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Conquest Feedback and Upcoming Changes


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I know why you are asking. Getting real numbers from them would have been really nice. I did FPs not Wz's but I knew most weeks my daily and completion g the weekly plus 8 wz's would get my conquest for the week no matter the week or the olanet.


Sorry, I knew you did. The reason I responded like that was to illustrate it to the guy I responded to previously.

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Well just got in from 14 hour day at work.


Less than no incentive to do anything Conquest related.


And reading through this post I see three things that 100% areshameful.


1) No further responses from anyone at Bioware - they are clearly in "bury head in sand and hope it goes away" mode.

2) Keith has made no comment / apology.

3) Conquest has not been rolled back to 5.7 version.


Let me remind you Bioware; your stated intentions for this Conquest revamp was to:

1) Make Conquest more varied, fun and enjoyable.

2) Rebalance Conquest Rewards,

3) Improve the chances of Smaller Guilds to be rewarded for their efforts.


Where I work if I had just spent several months and gods alone know how much money on a vanity project that had manifestly failed to meet its own stated goals, and simultaneously caused the company to lose customers, and so revenue - I would have been fired already.


You set your own goals for this Conquest Revamp.

You set and then delayed the release for this update so you could better attain those goals.

You manifestly failed to meet any of those goals you set for yourself.


Honestly, apart from the Command Crate fiasco I can't think of any other MMORPG patch that comes even close to exhibiting this level of incompetence.


All The Best


Unless you want your paying customers to have an unhappy Easter Holiday where no one is playing your broken turd of a conquest system - you better pull your amateur staff together - all two of them - and tell them to roll it back right now.

Do you really want your paying customers to keep hating you - as it turns into your worst PR disaster ever!

Roll it back now!

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I’m assuming no news by now means we won’t get any and will have to work it out ourselves once the patch hits.


ERIC, can you at least post in the patch notes


1. Will winning PVP matches yield more points than participation?

1a. If so, what is the difference between winning and losing matches?


2. If only doing pvp, how many participation WZs do we need to complete each week to achieve our personal targets?


3. If only doing flash points, how many do we need to do to complete our weekly target.


Very simply put I did the math going by the assumption points per type would be similar (repeatables with a base score lower than 100 per completion). Comparing participation/win ratios to the old and even an example with GSF/WZ ratio to the old...




Warzone participation would likely mean 6 days @ 24 hours/day @ 14 mins and 24 seconds per match (including queue, loading screens, eat, sleep, etc) to barely hit your conquest target.


Safe to say, unless they bring the base back to what it used to be people won't do it. And if it's just participation on a week that would still be working for it. Of course better to do when you do have the full SH bonus, but a new player without strongholds on the old system doing Warzones on a non-PvP week was already having a hard/impossible time.


A GSF win means a base of 85 points after all, cut that in half for participation, and in half again for WZ participation. So I ended up doing the math with a generous 25 base points per WZ, but even if that was 250 people would not find the time. After the SH boost it would be 63 and 625 respectively (rounded up), the old score would then be doable.


If they did restore the old points and repeatables they could likely move the guild target back to 460.000 and up, those scores seemed to be build on the old objective scores.

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Very simply put I did the math going by the assumption points per type would be similar (repeatables with a base score lower than 100 per completion). Comparing participation/win ratios to the old and even an example with GSF/WZ ratio to the old...




Warzone participation would likely mean 6 days @ 24 hours/day @ 14 mins and 24 seconds per match (including queue, loading screens, eat, sleep, etc) to barely hit your conquest target.


Safe to say, unless they bring the base back to what it used to be people won't do it. And if it's just participation on a week that would still be working for it. Of course better to do when you do have the full SH bonus, but a new player without strongholds on the old system doing Warzones on a non-PvP week was already having a hard/impossible time.


A GSF win means a base of 85 points after all, cut that in half for participation, and in half again for WZ participation. So I ended up doing the math with a generous 25 base points per WZ, but even if that was 250 people would not find the time. After the SH boost it would be 63 and 625 respectively (rounded up), the old score would then be doable.


If they did restore the old points and repeatables they could likely move the guild target back to 460.000 and up, those scores seemed to be build on the old objective scores.


