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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Conquest System: First Impressions


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I am normally a BW fanboy, but sheesh did they screw up this one. Who at BW could possibly have thought this was a good idea? It's like they had a brainstorming session to see how to optimally kill off conquest participation while simultaneously killing the PVP and GSF queues. I am gobsmacked.
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No, it isn't a matter of throwing a rifle into someone's hand and barking 'toughen up young soldier,' at them to make them accommodate with these changes. It's unrealistic, because larger guilds dominate populations and their spaces on leaderboards and other game content will be significantly greater than other guilds in the game. It's mathematically unsound to draw that conclusion. It isn't plainly a matter of 'figuring out' how it works, when another guild would one way or another dominate boards purely because of its size and activity base. Players join these guilds and collect inside of them purely because of that scale and the way that it benefits them, dropping down the player count in other guilds. Unchained Wrath currently has 40+ players farming, and it takes 50 players at max points to hit 1mil. With a bug that rewards 10k, you can automatically assumed that this guild instantly hit half 500k purely because the game is glitched, and purely because of their numbers. The rest wouldn't be too much harder. It's the numbers game; you have it, you win it. Period. It will look like immense effort from someone who wants to look at it that way, but it really isn't.


A guild this size can top that in a sniff of its nose. A realistic assessment is that this guild is bigger and therefore will be better. That won't change, no matter how many hours we put into the game, trying to 'figure it out'.


And the fact that you can do <Crafting: Aid the War Effort> over and over again.

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So I do one Ilum Heroic on one alt and get 10k conquest points. I log onto another and do the exact same thing and get zero conquest points after completing the heroic. I have no words left. :(


They don't play their own game. Those are the words you're looking for. I don't think this build ever saw test center.

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PS Where the **** are my Flagship Encryptions for last week? I was supposed to get 5. Where are they?


I tried to craft a Dark Project. instead, when I logged in, I got all of the ingredients back, and no Dark Project. Do y'all test any of this ****?

Edited by Akevv
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Just what we need. :(


Guess what? I loved this game but I no longer care about what happens. I unsubbed during xmas time (I still have some weeks to go but only logged like three times since then).


I was hoping that there would be something real to chew on but there is nothing....well one op boss but nothing else, just a messed up conquest and old companions (please don't tell the that the 3 mins cheesy convo with Arcann with jealous Theron throwing a temper tantrum on Odessen because they didn't bother adding the proper checks int he script truly counts as "new content").


This guy hit the nail on it (bolded and underlined the most relevant part):

You basically removed rewards for all repeatable content, and worse, you @#^%ed subscriber content.


Running flashpoints? Completely screwed incentives to run with alts. Daily is gone. If it pops up in daily it's still uber-nerfed.

Running ops? Only daily on one $#^& toon.

PvP? One win a day.


Stop trying to change what players do according to some dumb master plan of yours. Reward what we do already and make it better.


Make repeatable content rewarding. Stop screwing with it.


This game has been grinding, more grinding and always more grinding ever since the DVL event and now they are just adding one more level to it. KOFTE/KOTET had zero replay value. The financials are likely going to be disastrous in June. If I was on the BoD and truly knew what is going on in the field, heads would roll (and the axe would likely come down on the game too, though you might want to try keeping potential subscribers busy until the next game). What baffles me is how the team in charge thought this modification would be a good idea???? That is not even counting the bugs. Leaving this conquest system untouched, not doing anything at all would have cost less money and would not have lead to massive dissatisfaction. The same goes with all the overall nerfs that came with the previous patch...why would you do that? It creates an overall negative perception (you buff the rest, you do not nerf everyone, it is bad PR).


Actually why would Keith say "I’m still reticent about communicating details beyond 90 days" about the roadmap? 90 days just fits with financial quarterly results.

Edited by Eriamea
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Don't know if it's a bug, the Ilum Rampage objective for example has already reset a few times in the first day of conquest. I don't mean after completing I mean mid progression. Perhaps the gray objectives reset every hour or so (can't say what's intentional or not, what it's supposed to be doing), but if that's the case it should only reset the completed ones, not the in progress ones.
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wow so far not impressed at all, all the changes not in to patch notes in terms of mats now need to craft one invasion force. Not only that you made my synth, artifice, and armormech worthless in terms of crafting items need to make the component for the invasion force. Wow didnt think you pull a Ben Irving on us, but you did. If you want to kill your player base just tell us to unsub and will gladly sub somewhere else.
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I've seen some responses that are well thought out and describe the issues with these latest conquest changes. Personally, I'm not inclined to spend that much time providing you feedback for something that obviously wasn't tested or requested by any element of the player base.


