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Conquest Changes in Game Update 5.9


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I just don't have it in me to bash against the brick wall here anymore. Best of luck to you too. I've been hoping for too long that they would wake up and do what was right here, I can't keep breaking my own heart like that.


The pattern I see mostly is they have an etched-in-stone goal design they choose to follow, regardless how much "feedback" is given. All you got to do is look back at past patches that were game-changing.


If we as a player are unable to adapt and flex with the changes, then we have to move on. I did it after 5.0, and only a month ago was ready to try swtor again.


Since that time, they obviously changed the CXP a bit, made it "better" although I still find it quite inferior when compared to the old gearing system... I figure the same will be said and done with the conquest system.


Sadly, instead of listening to the players, again, they are going to slowly walk back the crushing changes they incurred upon conquest.


It is difficult to understand this reasoning. Surely they lose tons of players with this approach, and you'd think they would be more apt to care about the feedback given when they already had a substantial fiasco with 5.0.


I hate seeing the conquest players get crushed by 5.8.


I remember how I felt with 5.0 as a PVPer losing the freedom to easily gear and swap mods out on alts, leveling via PVP and gearing purely through PVP was not only simple then it was fun.


They took a simple and fun facet of the game I was passionate about, and changed it into something drastically different, for really no apparent reason too! Just as conquest was gutted and replaced the same way, now.


I imagine a year from now, changes will have been made, and conquest will be "better" than it is atm, but the pattern shows conquest will never be as alt-friendly or as fun as it once was.

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It is difficult to understand this reasoning. Surely they lose tons of players with this approach, and you'd think they would be more apt to care about the feedback given when they already had a substantial fiasco with 5.0.



They took a simple and fun facet of the game I was passionate about, and changed it into something drastically different, for really no apparent reason too! ...


The emphasis above is really my biggest issue. So many changes before had obvious logic to them, even if you strongly disagreed (e.g. level-sync, transition to more "solo"-style play, etc.). But lately, changes are happening that have no clear logic to them, i.e. they seem only logically designed to alienate, frustrate, disincentivize, etc. They seem to be intentionally making the game less fun.


For example, if the goal is to make the game fun for users (and, given the track record, we have every right to question if this is really the goal), then how could one decide that a conquest legacy restriction could achieve that? It's nearly impossible logic to formulate without straining and twisting and contorting oneself. There very well could be some obscure logic, but it's never conveyed. Simply articulating whatever that reasoning is at least helps us have a healthy debate on the "why" and maybe would even help placate some concerns. But it's clear that they (whoever, "they" are) don't believe they owe us that.


So, again, my resolution is simply to keep taking whatever it is they dish out even as it slowly erodes the value of the game, until my value:cost ratio drops below 1, and then eject at that point. Thankfully I'm not there yet, but again, it's frustrating that they seem intent on gratuitously pushing me there. I've already stopped buying CCs - and I used to buy a lot - since that value ratio there is now dropped under one (e.g. I'm an alto and I use CCs on new toons, but if I can't enjoy re-rolling, then I don't need CCs for my playstyle). This is a totally needless loss of revenue for them (far more than my sub is worth) as I am generally happy to shell out for coins, but that's really on them...

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The only thing I didnt like about the old system was the repeatable crafting. Personally I felt that crafting your way to a win was lame. It was nothing more than a resource and credit war. I believe Conquest should be about battling it out through actual game play and not crafting window wars. If they would have just gotten rid of the repeatable crafting and added the new objectives to the old system........winner winner chicken dinner.


And crafting weeks were only a thing every once in a while. Other than that crafting was a one off. As a non-crafter I'd have loved to get rid of crafting weeks too... but unfortunately there are people who, for whatever reason, enjoy the snoozefest.


Maybe crafting your way to win was a lame system, but it was the only system small guilds had to actually WIN some planets. I don't really enjoy crafting, but I enjoy David vs Goliath fights. In the old SWTOR conquest system, Crafting was the only chance David had against Goliath, and Bioware took it away.


KendraP, you said that you're a small guild leader that only cares about getting your encryption plans to expand your guild flagship. I am a small guild leader too, and I was once like you (only wanting to expand the guild flagship). With a little bit of farming for mats, crafting weeks were an almost guaranteed top 10 spot. And it was an easy 20k for every alt you play. With a little bit of planning, you could have reach 20k for every character in your legacy within the 10 first minute of the crafting conquest week.


