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Participation in this Forum section dead


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Honesty, I’m not even sure why they bother to keep the pvp and general section seperate anymore.

There are maybe 3-4 regular daily posters and 5-10 weekly posters.


Remember when you had to read 3 pages to get through all different thread topics for the day?

Remember when it was 2 pages?

Remember when 5.0 launched we still had one full page?


Then its continued to shrink all during 2017.

Then the merge/move happened and and now this conquest thing.

We are now down to 1-3 active threads a day (sometimes it’s one). And it’s the same small amount of participants keeping the forum alive (on life support).


I think they should just merge the sections because even the gen section usually only has one page (when people aren’t making 20 threads to rage at Bioware being stupid for a patch or content change).

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Honesty, I’m not even sure why they bother to keep the pvp and general section seperate anymore.

There are maybe 3-4 regular daily posters and 5-10 weekly posters.


Remember when you had to read 3 pages to get through all different thread topics for the day?

Remember when it was 2 pages?

Remember when 5.0 launched we still had one full page?


Then its continued to shrink all during 2017.

Then the merge/move happened and and now this conquest thing.

We are now down to 1-3 active threads a day (sometimes it’s one). And it’s the same small amount of participants keeping the forum alive (on life support).


I think they should just merge the sections because even the gen section usually only has one page (when people aren’t making 20 threads to rage at Bioware being stupid for a patch or content change).


The most passionate and vocal PVP players seem to be gone now. I been back 2 weeks and it's nothing like it was 2-3 years ago. I am not surprised.


What they did to the game when they gutted the gearing system is exactly what they are doing again with this gutting of the conquest system.


The exact same pattern of ruining something that players enjoy in the game with the intention of making it better when in fact, it was just fine to begin with.


I aint even mad about it, because I dropped all expectations for this game when I stopped playing last time after they introduced the RNG gearing system. Back then I was extremely angry and disappointed, posted tons of threads on the topic of PVP as well as the gearing system with a lot of conviction and concern.


The problem was swtor caused me more emotional turmoil than fun. We had to break up.


Nowadays SWTOR and just hang out occasionally as we both have moved on. Nowadays we just have "fun" together with no strings attached and there is zero emotional stress, at least for me. :p


I am pretty sure the number of PVP players from 5 years ago is almost zero and that was when PVP was regarded as imperfect but fun and fairly popular. It also was not established yet that PVP was going to get wrecked and players were under the impression the company was interested in making PVP better not worse over time.

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I aint even mad about it, because I dropped all expectations for this game when I stopped playing last time after they introduced the RNG gearing system. Back then I was extremely angry and disappointed, posted tons of threads on the topic of PVP as well as the gearing system with a lot of conviction and concern.


Yup. What is the point of posting and making suggestions, when those in control are actively trying to destroy the game. And it isn't even hyperbole. I now genuinely believe that someone somewhere is actively trying to make this game so bad, that the player base will finally go and play something else - perhaps Anthem or BF2.


If only I had a billion dollar, I would make this game epic again :D

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Honesty, I’m not even sure why they bother to keep the pvp and general section seperate anymore.

There are maybe 3-4 regular daily posters and 5-10 weekly posters.


Remember when you had to read 3 pages to get through all different thread topics for the day?

Remember when it was 2 pages?

Remember when 5.0 launched we still had one full page?


Then its continued to shrink all during 2017.

Then the merge/move happened and and now this conquest thing.

We are now down to 1-3 active threads a day (sometimes it’s one). And it’s the same small amount of participants keeping the forum alive (on life support).


I think they should just merge the sections because even the gen section usually only has one page (when people aren’t making 20 threads to rage at Bioware being stupid for a patch or content change).


Honestly you are taking writing in this forum too serious. Most of your threads highlighting irrelevant topics like "What do you do when you come out against better team". Most of people prefer PLAYING instead of writing how they play. It is either you are getting bored playing this game so you come here to spend time by writing your impressions or you actually just like doing it. But dont think that others also share your interests.

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Honestly you are taking writing in this forum too serious. Most of your threads highlighting irrelevant topics like "What do you do when you come out against better team". Most of people prefer PLAYING instead of writing how they play. It is either you are getting bored playing this game so you come here to spend time by writing your impressions or you actually just like doing it. But dont think that others also share your interests.


I thought everyone stopped playing because of conquest and the pops all dried up...

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I would say it's reasonable to surmise the activity in the PVP section does reflect the activity in the game. I have been in LOWBIES queue on SS during prime time for 45 mins now. Either I am bugged, or lowbies do not pop.


This is really surprising to me, as one thing you always could rely on in the past is lowbies to pop. If lowbies are this bad, mids are even worse.


