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Ninja Nerf List


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What happened to everything? Even play style has changed. My companion health points are off. No mention of a lot of these 'issues' in the release notes* If it wasn't announced it must be a bug right? What else 'changed'? Do we all need to open support tickets to get an answer?


If you notice anything else please post it here.


*Subscription being suspended until further notice.

Edited by DyreMaker
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My lvl 50 companions fully buffed in tank stance have lost 12k hp for some unknown reason.

hahaha I noticed my companion rank 50 now has less power and health compare to me, he used to have more HP and power even I set him in healer mode. I'm not sure is bad or not but so far I'm still alive with him healing me....

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hahaha I noticed my companion rank 50 now has less power and health compare to me, he used to have more HP and power even I set him in healer mode. I'm not sure is bad or not but so far I'm still alive with him healing me....


Yeah, I mean't rank 50. I didn't notice until I was standing on fleet with Shae. I haven't died or anything I just thought it was odd that her hp was lower.

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Tried the compendium (I know, way overpriced but I had the dark projects lying around), regret it.


First thing I thought "Is this companion broken?" on another character a different companion at rank 27 was waaaaaaay better.


So I thought I could send a melee tank companion into a group and bomb the living daylight out of it without the companion suffering much, it went down to 50% really quickly.

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I don't know if it was listed in patch notes or not but I did a vet Star Fortress day after patch and noticed the Knights didn't even budge my HP (mara + heal comp). They used to at least do SOME damage. I saw one move my bar about 2mm and that was it. In the part where you get attacked by 4 or whatever at once I dropped the cannon and just clicked my mouse. I don't even think I used my keyboard, it was that easy now. None of the other mobs seemed different.
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Mod extraction costs are way up. Pulled a set of 230 blue barrel/mod/enhancements from my operative's rifle. Total credit costs were well over 30K in total.


I just ran Ch. 15 with said operative and level 15 Senya couldn't heal her way out of a paper bag. I ran it a week or so ago on a similarly geared assassin/ lvl 15 Senya and barely took a scratch. I had to self off-heal a couple of times during the Gemini Captain fight.


That's it. I'm out. I think I still have about 30 or so days left of gametime, but this is the last straw. Was trying to do one last run to see Vector's return, but I'll settle for what I've already seen on youtube.


Bioware clearly doesn't give two craps about its game anymore. This hidden garbage, like the total gutting they gave Conquest, is a sign that play conditions will continue to deteriorate. My condolences to anyone who ever touched Conquest. The nerfs there were inexcusable.

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Mod extraction costs are way up. Pulled a set of 230 blue barrel/mod/enhancements from my operative's rifle. Total credit costs were well over 30K in total.


I just ran Ch. 15 with said operative and level 15 Senya couldn't heal her way out of a paper bag. I ran it a week or so ago on a similarly geared assassin/ lvl 15 Senya and barely took a scratch. I had to self off-heal a couple of times during the Gemini Captain fight.


That's it. I'm out. [snip] The nerfs there were inexcusable.


Ironic, isn't it, that for a long time on the forums, people were kavetching that companions were overpowered, with forum contributors opining that they be nerfed, given a toggle to turn off their influence, etc., etc., and now people are rage quitting because that has apparently been addressed.

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Ironic, isn't it, that for a long time on the forums, people were kavetching that companions were overpowered, with forum contributors opining that they be nerfed, given a toggle to turn off their influence, etc., etc., and now people are rage quitting because that has apparently been addressed.


Well, that wasn't me. I liked most of the changes to the companions. :p

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Ironic, isn't it,
Not necessarily. You may have:

Grp 1: 25% of posters who complain about comps being OP

Grp 2: 25% who want them more OP

Grp 3: 50% who are neutral.


Grp 1 is on the boards complaining.

BW makes a a ninja change reducing comp performance

Grp 2 (and maybe some in 3) now complain.


No irony there.


Now making it a ninja change (if indeed it was), a whole lot other people will (justifiably) complain.

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Not necessarily. You may have:

Grp 1: 25% of posters who complain about comps being OP

Grp 2: 25% who want them more OP

Grp 3: 50% who are neutral.


Grp 1 is on the boards complaining.

BW makes a a ninja change reducing comp performance

Grp 2 (and maybe some in 3) now complain.


No irony there.