And when the flagship was fully extended, I began to think about winning some of those conquest.

When you're in a small guild, you have to work very hard for those achievements. Do not think it was ever an easy task, because it wasn't. It really wasn't. And as you said it's a resource and credit war. We spend 6 months preparing to win an Iokath conquest. And I can't tell how much credits we spend for this achievement. We were almost ready, and then Bioware, with a single patch, without any warning, threw away everything, by changing the war supplies plans.


Maybe crafting was not a good system to win, but it was the system we had, and we-crafters deserved to have at least a warning (months prior to the changes so we could have time to use the resources we worked for) for what was coming in 5.8.


But we didn't get a warning and now everything we did for 6months has been for NOTHING. We can't win Iokath in the actual system. I can't be the only one who's feeling so screwed over. I don't think it's fair for crafters


There is only ONE way to fix this. Make the war supplies schematics the way they were before 5.8. Anf if you ever want to change thoses plans again, tell us. Warn us, and let us time (2-3 months) to use what we already gathered

Edited by dzkiller
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Maybe crafting your way to win was a lame system, but it was the only system small guilds had to actually WIN some planets. I don't really enjoy crafting, but I enjoy David vs Goliath fights. In the old SWTOR conquest system, Crafting was the only chance David had against Goliath, and Bioware took it away.


KendraP, you said that you're a small guild leader that only cares about getting your encryption plans to expand your guild flagship. I am a small guild leader too, and I was once like you (only wanting to expand the guild flagship). With a little bit of farming for mats, crafting weeks were an almost guaranteed top 10 spot. And it was an easy 20k for every alt you play. With a little bit of planning, you could have reach 20k for every character in your legacy within the 10 first minute of the crafting conquest week.


And when the flagship was fully extended, I began to think about winning some of those conquest.

When you're in a small guild, you have to work very hard for those achievements. Do not think it was ever an easy task, because it wasn't. It really wasn't. And as you said it's a resource and credit war. We spend 6 months preparing to win an Iokath conquest. And I can't tell how much credits we spend for this achievement. We were almost ready, and then Bioware, with a single patch, without any warning, threw away everything, by changing the war supplies plans.


Maybe crafting was not a good system to win, but it was the system we had, and we-crafters deserved to have at least a warning (months prior to the changes so we could have time to use the resources we worked for) for what was coming in 5.8.


But we didn't get a warning and now everything we did for 6months has been for NOTHING. We can't win Iokath in the actual system. I can't be the only one who's feeling so screwed over. I don't think it's fair for crafters


There is only ONE way to fix this. Make the war supplies schematics the way they were before 5.8. Anf if you ever want to change thoses plans again, tell us. Warn us, and let us time (2-3 months) to use what we already gathered


Again, I think there should have been at least forewarning before they changed crafting things. And the point of my post was that, while I find crafting in something that I'm paying to do for entertainment to be just about the most boring and pointless thing ever invented in virtual reality, it should be a thing for those who enjoy it. Not everyone has my opinion of what is dull or pointless and therefore you should be able to obtain conquest however you choose.


I particularly hated the higher cap requirement on those weeks because I am not a crafter. My guild has exactly 1 crafter, who I give all the mats to and who crafts gear for everyone. We are a primarily pvp guild, thus crafting for conquest isn't our thing, nor will it ever be. But it should be for those of you who enjoy it.

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The emphasis above is really my biggest issue. So many changes before had obvious logic to them, even if you strongly disagreed (e.g. level-sync, transition to more "solo"-style play, etc.). But lately, changes are happening that have no clear logic to them, i.e. they seem only logically designed to alienate, frustrate, disincentivize, etc. They seem to be intentionally making the game less fun.


For example, if the goal is to make the game fun for users (and, given the track record, we have every right to question if this is really the goal), then how could one decide that a conquest legacy restriction could achieve that? It's nearly impossible logic to formulate without straining and twisting and contorting oneself. There very well could be some obscure logic, but it's never conveyed. Simply articulating whatever that reasoning is at least helps us have a healthy debate on the "why" and maybe would even help placate some concerns. But it's clear that they (whoever, "they" are) don't believe they owe us that.


