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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Conquest System: First Impressions


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The stronghold changes have lots of friends of mine pissed off. They spent time decorating their SH's. Yes, it even took time to stuff em full of meat trees. This just made all that time we took WASTED!!!!!!!!!!!!


After seeing the changes, having empty strongholds count the same as my art galleries of disappointment on coruscant and DK is the least of my worries.

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Hey folks,


Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow I want to get the following information into this thread: a breakdown of our intention around the Conquest revamp and a list of the feedback points that all of you have raised. This will allow you to see our thoughts on Conquests and then to highlight the feedback you have stated that we are actively reviewing internally.


Thanks everyone!


Thank you.

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It should 100% give conquest for losing a PvP/GSF match. It should for 1 simple reason. More people are in queu, so more pops happen for those of us that like to play those aspects of the game. If it is only for Winning, fewer people will be in queu, so the rest of us have to wait longer for queu's to pop.



Not only for that but also because this no reward for losing will a. Only encourage leaving a war zone as soon as the odds of winning seems low b. Immediately leaving it if you are backfill in a losing match. (Which will happen even more now since a. Is encouraged)

Edited by Morteistno
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Hey folks,


Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow I want to get the following information into this thread: a breakdown of our intention around the Conquest revamp and a list of the feedback points that all of you have raised. This will allow you to see our thoughts on Conquests and then to highlight the feedback you have stated that we are actively reviewing internally.


Thanks everyone!


The way I'm reading this makes it sound like these changes were deliberate and you have no intention of amending them.

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Hey folks,


Keep the feedback coming! Seeing your thoughts on the revamp is very helpful to the team. My plan is that tomorrow I want to get the following information into this thread: a breakdown of our intention around the Conquest revamp


Thanks everyone!


Your intention is quite apparent.


Break it so bad no one wants to play it anymore.


If you had any other intention I suggest you need to hire different staff.


All The Best

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Yesterday, I was livid about these changes...so I slept on it...today I'm still livid.


As someone who's played the game since launch, conquest through pvp was really the only thing that kept me in this game. I liked the fact that I could join in on a pvp match on any character, play with my guild mates, and together we would achieve the conquest goals. Now with only only being able to do one match per legacy per day, there won't be incentive for others to play and the ques in lowbies and mids (which is already dying) will be dead.


The changes to crafting makes my head spin. Not only because we were all completely blind sighted by them, but also because of the obscene amount of crafting I'd have to do to make a minuscule amount of CQ points.


Eh, I could ramble on for a long time, but I'll just say that I actually agree with just about every negative thing I've seen in this thread and am hopeful to see it all reversed. I love this game, but my incentive to play is nothing at the moment.

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Hey Eric and Keith,


Here is my feedback on the new Conquest system. I am going to try to be as constructive as possible, without whining (too much), but know that there are some serious flaws in this system that players are rightly very upset about.


First the positive:

-I love the new Guild Invasion tab. Great information that is relevant and easy to access. Everything is laid out clearly. I’m a little wary about how the planets will be laid out for conquests with more than three planets, but I will reserve judgement until that comes along.

-I’m very glad to see the inclusion of credit and xp/cxp rewards to objectives, but the amounts are low enough that they are not likely to draw in players unwilling to do objectives with low conquest point values. Still, nice little bonus.


Now the negatives:

-The Conquest Tab: This is confusing and wastes a ton of space that could eliminate all the confusion. There is a huge window to explain each objective, but you don’t explain them, just have a 1 sentence description of each. Each should be clearly marked as one time, one time per day per legacy, one time per day per character, or repeatable.

-The Conquest Objectives are currently bugged, either on the tab or how they reward points. Craft Invasion Forces, for example, are portrayed the exact same way as Critical Missions: Gree, but the latter rewards points to each character and the former rewards points to only one legacy, each day. Additionally, neither is marked complete on all characters when it is completed (whether additional characters can earn the points or not. Additionally, the point values in the objective complete chat are inaccurate.

-The list of objectives is too narrow, at least for the Gree event. The inability to do Flashpoints, or to do Operations with multiple characters, means that players are hampered on how they can complete their personal conquest objective. They are forced to come back every day to do repeatable missions, or are forced to do content they don’t want to do, not always with a guarantee of getting any points (PVP, GSF).

-Speaking of, make PVP and GSF only reward points for wins makes these two totally pointless to conquest. The fact that PVP is repeatable daily means the serious PVP’ers who have confidence in being able to win PVP are only going to be able to get points once per day for this, forcing them to do other content they may not want to do. And GSF rewards to few points that only the most dedicated of GSF players who are part of expert teams are going to take the time to do this as part of conquest.


Recommendations for fixes:

I’m not going to go down the roll it back to the old way path. I know that is unlikely, so I’ll instead give my suggestions for fixes to the new system.

-Increase point values. Repeatable should be between 250-500 before bonus. Daily should be between 750 and 1000 before bonus. The point values for one-time objectives are pretty good.

-Make all daily objectives per character, not per legacy. This is obviously something that can be done, and would encourage people to use alts in conquest, which would increase play time.