If you want to compare PVP to the old system, it took 40 matches, which isn’t 6 days @ 24 hours a day. I often finished the conquest on multiple Alts and only in pvp,


Like I said, all arm chair maths is assumptions at this point because we do not know what values they will change or add for repeatable pvp, GSF, or FP’s.

Anything else is guess work and open to debate. I personally disagree 100% with your assumption ps about pvp. If I’m wrong, then Bioware may as well not even change the system because it won’t do anything to improve it,

But I’m guessing they are totally stupid and will make it so pvpers can complete the personal targets in under 60 participation matches.


Your post is one massive guess and so extreme that it makes it unbelievable.


All I’ve said and seeming had my intentions questioned, is to ask Bioware to provide some real numbers before the release or atleast put them in the patch notes so they are being transparent. Then we won’t need these sorts of discussions and it makes them look like they aren’t hiding anything.


I’m all for mathematical discussions when people have the facts, but no body but Bioware does until the patch is released. Everything else is supposition and should be not presented as pseudo facts.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Actually I’m not sure and nobody else can be either because everything being thrown around is speculation. All the armchair maths being done (for pvp, GSF and FP’s) is based on the currently released system and it is based on one win only, There are also no flashpoints setup in this system, so numbers aren’t even possible to armchair calculate.


What I am asking is reasonable because they never envisioned having more than one win to get points. Which means anything they add in the patch will likely be totally different to what we are seeing or not seeing.


What my household (3 players) would like to know is how many matches or flashpoints will be needed to achieve the personal conquest total if doing only one activity. That is not complaining, that is asking a question of the developers to provide the information they have readily available to them so we don’t have to debate it on the forums and have some community mathematicians work it out for us after it is released.


Some transparency from them would go a long way to restoring some faith. It’s not like we won’t find out within the first 24 hours of it being released. So if they openly offer the information upfront, it looks better for them.

Under the old system, I knew I needed to do 40 WZs to complete my personal conquest target. I just want to know if it will be the same or similar.


Exactly, we are just making educated guesses, maybe the devs took note and double checked the values, or are busy checking them. Lets assume they are checking them, then there's no fault in admitting that either. If they tell us now they are checking them so they can adjust them at least we'd know we might have better scores than assumed.


But if they aren't checking them, what good would it be for them to share it? Simple, we get to run the math and they'd know quickly if we doubt the numbers are right, then they could still check them monday and adjust a table, sending us a little noticification to let us know they are changing the numbers.


It would either way be a step to fixing the damage done to relations.

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I looked specifically at the one repeatable we did have in 5.8, a GSF WIN for 85 points. Maybe some points I used as a baseline were off, but a GSF participation did use to be 500 points and a WZ participation 250 points. So if we are generous and say both GSF and WZ participations are equal to that win it would still be 177 matches without SH, 71 with the 150% bonus, and that is with the 15.000 point for personal goal.


If you count 15 minutes per match and that you may keep missing the next match because there aren't exact team numbers playing, you'll have to play for a good 35 hours WITH full SH bonus, which is an average of 6 hours per day still. Forgive me for rounding the numbers here and there.


With wins in GSF that is still less than is actually needed (because I counted with the 15.000, not the current 20.000), so I don't think it'll be that unbelievable to assume the participation scores will be even worse. That's why it's good to bring forth the possibility. But yes, if they'll give actual numbers I'll use those, they have given no indication those will be altered yet however, so until I receive information that those numbers aren't that bad I'm assuming they will be lower than the win scores. But no guess will be that they are higher.

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Of course in all this we are assuming it's a repeatable participation objective. But the wording they used can be as simple as a one off participation weekly reward. - It just will be there everyone conquest. Edited by Lyshar
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Repeatable Objectives

Throughout most of the week, tasks with the blue / silver repeatable icons showed up as Complete across my legacy if I completed them with one character. Now they seem to be randomly resetting as I switch toons. Are they intended to be once per character per day, once per legacy per day, or do they just reset on timers that haven't been published?


