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New UI Confusion

There definitely is some confusion around the iconography in the new UI, especially for Objectives. For quick reference right now, Yellow icon means infinitely repeatable, Blue means daily repeatable, no icon means once per week.


Daily Repeatable Objectives are once per Legacy, per day.




I see a lot of one and done, or legacy dailies. We'll see if it still bugs out for some people or not.

And only 3 planets for galactic war?

Edited by Krazhez
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Ok here goes. This is for pvp, with about +119% iirc, forgot to jot down exact bonus :p :


Any pvp weekly mission : 6570 once per legacy (as before)

10 unranked matches : 723 once per day per legacy. Why is this here

10 ranked matches : 1095 once per day per legacy

win a pvp match : 723 once per day per legacy


win an unranked match : 285 repeatable

do an unranked match : 186 repeatable

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Easy change switch from once per legacy to once per character should have been done on this update.


i dont get it...why is this so hard to do ? ... why make it Legacy wide ? what was wrong with /character!?!? ..I am starting to think they truly are searching for new way to make ppl leave this game... :mad::(

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The new Conquest still looks like garbage to me. Incredibly low rewards and conquest points compared to the old system. The new Invasion Force crap is really stupid. Flashpoint points are far less and the rewards are worthless. Before I could do 2 flashpoint (one vet, one MM) and be 25% of the weekly goal per character in the first day. You guys are completely out of touch with what is fun. EA hired business workers, not game developers. You guys should be ashamed. Go back to your cubicle accounting jobs. "FUN" is not your thing.


Just go back to the old Conquest. You can't fix this. You don't get it. :(


These are the harshest posts I've put on here, but the answer is so ridiculously obvious and yet you can't see it. What is going on behind the scenes that you can't tell us? You were told to wind this game down weren't you?

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I'm kinda speechless.


I thought they were gonna fix conquest a bit with this patch, but all they did was dangle a carrot and then pull it real quick and replace it with a banana peel filled with kathhound poodoo.


What the actual f are you guys doing? Do you want to tell us something? Why not just shut the damn game down right away?


(inner voice) Ok. Deep breath. Relax. Calm down, Kaldron.


You said flashpoints were supposed to be part of conquest, so I thought they would be viable, as they used to be. But look at this mess you made! I have 150% stronghold bonus and I get what?




Have you completely lost it?


If you honestly think you can wait until 5.9 to fix this cockup, then you got another thing coming.

Edited by Kaldron_Fell
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In other words, they did as little as they hoped that they could get away with.



That about exactly the sense I get about the changes right now and the ones to come in a month and a year.


As little as they can get away with.

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is the complete the GSF weekly conquest a per character or once per account? isn't very clear on that.


I checked mine and it is on the repeatable list but since it is a weekly- I would guess per character like the weeklies for black hole, etc. Of course after last week I wouldn't guarantee it. Iokath used to be once a week per character but it only counted one time last week which is different than the weeklies use to be.

Edited by casirabit
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It's got the yellow thing so I think that means you can do it all you want, as many characters during one day. However, that's a serious grind compared to the old system, AND, the weekly bonus is locked to only Legacy. So why bother with more than one character?

Edited by Zerileth
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Total Galactic War.........of three (3) planets......yay


"Total war has broken out on worlds across the galaxy, with skirmishes taking place on dozens of battlefronts. Opportunities abound during this period of intense, widespread fighting."


There's normally 12 (or so) planets for this week to "conquer" yet I only see 3 available. Where did the other ones go??? Are they evading this new conquest system, too??

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You know, I get that you've decided to iterate changes, and I get that you plan further changes for patches after this one, but tell me, please, how is this system, including changes you have contemplated for 5.9 or thereafter, better than the prior system?


Except for people who play one or two toons, who can therefore cap by completing multiple one-time objectives, this system is and promises to continue to be worse in every way than the old one.

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And if they are not going to make it alt friendly they should...




That leaves guild conquest, so lets give all your guilds the points!


Would be better than this current piece of manure.

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What used to be a "crafting week" is now no longer a "crafting week." Are there going to be any "crafting weeks" now, or will they be modified as this one has been?


The same crafting objectives as last week.

Except for getting points for crafting a Dark Project (which needs mats from MM flashpoints or ops)


The weeklies this week (CZ-198 / Section X / etc) are they once per legacy per week, or once per toon per week?


