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New Conquest System: First Impressions


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SOMEBODY has figured it out. In fact 30 guild leaders have figured it out.

Look at Unchained Wrath on Star Forge, biggest planet, number 1, hit 1.028,930 points, second place is You Aint Sith at 435,538 points. THEY FIGURED IT OUT and they're rolling with it.


Yes, some have figured it out. It's not that hard. One of my guilds has almost 1.500.000 points. You know why?




All players got the 10k for the bug for free. Then everyone went for the easy high-point missions like the heroic on Ilum and one Gree mission of their choice. The rest was quick TfB runs. If you have 80 players online at the same time and you get 3 OPs groups, you have 24 players getting 7.5k points each.


While running the OPs, everyone crafted 10 war supplies.


It is easy, sure. If you are a BIG guild and have lots of members. But that was the SAME before and - correct me if I'm wrong - one of the main reasons of this update was to make things more equal for everyone.


By the way, my big guild went for the second tier, probably because they weren't sure if they would be able to meet the goal for first tier. And mind you, it's a guild at max member cap. Go figure.


And just so you know: The above description is just the official possible way. In reality, what happens is that everyone is donating 400something Invasion Forces from the hundreds of thousands of IF in the guild bank and the legacy banks.




Those changing dailies is a BAD idea. If you don't know what will come and what is happening, people get angry. Remember that many players have work, university, family etc. They cannot be online daily. The way I played Conquest before was usually to get everything done in one day, because then I had no pressure to log into the game after a hard day at work for example. With your new system, this is impossible. I cannot get e. g. the 20k points today, so I need to continue tomorrow. But what if the dailies tomorrow don't suit me? Have to check in on Thursday again. This adds unnecessary pressure and annoyance to the game experience.


Show ALL missions in the window. Show WHEN you can do them and how many points you get for them.


Also, add tooltips. This new UI is not overly helpful when it comes to understanding what those symbols mean.


Still don't understand how the conquest in this version got out. Even with 1 week patch delay. What is happening in Austin?

Edited by JattaGin
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This is impossible to replicate consistently. We tested lockout runs early this afternoon and found that we weren't getting points on the second characters in our legacies. If you were able to get it on multiple toons, you either are using multiple legacies or you benefited from a lucky bug.


Same legacy on DM and also not the only one. The lb farms are already back in place on both fleets, strange if they wouldn't be here for that puny conquest points. Only thing I might have made different to you guys, I logged out after char one and did some other game, then returnt noticed that "complete" was only on the main, "incomplete" on the second heal and the DPS. Went insecure because english is not my native and did a last boss run because not much is lost if no points. If that is a bug there is no saying if you are stroke or the others.

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pride yourself on being able to think as smartly as the successful people currently on the boards, figure out what they're doing, convince yourself you're as smart as they are, and figure out what they're doing.

Were this system complete garbage, there'd be 5 guilds on the boards higher than 100k and the rest strugglying with 10k. That's not what's happening.


You ain't sith, second place on the big board, i just sit here with the guild invasion window open watching their points increase. Someone rubbed a few neurons together and figured this new system out.


You can, too.


you are the only idiot that thinks this is a good change. I bet you are not even sub! Moron!

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It has everything to do with Many of us got points for playing the game THE WAY WE WANT. I almost exclusively play GSF, and I got my conquest by doing that. I will not play conquest the way the devs have it set up now, and am angry that they are ruining the game I play GSF because fewer people will be in queu due to the changes in conquest. I don't care how others are playing, I can't play the part of Swtor that I love if not enough queu up, and most of the people in GSF were farming conquest.


And if this week can been an almost-pure GSF week you wouldn't have even posted on the forums because you'd be sitting pretty with what you're doing. Same with the PVPr's and anyone else not liking this week's choices.

Edited by xordevoreaux
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What I really don't understand is how/why anyone employed on SWTOR would think it OK to let this patch go live.


It is an abomination.


They hint at changes that, in principle, sound great and then deliver changes so abysmally thought out that it's like they were hinting at x and then decided to deliver !x, and then - because they are all so woefully out of touch with the playerbase - expect us to be happy.