Event Times

It seems you guys have decided to go back to the failed idea of conquest events ending in the middle of the day instead of coinciding with the server's start and end times for the day. This really serves no purpose other than to create unnecessary confusion for players trying to plan their activiites. Your game needs to be on a uniform timer every day / week so that we don't need spreadsheets to tell us when particular activities start, end, or reset.

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I still don't understand all this crying over conquest ?


Like who cares about that... The rewards are sub par and the only reason why even reached my cq targets was because I only PVP in this game.


For me it makes no difference if we have conquest or not.


But that's just me it seems. Seems like conquest with sub par rewards is the most important activity in this game...


If you only PvP in this game (unless you only play ranked) I wager you will see an affect to your game play due to the changes to conquest in the form of much slower queue times and fewer people playing PvP.


Conquest isn't about the rewards really, except for the encryptions - but even that is not why most people do it. Honestly, an unlocked flagship adds nothing of any significance to a guild apart from a sign that they've had some money to throw around unlocking it, decorating it, etc. Still, it's something that most guilds aim to complete so that portion of the rewards is still meaningful.


The encryptions are also still meaningful to the NiM community, particularly those who do sales runs. They are used to craft nightmare crystals.


But I would argue that the majority don't participate for the rewards (or at least the bulk of the rewards).


For most people, I think Conquest is about having a thread to follow that gives you a reason to play the parts of the game that are old, tired, and boring. It doesn't make them more exciting in and of themselves, but there is a competition tied to them that can be exciting if you are a competitive type and it gives guilds a framework of group activities to plan and execute. It's structure.


Many guilds would not run Group Finder operations if not for Conquest. There are still plenty that will, as the CXP and Command Crate rewards for last boss lockouts is still one of the fastest/best/easiest ways to farm it. Many players would not play PvP, GSF, or run Flashpoints and Heroics that we've been repeating over and over thousands of times without Conquest. Some may still enjoy those modes of play, but the number of people who participate in them is definitely boosted by Conquest.


It's a reason to replay old parts of the game and continue to play a game whose development rate is molasses. The competition between guilds, and even inside guilds to see who can score the highest is reason enough for many people. Not everyone certainly, and obviously not you. But for many, it's the framework that keeps us going when we don't have new operations, new storylines, new planets to explore, or anything else in the way of new content to play.


It has almost never been about the rewards, by and large. Materials Decos that are of such limited use, a pittance of credits via a token that you immediately vendor, and a crafting material that largely goes unused since more than a year ago (and wasn't all that high in demand then) are not the real motivators. Jawa scrap is nice, and the encryptions are helpful to growing guilds or as a commodity to sell - but the main draw for many (not all, but many) is just the competition. Winning a planet. Getting in the top 10 and competing to work your way up the board.


Much of the tired, old, outdated content will sit under utilized without it (or be untouched entirely by all but a handful of people who are dedicated die-hards of that form of play). More so than most realize, including Bioware.


It's a reason to keep coming back for many, and a reason to keep playing the game despite the slow cadence of new content release. Without it, it's one less reason to log in. It may not matter to you, but 80+ pages in one thread and 40+ pages in another in a matter of 3 to 4 days should indicate that plenty of people care about it, even if you don't.



Edited by PennyAnn
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If you only PvP in this game (unless you only play ranked) I wager you will see an affect to your game play due to the changes to conquest in the form of much slower queue times and fewer people playing PvP.


Conquest isn't about the rewards, except for the encryptions - but even that is not why most people do it. Honestly, an unlocked flagship adds nothing of any significance to a guild apart from a sign that they've had some money to throw around unlocking it, decorating it, etc. Still, it's something that most guilds aim to complete so that portion of the rewards is still meaningful.


The encryptions are also still meaningful to the NiM community, particularly those who do sales runs. They are used to craft nightmare crystals.


But I would argue that the majority don't participate for the rewards (or at least the bulk of the rewards).


For most people, I think Conquest is about having a thread to follow that gives you a reason to play the parts of the game that are old, tired, and boring. It doesn't make them more exciting in and of themselves, but there is a competition tied to them that can be exciting if you are a competitive type and it gives guilds a framework of group activities to plan and execute. It's structure.


