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Queues Need To Be Cross Faction Exclusively


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The WZ's are ridiculously one sided and in order to not punish those of us who want to play a certain flavor, you need to stop assuming all IMPs and PUBs should only Queue with each other. It's toxic and only works to minimized the player base.
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Thank you very much but no...


I don't want to be teamed up with pubs.


Yavin 4 is the worst map ever created in terms of balance and if that's what cross faction would be like then no.. it better stays as it is.


I think at the moment PVP has far BIGGER problems than the lack of cross faction.

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First it was healers. PvP was imbalanced because of healers.


They nerfed healers.


Then it was gear. PvP was imbalanced because of gear.


They increased bolster.


Then it was Mercs. PvP was imbalanced because of Mercs.


They nerfed Mercs.


Now it's the lack of cross-faction. PvP is imbalanced because of the lack of cross-faction.

Edited by Schoock
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First it was healers. PvP was imbalanced because of healers.


They nerfed healers.


Then it was gear. PvP was imbalanced because of gear.


They increased bolster.


Then it was Mercs. PvP was imbalanced because of Mercs.


They nerfed Mercs.


Now it's the lack of cross-faction. PvP is imbalanced because of the lack of cross-faction.


It's easy. PvP is imbalanced because sometimes I'm on a losing team.

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While I wouldn't say the situation is dire or drastic, cross faction statistically can't make anything worse, it can at best leave them as they are.


David complained about Yavin being the worst balanced map, well how exactly can something be MORE imbalanced for being cross faction? Unless there is an intended MISmatchmaking system, there is simply no reason for that to happen.


If you are experiencing improperly distributed roles - at least now there is a CHANCE for cases such as 4 rep healers in queue versus 1 imp healer in queue getting resolved equally (it can't happen without cross faction).


If you are experiencing improperly distributed skill, then either you are used to playing a vastly dominant faction and are not used to being challenged, in which case, cross faction will kill faction dominance, stop the flow of losing players transferring to the winning side and therefore delay the currently inevitable wargame-only future, which will be, in any aspect of balance, same as cross faction, with an added curve of regearing left side for recent transfers.


The truth is Yavin is the worst because it is the newest and players are terrible at adapting, especially if they fail to see the differences between that and ACW, and players just play it tactically bad. If both teams play terribly, that MIGHT mean that without cross faction it would have been a stomp (if, for example, all the bads are reps. It is NOT necessarily the case anyway), and stomps are even worse than bad vs bad, because at least there, chances are equal, and the goods just get more chance to be 1-man army and play the hero.


If only one team is bad and gets stomped by the other, than there is the possibility of premades which, at least now, have an equal chance to fight you and fight for you, and you don't need to queue-dodge them in regs like sometimes used to happen, unless you didn't mind getting stomped repeatedly. If there were no premades involved, that means that you coincidently got matched with the relatively worse players. In which case: if they are NOT of the same faction, the chances of that happening were as random as any other possible distribution (there are 12,870 possibilities to divide 16 people into 2 groups of 8). Cross faction didn't make it more likely to happen, and it also admits that no faction is better than the other. If all bad players ARE from the same faction, then we return to the point were a chance at balanced matches (balance = even distribution of bads) is better than absolute stomps.


And I left that one for the end: cross-faction is a necessary step which must be taken in order to implement matchmaking in a way that does not increase queue times, does not require more population and is not affected by the number of queued players or roles in queue. I even wrote an algorithm myself for it and posted it there, it is that simple, but it can only work after breaking the faction barrier...

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While I wouldn't say the situation is dire or drastic, cross faction statistically can't make anything worse, it can at best leave them as they are.


David complained about Yavin being the worst balanced map, well how exactly can something be MORE imbalanced for being cross faction? Unless there is an intended MISmatchmaking system, there is simply no reason for that to happen.


If you are experiencing improperly distributed roles - at least now there is a CHANCE for cases such as 4 rep healers in queue versus 1 imp healer in queue getting resolved equally (it can't happen without cross faction).


If you are experiencing improperly distributed skill, then either you are used to playing a vastly dominant faction and are not used to being challenged, in which case, cross faction will kill faction dominance, stop the flow of losing players transferring to the winning side and therefore delay the currently inevitable wargame-only future, which will be, in any aspect of balance, same as cross faction, with an added curve of regearing left side for recent transfers.