So, again, my resolution is simply to keep taking whatever it is they dish out even as it slowly erodes the value of the game, until my value:cost ratio drops below 1, and then eject at that point. Thankfully I'm not there yet, but again, it's frustrating that they seem intent on gratuitously pushing me there. I've already stopped buying CCs - and I used to buy a lot - since that value ratio there is now dropped under one (e.g. I'm an alto and I use CCs on new toons, but if I can't enjoy re-rolling, then I don't need CCs for my playstyle). This is a totally needless loss of revenue for them (far more than my sub is worth) as I am generally happy to shell out for coins, but that's really on them...





So many game-changing, some would say game-breaking alterations are dumped into swtor with no forewarning.


A while back I used the example of Coca Cola, and how with no forewarning they dumped "New Coke" on the market. They ripped the old recipe out, put a new one in because they felt Pepsi was taking too much of the market away and that Coke needed to be changed to compete better.


The Coke fans were livid. Coke rolled with New Coke for as long as they could deal with the discord, until finally they conceded and brought "Original Coke" back. I believe they kept New Coke going for awhile, until they finally just phased it out due to it's unpopularity.


The thing is, if you watch large market businesses they either alter a successful product with a change that is requested by it's consumers, or if the product gets a complete make-over usually the older product remains available.


It is counter-productive to a business to make an immense change to an item without first knowing how the fans/consumer of the product will react. It also belies logic to push a product out that is met with immense discord and unhappiness and then keep rolling with it.


The most frustrating thing is to be asked for feedback, and ultimately not be listened to. Also what makes it frustrating is not really getting a logical explanation that matches the actions... Such as being told they want to make the system more alt-friendly yet clearly this new conquest is anything but.


This disgruntles players more than anything.


No one likes to be told something, and then witness actions that do 100% the opposite. This breeds resentment in any relationship, and the gamer/game company relationship is no different.


The changes would be handled better if they just came out and said, "hey, we have a new design goal which is to focus on single character gameplay. Sorry if you do not agree with this direction we are taking swtor, but that is what we plan to do."


Some people might leave if they heard this, but hey. Obviously swtor wants to go this route judging by their actions not words, and they might find people who will find this game design appealing. It doesn't benefit anyone pretending they want to make the game more alt-friendly when in reality they do not.


Just stop giving people the run around, and be honest about what the design goals are for the game.


If indeed the intent is to make the game alt-friendly, then whoever is creating the design for the game are failing miserably and BW/EA really need to listen to the players who are expressing all the reasons in vivid detail as to how this present system is not alt-friendly.

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The most frustrating thing is to be asked for feedback, and ultimately not be listened to. Also what makes it frustrating is not really getting a logical explanation that matches the actions... Such as being told they want to make the system more alt-friendly yet clearly this new conquest is anything but.


This disgruntles players more than anything.


No one likes to be told something, and then witness actions that do 100% the opposite. This breeds resentment in any relationship, and the gamer/game company relationship is no different.


The changes would be handled better if they just came out and said, "hey, we have a new design goal which is to focus on single character gameplay. Sorry if you do not agree with this direction we are taking swtor, but that is what we plan to do."


Some people might leave if they heard this, but hey. Obviously swtor wants to go this route judging by their actions not words, and they might find people who will find this game design appealing. It doesn't benefit anyone pretending they want to make the game more alt-friendly when in reality they do not.


Just stop giving people the run around, and be honest about what the design goals are for the game.


If indeed the intent is to make the game alt-friendly, then whoever is creating the design for the game are failing miserably and BW/EA really need to listen to the players who are expressing all the reasons in vivid detail as to how this present system is not alt-friendly.


Your analyze is very good - so they should handle their player-base with respect and hear what they want.


It is meaningless what the devs want, the product must focused on the communities wants. I didn't believe that they will get many new players - the product is not attractive to new players:


-- the game is years old and there are no add-ons like WoW (a new great add-on every 2 years)

-- the world based on tube levels and not on open worlds, an old and stupid design

-- space combat, exploring the deep space - not implemented

-- PvP even like WoW, nothing special

-- Story content is for a year not in the focus ("thanks" to Keith for that)

-- conquest is failed, thanks to the inkompenent and lying ("should be alt friendly" after redesign) devs.


so the only what speaks for SWTOR it is Star Wars and the old class content

Edited by Master_Morak
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Your analyze is very good - so they should handle their player-base with respect and hear what they want.


