyone is as polite as you), but it's possible that both Quinn and Arcann get more than most, since the characters have treated the player character badly.


I have no doubt that all the fan threads get their share of trolls, even if I don't follow some of them to know for sure. And I wouldn't be shocked that those threads get the most trolls. I do find it a bit funny though, that one betrayal 10 years ago is being held to the same level as, forced confinement, genocide and planetary destruction. That amazes me lol, but people are going to see things how they choose to see them. :)

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Then you're not being part of the solution, if you're going to deny that fan groups are part of the problem. Saying "oh, it's not me" does nothing to address the fact that the behavior happens from the collective group. Talking about the collective isn't implicating the individual.


It's been explained to you about seven times now that saying that LI fans behave deplorably is not just about trolls in the LI threads, it's about overall behavior and how they interact with other fans. It's not all about you.


Explain as much as you need to, I am not going to take responsibility for what other people do to others, whether they like the same comp as me or not. They do what they do, I do what I do. I'm speaking for *myself*. And I don't happen to care if you approve of that or not. I've found my own solution via the block button and avoiding the problems, that's my solution, what you decide yours should be is solely up to you. As for whether it's all about me? It is when I'm referring to the things that are in *my* power to do. I can only be responsible for myself. I will never take responsibility for what others choose to do, why should I take the blame for something I don't do? I refuse.

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I have no doubt that all the fan threads get their share of trolls, even if I don't follow some of them to know for sure. And I wouldn't be shocked that those threads get the most trolls. I do find it a bit funny though, that one betrayal 10 years ago is being held to the same level as, forced confinement, genocide and planetary destruction. That amazes me lol, but people are going to see things how they choose to see them. :)


Imo the big difference between Quinn and Arcann is that Quinn betrays your trust, Arcann doesn't. That might be harder for someone's character due to that character's personality, and it might certainly be harder on the player. Personally I didn't feel anything when Arcann did bad stuff, but it sure did sting me, as a player, when Quinn pointed a gun at my character.


However, I already liked Quinn before that and enjoy when games suck me in and make me feel something, so it just made me like Quinn more. :p I'm a little strange, I know.

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Wow this thread has gone off the rails. Just curious about the original post:


As far as i see, there will be only two romance options, both forced on players...

Please stop this forced LI nonsense,...Thanks!

- BH


How will the Romances be "forced" on us? :rak_02:


Just sayin if we are forced to have these romances I am in agreement that it is nonsense!

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Imo the big difference between Quinn and Arcann is that Quinn betrays your trust, Arcann doesn't. That might be harder for someone's character due to that character's personality, and it might certainly be harder on the player. Personally I didn't feel anything when Arcann did bad stuff, but it sure did sting me, as a player, when Quinn pointed a gun at my character.


However, I already liked Quinn before that and enjoy when games suck me in and make me feel something, so it just made me like Quinn more. :p I'm a little strange, I know.


There is no comparison between Quinn and Arcann, the first one made a mistake, the second one commited mass murder. I'm not a fan of Malavai Q, but still i'd rather forgive him than the other dude.

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Explain as much as you need to, I am not going to take responsibility for what other people do to others, whether they like the same comp as me or not. They do what they do, I do what I do. I'm speaking for *myself*. And I don't happen to care if you approve of that or not. I've found my own solution via the block button and avoiding the problems, that's my solution, what you decide yours should be is solely up to you. As for whether it's all about me? It is when I'm referring to the things that are in *my* power to do. I can only be responsible for myself. I will never take responsibility for what others choose to do, why should I take the blame for something I don't do? I refuse.


I don't need your approval any more than you need mine, so there's no need for hostility. But IMHO this sort of "it's all about me and I don't care about anyone else, and I'm not going to watch out for other fans!" attitude does contribute to the massive amounts of toxicity we see both on this board and in the game.


I'm sure you've appreciated it when other fans (even those of us who dislike him) have stood up and objected to Theron's treatment. Not because it will benefit us; because it will benefit others who might like him.


Sticking up for others helps everyone. It's a shame you can't see that, but it's your prerogative.

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I haven't seen this thread you're talking about, or posts of several Arcann fans claiming they want to torture Zenith. Can you link it please?


Lol that was me, I left a comment somewhere asking whether it was possible to strangle Twi'Leks with their own Lekkus. (head tails)

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Wow this thread has gone off the rails. Just curious about the original post:




How will the Romances be "forced" on us? :rak_02:


Just sayin if we are forced to have these romances I am in agreement that it is nonsense!


Other LIs are being killed, the only un-killable is Lana. No matter if you kill Arcann, whoever decided to NOT kill him, gets new content. What;s so hard to understand? So when Theron will be dead too, the only options will be Lana & Arcann, they will be the only one still standing.