The truth is Yavin is the worst because it is the newest and players are terrible at adapting, especially if they fail to see the differences between that and ACW, and players just play it tactically bad. If both teams play terribly, that MIGHT mean that without cross faction it would have been a stomp (if, for example, all the bads are reps. It is NOT necessarily the case anyway), and stomps are even worse than bad vs bad, because at least there, chances are equal, and the goods just get more chance to be 1-man army and play the hero.


If only one team is bad and gets stomped by the other, than there is the possibility of premades which, at least now, have an equal chance to fight you and fight for you, and you don't need to queue-dodge them in regs like sometimes used to happen, unless you didn't mind getting stomped repeatedly. If there were no premades involved, that means that you coincidently got matched with the relatively worse players. In which case: if they are NOT of the same faction, the chances of that happening were as random as any other possible distribution (there are 12,870 possibilities to divide 16 people into 2 groups of 8). Cross faction didn't make it more likely to happen, and it also admits that no faction is better than the other. If all bad players ARE from the same faction, then we return to the point were a chance at balanced matches (balance = even distribution of bads) is better than absolute stomps.


And I left that one for the end: cross-faction is a necessary step which must be taken in order to implement matchmaking in a way that does not increase queue times, does not require more population and is not affected by the number of queued players or roles in queue. I even wrote an algorithm myself for it and posted it there, it is that simple, but it can only work after breaking the faction barrier...


The problem with Yavin is not our unwillingness to adapt, it's the constant broken matchmaking it generates...


It's always one team farms the other team because it has 2, 3 heals+ skank tank armada, which totally breaks the game experience.


This problem is present on the other maps too, but Yavin is the epitome of broken PVP grouping and also the lag cannot get worse there.


Factions need to stay. I dont' want this game to become even more shallow. We had 8 unique class stories and we ended up with 1 story for all game mode and now you want to destroy PVP Immersion by deleting factions so it won't even matter what faction you are ? Please no... don't kill the Star Wars out of this game. It's not counter strike.

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The WZ's are ridiculously one sided and in order to not punish those of us who want to play a certain flavor, you need to stop assuming all IMPs and PUBs should only Queue with each other. It's toxic and only works to minimized the player base.


Thank God someone finally addressed the Elephant in the Room!

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Its humorous that players still hold onto hope that this dev team gives enough of a **** to make any broad changes like cross-faction/cross-server.


The entire management team for this game in its current state is one unpaid intern crying to themselves in a closet.

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The problem with Yavin is not our unwillingness to adapt, it's the constant broken matchmaking it generates...


It's always one team farms the other team because it has 2, 3 heals+ skank tank armada, which totally breaks the game experience.


This problem is present on the other maps too, but Yavin is the epitome of broken PVP grouping and also the lag cannot get worse there.


I am sorry that you had such a bad experience with Yavin, but my experience there is different and much less frustrating I had great competitive matches, and nodes sometimes even changed hands often. Even if my experience was also bad, there is simply no logical reason for cross-faction to create WORSE matches, even 1000 cases will not be able to change this fact. How would it exactly create less fair matches?

And regardless that would be solved if matchmaking was introduced, so if cross-faction comes to prepare the ground for eventual matchmaking, there should be no problem for you as well.


Factions need to stay. I dont' want this game to become even more shallow. We had 8 unique class stories and we ended up with 1 story for all game mode and now you want to destroy PVP Immersion by deleting factions so it won't even matter what faction you are ? Please no... don't kill the Star Wars out of this game. It's not counter strike.


Battlefront is pretty much a star wars game which is faction-less. You queue for a match, you become either good or evil (imp/rebels, resistance/first-order, rep/CIS. Depends on the timeline of the match) and you shoot the other side. You don't get to choose your faction, and you switch faction every game to play the same map in the opposite faction. After every second game, it is a new map and another roll (based somehow on your previous performance, in other words, matchmaking!!) for which side you play. During all that time you don't get to ever choose your faction. Even if you go premade you can't choose your faction. No one ever complained about that or said it is less star wars.