It is meaningless what the devs want, the product must focused on the communities wants. I didn't believe that they will get many new players - the product is not attractive to new players:


-- the game is years old and there are no add-ons like WoW (a new great add-on every 2 years)

-- the world based on tube levels and not on open worlds, an old and stupid design

-- space combat, exploring the deep space - not implemented

-- PvP even like WoW, nothing special

-- Story content is for a year not in the focus ("thanks" to Keith for that)

-- conquest is failed, thanks to the inkompenent and lying ("should be alt friendly" after redesign) devs.


so the only what speaks for SWTOR it is Star Wars and the old class content


That's my point, I just fail to see how forcing game changes down players throats, changes they vehemently dislike is a good idea.


When the majority express their unhappiness with your product, it reaches a point where you got to recognize the people are not wrong, your product is wrong.


I don't know if it's a pride thing or what, but this doesn't help BW's cause if their intention is to hold onto customers.

I don't have to explain how this is true, just look at subscription levels to see the drop-off in pop over the past 5 years.

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Can someone confirm whether or not the „one time per legacy“-bug is now fixed? I had no opportunity to test it yet.


I can confirm that a yellow repeatable is not marked as complete after completing it and receiving the awarded points. It would appear now that I can repeat such an objective ad infinitum, so: Was the "fix" from 5.9a not supposed to take effect on the once-daily-repeatables until next Tuesday's conquest?


P.S. No logging an alt is required to "reset" the completion. The yellow-triangle objectives (marked "Daily Repeatable" now after 5.9a) can be completed over and over without ever logging out. Go nuts.:tran_eek:

Edited by MMFalcon
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I can confirm that a yellow repeatable is not marked as complete after completing it and receiving the awarded points. It would appear now that I can repeat such an objective ad infinitum, so: Was the "fix" from 5.9a not supposed to take effect on the once-daily-repeatables until next Tuesday's conquest?


P.S. No logging an alt is required to "reset" the completion. The yellow-triangle objectives (marked "Daily Repeatable" now after 5.9a) can be completed over and over without ever logging out. Go nuts.:tran_eek:


You're bugged worse then... the daily repeatables are indeed per legacy now for me.

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You're bugged worse then... the daily repeatables are indeed per legacy now for me.


I haven't been able to reset them using the old 'login on a toon you haven't played today' trick, however, I have seen them randomly reset on map changes. Not sure how or why and it's not even always all of the dailies, only some of them. Only happened to me twice so far since the 5.9a patch last week. Still a bloody stupid restriction in the first place.

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I sense a defeated spirit now. This thread has died, no more life left in it.


Penny has left us, we have no more balanced and fair guidance to direct our energies into thoughtful concern it seems. We have but given up hope and our very hearts have collapsed into pools of woe.


What will we do? Where will we go?


Sad days are upon us my swtor friends, sad days indeed. :(

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I sense a defeated spirit now. This thread has died, no more life left in it.


Describes pretty much how I feel about it. There was some hope as before the 'bugfix' for one week we had an enjoyable conquest system again. That was taken away and brought it back to the pos level it was when implented in 5.8.


The legacy system sucks. The one per day on many activities suck as well. I don't have time or inclination to play 7 days a week. I play maybe like two or three evenings per week for a few hours, Conclusion: there is no more place for me in conquest I guess.

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I sense a defeated spirit now. This thread has died, no more life left in it.


Penny has left us, we have no more balanced and fair guidance to direct our energies into thoughtful concern it seems. We have but given up hope and our very hearts have collapsed into pools of woe.


What will we do? Where will we go?


Sad days are upon us my swtor friends, sad days indeed. :(


This. So much this.


Now I pretty much log in Tuesdays to see what the objectives are and how repeatable they are...by Thursdays I'm not even bothering to play the game anymore because there's no point; Bioware suddenly hates alts and they're not going to change.


I find myself watching youtube a lot more often instead of playing swtor.

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This. So much this.


Now I pretty much log in Tuesdays to see what the objectives are and how repeatable they are...by Thursdays I'm not even bothering to play the game anymore because there's no point; Bioware suddenly hates alts and they're not going to change.