I bet there are people in the Bioware office who genuinely don't understand why we are not happy.


All The Best


Because they are totally inept at their work, and most likely some unpaid intern wrote the patch and nobody paid any attention on what they created.

They definitely did not test anything.

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At least you can still cap by running Battle of Ilum 100 times.


Per toon.


Not quite 100. 62 to be exact, if you have the 150% stronghold bonus.


What BW should have done was:


  • Make conquest points accumulate similar to DvL. Meaning everything you do contributes to conquest and give points. Everything from killing mobs, to pvp, to heroics, to gsf, to flashpoints, to operations.
  • Changed crafting from repeatable, or one-off, to a limited amount all of the time.
  • Then add bonuses to certain activities based on which planet is invaded.
  • Put size limitations on their Small, Medium, Large Planets. Meaning if guilds have 100 members or less, then they're locked into the Small Planets. 101-300 members for the Medium Planets. And 301-500 members for the Large Planets. And have more than one planet option for each "Tier."


Oh, and I don't think you have to worry about "fixing" skank tanks because no one's going to be doing pvp because it's not worth doing anymore.


I just have 3 more words for you guys right now.


  1. Fix
  2. This
  3. Mistake!

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And if this week can been an almost-pure GSF week you wouldn't have even posted on the forums because you'd be sitting pretty with what you're doing. Same with the PVPr's and anyone else not liking this week's choices.


the types of dailies and the amount of points, and how it works based on character/legacy shouldn't have been changed. all that should have changed was the way of setting conquests, and the interface touch up. there was no reason to overhaul everything in favor of large guilds, while smaller and individual conquest players are left in the mud. everyone was content with the way it was, for almost five years it's been that way.

Edited by ThomasStarWars
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I guess the lesson learned is that there must be enough of everything for everyone every week, make no week lean in any particular direction, that way the people sitting in the middle of a corn field during the potato famine who won't eat corn can have what they want, and the next group of people, and the next, and be equitable that way.
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I think the person who came up with system needs to be fired. The way its set up right now you are pretty much telling people not to run any content. No points for daily flash points if you use run multiple toons You only get points once for one toon. Crafting is now a joke you might as well just get rid of conquest crafting completely and just have crafting for gear. Their won't be anyone stupid enough to waste time trying to craft any conquest supplies or invasion forces due to how many materials are now needed and the lack of points. If you wanted to kill many aspects of this game you are well on your way to doing it. PVP , OPS, FPS are done why run more than one match a day when you don't get the conquest points? My guild typically run multiple runs of OPS but now its a waste of time. Trying to get guild members to run group content just became much harder to do since if they miss the initial run of an operation then they are just out of luck unless they can pug a group which to me means why have a guild if people will be pugging everything now? As of now the devs have set the game up for people to either sit on the game doing nothing or not playing this game anymore and from what I am reading from the comments they won't have to worry about any more updates or patches since the only people playing this game will be the free 2 play people . Why waste money on a broken game that has never been fixed? the new servers will prevent hacking? joke never did anything to stop that...... the new servers will prevent spammers? I am still still receiving in game mails from credit spammers and still see spammers in gen chat on fleet .... so pretty much the devs were just full of hot air once again so they spent 6-7 months coming up with something else that will continue to drive paying subscribers to leave this game. If they would actually get input into changes they are planning or thinking of and actually listen to said input they could make this game enjoyable, but they don't they half *** the coding in every patch they do and spend all their time trying to fix all the coding errors and glitches in the game . Edited by medicalmanicu
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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




Let's be Honest Ladies and Gentlemen


1. How many people think that Eric and Keith actually read each of these Posts?


2. How many people actually think that they give a damn about our opinions on the subject?


3. Who actually thinks they will do anything about it?


4. How many Subs will Quit before they do?


5. Who thinks Keith's days are numbered if they don't? (sorry Keith but someone's head is going to roll if enough subs quit)

