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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquest Changes Coming in 5.8


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It doesn't prevent it. It DELAYS it.


But.....you wouldn't be doing it BEFORE the event, therefore it HAS prevented it.


While you have been delayed in starting, you haven't got all your toons crafting so that you log in and.... BOOM.... you get a huge surge before starting the crafting you are talking about.

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But.....you wouldn't be doing it BEFORE the event, therefore it HAS prevented it.


While you have been delayed in starting, you haven't got all your toons crafting so that you log in and.... BOOM.... you get a huge surge before starting the crafting you are talking about.




If someone is in front of a computer ready to log in 30 toons for queued up points, they're going to be there and able to set up crafting queues like I described.


I honestly don't see the two options being different enough to make any change in how things are done.


If I can put up 800k points in the first hour (1k per war supply = 40k per toon for 20 toons) does it REALLY make that much of a difference if it takes 3-5 hours instead of the first hour?

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If someone is in front of a computer ready to log in 30 toons for queued up points, they're going to be there and able to set up crafting queues like I described.


I honestly don't see the two options being different enough to make any change in how things are done.


If I can put up 800k points in the first hour (1k per war supply = 40k per toon for 20 toons) does it REALLY make that much of a difference if it takes 3-5 hours instead of the first hour?


It wouldn't be in the first hour, it would be in the first second. If you start your toons crafting on the day before the event resets, but don't log in on that character, once you do log in, it instantly awards the points for all the crafting you did while offline.


In a perfectly organised guild of 1000 players, each one can have up to 40 items crafting while offline, at 1250 points each with bonuses, that's up to 50,000,000 points for the guild seconds after the reset.


So, yeah, it does REALLY make that much of a difference if you're waiting 3-5 hours to get your first 800k

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The only way it REALLY matter is if people are doing this 24/6 during crafting weeks. At that point, and only that point, would pre-crafting make/break any guild's chance.


Even if guilds were getting 50 million points in the first hour, and that's not something I've seen yet, the points aren't going to be reduced just because people now START the process in the first hour, instead of ending it.


And 6 hours later, when other guilds are logging in, they're still going to see that guild with 50 million points, regardless of WHEN they were turned in.


Crafting weeks are won by active players who prepare and stockpile. This isn't going to change who wins in those weeks.


The only thing it might do is prevent the soul crushing moment when you log in and your guild has 150k and the large guild that prepared has 50 million.


The small guild wasn't going to win anyway.


I'm sorry if I can't get my point across any more clearly, but the randomized invasion schedule doesn't actually FIX anything, and honestly I feel it makes other things worse.

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The only way it REALLY matter is if people are doing this 24/6 during crafting weeks. At that point, and only that point, would pre-crafting make/break any guild's chance.


Even if guilds were getting 50 million points in the first hour, and that's not something I've seen yet, the points aren't going to be reduced just because people now START the process in the first hour, instead of ending it.


And 6 hours later, when other guilds are logging in, they're still going to see that guild with 50 million points, regardless of WHEN they were turned in.


Crafting weeks are won by active players who prepare and stockpile. This isn't going to change who wins in those weeks.


The only thing it might do is prevent the soul crushing moment when you log in and your guild has 150k and the large guild that prepared has 50 million.


The small guild wasn't going to win anyway.


I'm sorry if I can't get my point across any more clearly, but the randomized invasion schedule doesn't actually FIX anything, and honestly I feel it makes other things worse.

I've got to agree.


I don't think it's "worse", but it's not a big deal to randomize it either. The only thing pre crafting does imo, is state up front WHO is going for the win. You'll still see those huge numbers after the 1st day. Numbers are what matter in conquests, not desire.

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"It won't make a difference" right alongside "it's soul-crushing to log in and see a guild with 50,000,000 points already"



I find it better to find out on day-1 if it's worth the push or not. Those 50,000,000 points are going up on day-1 either way, it's just a matter of how many resources you're going to waste to find out if you have a chance.