Many guilds would not run Group Finder operations if not for Conquest. There are still plenty that will, as the CXP and Command Crate rewards for last boss lockouts is still one of the fastest/best/easiest ways to farm it. Many players would not play PvP, GSF, or run Flashpoints and Heroics that we've been repeating over and over thousands of times without Conquest. Some may still enjoy those modes of play, but the number of people who participate in them is definitely boosted by Conquest.


It's a reason to replay old parts of the game and continue to play a game whose development rate is molasses. The competition between guilds, and even inside guilds to see who can score the highest is reason enough for many people. Not everyone certainly, and obviously not you. But for many, it's the framework that keeps us going when we don't have new operations, new storylines, new planets to explore, or anything else in the way of new content to play.


It has almost never been about the rewards, by and large. Materials Decos that are of such limited use, a pittance of credits via a token that you immediately vendor, and a crafting material that largely goes unused since more than a year ago (and wasn't all that high in demand then) are not the real motivators. Jawa scrap is nice, and the encryptions are helpful to growing guilds or as a commodity to sell - but the main draw for many (not all, but many) is just the competition. Winning a planet. Getting in the top 10 and competing to work your way up the board.


Much of the tired, old, outdated content will sit under utilized without it (or be untouched entirely by all but a handful of people who are dedicated die-hards of that form of play). More so than most realize, including Bioware.


It's a reason to keep coming back for many, and a reason to keep playing the game despite the slow cadence of new content release. Without it, it's one less reason to log in. It may not matter to you, but 80+ pages in one thread and 40+ pages in another in a matter of 3 days should indicate that plenty of people care about it, even if you don't.




And that was the reason conquest was added in the first place, give people more of a reason to do the old content. If only they remembered that. Or maybe after that other game is done one of the old devs will return -assuming this one doesn't die by then- and go "Noooooooo, what have you done to my conquest?!".


At least that was the main reason I remember they gave back then for introducing conquest.

Edited by Lyshar
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And that was the reason conquest was added in the first place, give people more of a reason to do the old content. If only they remembered that. Or maybe after that other game is done one of the old devs will return -assuming this one doesn't die by then- and go "Noooooooo, what have you done to my conquest?!".


Most of the developers responsible for designing conquest have probably been gone from the game for a long time. Conquest has been in the game since patch 2.9, when they also introduced Strongholds. Anytime Keith talks about Conquest, he always refers to it as the system they "inherited", so I get the impression that most of the folks that had anything to do with it are long gone. I could be wrong.


But I always see people mocking Conquest, acting like it is not an important part of SWTOR just because it doesn't matter to them, etc. I think few people realize how much of a framework it has provided to a large bulk of the population (even those who play solo and are not even in guilds can earn personal rewards, and so they participate). But when queue times dry up for PvP, GSF, or other activities that they are used to doing with the population who does Conquest, it will become more obvious that it does indeed have an important place in the game, even if it doesn't matter to some.

Edited by PennyAnn
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If you only PvP in this game (unless you only play ranked) I wager you will see an affect to your game play due to the changes to conquest in the form of much slower queue times and fewer people playing PvP.


Conquest isn't about the rewards really, except for the encryptions - but even that is not why most people do it. Honestly, an unlocked flagship adds nothing of any significance to a guild apart from a sign that they've had some money to throw around unlocking it, decorating it, etc. Still, it's something that most guilds aim to complete so that portion of the rewards is still meaningful.


The encryptions are also still meaningful to the NiM community, particularly those who do sales runs. They are used to craft nightmare crystals.


But I would argue that the majority don't participate for the rewards (or at least the bulk of the rewards).


For most people, I think Conquest is about having a thread to follow that gives you a reason to play the parts of the game that are old, tired, and boring. It doesn't make them more exciting in and of themselves, but there is a competition tied to them that can be exciting if you are a competitive type and it gives guilds a framework of group activities to plan and execute. It's structure.


Many guilds would not run Group Finder operations if not for Conquest. There are still plenty that will, as the CXP and Command Crate rewards for last boss lockouts is still one of the fastest/best/easiest ways to farm it. Many players would not play PvP, GSF, or run Flashpoints and Heroics that we've been repeating over and over thousands of times without Conquest. Some may still enjoy those modes of play, but the number of people who participate in them is definitely boosted by Conquest.