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And FYI, I'm IN You Aint Sith, I guarantee we haven't figured it out. We've been in TS all day talking about how we haven't figured it out. Half our members toons are bugged so they can't repeat lockouts or other stuff. Some of them are bugged so they can't repeat heroics on other toons. And one of the people that have cancelled their sub? The spouse of the GM. Two of the officers have also cancelled their sub. The longer I sit in TS the more people talk about changing games. Don't use us as an example. We don't have it figure out and we DON'T LIKE IT.
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I guess the lesson learned is that there must be enough of everything for everyone every week, make no week lean in any particular direction, that way the people sitting in the middle of a corn field during the potato famine who won't eat corn can have what they want, and the next group of people, and the next, and be equitable that way.


What are you waffling about now?


The stated goal of these changes was to make is so smaller guilds could get rewarded for their effort, and so could solo players (who relied on being able to do things on multiple toons).


In fact it has made it harder for smaller guilds to be rewarded, its made it almost impossible for solo, gsf or pvp players to hit their individual targets.


By that stated goal this patch is a fail.


All The Best

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And FYI, I'm IN You Aint Sith, I guarantee we haven't figured it out. We've been in TS all day talking about how we haven't figured it out. Half our members toons are bugged so they can't repeat lockouts or other stuff. Some of them are bugged so they can't repeat heroics on other toons. And one of the people that have cancelled their sub? The spouse of the GM. Two of the officers have also cancelled their sub. The longer I sit in TS the more people talk about changing games. Don't use us as an example. We don't have it figure out and we DON'T LIKE IT.


Yet you've managed to make over .5m points, good job for floundering around, I'd say.

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Let's be Honest Ladies and Gentlemen


1. How many people think that Eric and Keith actually read each of these Posts?


2. How many people actually think that they give a damn about our opinions on the subject?


3. Who actually thinks they will do anything about it?


4. How many Subs will Quit before they do?


5. Who thinks Keith's days are numbered if they don't? (sorry Keith but someone's head is going to roll if enough subs quit)


1) Based on past experience it is clear they don't.


2) See 1)


3) Only if enough Subs quit.


4) Here's the dilemma - we need LOTS of Subs to quit to force a change of direction, but the game can't afford that.


5) Yes, this is Keith's "we thing RNG is exciting" moment, and will - if enough Subs quit - lead to the same outcome that Ben's "we think RNG is exciting" moment led to.


It's almost like no-one at Bioware is even remotely capable of learning from past mistakes by proxy.


All The Best

Edited by DarthSpuds
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There is only three things that I think are positive:

- The fact that guilds can no longer farm lockouts like crazy to win conquests.

- Making event dailies a conquest objective.

- Giving extra credits and cxp for completing conquest objectives.


Theeeen, all the other stuff is really bad. How are we supposed to get our conquest goals this way? No more rewards for participating in warzones? 90 conquest points for gsf??(tell me you missed a zero there, please). I think it's good that you added groupfinder uprising as a conquest objective, but why did you have to remove groupfinder flashpoints to do so?? It makes absolutely no sense.


I feel really unmotivated to keep playing this game. I thought your goal was to improve conquest and make it more fair and less grindy, but this is impossible. In our guild we have always tried to get conquest points by doing stuff we enjoyed, and that's why we have always refused to farm lockouts, but you are taking gsf, warzones and flashpoints away from us.


Please, reconsider.

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And if this week can been an almost-pure GSF week you wouldn't have even posted on the forums because you'd be sitting pretty with what you're doing. Same with the PVPr's and anyone else not liking this week's choices.


Doesn't matter if it's a GSF week or not. I used to hit conquest every week on 1-2 characters just from GSF. So the fact BW is reducing the number of people that are in the everyday queu is a very bad sign for GSF. I saw 2 pops from noon my time-5 pm. Most days we'd have far more then that. This is ruining peoples game playstyle.

