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So it's either Lana or Arcann?


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I agree, 100% I'm tired of losing companions that matter to me, and I too love Quinn, Theron and Scourge. I won't romance Lana and I won't romance Arcann, so if they kill option Theron and don't provide added interactions with him, well, I can't say I'll be all that long for this game world either.


There's a good chance of us not getting anymore interactions with Theron because the fans of the newest LI might see that as an unequity and rage , we all know they have a way of getting w/e they ask for.

Edited by bluehufsa
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There's still Scourge.

Can always check Reddit or something....... Just sayin.



Sigh. 🙀


Yes and highly anticipated :)


But that does not mean Scourge is getting any more content in the future. Just because a LI cannot be killed does not mean we will get more to see of them. I hope we will but I am not very optimistic.

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We can be happy if we get some letters.


Now, I am all for more content - especially romanced ones. But even letters would bring more connection to your LI than expansions like Makeb and the Shadow of Revan. Though, I still swoon when I hear Quinn going "Sorry my lov-- my lord,". That was so good! More of that please!

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Yes and highly anticipated :)


But that does not mean Scourge is getting any more content in the future. Just because a LI cannot be killed does not mean we will get more to see of them. I hope we will but I am not very optimistic.


I know, I guess it's not common knowledge, no idea.

I'm probably not in the right mood for a normal and calm conversation, so I guess I'll take my leave.:rak_03:


Enjoy your day and such people.✌

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Yes and highly anticipated :)


But that does not mean Scourge is getting any more content in the future. Just because a LI cannot be killed does not mean we will get more to see of them. I hope we will but I am not very optimistic.



Lord Scourge will be 99% only for JK, that still doesn't solve the problem of females/gay males playing other classes than JK , in case TS is killed and reduced to silence.

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I agree, 100% I'm tired of losing companions that matter to me, and I too love Quinn, Theron and Scourge. I won't romance Lana and I won't romance Arcann, so if they kill option Theron and don't provide added interactions with him, well, I can't say I'll be all that long for this game world either.


I don't think they will kill Theron without killing Lana too. I think they're going to force another Vette/Torian type choice and we'll all be leaving Nathema with one of the two dead. I hope I am wrong. Charles could have been playing with us all by not denying the kill option...but I doubt it.


It's funny, I was looking forward to spending CCs on that sale and buying some new decos, and now I can't be bothered. If they're both bricked there's no point to keep playing the new stuff.

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The problem is - even without kill option there is no guarantee that Theron or Lana or the other LIs will receive more content in the future - romance related or not. I love Theron but I fear story isn't that much of a priority anymore. We can be happy if we get some letters.


This game is built on story, it's the most important aspect, without it, for me, there is no game. Romance has always been a part of the story, so I can only hope that continues and if it doesn't, well, see above. No story/No Romance = no game for me. I hope that story will continue to be a major part of the game, but I guess we'll have to see.


As for Scourge, well he's awesome, but it seems to me he's only going to be available for the JK, he's class specific only.



There's a good chance of us not getting anymore interactions with Theron because the fans of the newest LI might see that as an unequity and rage , we all know they have a way of getting w/e they ask for.


Nothing would shock me anymore. I can only hope they'd be busy in their corner with their pet and leave others alone.

Edited by Lunafox
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I don't think they will kill Theron without killing Lana too. I think they're going to force another Vette/Torian type choice and we'll all be leaving Nathema with one of the two dead. I hope I am wrong. Charles could have been playing with us all by not denying the kill option...but I doubt it.


It's funny, I was looking forward to spending CCs on that sale and buying some new decos, and now I can't be bothered. If they're both bricked there's no point to keep playing the new stuff.


I'm not sure I have the energy to spend the next month worrying. I don't see them offering a kill option on Lana, she's their precious, so I don't see that happening, I think you can rest easy. Charles needs to get off his Game of Thrones fetish, GRRM, he's not.


I'd say play the game as you would normally, make your choice when/if something bad happens.

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I don't think they will kill Theron without killing Lana too. I think they're going to force another Vette/Torian type choice and we'll all be leaving Nathema with one of the two dead. I hope I am wrong. Charles could have been playing with us all by not denying the kill option...but I doubt it.


I think you are right about Theron having a kill option no matter how little sense it might make. Charles had a silly school boy giggle when he was dodging the question which, to me, seemed like an affirmation of the kill. He had that same silly school boy giggle when he was saying they are only going to return DS Jaesa, because as everyone knows, silly school boys love the crazy and the rest of us don't matter!


I think Lana is safe though, unless it turns out she is the real traitor that Theron was trying to flush.

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I'm not sure I have the energy to spend the next month worrying. I don't see them offering a kill option on Lana, she's their precious, so I don't see that happening, I think you can rest easy. Charles needs to get off his Game of Thrones fetish, GRRM, he's not.