Just - Surprise! here's a load of new crap.


I hope your goal was to lose as many subscribers as possible so that Bioware can focus on Anthem. Hopefully, then Disney can pull your licensing and find another developer house to create the Star Wars universe.

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I hope your goal was to lose as many subscribers as possible so that Bioware can focus on Anthem. Hopefully, then Disney can pull your licensing and find another developer house to create the Star Wars universe.


I kinda wish Anthem crashes and burns :p It probably will too, lol.

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PS Where the **** are my Flagship Encryptions for last week? I was supposed to get 5. Where are they?


I tried to craft a Dark Project. instead, when I logged in, I got all of the ingredients back, and no Dark Project. Do y'all test any of this ****?


They Fd up the Dark Projects, the mats are different now, have fun with that, some of the mats are useless now. I don't craft those myself but people at points in this thread were raging about that too. Sorry for the bad news. Thank Eric And Keith.

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There is only three things that I think are positive:

- The fact that guilds can no longer farm lockouts like crazy to win conquests.

- Making event dailies a conquest objective.

- Giving extra credits and cxp for completing conquest objectives.


Theeeen, all the other stuff is really bad. How are we supposed to get our conquest goals this way? No more rewards for participating in warzones? 90 conquest points for gsf??(tell me you missed a zero there, please). I think it's good that you added groupfinder uprising as a conquest objective, but why did you have to remove groupfinder flashpoints to do so?? It makes absolutely no sense.


I feel really unmotivated to keep playing this game. I thought your goal was to improve conquest and make it more fair and less grindy, but this is impossible. In our guild we have always tried to get conquest points by doing stuff we enjoyed, and that's why we have always refused to farm lockouts, but you are taking gsf, warzones and flashpoints away from us.


Please, reconsider.


All of this...

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Need to remove sharing personal conquest goals with characters. I accidentally got credit for kills Ilum mobs on balmorra and the points went to that character but on my main he can't earn those points because it shows completed.


Either separate so one character doesn't affect the other or reward those points to call characters so if I get 2000 points on one character, all characters get 2000points

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




Lets talk about how much of a joke this comment from Eric is: Last week they screwed the pooch on Conquest when they did not have Revenge of the Revanites as Promised by Eric and placed on the Board by Sticky. So can we really believe anything Eric says, no not really. The only time he responds to feedback in the Developer Tracker is when someone says something positive about him or Keith, trying to suck up to them. The best thing that EA could honestly do is sell the rights of SWTOR to DISNEY and let their development team run the game going forward. Obviously Keith and Eric have little to no clue what is going on. They have absolutely no communication skills what so ever. Eric is suppose to be the Community Support person, I would say more like the Ghost who appears once in a blue moon. The real problem is that neither of them were probably even born when the origin of Star Wars was created and they view the Star Wars Universe as a Job rather than an adventure the way all of us players do. I really thought it would be different when Keith took over, but, the grass is not always greener on the other side, maybe Ben was not all that bad, just saying.

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Lets talk about how much of a joke this comment from Eric is: Last week they screwed the pooch on Conquest when they did not have Revenge of the Revanites as Promised by Eric and placed on the Board by Sticky. So can we really believe anything Eric says, no not really. The only time he responds to feedback in the Developer Tracker is when someone says something positive about him or Keith, trying to suck up to them. The best thing that EA could honestly do is sell the rights of SWTOR to DISNEY and let their development team run the game going forward. Obviously Keith and Eric have little to no clue what is going on. They have absolutely no communication skills what so ever. Eric is suppose to be the Community Support person, I would say more like the Ghost who appears once in a blue moon. The real problem is that neither of them were probably even born when the origin of Star Wars was created and they view the Star Wars Universe as a Job rather than an adventure the way all of us players do. I really thought it would be different when Keith took over, but, the grass is not always greener on the other side, maybe Ben was not all that bad, just saying.


do you truly believe for a moment any other company would keep the game as is??? no they'd shut it down and build something new and that's even if Disney or whoever wants to make a new star wars MMO. Your living a pipe dream if you think even for a minute that would happen.