Yes, I know, unlike battlefront this is an MMO, but the role aspect and single player aspects of the game should never clash with PVP or any group content. The smuggler gets beaten in 1 move by a random title-less sith whose power is equal to a padawan, yet gets to fight beside the jedi who has been promoted above padawan in a few hours on Tython, and he can fight the sith from the dark council and have a chance. If all of this is OK by you, then so should be cross-faction for the sake of better balance, even at the slight cost of lore. Else, look how far can one fall when walking the lore path in PVP (but don't resurrect that thread!).


The above is already enough, but just a thought to make those more sensitive to lore see the sense of it:

I don't like the laziness in merging 8 coinciding storylines to one contradicting storyline (contradicting in the way that if until then all 8 characters could exist in the same universe, since ROTHC actually, there can be only one guy who has experienced the exact same things and took the certain important and exclusive positions), but if we ignore this annoying part and look at the general way the story moved on, there is now the allience versus unknown forces or rebellions, and in the cross-faction we already seem to be treated as soldiers of the allience rather than the supreme commanders. The alliance is composed of Jedi, sith, reps and imps together. It would be self-contradictory NOT to make things cross-faction in that time.

Note: Even if you disagree with the last paragraph, don't forget that the reasons more important than lore (in PVP: balance > lore) are still valid.

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Its humorous that players still hold onto hope that this dev team gives enough of a **** to make any broad changes like cross-faction/cross-server.


The entire management team for this game in its current state is one unpaid intern crying to themselves in a closet.


Cross server requires hardware changes and a lot of work. Cross faction is merely a few code lines that they should change, and unless they coded the game over-sophisticatedly, it shouldn't be that hard. Add the same line which enables Xfac in Yavin, change the voice actors to wargame voice actors. Done.


Also, we might have little to no faith in the devs, but it is effortless to write on these threads. You are the same: You don't believe or hope that your post will make people stop posting there wishful thinking, yet you posted. Human nature everywhere ;)

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Thank you very much but no...


I don't want to be teamed up with pubs.


Yavin 4 is the worst map ever created in terms of balance and if that's what cross faction would be like then no.. it better stays as it is.


I think at the moment PVP has far BIGGER problems than the lack of cross faction.


Crossfaction has nothing to do with that map. I’ve exclusively had all Imp teams and it’s exactly the same as if you have mixed teams.


It’s just how bad people now are on both Imps and Reps. There is zero difference in skill lvls.

* They don’t know how to play objective pvp.

* They don’t know how to fight outside of a gank group (which is why 4 defenders can’t hold off 1 good player who runs them all over the map)

* They can’t fight

* They don’t know their class abilities or priorities (Spam Sorc Force Storm FTW :rolleyes:) or class role or its strengths

* Tactics and strategy are dirty words and will get you raged at if you try them or suggest them

* DPS and Healing stats are still on the pedestal over actually winning matches.

* People don’t know how to gear or even care

* Trolls, Trolls and Trolls. More than any other map, people troll in Yavin.

* Non existing match making (like all regs)


Balance in pvp isn’t a thing because there isn’t a match making system in place for regs. This is why we see mixed Yavin teams with 4 healers on the same side and none on the other. ie 2 sages healers and 2 Sorc healers on the same team. This is no different to when you play Imp vs Imp, it does exactly the same thing and puts all healers on one team.


I find for me, that Imp vs Rep matches happen 1 out of 10 matches when I play Imp. Sometimes it’s 1 out of 20 because there aren’t enough reps in the queue. 90% of my Imp side only matches are Imp vs Imp. People who worry about the whole role play thing or that it’s not SW if it’s not Imp vs rep, need to realise that most matches are already training exercises and there is hardly any Imp vs rep matches. If we keep going like this there will never be Imp vs rep because rep pvpers are getting really sick of waiting so long for matches, to then only get exactly the same team everytime. That means if you do have half a team of noobs, you can’t ever escape them even if you requeue. At least when that happens on the Imp side, you can escape them with minimal problems. I’ve stopped playing my rep toons (R.I.P) till we get cross faction because of how much slower pops are on the rep side. I know many other rep pvpers who have done the same.


Cross faction won’t actually help match balance because the queues will still work like they do. What cross faction will do is put a bigger player pool into the one total queue so it pops faster for everyone. What I mean is, reps won’t have to wait 5 times or longer for a pop.