I'd say play the game as you would normally, make your choice when/if something bad happens.


I don't want to give the game money if they're going to pull the rug out from under me in a month. YMMV, of course. Also, I feel like a kill option for anyone would be something I'd protest because I don't want to see any LIs removed or bricked.


Theron's had books, a better customization, his parents in the game, and is a fan favorite, and he's a stated favorite of Charles Boyd, and he's still in danger. Lana's got nobody in HQ that has stated that they like her, and she's a target for homophobes and some fans, so I don't think she's any safer.


I think that this is their way of sweeping everyone off the table for the 6.0 newbies or other characters that will take a focus. With Lana and Theron out, there's really nobody running the Alliance that is still alive. You've got two non-killables left on either faction (T7-O1 and Elara; Gault and Raina) .

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I don't want to give the game money if they're going to pull the rug out from under me in a month. YMMV, of course. Also, I feel like a kill option for anyone would be something I'd protest because I don't want to see any LIs removed or bricked.


Theron's had books, a better customization, his parents in the game, and is a fan favorite, and he's a stated favorite of Charles Boyd, and he's still in danger. Lana's got nobody in HQ that has stated that they like her, and she's a target for homophobes and some fans, so I don't think she's any safer.


I think that this is their way of sweeping everyone off the table for the 6.0 newbies or other characters that will take a focus. With Lana and Theron out, there's really nobody running the Alliance that is still alive. You've got two non-killables left on either faction (T7-O1 and Elara; Gault and Raina) .


Ashara, Risha & Corso have no kill option either.

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There's only one man for my consular, Felix Iresso. He's sweet and good, so I don't see your criticism. :) Maybe he isn't to your taste, but your post isn't really about that. ;)

I think the OP is referring to the fact that all previous romances are being given **** treatment & little in the way of future attention, whereas Lana and Arcann are rumoured to be the only two LIs who will be getting any more romance story/cutscenes.

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I cleared out all this mess with my toons ---

turned down Arcann 4 times ( NOT my type ) .... I'm keeping Theron --- no more new LIs for me ... I don't care who it is

I may keep Corso or Doc -- not sure ... but the madness has stopped for me --- Theron or maybe two of my original LIs

NO MORE ....... really "flavor of the month" going on .......

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Let's see...


- T7; universal companion, safe

- Scorpio; universal companion, killable/lost

- Kaliyo; universal companion, killable

- Aric; universal companion, killable

- Vette; universal companion, possibly dead

- Gault; universal companion, safe

- Torian; universal companion, possibly dead

- Koth; universal companion, killable

- Lana; universal companion, safe

- Theron; universal companion, possibly soon killable

- Senya; universal companion, killable

- Arcann; universal companion, killable

- Quinn; universal companion, killable

- Dorne; universal companion, possibility of being unrecruited/escaping (to the best of my knowledge)

- Temple; universal companion, safe (I think, don't recall whether you can reject her or chase her off)

- Corso; class-specific, safe

- Andronikos; class-specific, safe

- Risha; class-specific, safe

- Vector; class-specific, safe

- Ashara; class-specific, possibility of losing her at the end of recruitment


Many other non-LI companions have been returned via Alert meaning plenty of players may not have them yet or won't ever bother.


Now is it me, or does it appear that for the vast majority (no, not all) there is one reason or another (either killable, unrecruited or class-specific) for Bioware to discontinue their presence in future story? Yeah, conspiracy theory or whatever one might think but, it sure as hell looks convenient for them especially in terms of cost efficiency and lightening the workload.


Once more makes me feel they'd never intended to return our companions in KOTFE, during their original plans. Then had to give in due to the uproar it caused and decided to return most of them with certain 'limits' through which they'd still be able to slowly fade them out of the story and future content.

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I think the OP is referring to the fact that all previous romances are being given **** treatment & little in the way of future attention, whereas Lana and Arcann are rumoured to be the only two LIs who will be getting any more romance story/cutscenes.


Yes, that's exactly what i'm talking about. Let's say my character is a SI, in a relationship with Ashara. He will feel like sh*t to go on a mission and not have his LI saying anything, while other characters, in a relationship with Lana/Arcann will have them saying something sweet.

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Bluehufsa I'm under the impression how you don't get it that for some people are the romances with Lana and Arcann as important as are for you the ones with the characters voiced by the Troy Barker ( Theron and Zenith ) :D.


You start the threads about how the others are bad but you mind if anyone say anything negative about the characters you like.

Edited by Lunablade
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I think the OP is referring to the fact that all previous romances are being given **** treatment & little in the way of future attention, whereas Lana and Arcann are rumoured to be the only two LIs who will be getting any more romance story/cutscenes.