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Why are heroic missions with the "dailies"? I call them that because you did, but they feel more like hourlies. You can only do one per time period (and have to complete it like I mentioned before) while there are missions to make people run entire planets of Heroics. All you do here is push the more casuals away. Trying to force people to log in every hour is crap, this isn't some browser game where people check a few minutes every few hours, it's an MMORPG where people may log in once a day for an hour or two.


And a suggestion:


PvP (WZ and GSF) There should be some reward for participation so I would say add rewards for the daily and weekly missions, just make them repeatable. People that use multiple characters won't get them all to 20k conquest point because there's no time, it might help smaller guilds though to get their small yield target. On top of that add for wins. The combination of this will make people still play. Maybe add an objective (one time) where the 20th match awards 10.000 poiints, then heavy PvPers can get a nice boost even if they have been unlucky with losses.


There are so much better ways than just removing most objectives. I remember when conquest reinvigorated PvP, so pops may reduce now and I can't estimate how much. At least return things to how they were.


I can only hope the next conquest was designed better, but I doubt it.

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do you truly believe for a moment any other company would keep the game as is??? no they'd shut it down and build something new and that's even if Disney or whoever wants to make a new star wars MMO. Your living a pipe dream if you think even for a minute that would happen.


Well at this rate I hope someone makes a new Star Wars MMO because Keith, Eric and Bioware and driving this game quickly to its grave.

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Hey folks,


Feel free to use this thread as a source of general feedback on the Conquest revamp. We will be reading through the thread (and of course the rest of the forums) and gathering feedback.




I'm not expecting this to be read however here goes my feedback. I can now understand why conquest changes weren't really discussed in the live stream, or at least have a idea. These conquest changes are very bad there is no real point to doing pvp, gsf, fp, Mfp, SmOps, HMOps anymore with these current changes. This patch also brutalized crafting to a point where one will either need to buy mass amounts of credits, or bot farm, this also is unacceptable. Especially if the <Crafting: Aid the War Effort> is legit there will be no other way to keep up with having Invasion forces to click about 380 times to easily hit conquest on many alts.


I've seen number of post that have really good feedback as well, I have yet beside the one delusional poster and yes it's just one poster that seems ok with these changes. Everyone else that I've talked to in game or have seen post here do not like these changes. My advice would be to fix this asap, otherwise I have a feeling there will be a mass exodus of usubbing.


I've also have seen some decent post with some suggestions, clearly the objectives page need some serious rework with more descriptions (explanations) and maybe some more key info would be helpful. In regards to the guild invasions page, I like an idea I saw from another poster of this: "The initial idea of having smaller yield to large yield planets could be much better, as another poster has mentioned have a qualifying account limit to the small, medium, and large ones." Also to that you could then have 2 planets for each of the Yields.


I'm def not holding my breath on this one and it really doesn't surprise me that this patched was pushed out this way considering history never seems to be remembered with you guys.


For everyone else how long will you stick around? For me if I don't hear positive news with in 2 weeks, I highly doubt my sub will continue on.

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For everyone else how long will you stick around? For me if I don't hear positive news with in 2 weeks, I highly doubt my sub will continue on.


Positive news today or tomorrow, actual working fixes in emergency patch next week at the latest. Or it's gonna be discussions and half measures until 6.4 next year, IF there's a game then still.

One week for a real patch, not "news" not "discussion". I don't care if it's realistic or not. They should have tested their patch instead of our patience. Remember cxp launch, and how "soon" it got fixed, and to what degree? spoiler, it's still not. We had a vendor for standalone mods and enhancements, dammit, till they decided to revamp and fix, now this.


I'm not waiting months and months again for half-assed semi-rollbacks to fix what didn't need fiddling with.

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When patch first launched I heard a few people cry in TS. Didnt think much of it. But at first glance it seems much harder to get the points. Especially if you have plenty of toons. But the new UI wasnt very intuitive, and understanding it all seemed like challenge one.


For me this patch seems again to hurt the casual playerbase.

War Invasion prices impediatley influxed and old players got thousands of them stockpiled.

I often see players claiming they got a billion credits. While others, especially returning.. are struggling with a few hundred thousands.


Ill give it more time, but this feedback can be a indication that the developers have lost its creativeness and ownership feeling. I call those kind of people 8am to 4pm workers. Id expect that from EA, where decisions are made by capital crocodiles.