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It's an extra "crafting cycle time" if you can set up a full set of crafting characters Monday night and log into them Tuesday AM for the rewards and points. It might be a marginal number of points, but at the high end, margins can matter.


There's also a "security" concern, in that mass synchronized activity like that looks like botting. (I am not accusing anyone who stages of botting, let me be very clear on that. I don't even think it's an "exploit" or should be held against the rules. It is what it is, and anyone can do it within the normally understood rules of the game. But to an algorithm, it's going to look similar to botting.)


That having been said, an easy adjustment for the people who care about the marginal points will simply be to queue up the crafting every monday night, regardless. I don't think it's terribly expensive to do so (I could be wrong, while I do run gathering missions most of the time I'm logged in, I don't do it on an industrial scale - if I'm wrong, let me know and I'll move onwards), and life will continue.

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"It won't make a difference" right alongside "it's soul-crushing to log in and see a guild with 50,000,000 points already"




For something that supposedly doesn't make any difference there is sure a lot of complaining about it. It's not like they spent hours writing code that they could have spent on something else to prevent pre-accumulation of Conquest Points. They are determining conquest weeks the same as always just not telling you about it until the start of the event. It would seem that there are certain guilds out there that are dependent on this exploit (an exploit is using a game mechanic in a way it is not intended to be used and has nothing to do with "everybody can do it").


If it doesn't make any difference for you and it makes smaller guilds "feel" competitive (whether they are or not), I don't see an issue at all.

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Hello All,

Would it be possible to change the format in which players contribute to conquest?

As it stands now, all conquest contributions (completing missions), with the guild and character rewards, they are all setup as account /legacy wide. This is not practical with those that have multiple chars. All the quests that are setup as "one time" only (operation/world bosses, base raids,some crafting), cannot be repeated by anyone,any time after the initial completion.

I may be totally wrong about this, but I could swear,that in the past (mid 2017) that it was setup as "guild" related. I say this because I've been (and still am) in multiple guilds. There was a time I had to make notes on paper to keep track of which char was doing which guild and which side(Imp or Pub).

Now that this has been changed (in my mind at least) it is now impossible to contribute to any guild on any side now that the ONE character has done so.

This is (to me) unacceptable as it is so unfair to me, but more so, the guilds. I cannot participate because those "one-time" quests have been filled, and the guild cannot receive their conquest points.

I can fore go my personal rewards if I have to, but what's the point in spending hours/days on these conquests and not be rewarded for you and the guild. Many times a guild Leader will suggest doing a raid with a group and I'm thinking why bother? Neither one of us is getting anything out of this.

So to sum things up, I would like to see the Conquests set up to reward people and the guild "by the guild".

That way when we help out Guild #1, Guild #2,3,4 etc will get their rewards separately as well.

By referring to Guild I mean that includes the sister guild as well. Most have 2 for Imperial and Republic.

If you have character A on the pub side, he completes 3-4 of those "one-timers", then character B on the Imperial side, should be able to participate as well. Once I log out and choose another character from another guild, then those should still be open for me to complete once more. Is this making sense? LOL

If programming these changes are not do-able or practical, then is there a chance to have the tasks themselves changed. Have all tasks and missions put on "infinite" so for eg; all 30 chars in 4 guilds can participate ongoing.

If there is the ability to do that,but now you're faced with dishing out huge amounts of rewards to those chars, then a different cap would need to be implemented. You could cap it to total of 2 chars per GUILD, 1 on Imperial (max) and 1 on Republic (max). Doing the same now with the balance of 28 chars in the other guilds. If you have 5 chars on pub side and 8 on imp side, the rule of allowing only 1 per side still applies.

Just make it possible for multiple chars in multiple guilds (single server), to have the ability to participate in group quests with their guildies; not being limited to a ONE CHARACTER completion. Make it a 2 character limit PER GUILD. That way guild #1 gets 2 participants, guild #2 same,guild #3 same. The guilds are benefiting from more participation and your chars are getting their due rewards. If allowing 2 chars per guild, you could even raise the reward goal from 20k to 35-40k?


