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Thank you Eric Musco


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Some of you might remember me,i posted some really really messed up stuff in the past and got banned. Now i've learned my lesson and i have two things to say :


1. Thank you Eric Musco for giving me a second chance, i promise to behave this time and never ever create anymore trouble :)

2. I'd like to apologize to all the people i've insulted, especially to Jenny Flynn & OldVengeance, you guys always tried to help me but no, i had to be an a**hole and post stupid things, again i promise to never do that again.

Not sure what else is there to say, maybe.. "it's good to be back? " :)

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🤭🤣😂 sorry but this is too funny! I mean this forum is like my little pony’s compared to in game gen chat.


It is rather jarring--They need to hire the forum mods for ONE random day a week in-game and we might actually get somewhere with gen chat toxicity

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It is rather jarring--They need to hire the forum mods for ONE random day a week in-game and we might actually get somewhere with gen chat toxicity

Is it still bad? While I haven't logged in or played much, I haven't seen anything noteworthy on Malgus.


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It is rather jarring--They need to hire the forum mods for ONE random day a week in-game and we might actually get somewhere with gen chat toxicity


Nah man it makes the game! You know when you can do certain rude things with emotes does it mean they should moderate that also? I mean you shouldn’t encourage violence how comes we can slap each other?


There’s comes a point when enough is enough, we all have actions that we can take if you don’t like what you see use profanity filter and ignore.


Both are pretty easy tbh DK isn’t as bad as it was or how I remember.

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Nah man it makes the game! You know when you can do certain rude things with emotes does it mean they should moderate that also? I mean you shouldn’t encourage violence how comes we can slap each other?


There’s comes a point when enough is enough, we all have actions that we can take if you don’t like what you see use profanity filter and ignore.


Both are pretty easy tbh DK isn’t as bad as it was or how I remember.


I don't worry about myself, I can ignore people without even "ignoring" them just fine. My only hope in the gen chat fight is it stops chasing away new players or thinner-skinned casuals...I'd like the game to grow, not shrink. The BS that goes on in gen chat does not help growth (well, it grows in the way a cancer "grows", but you know what I mean)

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I don't worry about myself, I can ignore people without even "ignoring" them just fine. My only hope in the gen chat fight is it stops chasing away new players or thinner-skinned casuals...I'd like the game to grow, not shrink. The BS that goes on in gen chat does not help growth (well, it grows in the way a cancer "grows", but you know what I mean)


Nah I don’t it chases many people away because when DK was really bad DK was always the most popular planet and not because it was a beginners planet more that people just enjoyed the difference but now it is so dead.


Besides the F2P players just playing the free part of the game and having restricted chat so they can’t speak.

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Ain’t this cosy 🤭🤣😂


Have I stumbled into a parallel universe or something?

Have I gone back to school?


Because it just sounds like kiddie stuff to be honest you guys need to watch Gordon Ramsay if you think anything in the forums is graded as an insult.

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Ain’t this cosy 🤭🤣😂


Have I stumbled into a parallel universe or something?

Have I gone back to school?


Because it just sounds like kiddie stuff to be honest you guys need to watch Gordon Ramsay if you think anything in the forums is graded as an insult.


Isn't Gordon Ramsay the chef shouting at everyone? THIS PORK IS SO UNCOOKED IT STILL GUARDS JABBA'S PALACE lmao :rak_01:

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Isn't Gordon Ramsay the chef shouting at everyone? THIS PORK IS SO UNCOOKED IT STILL GUARDS JABBA'S PALACE lmao :rak_01:


Yes yes! That’s where my inspiration of clever insults come from and I’ve learned over time how to have them roll of the top of my head like Gordon haha.


That’s what I’d be like if I was Keith, “That flashpoint is so under coded that I’ve got more noughts on my bank balance.”

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Isn't Gordon Ramsay the chef shouting at everyone? THIS PORK IS SO UNCOOKED IT STILL GUARDS JABBA'S PALACE lmao :rak_01:


ROFL Yes. But that's even tame from him. UNLESS you're on the children's version of his cooking show, then he is the nicest, caring guy around. Dude is freaking amusing as crap; has to be the Brit part of him! lol

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Come to Satele Shan ... my god ... I think the mods have given up over here.


You name it ... general chat has done it.


Only Imp side fleet really. And once you ignore Ph*b*s, D*dd*W*nch*st*r, A*g*stAls*n*, S*thw*tch, and all their alts, things get a lot more quiet & tame. Then you just have the random idiots every once in awhile you have to ignore.


Oh, make sure to ignore V*c pub side & you should be good. lol

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