I feel your frustration Trixxie. I been back to game only for a couple weeks and I am already seeing how it is, and it's exactly as it was when i left it. I hoped things were better, things are not.


The massive change in conquest also proves that. I don't even concern myself with conquest, but the fact so many others do makes it highly disturbing they patched and obliterated it so completely.


I do have the understanding though that this change to conquest affects other parts of the game, like PVP pops for one.


Much of one part of the game is connected to others and people forget this often times when they scoff at a change done to a part of the game they don't care about.


How does so much work go into this game seemingly only to make it less fun for the players? I marvel at it!


You guys should take it easy on Trixxie. She cares a lot about this game, and perhaps she shares more feelings and thoughts about it than most do, but this is a place she enjoys communicating with others about something she is very passionate about.


It's not fair to make personal attacks on her when her intentions are always good, and she does help others out with information that otherwise is hard to find.


I am just saying sometimes it's better to not say anything if you can't say something nice about others. We all are here because we have one common passion and that's this game and/or gaming in general. If you don't want to be nice, at least be respectful.

Edited by Lhancelot
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Most of people prefer PLAYING instead of writing how they play. It is either you are getting bored playing this game so you come here to spend time by writing your impressions or you actually just like doing it. But dont think that others also share your interests.


Easy now, big boy. It may be true what you say, but it is also true that people are different in more ways and for more different reasons than anyone can imagine. I for one am honestly worried about the game and am deeply curious how other players feel about the state of the game now. As for the posts: treat them like dim sum; take what you like, leave the rest, the only rule is manners.


This isn't monopoly or Solitaire. This game represents for some an enormous financial, emotional, social and intellectual investment, over (for some) years. We don't take the decision to "commit" to an mmo lightly. It is genuinely important to me what other committed players are feeling about the state of the game and Trix is a treasure for her commitment to the community. I was always a reader and never a poster unitl recently when I really started to worry about the direction of the game. I'm thankful to those who spent the time to post this last year.


A fair criticism would be that some of the posts recently are akin to a catharsis that you would normally find in a hospice situation. But that would call for being even more kind and gentle.

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I think it would take only 1/100th of that, as long as there was some common sense applied.


That’s if you you already owned the game. I think you would need to buy it off EA first and that would be expensive.


Plus, if you only had a Billion dollars, you wouldn’t spend it all on a game. You’d work out a percentage to spend and still give you money left for all your other wants and needs :D... hence having a Billion dollars at your disposal.


What you really need is to personally have spare trillion sitting around to waste a few billion here and there and then you can make a hostile take over of EA (which Microsoft are in a a great position to do now if they so choose).

If I had that and this game was still important to me, I would buy EA, make it a private company, buying back all the shares. Then bring in good industry people and sack the whole of the TOP EA management and publically release all of their private internal memo’s and decisions they’ve made for the last 20 years of destroying games and studios

Then I would have good managers that are also passionate gamers or developers. Rebrand EA and focus EA as a real company that focuses on games for gamers.


We all have fantasies, mine just has a small vindictive streak as well 😉

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I found this an interesting read


EA makes $186m Q3 loss despite rising digital revenue - https://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/2018-01-30-ea-makes-q3-loss-despite-rising-in-digital-revenue


Especially the comments after the end of the article


Page 9:

total revenue in the first nine months up $200 million compared to last year.

q3 revenue same as last year.


Page 11:

$107 million more spent on income taxes, go figure.

$105 million more spent on "other liabilities".


page 13:

$717 millions in profits for FY17

page 14:

$566 millions (369+197) made from "Live Services", up 20% from last year.



When EA said that the Battlefront drama wouldn't matter, they definitely did not lie, this report is probably exactly where EA wants it to be and where it was in previous years also. That loss is not due to reduced income, it is due to something within total control of EA. For the entire year ending in March, EA seems to to be heading where they were the past years. Which means, if you took away all of the so-called live services (i.e. stuff YouTubers get angry about), the company may not have any net income, but still pay for all the bills. EA is fine and lootboxes are the profit.


On the flipside, should lootbox legislation come down hard, profits are mostly wiped, which in turn mostly wipes dividends, which might make stock owners susceptible for that rumored Microsoft buyout. $20 billion for 51% of the stock is not that much, considering that Microsoft has $138 billion burning a hole in their pockets. If they wanted, Microsoft could easily buy EA, Ubisoft and Take2, ending third party games as we know it and really enforce a shift to GamePass.

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You guys should take it easy on Trixxie. She cares a lot about this game, and perhaps she shares more feelings and thoughts about it than most do, but this is a place she enjoys communicating with others about something she is very passionate about.


It's not fair to make personal attacks on her when her intentions are always good, and she does help others out with information that otherwise is hard to find.