NOT fair -- IF this is true --- <sigh> ... wished I'd killed Arcann now kind of .....

Give us ALL our LIs --- this has got to stop .... IF they do away with Theron ... I will not be happy --- I for one will NOT romance Arcann ( nothing against those that drool over him ) but NO -- just NO way ... sorry Arcann fans ....

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Bluehufsa I'm under the impression how you don't get it that for some people are the romances with Lana and Arcann as important as are for you the ones with the characters voiced by the Troy Barker ( Theron and Zenith ) :D.


You start the threads about how the others are bad but you mind if anyone say anything negative about the characters you like.


Sweetie, first of all Zenith is NOT a LI, even if i wish he was. Second, it took me a while to realize Theron & Zenith are voiced by the same person, never payed attention to it at all.


Yes, i do understand how important Lana & Arcann are for some people,just please don't try to take away my LI ( Theron) or request the gruesome execution of a yet-to-be-returned comp ( Zenith). That's all..

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Let's see...


- T7; universal companion, safe

- Scorpio; universal companion, killable/lost

- Kaliyo; universal companion, killable

- Aric; universal companion, killable

- Vette; universal companion, possibly dead

- Gault; universal companion, safe

- Torian; universal companion, possibly dead

- Koth; universal companion, killable

- Lana; universal companion, safe

- Theron; universal companion, possibly soon killable

- Senya; universal companion, killable

- Arcann; universal companion, killable

- Quinn; universal companion, killable

- Dorne; universal companion, possibility of being unrecruited/escaping (to the best of my knowledge)

- Temple; universal companion, safe (I think, don't recall whether you can reject her or chase her off)

- Corso; class-specific, safe

- Andronikos; class-specific, safe

- Risha; class-specific, safe

- Vector; class-specific, safe

- Ashara; class-specific, possibility of losing her at the end of recruitment


Many other non-LI companions have been returned via Alert meaning plenty of players may not have them yet or won't ever bother.


Now is it me, or does it appear that for the vast majority (no, not all) there is one reason or another (either killable, unrecruited or class-specific) for Bioware to discontinue their presence in future story? Yeah, conspiracy theory or whatever one might think but, it sure as hell looks convenient for them especially in terms of cost efficiency and lightening the workload.


Once more makes me feel they'd never intended to return our companions in KOTFE, during their original plans. Then had to give in due to the uproar it caused and decided to return most of them with certain 'limits' through which they'd still be able to slowly fade them out of the story and future content.


RE: Dorne, if you side with the Empire she doesn't join you. IIRC the same is true for Quinn if you're not a Sith Warrior and side Republic.


I think you're spot on. They never intended to give most of the companions back. People wanted them back so they broke down and added the terminal, and when people insisted in actual interaction with those companions, they put it off for all of KOTET and then came up with these two-minute, half-baked snippets.


IMHO it's also why *no* companion is ever safe. BW seems to shrug off all the attachments people have to them. The romance letters are always really well done and I have to think those writers do care and have fought for as much content as they can, but aren't getting anywhere.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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RE: Dorne, if you side with the Empire she doesn't join you. IIRC the same is true for Quinn if you're not a Sith Warrior and side Republic.


Also Dorne refuses to join the Alliance if you're trooper and have done too many or certain ds choices.

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NOT fair -- IF this is true --- <sigh> ... wished I'd killed Arcann now kind of .....

Give us ALL our LIs --- this has got to stop .... IF they do away with Theron ... I will not be happy --- I for one will NOT romance Arcann ( nothing against those that drool over him ) but NO -- just NO way ... sorry Arcann fans ....


Really people calm down. There is nothing to it. Don't you think in the Lana and Arcann fan threads people would be talking about if there were informations about getting new content? And? No one is talking about that because someone just made it up - maybe even to fuel some hate against Lana and Arcann. There is no proof no hint nothing. Anyone can make things up - welcome to the internet.


We don't know if and how much content we will get for any companion/LI. Just speculation at this point so no reason at all to get mad.


And seriously no reason to start a my companion/LI is better than your companion / LI bickering/fight. I can see why people start to ask Bioware to exclude romances from games.


I guess people just don't get that people who like Arcann and Lana like other LIs too. Like Theron for example. Is that so difficult to understand?


Besides - Bioware decides what is going to happen. We can post how much we like but in the end they do what they want.


And if we get more content in the future I do hope it is for all LIs but right now it might even be that we get nothing at all for anyone.

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I guess people just don't get that people who like Arcann and Lana like other LIs too. Like Theron for example. Is that so difficult to understand?



What i don't get or accept is an Arcann fan requesting to see Zenith killed in a gruesome mode - when there no info of Zenith ever being returned. Arcann/Lana fans have proven to be extremely hateful towards other LIs or non-LIs, so please, don't defend them. Thank you.

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