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There is no comparison between Quinn and Arcann, the first one made a mistake, the second one commited mass murder. I'm not a fan of Malavai Q, but still i'd rather forgive him than the other dude.


Thank you, thank you. A logical thought. Even though you're not a fan, and that's perfectly fine with me, you don't think Quinn making a mistake is a bigger deal than a dude who killed millions. Finally, someone with logic whether you like a companion or not.

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Imo the big difference between Quinn and Arcann is that Quinn betrays your trust, Arcann doesn't. That might be harder for someone's character due to that character's personality, and it might certainly be harder on the player. Personally I didn't feel anything when Arcann did bad stuff, but it sure did sting me, as a player, when Quinn pointed a gun at my character.


However, I already liked Quinn before that and enjoy when games suck me in and make me feel something, so it just made me like Quinn more. :p I'm a little strange, I know.


I think framing someone for their father's murder counts as betrayal of trust, especially when it's implied by him freeing the player in the first place. He used the player and framed them. But perceptions, I guess, people see things differently.


Arcann had a choice to do what he did. Quinn didn't cause he's stuck between powerful Sith and would likely end up dead, but anyway... No worries about being strange, I get that all the time. :)

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I think framing someone for their father's murder counts as betrayal of trust, especially when it's implied by him freeing the player in the first place. He used the player and framed them. But perceptions, I guess, people see things differently.


Arcann had a choice to do what he did. Quinn didn't cause he's stuck between powerful Sith and would likely end up dead, but anyway... No worries about being strange, I get that all the time. :)


I feel there was never any trust to betray between player character and Arcann, nor did the player really have a chance to get attached to Arcann before he started to do unpleasant things. But this is probably not the place to have a long discussion about things like this. :p

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Why do you hate so much a comp you know there will never be reintroduced to game?


I'm sure he'll come back. Originally he was going to be an alert, but something went wrong with it and they had to hold off. Maybe they'll change it where he's back in 6.0 or 5.10. Who knows, but I wouldn't say he's going forever.

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Thank you, thank you. A logical thought. Even though you're not a fan, and that's perfectly fine with me, you don't think Quinn making a mistake is a bigger deal than a dude who killed millions. Finally, someone with logic whether you like a companion or not.


I don't think they are the same either. What Quinn did endangered less than ten people; what Arcann did was senselessly murder millions and gravely hurt the player more than once. What they have in common is that I am not comfortable with either of them in my Alliance.


The way I look at Quinn is that he'd be on my personal "do not rehire" list in HR, if it were an office. Yeah, guy, you did it, we've moved on, but you don't get another chance to mess up my office.


Arcann would be on my "call the cops and have this guy arrested and tried with a felony and put in jail for a hundred years" list because I don't pardon war criminals like that.


As mentioned in another thread I wish they had given Sith Warriors who stay Imperial-side an option to refuse to work with Quinn. Killing him was overkill (sorry for the pun) but there was no other way to keep him away from my Alliance. It didn't have to be big and dramatic. It could have been "Sorry, you have to leave."


I've noticed that there are reject options for all the companions this year so maybe they've learned from that.

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Why do you hate so much a comp you know there will never be reintroduced to game?


Dude I've been pro Zenith coming back ... I still think they should have used him for a Balmorra Star Fortress mission


I don't hate Zenith, he just never really stood out to me when I did the JC story, then again none of them really did any note worthy.

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Thank you, thank you. A logical thought. Even though you're not a fan, and that's perfectly fine with me, you don't think Quinn making a mistake is a bigger deal than a dude who killed millions. Finally, someone with logic whether you like a companion or not.


Thank you! If i wasn't such a hothead and delete my SW cause of the Torian/Vette choice, i would have re-recruited Quinn , after all he is a valuable crew member.

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As far as i see, there will be only two romance options, both forced on players. This is not OK! Get over it, some people are STRAIGHT, so they will never be with Lana. Some people actually want honorable good looking partners, so they will never be with Arcann.

Please stop this forced LI nonsense, it will make more people unsub.




- BH


You're forgetting one big fundamental point: Arcann IS killable, so even if a player does keep him alive he's not going to have as much screentime as one of the unkillable romance options (excluding some of the class romances, which as it stands is Theron and Lana since we don't know whether or not Theron will have a kill option yet).


Also, is it really necessary to keep being insulting about physical appearance? Fictional or not, the guy is a burns victim for goodness sake, plus it's just downright shallow if you ask me. You can't help what you are/aren't attracted to, but there's no need to be so rude about it.

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