I find myself watching youtube a lot more often instead of playing swtor.


This. So much this.


Now I pretty much log in Tuesdays to see what the objectives are and how repeatable they are...by Thursdays I'm not even bothering to play the game anymore because there's no point; Bioware suddenly hates alts and they're not going to change.


I find myself watching youtube a lot more often instead of playing swtor.


Keith, alts should not be punished, whether it's through gearing, or conquest, or any facet of SWTOR for that matter.


This only discourages players from playing on alts, which means for many players they will not be logged in doing as much. Players will meet their conquest goal on one toon, and then feel no reason to log on other alts when they are limited to how they gain conquest. Legacy restrictions discourages players to play alts. This is bad.


Please consider opening up the different ways players can gain conquest!


Listen to the players on this one, don't make the same mistake and end up walking back these unpopular changes to conquest over a year's time like you guys did with 5.0 gearing!


Do the right thing, listen to the feedback of the players who play conquest the most. They are begging and pleading for you guys to lift the crippling legacy restrictions that you have imprisoned conquest with.

Edited by Lhancelot
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I sense a defeated spirit now. This thread has died, no more life left in it.


Penny has left us, we have no more balanced and fair guidance to direct our energies into thoughtful concern it seems. We have but given up hope and our very hearts have collapsed into pools of woe.


What will we do? Where will we go?


Sad days are upon us my swtor friends, sad days indeed. :(


I had high hopes for the revamp before it went live. I tried it a couple times, but it wasn't designed for me, a solo altoholic. I had hoped it would breathe new life into SWTOR for me, because I do love the game, but I still don't want to play all day, every day for Conquest.

After 5.9 I still don't see how it's any more fun for me. I logged in to do the new FP and to get Mako back (finally, yay! MAKO! <3 <3 <3) and after that one session...


...I'm playing GuildWars2 instead.


I'll be back to check out new content if/when we ever get any. But Conquest, to me, is no more interesting now than it was before the revamp, on the contrary. I need to be able to finish any short term goal I start in any game in one sitting or I won't start it at all, because I never know whether or not I'll feel like playing tomorrow.

And I don't feel like giving any more feedback about this game when clearly Conquest wasn't meant for solo altoholics with limited play time. I'll just wait and see what they've got planned for the future and until then I'll keep on getting my "instant gratification" from GW2.

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I sense a defeated spirit now. This thread has died, no more life left in it.




Sad days are upon us my swtor friends, sad days indeed. :(



I'm done too.

I've barely played SWTOR since Thursday afternoon. No real drive to log in anymore.


I got 6 hours or so of CNC: Generals in over the weekend though. That game is now more fun for me than this one.

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I sense a defeated spirit now. This thread has died, no more life left in it.


Penny has left us, we have no more balanced and fair guidance to direct our energies into thoughtful concern it seems. We have but given up hope and our very hearts have collapsed into pools of woe.


What will we do? Where will we go?


Sad days are upon us my swtor friends, sad days indeed. :(


I have tried coming up with what I want to say on this in a manner that is positive, but I can't find a lot. Only "Positive" out of this is that the "Bug" has now been "fixed" and the "increased numbers of participation" may decrease because people won't be getting credit for the same thing on multiple toons and MAYBE, JUST MAYBE. we can get categories changed and some numbers improved.


Honestly, from a developer point of view, I know that bug has to be fixed so they can get proper data and then adjust from there. From a gamer point of view, I am definitely feeling defeated.


With that, what I can't really wrap around my head at this point is this..............


What is keeping me playing? I enjoy playing this game with my friends. However, most of my friends have stopped playing because of the changes that started with 4.0. The solo campaign was okay, but so little new group content drove most of them away. Then, most of the ones that made it through 4.0 left during the early parts of 5.0 with the gearing changes, and have not come back even after all the changes that were made to gearing. Now, of the six of us that regularly got on, three quit with 5.8, and the other three of us havent logged in since thursday morning. When 4.0 his, there were 23 of us that were on at least 4 nights a week (Paying subs). Now, there are 3, and not sure how long the three of us will continue.