The new UI needs a complete revamp. Maybe individual tabs for each type of conquest objective (infinitely repeatable / daily per toon / daily per legacy / once a week per legacy)

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And if they are not going to make it alt friendly they should...




That leaves guild conquest, so lets give all your guilds the points!


Would be better than this current piece of manure.


I, and many other players, want to get to the personal goal on multiple alts. Not just ONE toon per legacy.

All points per legacy, hypothetically, would work against that goal.

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Just came to say that the 5.8a changes weren't enough. Conquest is still tedious and awful compared to the pre-5.8 system. I'm still letting my sub run out.


Group finder operations should be available for every toon, every day, period. PvP wins shouldn't be limited to once per legacy per day. Flashpoints should reward significantly more points than they currently are. Everything group related should be offering more points than they currently are. Conquest has been and always should be an activity which serves the purpose of incentivizing people to do casual group content. Without that incentive it's nothing but a lonely boring grind that isn't worthwhile. Yes people should be able to hit conquest without having to group up, but the rewards should be significant enough to encourage groups to form for flashpoints, ops, and PvP. The previous system was fine. This new system is truly mind boggling and is going to cost more money in lost subs than whatever CC market pay to win scheme that is the end game of these conquest changes. You can't milk people for PvE win boosts if the only people left in the game are RPers and solo RPG players.


5.8 was a massive mistake, and 5.8a was the opportunity to turn things around and seriously commit to making conquest worth while again for most people after the change. That chance was overlooked and even more people will be dropping as a result. GG and stuff.

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The weeklies this week (CZ-198 / Section X / etc) are they once per legacy per week, or once per toon per week?


There definitely is some confusion around the iconography in the new UI, especially for Objectives. For quick reference right now, Yellow icon means infinitely repeatable, Blue means daily repeatable, no icon means once per week.

So iirc, those weeklies do not have symbols, so they should be one and done. (maybe it'll bug like last week)

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I Unsubbed - You and your team should be fired.


Once per legacy is a ridiculous penalty put on the gamer. A GM of a small guild used to be able to get plenty of conquest with their alts, now they are reliant on the few members they have to maybe cap 1 or 2 characters, if they try. Stop 'fixing' what is not broken. You should seek to add, rather than take away, incentive to play this game. Add content and fix bugs - Write that down until it sinks in, please. :mad:


Agree ^

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The changes were not enough. Not nearly enough.


I don't know what you guys were thinking. Time to put it back the way it was, as soon as practical, while you go back to the drawing board.


(I have literally never said that about any change in the game. This was that bad an idea).

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Swtor has become the step child that EA no longer wants. Too expensive and there's new games on the horizon. It's in the way. They can't kill it outright as that would be too obvious. But, a little poison in the right places would yield the same outcome with less drama. No other logical conclusion makes sense. Even the stuff Eric says lately is weird. No way he believes what he's spewing, but he has to regardless.
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If you wait until 5.9 drops on May 1 to make any more adjustments, then you're just wasting your time as all the conquesters will have GONE and be playing something else. They will have vested their selves in those other games and they WONT be back. Already the numbers are dropping, and this latest little bit hasn't done much to help.


The point rewards for most of these things are insulting, and the unrepeatability of most of the objectives is unacceptable as well.


There are quite a few cartel items and packs that I would have bought a couple months ago that I will NOT be buying. I refuse to spend anymore real money on cartel coins. I don't foresee me sticking around in this game long enough to enjoy the things that I would buy.

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If you wait until 5.9 drops on May 1 to make any more adjustments, then you're just wasting your time as all the conquesters will have GONE and be playing something else. They will have vested their selves in those other games and they WONT be back. Already the numbers are dropping, and this latest little bit hasn't done much to help.


The point rewards for most of these things are insulting, and the unrepeatability of most of the objectives is unacceptable as well.


There are quite a few cartel items and packs that I would have bought a couple months ago that I will NOT be buying. I refuse to spend anymore real money on cartel coins. I don't foresee me sticking around in this game long enough to enjoy the things that I would buy.


I agree, even though i dont see then doing it before then, waiting until 5.9 to change further is a bad idea. These point values are an insult even with the increased spammability and lowered objectives.

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