The misnomer that all reps are bad is false, especially when most of the reps are now playing Imps. There is the same mix of bad Imps as reps. It’s just the Imps have a bigger pvp queue.


IMO, 3 basic things that need to happen to help fix pvp in this game.

* Crossfaction to fix pop times for reps

* Add a simple matchmaking system to regs. ie. if 4 healers are in the queue for the same match, put two on each team and not all 4 on the same team.

* Limit premades to 2 person ones and use the proposed matchmaking system it doesn’t put all the premades on one team. If there is only one premade in the queue it doesn’t matter and one side will have it and the other won’t.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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... there is simply no logical reason for cross-faction to create WORSE matches...


My experience agrees with DA's. At least, it *seems* like Yavin generates far more matches where one side is stomping the other. And yes, I doubt very much that it's actually the cross faction that contributes to that. But, I haven't come up with a really good theory that I've bought into myself as to why it seems to happen. I also don't buy that "we don't understand the mechanics yet". It's not THAT complicated. Maybe it's the trees. It's the only map that has trees.


Anyway, I would actually like cross faction in everything - but for me it's more because, as it stands, even 70 pops are starting to get slow for me again in "off hours". And when I was going through midbies just recently, cripes, I had to resort to PVE to get to 70 finally! :eek: Midbies, imp side on SS, even prime time, was getting rare. So I want cross faction to potentially get a bigger queue pool.


While the size of the pub side does seem smaller, I've never really bought into some huge difference in skill between the two sides. I get runs of big losses, big wins and close games from both factions. (My fav is when I get a run of wins on the pub side, then people discount it by saying "oh, the imps have logged into their pub alts." Well, then of course pubs "never win" if you make the definition that "if pubs win it's really imps". :rolleyes: )


"Lore" as a reason not to is just silly in my opinion. Right from the start... did it make sense story-wise, that my uber-powerful jedi, right in the middle of saving some planet from utter destruction, stops to play a huttball game? Right. I guess it makes perfect sense to do that, as long as I don't have a sith on my team. :rolleyes:

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* They don’t know how to fight outside of a gank group (which is why 4 defenders can’t hold off 1 good player who runs them all over the map)


Getting off topic. :p But I did just have one of the rare, really close matches on that map. Not because the teams were evenly matched, but because the other side just didn't care. They basically ran around in one big 8-man group and killed us off fairly easily. Not quite the proverbial hot knife through butter, but certainly without much trouble.


But then they didn't bother to actually hold anything, or maybe one "token" defender would stay. Heck, at one point, I watched them finish clearing a node as I came down off the spawn landing, and they didn't even bother to cap it, they just all ran off to the "next spot". So we followed up behind them and recapped as necessary. Final score was something like 30 to 0.


We probably could have won by a lot more, but we put effort into actually guarding things, so there was plenty of time when they had 2 capped because we were pretty much all at #3 trying to keep them from taking that. I suppose that might have been bad-play on our part, but "defend what you have" has always been a mantra for me. It's tough for me to give that up, and rely on the assumption that the other team is going to continue to "not care" and be bad about objectives. :D

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Getting off topic. :p But I did just have one of the rare, really close matches on that map. Not because the teams were evenly matched, but because the other side just didn't care. They basically ran around in one big 8-man group and killed us off fairly easily. Not quite the proverbial hot knife through butter, but certainly without much trouble.


But then they didn't bother to actually hold anything, or maybe one "token" defender would stay. Heck, at one point, I watched them finish clearing a node as I came down off the spawn landing, and they didn't even bother to cap it, they just all ran off to the "next spot". So we followed up behind them and recapped as necessary. Final score was something like 30 to 0.


We probably could have won by a lot more, but we put effort into actually guarding things, so there was plenty of time when they had 2 capped because we were pretty much all at #3 trying to keep them from taking that. I suppose that might have been bad-play on our part, but "defend what you have" has always been a mantra for me. It's tough for me to give that up, and rely on the assumption that the other team is going to continue to "not care" and be bad about objectives. :D


Yep, that’s the way they play these days. Gank players are actually really crap if you get one by themselves. They need the pack to carry them and let them farm out their dps.

Sure, some of them might do good numbers, but mainly because they were in a group. This is why you see skanks doing so much damage because they spam their AOE in mass gank squads.