It's a reason to replay old parts of the game and continue to play a game whose development rate is molasses. The competition between guilds, and even inside guilds to see who can score the highest is reason enough for many people. Not everyone certainly, and obviously not you. But for many, it's the framework that keeps us going when we don't have new operations, new storylines, new planets to explore, or anything else in the way of new content to play.


It has almost never been about the rewards, by and large. Materials Decos that are of such limited use, a pittance of credits via a token that you immediately vendor, and a crafting material that largely goes unused since more than a year ago (and wasn't all that high in demand then) are not the real motivators. Jawa scrap is nice, and the encryptions are helpful to growing guilds or as a commodity to sell - but the main draw for many (not all, but many) is just the competition. Winning a planet. Getting in the top 10 and competing to work your way up the board.


Much of the tired, old, outdated content will sit under utilized without it (or be untouched entirely by all but a handful of people who are dedicated die-hards of that form of play). More so than most realize, including Bioware.


It's a reason to keep coming back for many, and a reason to keep playing the game despite the slow cadence of new content release. Without it, it's one less reason to log in. It may not matter to you, but 80+ pages in one thread and 40+ pages in another in a matter of 3 to 4 days should indicate that plenty of people care about it, even if you don't.




I play ranked and unranked..


So far I haven't noticed any changes in que times. I always considered conquest to be something for PVE people.


But before the patch I used to have around 80-100k CQ points by Saturday-Sunday and now I have only 1600 :D LOL.


I as a PVP-er I will never ever reach my conquest goal. I am not mad tho... Still, If so many people got made, I hope Bioware will fix it.


And this "let's force people to do content they don't want" has to stop because now it's getting really annoying. People hate this.

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Admittedly, everything beyond the 50 million credits to purchase a flagship is pure fluff; unlocking adds nothing to the value of the playability of the flagship. A purchased, locked flagship contributes just as much functionality (orbital support, group summons, etc.), as a fully unlocked flagship. The only difference is more deco hooks and places to waltz around.


Don't get me wrong, I think the full functionality granted by that 50 million credits should still exist.


However, I think the process of unlocking a guild flagship should be divorced from conquest entirely. Let the unlocking process be another form of participatory activity among guild members that's not dependent on the strength of those members waiting around for conquest to weigh heavily in their direction in a particular week.


Also, the one-day breather between the end of a conquest and the beginning of the next means an entire guild's population can do nothing directly that day for conquest but prepare for the next via harvesting for crafting. There's no immediate activity that can be done. If divorced from conquest, guild members would have 24/7 to contribute to the ship's unlocking rather than 6 days a week.


Private, one-person storage and vanity guilds aside, guilds are intended as multi-player associations.

By divorcing conquest from flagship unlocking, Bioware has an opportunity to encourage group activity, and as a reward toward a guild's group participation for those unlocks, I'm thinking about group activities completed by all-guild groups, not PUGs.


What might those activities be to encourage group participation?

* Regardless of difficulty level, completing a non-PUG operation, uprising, or flashpoint rewards an encryption.

* Doing so at veteran level or higher rewards both an encryption and a framework.


And as a nod toward casuals, individual activities which can help toward flagship unlocks outside of conquest.

Not everyone has the time to schedule activities with their peers in a guild. My guild, for example, has members in time zones so far away from the majority of the guild that participating in our scheduled ops isn't practical or convenient for them. They subsequently never participate, much as they'd like. So for these people, and casuals in a guild in general, there should be activities that have absolutely nothing to do with conquest's content or schedule that people can do to help unlock their guild flagship.


* Completing all of a planet's heroics for planets with 5 or more heroics earns an encryption.

* Completing a solo veteran flashpoint earns a framework.

* Contributing 5,000 harvested items to the guild's vaults (not bought off the GTN) earns an encryption. This would require a quest tracker similar to a rampage to track the act of harvesting.