-Make PVP and GSF grant points for participation. Perhaps repeatable points for wins and daily points for completing daily missions for each.

-Use the large description window to more fully describe each objective, including how to do new things (such as donate Invasion Forces).

-Put Flashpoints back into all conquests.

-Put Heroics or dailies into all conquests.

-Put out descriptions of all conquests, detailing how to earn points in each.

-Add additional rewards to larger planets to push large guilds up the ladder. For example, add crafting boxes (like PVP weekly) to Large planets.


I hope this feedback helps you to improve this current system. I would also encourage you all to be a little more forward in communicating with players, instead of waiting for the backlash and then patching to make up for whatever problem drove the players to riot.

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Here's a better idea for PvP and GSF Conquest. Return them to how they were, so you get CP for participation regardless of whether you win or lose, BUT put a cap on the amount of points you can get per day from these two activities. This way there is still incentive to do these activities for 2 or 3 hours a day, but attention will then be drawn towards other activities as well for those seeking to maximize their CP once the daily cap for Warzones and GSF has been reached. Doing this will prevent players from completing the Conquest weeklies in a single day by just spamming Warzones, but will still grant a reasonable number of points per day that the weekly can still be hit with day to day participation.


Good? Bad?

Edited by Loadsamonie
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As someone who is a member of a small guild, yet managed to get on the leaderboards of conquests past through crafting, I am EXTREMELY upset by the changes to crafting. These were a fun way for me and some guildmates to have a "crafting war", and fund our flagship expansions, and with the changes to the material requirements for the war supplies and making exotic isotope stabilizers 100% obsolete, it's killed those chances. These crafting wars were one of the few things that made playing this game worth it as I absolutely loathe PvP and the newer content is just plain boring to me. I don't like these changes. Bring the old recipes back, or at least discount the new recipes for war supplies. Making me make 8 grade 2's, 6 grade 4's, 4 grade 6's on TOP of making 4 grade 8's and 9's is WAY overkill and makes it completely worthless to me. The time and cost of making these is WAY too prohibitive. I've already made mention in the crafting forum, but I also wanted to reiterate here. I appreciate your thought for fixing some of the problems in conquest, as i grew tired of seeing the same guilds at the top of the lists all the time, but you've punished the smaller guilds FAR more than the larger guilds in this. I would really recommend bringing back the exotic isotope stabilizers for dark projects, as they were much easier to obtain, and there are now 700 of them sitting in the gtn, with about 110 million credits worth asking, not to mention the people that have huge stockpiles that can't be used anymore, like myself.


I will concur with most other people, that the point values are too low, and the rewards aren't rewarding enough. If you were looking to increase involvement in conquests, this seems like it's going in the wrong direction. Sorry if this is too blistering, I just want to convey my feelings in an accurate and truthful manner.

Edited by Saarthalian
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After seeing the changes, having empty strongholds count the same as my art galleries of disappointment on coruscant and DK is the least of my worries.


But what about the fire hazard on Yavin?!?


In all seriousness this change to the way conquest is done has hurt a lot of people’s impressions of the game and those that are responsible for it, me included. As life changed on the home front, so did my ability to play the hours I use to. However prior to this patch, I was still able to help my guild open up new rooms on our ship and stay on the board despite only being able to play 1 night a week wrecking warzones for a couple hours. We are not a large guild, on any given week we would have 10-15 people at most capping toons but most of those were capping multiple characters to ensure we stayed on the board and we got our ship mats. After this change it is no longer possible for me to participate as I was with my guild simple due to the lack of available play time. So I ask, why am I and anyone else in a similar position being punished?


Believe it or not, I enjoy the Barbie Dream House side of this game just as much as I enjoy PvP and in 1 patch you have effectively crippled both. Please for the love of all us casuals, revert the majority of these changes (you can keep the stronghold bonus not being based on chair galleries) and stick to minor fixes of things we really need. TUXs summarized it better than anyone else I've seen so I'll leave his post here again:


Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!

EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)

You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.

Restore crafting to how it was - maybe add in a diminishing return to points. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.


Thank you,


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Please change the top 5 contributing guild members list to be legacy based instead of character based. What you did was a really good idea and has the potential to be super helpful to guilds like mine who reward our top scorers but with you making the list "per character" it makes it useless in most cases.


Think of it this way. If it is per legacy then you will be highlighting 5 different guild members in the list which is great. With the current system the same person could take all 5 top spots.


To get around people having the same legacy names you could display the character name that has the primary gold star next to it or just pick one of their guild character names at random.