Get one of those gank players by themsleves and watch them crumble. You can even 1v2 solo kill a fair few of them. I just did that in Mids on my lvl 42 Merc. Solo capped against a lvl 69 Jugg and lvl 64 sniper after I killed both of them.

Yes, I know it was on a Merc, but seriously, a Jugg and a sniper should have globalled me. I only went there to pull the rest of their gank squad so my gank squad would cap. I honestly expected to die fast when they all came to reclaim it and it still took 6 of them to kill me after chasing me for 40 secs.


I’m sure many of the old school pvpers or even pvpers who have some skill are finding you increasingly feel like pvp gods in some matches. I can only imagine what it’s like for much better players than me.

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My experience agrees with DA's. At least, it *seems* like Yavin generates far more matches where one side is stomping the other. And yes, I doubt very much that it's actually the cross faction that contributes to that. But, I haven't come up with a really good theory that I've bought into myself as to why it seems to happen. I also don't buy that "we don't understand the mechanics yet". It's not THAT complicated. Maybe it's the trees. It's the only map that has trees.


Anyway, I would actually like cross faction in everything - but for me it's more because, as it stands, even 70 pops are starting to get slow for me again in "off hours". And when I was going through midbies just recently, cripes, I had to resort to PVE to get to 70 finally! :eek: Midbies, imp side on SS, even prime time, was getting rare. So I want cross faction to potentially get a bigger queue pool.


While the size of the pub side does seem smaller, I've never really bought into some huge difference in skill between the two sides. I get runs of big losses, big wins and close games from both factions. (My fav is when I get a run of wins on the pub side, then people discount it by saying "oh, the imps have logged into their pub alts." Well, then of course pubs "never win" if you make the definition that "if pubs win it's really imps". :rolleyes: )


"Lore" as a reason not to is just silly in my opinion. Right from the start... did it make sense story-wise, that my uber-powerful jedi, right in the middle of saving some planet from utter destruction, stops to play a huttball game? Right. I guess it makes perfect sense to do that, as long as I don't have a sith on my team. :rolleyes:


It’s the ganks squad mentality. If you are on a team that has 3 players who have half a brain, then it’s a calk walk against a full gank team.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Thank you very much but no...


I don't want to be teamed up with pubs.


Yavin 4 is the worst map ever created in terms of balance and if that's what cross faction would be like then no.. it better stays as it is.


I think at the moment PVP has far BIGGER problems than the lack of cross faction.


In other words: "I like getting carried by a larger player base who statistically is going to have more proficient players, or at least, the pool of players I perceive to be superior (I don't want to be teamed up with pubs, because that's an imbalanced map not in my favor). I can't stand playing in a completely mixed pool of players, because then the chance I will have to pull my own weight is greater."

Edited by sweederland
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Yep, that’s the way they play these days. Gank players are actually really crap if you get one by themselves. They need the pack to carry them and let them farm out their dps...


Well, to be honest, I don't have a problem with people who are better in their group than they are by themselves. I'm exactly like that. I'm a way better "support" player, than I am a 1v1 fighter. :o Plus, I would argue the game is supposed to be that way. Well, if there is a balanced team anyway. The sum is supposed to be greater than its parts.


But, of course, the other issue I have with the "gank squad" as you describe them, is that they are only there for the fighting. Huttball, in my experience, is actually the worst map for this, not Yavin. As I've typed before, I find it kinda of "too bad" I guess is the right expression for me, that people who are tired of playing the game still sign up for matches, so they can play some other game. But if, as some have also claimed, pubs tend to be more "objective minded", then that's another reason why I'd want mixed. Then when I'm on my imp toons maybe at least one other person on my Huttball team would actually be attacking the enemy ball carrier. :p

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Thank you very much but no...


I don't want to be teamed up with pubs.



You are a bit ignorant huh? Most likely EVERY war you play on imps you ARE teamed with pubs. Because the faction imbalance for PvP sucks so bad the pub players are simply playing imps so they can have a better chance of winning. If you are an RP, then they are the worst type of pubs cuz they are spies.


Just another chump who happens to play imp, on his high horse about not wanting to play with pubs, who cares if the game dies because of it, who cares if there are no more Pub VS Imp wars because it dies, just so long as the king doesn't have to play with pubs (that he is playing with anyways). Its interesting how you never hear these guys say they play on the pub side and never want to play with imps huh, very strange huh?