Yes, my suggestion does have the overall effect of cheapening encryptions and frameworks. But it also provides a means for guilds and individuals in those guilds to contribute to their flagship unlocks without having to dance around a conquest's schedule or its content.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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First impression: A minor start to fix the major messed up thing. "Ok, sorry you pvp people, we'll fix it for you next week, the rest of you can either like it or leave".

Speaking of like it or leave, how many subs have you already lost as a result of this massive downgrade called 5.8? And how many more do you expect to lose? I have already noticed the fleet is lighter population than usual. Would you tell us if you knew the numbers? Thanks.

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Speaking of like it or leave, how many subs have you already lost as a result of this massive downgrade called 5.8? And how many more do you expect to lose? I have already noticed the fleet is lighter population than usual. Would you tell us if you knew the numbers? Thanks.


I know of at least 2 dozen that have already cancelled or are planning to not renew with game time cards, and I'm sure there are more that I don't know about.

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If you only PvP in this game (unless you only play ranked) I wager you will see an affect to your game play due to the changes to conquest in the form of much slower queue times and fewer people playing PvP.


Conquest isn't about the rewards really, except for the encryptions - but even that is not why most people do it. Honestly, an unlocked flagship adds nothing of any significance to a guild apart from a sign that they've had some money to throw around unlocking it, decorating it, etc. Still, it's something that most guilds aim to complete so that portion of the rewards is still meaningful.


The encryptions are also still meaningful to the NiM community, particularly those who do sales runs. They are used to craft nightmare crystals.


But I would argue that the majority don't participate for the rewards (or at least the bulk of the rewards).


For most people, I think Conquest is about having a thread to follow that gives you a reason to play the parts of the game that are old, tired, and boring. It doesn't make them more exciting in and of themselves, but there is a competition tied to them that can be exciting if you are a competitive type and it gives guilds a framework of group activities to plan and execute. It's structure.


Many guilds would not run Group Finder operations if not for Conquest. There are still plenty that will, as the CXP and Command Crate rewards for last boss lockouts is still one of the fastest/best/easiest ways to farm it. Many players would not play PvP, GSF, or run Flashpoints and Heroics that we've been repeating over and over thousands of times without Conquest. Some may still enjoy those modes of play, but the number of people who participate in them is definitely boosted by Conquest.


It's a reason to replay old parts of the game and continue to play a game whose development rate is molasses. The competition between guilds, and even inside guilds to see who can score the highest is reason enough for many people. Not everyone certainly, and obviously not you. But for many, it's the framework that keeps us going when we don't have new operations, new storylines, new planets to explore, or anything else in the way of new content to play.


It has almost never been about the rewards, by and large. Materials Decos that are of such limited use, a pittance of credits via a token that you immediately vendor, and a crafting material that largely goes unused since more than a year ago (and wasn't all that high in demand then) are not the real motivators. Jawa scrap is nice, and the encryptions are helpful to growing guilds or as a commodity to sell - but the main draw for many (not all, but many) is just the competition. Winning a planet. Getting in the top 10 and competing to work your way up the board.


Much of the tired, old, outdated content will sit under utilized without it (or be untouched entirely by all but a handful of people who are dedicated die-hards of that form of play). More so than most realize, including Bioware.


It's a reason to keep coming back for many, and a reason to keep playing the game despite the slow cadence of new content release. Without it, it's one less reason to log in. It may not matter to you, but 80+ pages in one thread and 40+ pages in another in a matter of 3 to 4 days should indicate that plenty of people care about it, even if you don't.




Exactly I agree and feel the same way!

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If you only PvP in this game (unless you only play ranked) I wager you will see an affect to your game play due to the changes to conquest in the form of much slower queue times and fewer people playing PvP.


Conquest isn't about the rewards really, except for the encryptions - but even that is not why most people do it. Honestly, an unlocked flagship adds nothing of any significance to a guild apart from a sign that they've had some money to throw around unlocking it, decorating it, etc. Still, it's something that most guilds aim to complete so that portion of the rewards is still meaningful.


The encryptions are also still meaningful to the NiM community, particularly those who do sales runs. They are used to craft nightmare crystals.


But I would argue that the majority don't participate for the rewards (or at least the bulk of the rewards).