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As an Fyi, paragraphs are a wonderful thing. It makes what you posted easier to read. :)


I get why you want to spread out your one time objectives but not sure why you can't do them, if it is helpful, in both your guilds. You say 'Hey GM/Leader of activity, I already did this on this character but if the guild needs me to fill that spot I'll certainly do it to help the guild.' If it is an Op the other 7 people get points for conquest and you get the regular rewards of doing said Op and warm fuzzies for helping your guild. Same with a one time objective with flashpoints, or any that require more than one person to do.


I'm in more than one guild too but the 2nd guild of my faction is our 'overflow' guild for lesser used characters. We 'do' invade planets sometimes on that one but not often.


My main objection to randomizing conquest is not that I can't preload. Preloading is a nifty way to start out but taking that out of the picture doesn't really change that much. It may mean some late nights at the end of the conquest to make up a margin but I've done that before on multiple occasions. It isn't going to kill me. It's that the RNG is streaky. I don't want to see Alderaan, Corellia and Quesh three times in a row in conquest weeks, though I'd be thrilled if I saw Yavin/Rishi/Oricon three times in a row so I guess it works out in a bizarre way.

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I personally think it's a shame to remove the need to decorate stronghols in order to get 100% credit for the stronghold. How easy do people think it should be to accomplish different aspects of the game. I want to push a button and have the best gear and maxed out on achievements so I don't have to work for anything. LAWL


The result will be that people will readily become bored and leave the game .My recommendation is: Let's return to rewarding people for putting forth effort to gain the achievements of the best gear and best bonuses that the game has to offer. PLEASE stop catering the the little whiners. Perks in the game ought to be earned and worked for. That's what makes the game challenging and enjoyable.

Edited by Deathsus
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I find it better to find out on day-1 if it's worth the push or not. Those 50,000,000 points are going up on day-1 either way, it's just a matter of how many resources you're going to waste to find out if you have a chance.


This completely. As a smaller guild with one primary crafter, its truly a matter of how much do we want him dumpimg resources into that (or the rest of us buying/farming/jawa vendoring mats) vs what we actually enjoy doing?


I enjoy having a goal to work toward, as a 10 active person (primarily pvp) guild on satele shan (formerly harbinger) making it onto the board is no small feat some weeks. I don't particularly want to be a bigger guild either, so perhaps the small vs large planet stuff will help. Though, i question whether the large guilds will go for larger objectives or merely try to dominate smaller ones (you know, like mine).


On the subject of randomness, I rather despise uncertainty as a matter of personality, and agree with you. If i have no chance I'd rather know before dumping millions of credits (thousands of jawa vendor, hours farming mats which i find to be the most pointlessly dull activity invented in an environment where im supposed to be having fun) into obtaining mats. Not to mention the mats my crafting guildie blows (and which, as guild leader i feel obligated to help replace).


Basically random does not equal fun. Please stop the constant addition of more randomness. So help me the first time we have 5 crafting weeks in a row, i just might blow a fuse. At least currently, i have some idea when we will not have a chance (*cough* iokath) and can attempt to plan something else for that week (ev/kp alt gearing runs, levelling alts, other such stuff that doesn't generally contribute to conquest and yet helps guildies).


TLDR: random sucks and merely delays the inevitable. Give me a schedule so that I, especially as a guild leader, can plan what I want to push (or not) that week.

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It wouldn't be in the first hour, it would be in the first second. If you start your toons crafting on the day before the event resets, but don't log in on that character, once you do log in, it instantly awards the points for all the crafting you did while offline.


In a perfectly organised guild of 1000 players, each one can have up to 40 items crafting while offline, at 1250 points each with bonuses, that's up to 50,000,000 points for the guild seconds after the reset.


So, yeah, it does REALLY make that much of a difference if you're waiting 3-5 hours to get your first 800k


Nah, it doesn't matter and won't make a difference at all.

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The only way it REALLY matter is if people are doing this 24/6 during crafting weeks. At that point, and only that point, would pre-crafting make/break any guild's chance.