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Considering I had over 1k of invasion forces from all the years of playing and doing conquest. So I clicked on them and turned some of them in to get conquest done on several of my toons. Plus I did my dailies, I did stuff I can do on every toon that didn't take hours. Plus, I did weekly stuff on different toons already to get conquest done on 3 toons. It is easy to do. I play mainly 10-15 toons every week, I don't see much of an effort of getting 5 or more of them to hit conquest every week.


lol what are you going to do when those run out? bot, buy credits to purchase more from the GTN?

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Here is my first impression and reaction, itemized through all the changes I am seeing...


1. Tiered Rewards: Split into 3 allotments.


At first glance, this seems nice, but then really looking at it, each level up is only 5 resource pieces extra each, and 1 extra deco box on the top level, this reward is literally a joke. It barely even touches the value of time invested to achieve the rewards. This tiered system looks good, but the reality is quite a different story. More below will dive into these words.


2. Itemized Objectives: These look nice, but when you really look at them, they are very specific things, and have all kinds of restrictions attached to them.


Take Warzones, for example, you can only get the reward once per day per legacy, and only for wins... Is this a joke? Seriously... That is literally retarded.


And what about flashpoints? Oh nope, nothing for doing those. The closest thing: a single specific flashpoint that only rewards an amazing 325 conquest. (i have 150% bonus). Really? Is this a joke?


Oh, and then don't forget those uprisings... They used to be a quick like 5k conquest and a good 20k cxp in about 10 mins. Now? 325 conquest. ......... I just don't even know what to say here.


And then we come to GSF. 213 conquest per win. ROFLMFAO. Really?


Next up? Crafting, of course.... That used to be the single largest conquest point-gain per legacy you had. And the costs were just fine. Now? The cost is stupidly retarded, and the amount of materials required is at least 4x as much now, and the points gain is a paultry 513 conquest per war supply. Are you kidding me? Who the hell thought this was a good idea?


At least the operations rewards are still good, but here again, we have a serious problem... People who pvp only are now forced to pve to do conquest. They don't want to do pve, otherwise they already would be doing so. Forcing players to play your way is not going to motivate them to play the game your way no matter how much you screw them over.


3. Planetary Guild Requirements: There is now a requirement to gain at least 1,380.000 total conquest for the middle tier conquest.


Ok, this looks kind of scary to see, but I understand this makes it require more players to get their personal points. What happens for guilds that only have, let's say, 30 active folks total? Their guild gets shoved off the conquest table entirely cause they just can't muster the points between their people. 30x20k = 600k. So now they have to do double to get their reward, and even that isn't enough... lol. They have to do at least 45k each.


Granted, alot of people will say this is a measley amount, but for some people, 45k is a hell of alot. Not everyone has the time to grind conquest all day and night everyday. Some cant even get playing one to two times a week. Their real lives conflict with playing the game.


Before this change, those people could easily do enough conquest to help their guilds and still get their rewards, but now, they likely won't have enough time.


I thought this system was supposed to give those smaller guilds a chance rather than burden them with over twice the effort for still a likely chance to not even place, much less even get the reward for their efforts.


Is that a joke? Cause if it isn't, you people really need to re-do this system cause it sucks.


4. Command XP and Credits: This is refreshing.


I love it, but due to other issues, it really doesn't inspire me to burn time on these things when I can do other stuff that is 2-10x more rewarding, and alot more interesting.


Nice try. (As Rugher would say. Ravs Boss)


5. Enemy Commanders: What? There isn't any? Isn't this a core staple to conquest? Kill your enemies.


So now there is no objective for this at all. Really? That used to be one of the very important conquest objectives that motivated people to do them for ship plans and get conquest at the same time... Now, it's just for ship plans.


What was the point in even taking this objective away? Too many people were getting ships and having fun getting conquest and ship plans at the same time? Seriously? This baffles me entirely.


6. Heroic Missions: What? There are none? Except 2 weekly missions.


What? Really? So doing planetary heroics is now completely pointless. You won't be rewarded for them at all now. What? Really?


Is this a joke? Please tell me this is a joke. I beg you.


7. Interface: It's lovely, and easy to use.


Wow, it really is nice, but looking nice is pointless if the core mechanics of the system are garbage.


Sorry GUI Developers, you guys polished that turd really well, but it's still a turd.




Overall first impression and reaction.


This system is a total flop.


I like some of the aspects, but too much of it is really, really stupid.


Bring back the old conquest and take this trash to the dump and start over.


Please. I beg you.

Edited by ThadiusMoor
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