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Everything posted by DragonMsterd

  1. Agreed, while they do not do as much damage in harder ops, we still count on their numbers to meet the overall DPS required, cutting that back means that the DPS need to do that much more, what is you answer to this problem?
  2. The new content with Izax is AMAZING, my guild ran the op, downed boss 3 finally, then we one shotted 4 (still confused as to what was going on but we still killed it!!), and had a lot of fun figuring out the puzzle, now we got to "git gud" on Izax and get him down, 5% down, 95% to go lol! Thank you! Just figured that I would post a bit of love to counter some of the hate from the conquest update.
  3. This is exactly the issue, yes it is not especially hard to cap one maybe two toons, but i have 18 lvl 70 toons, it is impossible for me to make conquest on even half of them now. Like i said in my previous post, if i really grinded every day i could maybe do 3-5, but even if I do that, with how disheartened my guild is, i expect that even the low yield planet goal will be a hard grind, and the rewards are just not worth the extra hassle. In that regard I don't think it is too far of a stretch to say we are all in agreement...
  4. While I am certainty glad that GF Flashpoint and Ops are going to be re-entering the mix, especially if it is in a "once per toon" and not "once per legacy" if it is once per legacy, this simply is not enough. At the risk of echoing numerous posters prior, it is exceedingly difficult to make conquest, without burning obscene amounts of crafting mats, on more than one or two of your toons. Perhaps if I was on every day for multiple hours doing NOTHING but conquest objectives, I could do 3-4 toons. After that I would be super stressed and burnt out, and then be disappointed by getting purple mats that I already have 400 of sitting in my legacy bay doing absolutely nothing, decos that I have 20+ of each by now, and a paltry sum of green jawa junk. Not worth it. Honestly, this week, I got conquest on my main toon, so I could see what the new vendor offered, was underwhelmed by the selection, and shocked at how expensive they are, considering how much it takes to make an invasion force now. Something that I forgot to address in the previous post on the last thread, the credits issue. I am rather confused by the changes made... you increase the tax on the GTN as well as increase the required credits to remove gear pieces off of shells, in order to "combat inflation." Yet in the same update, decide to put credit rewards on all conquest objectives? Most confusing... How to fix said issues... Like I said, definitely at least make the GF Ops/FP/PVP/GSF if not infinitely repeatable, at least repeatable on each toon Daily, AND, have these objectives on EVERY conquest, as they were previously. Increase point values for the repeatable missions, as they are ALL far far too low to be worth the effort/cost needed to complete them. As I said in my post on the previous thread, crafting was just a mistake, the new schematics are insanely expensive in terms of mats, and to be quite blunt, I do not have the time to devote to this game to collect around 2000 mats to make ONE invasion force for 5000 conquest points that can only be done once during the week. Reset the schematics to where they were before. If you are concerned about how many points crafters put up in conquest, then make a cap on how much points they can earn for that objective per day or whatever, don't punish those of us or used the crafting as a way to make conquest on an unloved alt, and not as a primary source of conquest points. Also concerning crafting in a way, the "donation" of invasion forces. I think that just basically disintegrating them is a horrible idea, especially with how expensive they are, makes me feel that the long effort of crafting the assembly components/cell grafts, etc, then the war supplies, then the invasion force, was all for nothing, *cough 500ish conquest points for all that work X10... totally not worth it currently*. perhaps there should be a drop box on fleet we could put them in somehow, and it would, in return, give a tokens of some sort to use at the new conquest vendor, instead of us using said invasion forces there as well. Concerning the tier system for invasion, intended to equalize things for large/medium/small guilds, I honestly do not know how you can fix this as it sits. there is absolutely nothing preventing a large guild from invading the small guilds planet (say if their motivation was to obtain the title for that planet), which would basically shut down all smaller guilds chances of winning that planet. And the Medium and Large planet Tiers, at least on Star Forge, I can see the possibility of 5-6 guilds IN BOTH TIERS making the required sum. Even lowering it to the values that were stated I feel would not help this enough, and would only make the lowest planet that much more enticing to larger guilds who want to not have to put in a lot of effort. Honestly if you had expressed your intentions and asked for feedback PRIOR to implementing this, I feel that much of this drama and backlash could have been avoided. I understand trying to hype something up and create excitement for it, but this did not seem the right time nor place for that. I wish you all the best, and really hope that this gets fixed quickly and does not force many of my guildies to quit out of frustration, some of them play for the sole purpose of conquest, and are EXTREMELY frustrated with all of the changes.
  5. I personally don't think it is an issue of learning the system or whatever as some have implied, I think most people's issues are that they removed the bonus's on things that we enjoyed doing to get conquest, and if they replaced them at all, replaced them with things that they do not enjoy doing, or severely limited how many times you can earn said reward. Thus removing their motivation to participate in conquest, and as a result, interest in running some of those events. For example, the only reason I participated in PVP or GSF was primarily for conquest, this removes pretty much all motivation for me to participate in those events. I did, however, like running flashpoints and operations with my guildies, because the conquest bonus for doing these events has been eliminated or significantly lowered, getting people to join for these events will be much harder, especially story mode ops as very few in my guild need 236 gear anymore. I also feel like I must address crafting. I realize that this isn't a "crafting week" and thus the crafting bonus's are much lower, I still feel that the chances to conquest crafting in general have been lower significantly. As I am sure that Biochem is just bugged where the different infantry supply kits were inadvertently left in the game, it makes making each war supply insanely expensive mats wise. I personally feel that I may just ignore conquest entirely as the rewards just simply do not justify the effort anymore. I am also finding it hard to justify paying for this increasingly Massively Single Player Online RPG...
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