We enjoyed spamming FP's cycling through alts. We all played all three roles and had multiple of each role. We would run 6-8 FP's a night.....each on different toons. We could hit PC on 6-8 toons usually doing our 5 FP's and about 8 WZ's since Critical Missions counted for all toons. We enjoyed the fight for top 10 to get our encryptions. The six of us could put our time in and give the top 10 a run most weeks. Now, because the rewards are so low, critical missions are not there, or when they are they are one per week per legacy, we have so many FP's to run it is almost pointless.

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Honestly, from a developer point of view, I know that bug has to be fixed so they can get proper data and then adjust from there. From a gamer point of view, I am definitely feeling defeated.


If they were intelligent, they would say "hey, ist a bug, but many enjoyed it and it is not game breaking, so let us turn it in a feature" - but they are stubborn.

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Keith, alts should not be punished, whether it's through gearing, or conquest, or any facet of SWTOR for that matter.


This only discourages players from playing on alts, which means for many players they will not be logged in doing as much. Players will meet their conquest goal on one toon, and then feel no reason to log on other alts when they are limited to how they gain conquest. Legacy restrictions discourages players to play alts. This is bad.


Please consider opening up the different ways players can gain conquest!


Listen to the players on this one, don't make the same mistake and end up walking back these unpopular changes to conquest over a year's time like you guys did with 5.0 gearing!


Do the right thing, listen to the feedback of the players who play conquest the most. They are begging and pleading for you guys to lift the crippling legacy restrictions that you have imprisoned conquest with.

Isn't this the truth...it only encourages players to play other games because alts are simply no fun to play in this new system. I can't fathom why he thinks it's a good idea to encourage players of this game to go play other games rather than alts here...it blows my mind.

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If they were intelligent, they would say "hey, ist a bug, but many enjoyed it and it is not game breaking, so let us turn it in a feature" - but they are stubborn.


Actually, the bug itself needed to be fixed. Logging out to reset something could cause other issues down the road. They seem to be doing a lot of back end changes revolving around the new Command Center look. Not fixing that could have caused something bigger and unforeseen later.


As to the "let's turn it into a feature", am hoping, that now that the bug is fixed, they will change the category on a lot of those items and allow them to become repeatable, or gated behind a quest like the old Critical Missions were. I do think it was too easy to get a crapton of toons to PC pre-5.8, but I think that they have gone to the other extreme now. Realistically..... I can get 6-8 toons to PC with the new system if i plan my week out really well, and make sure I follow the plan. Before though, the plan was pretty simple. Get the FP mission and run 1 FP per toon per day with my friends then supplement with WZ on the weekend.

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Isn't this the truth...it only encourages players to play other games because alts are simply no fun to play in this new system. I can't fathom why he thinks it's a good idea to encourage players of this game to go play other games rather than alts here...it blows my mind.


Because then players will see how bad other games are and come flocking back to play SWTOR! (Dripping with Sarcasm for those that may have missed that)


Since 5.8 dropped:


I have updated LotRO, and even logged in for a few minutes before realizing how far behind we would be in that game (my little group of 6 is looking for things we can enjoy together) and logging out without actually getting anything done. Non-Sub is so restrictive there and since most of us haven't played it in almost 7 years, we have not bought any content since it went F2P/B2P....not sure this is really an option for us at this point.


I updated ESO and we have actually been playing there. 5 of the 6 of us bought ESO back in the day and since it is B2P now, we have access to the game. XP is slow, and we fill our bags pretty quick since we aren't subs, but we have been playing around there a little bit.


I have updated, and stepped into DAoC. It is still around, and running, not nearly the population it once had. Heck I think a good day for them is 4000 people logging in. It is great for a throwback, and crazily enough, they are still dropping a little content here and there (long quest lines that come out monthly it looks like).


I hope at some point there is a game that we can get the band back together and all 23 of us can get back in a game to cause mischief together. The only reason we all came here was for the Star Wars IP. I mean if you have to grind dailies.....why not have a light saber and blasters right?

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If they were intelligent, they would say "hey, ist a bug, but many enjoyed it and it is not game breaking, so let us turn it in a feature" - but they are stubborn.


It's not even a matter of intelligence, I don't question them on that. I view it more as a matter of pride. There's no other reason why they plant their feet into the ground and refuse to budge on matters of game design.


The point of a game is fun. Players in resounding fashion have said conquest is less fun, yet still they refuse to bend on the legacy restrictions.