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I have a suggestion. Get rid of this new conquest system BUT keep the tiers. HOWEVER, don't make the tiers tied to planets. Have every planet have the same minimum points needed for guild rewards. For meeting minimum, all guild members receive Tier 1 rewards. For the guilds that make top 10, those guilds receive Tier 2 rewards. And for the guilds that win their planet, they receive Tier 3 rewards. That way you reward those guilds for making conquest and, the better the guild does, the more rewards they get. And lets get rid of this new interface altogether. It's crap. The old way was clean and easy to decipher. And the point values were of course way better. Doing conquest shouldn't be a chore. It should be something fun to do within a guild to foster more and more people to do group content together. This is an MMO after all, right?? Getting conquest points SHOULD be easy. It should be that no matter what your favorite thing in the game to do is, you should be able to get conquest points while doing it. This new Conquest system is just demoralizing , which is something this game canNOT afford right now. Maybe it is true that the devs just don't care anymore. But, come tomorrow's new post, you all better choose your words REAL careful. Tomorrow may be make or break for a lot of subscribers out there.
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Moderation of the forums have always been questionable at best, they don't auto report as far as I can tell, they just have very sensitive people going through the logs, I can PM you a few examples if you like.


Sometimes it’s absolutely hilarious what is picked out as being offending

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I agree with a lot of what has been said after Eric's second post.


All of this was intended. They knew it was not going to go over well at all and someone just didn't care. If someone had cared about putting out an update that was a step forward they would have stopped this from happening. They held up the 5.8 update a week, and this is the best they could do.


Tomorrow's post will be full of platitudes and repeating the lines 'We understand...', 'We will review the numbers...', and 'We will make adjustments in a future update if warranted.' Nothing concrete will be said, no time frames will be implemented, and this has unfortunately has become the norm on issues. (Still waiting for romance gifts to be fixed after 2 years. A reward for quests and drops from crafting missions that is almost 100% useless.)


No fix will be forthcoming anytime soon. They will leave this mess in place and hope we will just forget about any improvements.


I hope I am wrong. The player base deserves better. This game should be printing money, but instead they seem intent on driving as many away as they can. We want the game to succeed. My venting yesterday still holds, and I know that many, many other paying people are torqued over stealth changes and complete lack of honesty on what was coming.

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Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!

EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)

You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.

Restore crafting to how it was - maybe add in a diminishing return to points. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.


All of this PLUS


* Put Flash Points back into Conquest


* Pvp only people must be able to complete their personal conquest targets doing only pvp. This should take no more matches than it use to take to complete


* Lower lvl Alts need to be able to participate in conquest through crafting, pvp, Flash Points and GSF (like they used to)


Edit :

Pvp traffic has also dropped off even more after the patch, especially lowbie and mid pvp.


Usually when we have a double XP event is when those brackets are the busiest because people are lvling up Alts. This patch has had the opposite effect and people aren’t playing pvp.


I never realised just how many of the pvpers in the queue were doing it for conquest. That means the remaining pvp players who do it for joy and nothing else are fewer than I ever realised and probably less than many thought.


If these changes to the pvp aspect of conquest aren’t changed, I can see it being the death of pvp

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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i got one for posting "biggest troll ever"


I got a 7 day "vacation" for telling someone I felt was trolling to get back under their bridge. :rolleyes:


Back on topic.


I don't see how any explanation they give can justify what they've done with the conquest system. Sure, it wasn't perfect before and needed a few tweaks here and there. But in true BW fashion, they all but destroyed it. Like the slot machine - a few minor adjustments was all that was needed, and look what they did with it.


Maybe the change to PvP is their version of Solo PvP that's been requested. Better stop asking for Solo Ops or they'll destroy that part of the game, too.

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All of this PLUS


* Put Flash Points back into Conquest


* Pvp only people must be able to complete their personal conquest targets doing only pvp. This should take no more matches than it use to take to complete


* Lower lvl Alts need to be able to participate in conquest through crafting, pvp, Flash Points and GSF (like they used to)


Completely agree with ALL THAT.

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All of this PLUS


* Put Flash Points back into Conquest


* Pvp only people must be able to complete their personal conquest targets doing only pvp. This should take no more matches than it use to take to complete


* Lower lvl Alts need to be able to participate in conquest through crafting, pvp, Flash Points and GSF (like they used to)


I 2nd ALL this!


And if the HEROICS are a daily objective, they should be doable DAILY, ahem ILUM HEROICS!!! Please fix that too while you are at it. This has been a problem far far too long.

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I got a 7 day "vacation" for telling someone I felt was trolling to get back under their bridge. :rolleyes:


Back on topic.


I don't see how any explanation they give can justify what they've done with the conquest system. Sure, it wasn't perfect before and needed a few tweaks here and there. But in true BW fashion, they all but destroyed it. Like the slot machine - a few minor adjustments was all that was needed, and look what they did with it.


Maybe the change to PvP is their version of Solo PvP that's been requested. Better stop asking for Solo Ops or they'll destroy that part of the game, too.


I remember that post! That was an awesome post! :D

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Make everything repeatable on alts - NOTHING should be once per Legacy. NOTHING!

EVERY PvP match, win or lose, MUST reward points

EVERY GSF match, win or lose, MUST reward points

State in the conquest notes if something is repeatable or not (clearly - like it was)

You've got to increase some points...those were hit far too hard.

Restore crafting to how it was - maybe add in a diminishing return to points. Crafting is a VERY important thing to this game imo.


I've borrowed some of these, made some minor adjustments and reposted them HERE as what it'll take to get me to resub.

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