For most people, I think Conquest is about having a thread to follow that gives you a reason to play the parts of the game that are old, tired, and boring. It doesn't make them more exciting in and of themselves, but there is a competition tied to them that can be exciting if you are a competitive type and it gives guilds a framework of group activities to plan and execute. It's structure.


Many guilds would not run Group Finder operations if not for Conquest. There are still plenty that will, as the CXP and Command Crate rewards for last boss lockouts is still one of the fastest/best/easiest ways to farm it. Many players would not play PvP, GSF, or run Flashpoints and Heroics that we've been repeating over and over thousands of times without Conquest. Some may still enjoy those modes of play, but the number of people who participate in them is definitely boosted by Conquest.


It's a reason to replay old parts of the game and continue to play a game whose development rate is molasses. The competition between guilds, and even inside guilds to see who can score the highest is reason enough for many people. Not everyone certainly, and obviously not you. But for many, it's the framework that keeps us going when we don't have new operations, new storylines, new planets to explore, or anything else in the way of new content to play.


It has almost never been about the rewards, by and large. Materials Decos that are of such limited use, a pittance of credits via a token that you immediately vendor, and a crafting material that largely goes unused since more than a year ago (and wasn't all that high in demand then) are not the real motivators. Jawa scrap is nice, and the encryptions are helpful to growing guilds or as a commodity to sell - but the main draw for many (not all, but many) is just the competition. Winning a planet. Getting in the top 10 and competing to work your way up the board.


Much of the tired, old, outdated content will sit under utilized without it (or be untouched entirely by all but a handful of people who are dedicated die-hards of that form of play). More so than most realize, including Bioware.


It's a reason to keep coming back for many, and a reason to keep playing the game despite the slow cadence of new content release. Without it, it's one less reason to log in. It may not matter to you, but 80+ pages in one thread and 40+ pages in another in a matter of 3 to 4 days should indicate that plenty of people care about it, even if you don't.




I can agree with this.

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Exactly I agree and feel the same way!


Same. The structure provides a direction for guild activities.


I have never, prior to this game, at this time, posted that I was leaving a game. I just left. So Bravo for the level of engagement. But..while I have some modicum of hope for the patch on Tuesday, if, as I fully expect, there is almost nothing done to address the myriad problems with the objectives and the overwhelming bugginess of the changes to conquest then my sub will be gone.


I can't even flip between alts now without others that I have done no conquest objectives on this week suddenly showing completion of tasks (that are NOT legacy completion). I have completed tasks on others and received no points. I have received points (the world boss bug) for tasks I never did. I don't pay a subscription to be a beta tester.

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Same. The structure provides a direction for guild activities.


I have never, prior to this game, at this time, posted that I was leaving a game. I just left. So Bravo for the level of engagement. But..while I have some modicum of hope for the patch on Tuesday, if, as I fully expect, there is almost nothing done to address the myriad problems with the objectives and the overwhelming bugginess of the changes to conquest then my sub will be gone.


I can't even flip between alts now without others that I have done no conquest objectives on this week suddenly showing completion of tasks (that are NOT legacy completion). I have completed tasks on others and received no points. I have received points (the world boss bug) for tasks I never did. I don't pay a subscription to be a beta tester.


I for one am not hopeful that the patch Tuesday will be much of anything to fix it, yet as many others stated they will most likely draw it out over the next year exactly the same way they did GC. The real question they should be asking is can this game financially support that long of wait. My guild has already lost 20 subs so that's $300 that they will miss out on on top of whatever they would buy from the CM lol.

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Revert all this BS please Bioware. It's like you took a look at what people like to do and then removed all that from Conquest. Im not gonna start liking stuff that I did not do before because of it giving points on Conquest..

All this is making me do is ending my sub if nothing happens really really fast.

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If you only PvP in this game (unless you only play ranked) I wager you will see an affect to your game play due to the changes to conquest in the form of much slower queue times and fewer people playing PvP.


Conquest isn't about the rewards really, except for the encryptions - but even that is not why most people do it. Honestly, an unlocked flagship adds nothing of any significance to a guild apart from a sign that they've had some money to throw around unlocking it, decorating it, etc. Still, it's something that most guilds aim to complete so that portion of the rewards is still meaningful.