I think it's a matter of them believing people will come around on this, that people simply hate change and so reject the new conquest on that premise. I think that's false.


Players have never embraced changes that make it less fun or a chore to play their alts. 5.0 proved that, and conquest 5.8-5.9 is proving it yet again. And again.


This is not a matter of intelligence, but extreme stubborn pride imo.


I believe that Keith reads the forums and seems to relate what is being written here.


He posts occasionally even when not requested, and I hope others point out the issues, continue pointing out the issues with the new conquest system to keep the game active.


Don't give up.

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At one point I had over twenty characters on three different servers. I'm now down to six characters as of tomorrow and one server! No more tanks (didn't like tanking anyways but the nerf was the last nail) and since I'm not going to grind alts through Conquest, one character in one guild is enough.


Seems like that's going backwards but everything feels more simplistic and more time for RL. :rolleyes:

Edited by Zerileth
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At one point I had over twenty characters on three different servers. I'm now down to six characters as of tomorrow and one server! No more tanks (didn't like tanking anyways but the nerf was the last nail) and since I'm not going to grind alts through Conquest, one character in one guild is enough.


Seems like that's going backwards but everything feels more simplistic and more time for RL. :rolleyes:

Well they had to nerf your tank cuz he was so OP in PvE...there's no reason you need to be doing 1/4 the damage others can do...you just need to hold aggro and spam your 2 taunts, nothing more...that's your only job according to some people here, spamming your taunts. And thanks to the nerf to tanks, PvP has improved tenfold, as skank tanks are no longer a thing in PvP - they're gone forever! (that's pure sarcasm if you missed it ;) )

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I would like to see them change the categories a little.


Infinitely repeatable

Once per day per toon (The bug showed that this is actually possible)

Once per week per toon (These would be gated through quests so wouldn't actually need to be a real category.)


Infinitely repeatable Quests could basically be broken down into three categories (With suggested rewards

PVE Solo

These would be set in 3 level 150 225 300 like they are now.

Crafting inventor for example would be 150

Story mode FP/Planetary Heroics would be 225 (heroics and story mode FP would obviously be for one of the planets being invaded)

Aid the war effort would be 300


PVE Group

These would be separated into 200 400 600 800 and require accessing through the Group Finder

FP Vet 400

FP MM 600

Uprising Story 200

uprising Vet 400

Upring MM 600

SM Op (L/O or not) 800


These would be broken into 150 225 300

Play GSF/WZ 150

Unranked Win 225

GSF Win 300 (I don't play GSF so I am sure this is really low in comparison to time spent)

Ranked Win 300


Once Per day Per toon

These would be 400 600 800 1000 1200

Complete the Daily Planetary for a planet being invaded (this goes along with the Heroics above) 400

KotFE/ET Chapter (because they want us replaying the content) 400

Craft War Supply 400

Pnaetary Rampage 1 400

Activity Finder 1 (3 actvities and doesn't reset daily) 400

Activity Finder 2 (5 Activities and doesn't reset Daily) 600

Craft Invasion force 600

Planetary Rampage 2 600

FP Bonus Boss Master Mode 600 (corresponds to conquest not a random one)

Planetary Rampage 3 800

SM Op FULL RUN 1000 (this would stack with the infinitely repeatable one for 1800 for a full run once a day)


Once Per Week Per toon (These would all be gated by a quest so there would need to be quests for killing the commanders and conquests world world bosses added)

These are 1000 1500 2000 3000

Weekly Operation 3000 (corresponds to Conquests not a random one)

Killing enemy Commander 2000

Killing Work Boss 2000 (Corresponds to Conquests)

Critical Missions FP (Vet) 1500

Critical Missions FP (MM) 2000

Critical mIssions Uprising (SM) 1000

Critical Mission Uprising (Vet) 1500

Critical Mission Uprising (MM) 2000

Critical Mission WarZones 1000

Critical Missions Warzones Ranked 1500

Critical Missions GSF 1500 (Again..... I don't play GSF so this could be low compared to time spent)



I am not usually one to throw in towel, so I am throwing out ideas and things I think would make things better for us while staying in the confines of what we have to play around with.


I will not go quietly into the night, but I am not going to kick and scream without throwing some feedback into the mix.


EDIT: Left out the MM uprising Critical missions.

Edited by MacCleoud
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