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Did the things you enjoy doing on swtor change over the years? 🎮


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Back when I joined (2014) and for the first few years I used to love group finder activities (FP's) and absolutely loved 16M operations they were great fun, sometimes they were absolute chaos but that's what was fun for me. Did some HM/NiM runs with a great guild and group of people which was super fun even if we failed hard at times. After awhile the guild just slowly disbanded and people moved on, 16M operations stopped really being a thing and FP's became not as fun with more and more rude/angry people and speedrunners kicking new people for mistakes or getting angry at them.


Now I love just running through the story with my many (many) alts, I love creating characters and their backstories/history and having fun that way. I rarely do any group stuff any more.

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I miss the old story FPs for levelling before we got the role neutral tactical/veteran variant. As someone interested in the MMO aspect of the game, that mode used to be a great way to get to know other players and sometimes make long-lasting contacts. Also the challenge some of them had when you just had reached the minimum level to get in there, that while they weren't complicated you couldn't really ignore the mechanics.


Mastermode FPs today are OKish, but the way you can just run through most of them without even needing any kind of tactic other than pull everything around a corner and aoe or even a real tank at times just makes them boring to me.

I always enjoyed running FP with people I don't know because that made it different every time, there was always a chance of things going wrong, forcing the group to adapt strategy or get creative at times (and communicate more than hi, thx, bye). Running with the guild is OK, but there rarely happen any surprises.

Even after reaching 100% FP achievements they are fun to me, with the right people. Unfortunately these days it's too rare to find random people who are also there to have fun and a good time. Most of the time it's only about farming gear rating as fast as possible (the reason I've unticked Hammerstation and Red Reaper since shortly after 6.0 release) or about earning conquest points or doing galactic season. Rather a hurry up, got no time for this instead of lets have some fun attitude, resulting in the skipping of everything, cut scenes or trash, in some cases even bosses.

It's only partly fault of changes of the game, players in general are different today than 10 years ago, but the command system, conquest and renown did help fostering this points/time approach to everything in many players, no matter if the activity itself is fun to them or not. Easy and quick, rather than fun, challenging and giving a sense of accomplishment.

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Ironically enough, that's one of the things that I like about SWTOR; it doesn't have fifty-seven thousand minigames, parallel progressions, professions, reputation systems that gate gear you almost need to actually be able to fight enemies (SWTOR's rep gear is cosmetic), et cetera, et al and so forth. I can log into SWTOR, check what the current GS goals are (when a season is running), run a couple heroics and then just relax and wander a stronghold, play 'space barbie', do more heroics or flashpoints, or even progress in the actual storyline, all without feeling overwhelmed.


Well that's not really ironic though. Different strokes for different folks and all ;)

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Only because of the inherent problem of having played all of the story with one character it will always be not as exciting to play through for the non-first time with other characters. I know the story. I know what will happen. I can still enjoy the game, but I'm no longer anxious to play it when I can't such as when I'm at work or doing other stuff. I player a chapter then stop and not get back to the game until days later when I'm back in the mood.


It's not the game's fault, and it is to its credit I still want to keep playing and enjoy the story even though I already know it. It's simply the reality that a thing is more fun when it's new than when you experience it for the eighth, ninth, tenth time.

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Actually no it really hasn't. Even at launch, I mostly played solo and rarely did any content that required a group. I have a few characters from then that I consider my mains, but I don't really play much until story updates. And I have characters who are crafters/gathers that I keep. Most of the time I create and play new characters through the story. Almost always using the same discipline, body types, and at times the same face. I replay the story just like I would want other single player game. And since I can only play on average 10-15hrs a week, I haven't gotten burned out yet. It takes me several months to get a single character through the class story, not even counting any of the expansions.
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