Simple solution, you go play ONLY pubs from now on, and lets see in 6 months if you come back here and tell us if there is a problem.

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Why is everyone here looking for excuses to call the other side bad or "loves to get carried" and whatever insults related to skill that are constantly seen in any PVP forum thread?


This should be an objective conversation for or against cross faction. Skill in PVP, or even playing PVP is not required and is not any kind of a factor here, besides affecting the extent of your personal experience (which is, anyway, not so meaningful because your personal experience might be simply your own bad luck). There is, therefore, no reason (or should I call it "excuse") to start offending people's skill in the game.


If you have a logical argument FOR cross-faction - say it.

If you have a logical argument AGAINST cross-faction - say it.

If you have your assumptions (or "proofs") as to what is one's motives for being for or against cross-faction (which are merely coincidently referring to his skill or mental intelligence or whatever) - keep them to yourself. It doesn't matter, it is irrelevant. Even if the selfish motives for one to be against cross-faction are purely RP based, it won't increase or decrease the validity of his points, and same goes for those who are for cross faction. Selfish motives or not, use arguments against arguments. No people against people. These forums already are cross faction, remember that.


So, objective arguments:


1. Your chance to be in the better/worse team is absolutely independent of your faction.

2. More diversity in groups with consequent matches (Mostly felt in times when there are not many in the queue)

3. A possibility of an extra match when one faction has not enough remaining unmatched players at a give moment (ex: 6 reps and 10 imps currently in the queue and yet unmatched) which means a slight increase in the pop rate (less slight when in dead hours).

4. Enables matchmaking (see my first post here).

5. RP reason: Follows the current path of the story



1. Wants to avoid getting teamed up with bads.

2. RP reason: The setting of some of the matches does not fit the cross-faction.

3. RP reason: Some people (not a few) rather the game return to the good old Rep vs Imp Star Wars story, and don't want further steps such as cross-faction taken in the opposite direction.


For reason 1 of those against, I responded several times and will not repeat them all. Will just say the shortest version: if it truly is the case that one side is hopelessly worse than the other, and nothing gets done about it, the strong side will get immigrants from the weak side and lose the strength and personality. Everyone will be there, the end.

For reason 2 of those against, there is the solution of using the wargame settings which already exist.

Reason 3 against is valid but is simply not enough when faced with the 6 reasons FOR.


This is why, in conclusion, my opinion is FOR cross-faction.


This is not a war of ideals or religion. If you manage to bring further reasons against, or "solve" the reason for, in a logical way, and I have no responses of my own to get the debate proggressing, I will accept the other opinion. This is how debates should work.

There is no faction/religion "for" versus faction/religion "against" which gotta win at all costs. We should be discussing what is better for this game, and if the final conclusion is the opposite of one's original idea, he didn't "lose" nor did those who thought otherwise "win".

So let's keep it civil and stop attacking people whose opinions are different and start targeting the opinions.

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Why is everyone here looking for excuses to call the other side bad or "loves to get carried" and whatever insults related to skill that are constantly seen in any PVP forum thread?


Why are proponents of one side usually come here with "omg we are so disadvantaged, we can't do anything, can we please queue with the good guys so we can get some wins too"?


Here's the fact: the two sides are balanced equal, period. It's been almost a year since the last gear tier came out, well over a year since the previous ones did. If anyone comes telling me they really really very much care about PvP but they still haven't had the chance to gear up, I call it BS. Especially since UCs are dropping pretty decently nowadays.


Of course everyone (well, most players) impside are good, but we pubbies are just left with the trash and so whatever we do, we can't win.


So which is it:

  • Pubs attract an age/skill group that performs inferior to Imperials
  • The posters here are dragging the matches down themselves and feel emboldened by others in similar position, so they, instead of looking at their own performance, blame the faction for losing.
  • Maybe a little of both?

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Agree, but development is in the handicapped mode. I don't think they have enough developers. On top BioWare is in the reign of what considered to be the worse gaming company in the US -- EA --


Aso they mentioned that they cannot change current WZ to cross function... Total bs, of course they can. They don't want to invest into it... and to be totally honest why would they in dying game..

Edited by Cherepk
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