The encryptions are also still meaningful to the NiM community, particularly those who do sales runs. They are used to craft nightmare crystals.


But I would argue that the majority don't participate for the rewards (or at least the bulk of the rewards).


For most people, I think Conquest is about having a thread to follow that gives you a reason to play the parts of the game that are old, tired, and boring. It doesn't make them more exciting in and of themselves, but there is a competition tied to them that can be exciting if you are a competitive type and it gives guilds a framework of group activities to plan and execute. It's structure.


Many guilds would not run Group Finder operations if not for Conquest. There are still plenty that will, as the CXP and Command Crate rewards for last boss lockouts is still one of the fastest/best/easiest ways to farm it. Many players would not play PvP, GSF, or run Flashpoints and Heroics that we've been repeating over and over thousands of times without Conquest. Some may still enjoy those modes of play, but the number of people who participate in them is definitely boosted by Conquest.


It's a reason to replay old parts of the game and continue to play a game whose development rate is molasses. The competition between guilds, and even inside guilds to see who can score the highest is reason enough for many people. Not everyone certainly, and obviously not you. But for many, it's the framework that keeps us going when we don't have new operations, new storylines, new planets to explore, or anything else in the way of new content to play.


It has almost never been about the rewards, by and large. Materials Decos that are of such limited use, a pittance of credits via a token that you immediately vendor, and a crafting material that largely goes unused since more than a year ago (and wasn't all that high in demand then) are not the real motivators. Jawa scrap is nice, and the encryptions are helpful to growing guilds or as a commodity to sell - but the main draw for many (not all, but many) is just the competition. Winning a planet. Getting in the top 10 and competing to work your way up the board.


Much of the tired, old, outdated content will sit under utilized without it (or be untouched entirely by all but a handful of people who are dedicated die-hards of that form of play). More so than most realize, including Bioware.


It's a reason to keep coming back for many, and a reason to keep playing the game despite the slow cadence of new content release. Without it, it's one less reason to log in. It may not matter to you, but 80+ pages in one thread and 40+ pages in another in a matter of 3 to 4 days should indicate that plenty of people care about it, even if you don't.




Penny Ann, very well said. This echos a lot of what I'm hearing from guildies. Many of them are now ready to quit because they suddenly find themselves with no real desire to continue playing anything.

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I tried to motivate myself but just couldn’t do it. The reward/effort makes no sense, and I have no desire to kill another 250 mobs to get less than a thousand points. As the Dude would say, It’s a bummer, man.


I have a similar proble. 250 mob members is a daily now ? Oh, I have work to do the whole day, I'm home at 18 pm, and I have just time for regenerating until 22 PM when i need to go to bed in order to be fresh in the morging (the later, the less fresh). Plus, I'm not young anymore.

So, I have limited time, and I very much want to relax that evening, not work. and doing 250 is definitively work for me - unless I do it in a group.

So, at one point, seeing how little progress I could do with that limited toime i have, I just didn't see the point anymore to do that much more.

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Revert all this BS please Bioware. It's like you took a look at what people like to do and then removed all that from Conquest. Im not gonna start liking stuff that I did not do before because of it giving points on Conquest..

All this is making me do is ending my sub if nothing happens really really fast.


They should roll it back really really fast.

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New UI Confusion

There definitely is some confusion around the iconography in the new UI, especially for Objectives. For quick reference right now, Yellow icon means infinitely repeatable, Blue means daily repeatable, no icon means once per week.

Plan: With 5.9 we will be adjusting some text along with adding tooltips to ensure that is a bit clearer. We’re also going to be swapping the yellow/blue to be consistent with the rest of the game. In addition, we’ll be adding some additional fly text for Conquest Objective completion.

You also have to say which are once per legacy or not. Today I did "Critical Missions: Relics of the Gree" (blue icon) and it was available on two of my characters. However, I'm now on my third character and it is Complete. I also did "Warzones: Total Domination" (blue icon) on one of those characters. Now, it is Incomplete on the character I'm on which means I can do it again.

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