Now making it a ninja change (if indeed it was), a whole lot other people will (justifiably) complain.


Indeed, but since it wasn't announced in the patch notes can we assume it was a bug? Maybe we should all send in bug reports that aren't read anyway?

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Ironic, isn't it, that for a long time on the forums, people were kavetching that companions were overpowered, with forum contributors opining that they be nerfed, given a toggle to turn off their influence, etc., etc., and now people are rage quitting because that has apparently been addressed.


Ironic, isn't it, that bioware still doesn't put changes in the patch notes, and just expects people to deal with it. Well on that note deal with buying an extra $300 on the CM to cover unsubs from my guild. B/c I'm not.

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Ironic, isn't it, that bioware still doesn't put changes in the patch notes, and just expects people to deal with it. Well on that note deal with buying an extra $300 on the CM to cover unsubs from my guild. B/c I'm not.


But Musco’s always said, if it’s not in the patch notes, it must be a bug... damn, there are a lot of bugs in this patch ;)

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This one happened in an earlier patch, but it still irks me and Bioware STILL hasn’t acknowledged it :mad:


Since it’s inception, low level armor that didn’t already have a dye slot could still be dyed in an outfit designer stam. So they stealth “fixed” it so now dozens of unique designs can no longer be dyed. Why would they spend the man hours “fixing” something that greatly benefited players and hurt absolutely no one, while genuinely detrimental bugs flourish?

Edited by Damask_Rose
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Ironic, isn't it, that for a long time on the forums, people were kavetching that companions were overpowered, with forum contributors opining that they be nerfed, given a toggle to turn off their influence, etc., etc., and now people are rage quitting because that has apparently been addressed.
If they change something that effect the way of player playing the game then they MUST NOTIFY PLAYERS in The patch note, They did not address anything about companions performance in 5.8 patch note, so It's might be a bug and if it's a bug then its must be fix until they decided to nerf companion base on players feedbacks.
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I have noticed my comps can't keep aggro at all in tank mode.

While I'm not dying but I did notice the heals from my companion a lot weaker than before, he lost more than 2k heal per cast on big heals, and 300+ per stick on overtime heals. They did not say anything in 5.8 patch note so It's might be a bug, we can wait and see if they fix it with the 5.8a patch....Hopfully, they don't introduce more bugs into a already broken game LOL

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Ironic, isn't it, that for a long time on the forums, people were kavetching that companions were overpowered, with forum contributors opining that they be nerfed, given a toggle to turn off their influence, etc., etc., and now people are rage quitting because that has apparently been addressed.


Not Everybody disliked how they worked.. I thought they were fine. People that were happy with how they were were quiet..

Drives me crazy that people who bark the loudest get their wishes, usually shafting everyone else. For those who thought they were op, they had the option to not use them, or not rank them up.. Now those of us who depend on them are SOL.. there is no way to compensate for underpowered. Not all of us have the top gear, or perfect ISPs, or youth.

Now, even at rank 50 they are useless, especially as a tanks. the instant I tag any mob after sending in my tank companion, aggro immediately switches to me.

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Ironic, isn't it, that for a long time on the forums, people were kavetching that companions were overpowered, with forum contributors opining that they be nerfed, given a toggle to turn off their influence, etc., etc., and now people are rage quitting because that has apparently been addressed.


I was one of the ones arguing about that. Specifically, I argued for a toggle or buff that would have to be opted into like using the White Acute Module to nerf xp gain. I didn't suggest that BW nerf comps for everyone and not say anything about it in patch notes.


It was also noted in that thread that the vast majority of players [who post on the forum] would be against such an expansive change. Meaning that the people ragequitting probably aren't the ones who were arguing for it. Particularly given that the responses are from people who set their comps to heal or tank which is the default faceroll easy mode for comps [particularly heals].


So no, not ironic. It's a rather dumb observation, tbh.

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No mention of it in the patch notes so I send it in as a bug report, if enough people do the same they -should- take notice.


My bug report.


Companions are broken.


I even got an overpriced compendium to get my Gamorrean Guard to rank 50 to set as tank and be able to take on a group of enemies quickly, but it's pointless, he's a worse tank than a rank 27 healer companion was before 5.8.


There's also no mention of companion tweaking/nerfing at all in the patch notes, so this is a bug! Please fix this ASAP.


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