I am just saying sometimes it's better to not say anything if you can't say something nice about others. We all are here because we have one common passion and that's this game and/or gaming in general. If you don't want to be nice, at least be respectful.


OMG thank you for saying this! :DRespectful discussion should always be welcome because it enhances the gaming experience.

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OMG thank you for saying this! :DRespectful discussion should always be welcome because it enhances the gaming experience.


I dont really take the people who say negative things about others very seriously.


At the end of the day we are all here for one reason to have fun playing a game. Aside from people who have fun being a troll that is, but most people have matured past that point minus the off day

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Easy now, big boy. It may be true what you say, but it is also true that people are different in more ways and for more different reasons than anyone can imagine. I for one am honestly worried about the game and am deeply curious how other players feel about the state of the game now. As for the posts: treat them like dim sum; take what you like, leave the rest, the only rule is manners.


This isn't monopoly or Solitaire. This game represents for some an enormous financial, emotional, social and intellectual investment, over (for some) years. We don't take the decision to "commit" to an mmo lightly. It is genuinely important to me what other committed players are feeling about the state of the game and Trix is a treasure for her commitment to the community. I was always a reader and never a poster unitl recently when I really started to worry about the direction of the game. I'm thankful to those who spent the time to post this last year.


A fair criticism would be that some of the posts recently are akin to a catharsis that you would normally find in a hospice situation. But that would call for being even more kind and gentle.


If posts made by trixxie were relevant and can't covered serious topics then yes but most of topics are "do you vote in threads?", "what you do against stronger teams"? And now OP is frustrated why many arent participating in these threads. Iam giving an answer on OP's question.

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I don’t think people should look to these forums as a community tool in such a way like the old community content we are, were used to. But it’s certainly indicative of the games direction, rip tre forums 😭.


The community really is what made swtor stand out, and as it dwindles, so does my (and others it seems) interest in playing...

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What would be the point?


I had my very first PvP warzone match today. I don't PvP normally, but I thought I'd give it a try. And, of course, since I'm not geared or spec'ed for it, I was about as useful as a Jawa basketball hoop. From the apparent advice on the forums, my choices are:

  1. Re-spec and re-gear my character solely for PvP
  2. Don't PvP

Casual PvPing appears to be discouraged. (And I'd be OK with that, except there are parts of the game that require PvP, like getting back M1-4X as a companion.)


So, if my participation in the game is apparently meant to be "all or nothing," why would my participation in the forum be any different?

Edited by FormlessOne
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What would be the point?


I had my very first PvP warzone match today. I don't PvP normally, but I thought I'd give it a try. And, of course, since I'm not geared or spec'ed for it, I was about as useful as a Jawa basketball hoop. From the apparent advice on the forums, my choices are:

  1. Re-spec and re-gear my character solely for PvP
  2. Don't PvP

Casual PvPing appears to be discouraged. (And I'd be OK with that, except there are parts of the game that require PvP, like getting back M1-4X as a companion.)


So, if my participation in the game is apparently meant to be "all or nothing," why would my participation in the forum be any different?


You do not need to be good, geared or even vaguely competent to advance in PVP.


As long as you put in time you will advance, more time is needed to balance lack of skill.


In time, in theory, people understand and copy good tactics that they see and stop doing things that fail and less time will be needed next time the gear levels increase.

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What would be the point?


I had my very first PvP warzone match today. I don't PvP normally, but I thought I'd give it a try. And, of course, since I'm not geared or spec'ed for it, I was about as useful as a Jawa basketball hoop. From the apparent advice on the forums, my choices are:

  1. Re-spec and re-gear my character solely for PvP
  2. Don't PvP

Casual PvPing appears to be discouraged. (And I'd be OK with that, except there are parts of the game that require PvP, like getting back M1-4X as a companion.)


So, if my participation in the game is apparently meant to be "all or nothing," why would my participation in the forum be any different?


You do not need to be good, geared or even vaguely competent to advance in PVP.


As long as you put in time you will advance, more time is needed to balance lack of skill.


In time, in theory, people understand and copy good tactics that they see and stop doing things that fail and less time will be needed next time the gear levels increase.


We all started somewhere. As long as people are willing to learn properly and not just become sheep, they will get better over time.

You can’t expect to pick up tactics and strategy straight away. It also never hurts to ask if you don’t know something. But it’s best to do so well before the match starts and see if you can chat to someone after the match to get pointers.

Lastly, just a little bit of effort to read some basic guides (like some stickies here in this forum section - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=939837 or a more direct link to the guide https://swtor-tryhard.github.io/pvpguide/ ) as well as watch some guides on YouTube, can yield much improved results.

If you understand the maps and mechanics before you pvp, you are one step ahead of a vast majority of players these days. Combat skill is just practising and comes with time.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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