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Let's be Honest Ladies and Gentlemen


1. How many people think that Eric and Keith actually read each of these Posts?


2. How many people actually think that they give a damn about our opinions on the subject?


3. Who actually thinks they will do anything about it?


4. How many Subs will Quit before they do?


5. Who thinks Keith's days are numbered if they don't? (sorry Keith but someone's head is going to roll if enough subs quit)


about 10 subs ready to quit here, if they don't make changes within the next 2 weeks aha. Hopefully there are more to get the message across to them.

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There is only three things that I think are positive:

- The fact that guilds can no longer farm lockouts like crazy to win conquests.

- Making event dailies a conquest objective.

- Giving extra credits and cxp for completing conquest objectives.


The lockout thing is def. more beneficial to the bigger guilds. Who usually have more than enough people to do about 4-5 runs of the operations. While the smaller guilds were usually able to match that with a a core group that has many alts.


This benefits the big guilds (they now have lesser competition) & the really really small guilds (allowing the medium/small guilds above them to be capped).


So idk if that's really a positive.

Edited by KingGolDragon
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Floundering around is all we're doing. And we're talking about quitting conquest altogether and just building a guild schedule before everybody just bails on the game entirely. Which another two people have decided they're going to do since my last post. I like this game. I don't want to leave, but if all the people I play with go then I'll go too, FFXIV or LOTR or whatever. I started this game in beta, it's a real shame they've decided to **** it all up.
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Yet you've managed to make over .5m points, good job for floundering around, I'd say.


It has been told to you several times:


People are testing it out right now. They get ALL points available. They donate thousands of Invasion Forces which they have stockpiled for years.


The guilds you bring as examples for how great the new conquest is have all replied to you that they disagree with you.


I don't really understand your mission here? You literally (!) are the ONLY person in this whole thread who has a positive opinion about the new conquest. Don't believe me? Go through every single post again. Trust me, no one except you is happy. And you see much, much more different names than the usual posters. Names I have never seen before, not even after 5.0 arrived.


Again, my SUGGESTION for BW:


Show upcoming dailies at all times in the UI, so that people can plan their conquest for the week! Maybe tomorrow will see 20.000 new conquest points for easy things and at the end of the week, everyone has 200.000 points. If so, maybe there is some sense behind this update. But this sense was then destroyed by an UI fail and horrible communication and community management. A pity.

Edited by JattaGin
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Yet you've managed to make over .5m points, good job for floundering around, I'd say.

not that hard with the glitch that gives 9k free points to those with 150% bonus.. so the points aren't a good indication of the system..especially when those guilds disagree with ya

Edited by KingGolDragon
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Same legacy on DM and also not the only one. The lb farms are already back in place on both fleets, strange if they wouldn't be here for that puny conquest points. Only thing I might have made different to you guys, I logged out after char one and did some other game, then returnt noticed that "complete" was only on the main, "incomplete" on the second heal and the DPS. Went insecure because english is not my native and did a last boss run because not much is lost if no points. If that is a bug there is no saying if you are stroke or the others.

Yes, I understand that. We've managed to see the bug, too. The problem is that it's not consistently repeatable, the thing I mentioned in the previous post. Sometimes the log-out thing works, sometimes it doesn't; sometimes people who don't log out get the points, and sometimes they don't. Wrath is doing more science on it, but we haven't turned anything up yet.


Like people are saying, a lot of guild points at the high end come from the Gravak'k and Surgok'k bug, not from "guilds being smart and figuring things out". (UW does have a lot of unique accounts. It's not just one person no-lifing it in a basement.) That's not sustainable. Burning dozens of Invasion Forces, which some other people have done, isn't either.

Edited by Euphrosyne
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I'd like to know if we are 'supposed' to be able to do an OP more than once per LEGACY. My characters only got points on the first one. Two other people in my guild have gotten points each run they have done. One of the two ways is bugged clearly. Which one?


And I promise you YAS (which I am a member of) does not think this setup is hunky dory. Yes, we are putting up points. We are extremely unhappy.


I have a large number of alts. Most people I know do. They like playing them. One time objectives per legacy are not a thrilling thing to see. I'm fine with not doing lockouts anymore. Give me something ELSE I CAN do on all those characters.

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