Even if guilds were getting 50 million points in the first hour, and that's not something I've seen yet, the points aren't going to be reduced just because people now START the process in the first hour, instead of ending it.


And 6 hours later, when other guilds are logging in, they're still going to see that guild with 50 million points, regardless of WHEN they were turned in.


Crafting weeks are won by active players who prepare and stockpile. This isn't going to change who wins in those weeks.


The only thing it might do is prevent the soul crushing moment when you log in and your guild has 150k and the large guild that prepared has 50 million.


The small guild wasn't going to win anyway.


I'm sorry if I can't get my point across any more clearly, but the randomized invasion schedule doesn't actually FIX anything, and honestly I feel it makes other things worse.


I agree. It won't change anything. It won't make it "more fair" for anybody, and will only delay the points.


If the change was only to address this issue then it's a failure in other areas, as you mentioned. The biggest one being: one of the FEW remaining reasons to even be in a guild is Conquest. Guilds that focus on conquest like to plan their week before hand NOT TO EXPLOIT, but rather to announce pre-planned activities to generate more attendance.


Hope you weren't looking forward to organized guild activities that relate to conquest, because Bioware just screwed you out of that opportunity in order to save themselves having to publish a schedule of conquest weeks (that half the time isn't even right *cough* Revenge of the Revanites this week *cough*).


The pre-crafting excuse is just that: an excuse. It will change nothing. You will still see millions of points on the board in the first few hours of conquest because you're only preventing one cycle of crafters and their companions. It won't matter, in the end.

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For something that supposedly doesn't make any difference there is sure a lot of complaining about it. It's not like they spent hours writing code that they could have spent on something else to prevent pre-accumulation of Conquest Points. They are determining conquest weeks the same as always just not telling you about it until the start of the event. It would seem that there are certain guilds out there that are dependent on this exploit (an exploit is using a game mechanic in a way it is not intended to be used and has nothing to do with "everybody can do it").


If it doesn't make any difference for you and it makes smaller guilds "feel" competitive (whether they are or not), I don't see an issue at all.


The complaints are because of the issues I mentioned in my previous post, not because people are angry at not being able to pre-craft.


It's ridiculous that they hamstring every guild's ability to PRE PLAN, however... in order to try and prevent something that isn't going to make much difference anyway.

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The complaints are because of the issues I mentioned in my previous post, not because people are angry at not being able to pre-craft.


It's ridiculous that they hamstring every guild's ability to PRE PLAN, however... in order to try and prevent something that isn't going to make much difference anyway.


Ah but Penny don't you know? Being in a guild and planning guild events to coincide with the particular conquest week are both exploits. ;p <yes, I'm being sarcastic but I'm confident you know that. >

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Ah but Penny don't you know? Being in a guild and planning guild events to coincide with the particular conquest week are both exploits. ;p <yes, I'm being sarcastic but I'm confident you know that. >


What exactly are you planning? Every week has heroics, flashpoints, uprisings, operations, Invasion Force crafting, killing commanders, GSF, and PVP and they are all worth basically the same number of points. Do you really need to "plan" for a specific setting to be "competitive" (outside of lining up final boss runs I suppose which is also a lucrative CQ point generator). The only things that vary are crafting (whether Invasion Forces are repeatable or not) and the NPC kills on planets (a really minor impact). Now with no guild bonus it won't even matter which planet you choose to invade. I just don't understand this whole "planning" thing (outside of crafting anyway).

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What exactly are you planning? Every week has heroics, flashpoints, uprisings, operations, Invasion Force crafting, killing commanders, GSF, and PVP and they are all worth basically the same number of points. Do you really need to "plan" for a specific setting to be "competitive" (outside of lining up final boss runs I suppose which is also a lucrative CQ point generator). The only things that vary are crafting (whether Invasion Forces are repeatable or not) and the NPC kills on planets (a really minor impact). Now with no guild bonus it won't even matter which planet you choose to invade. I just don't understand this whole "planning" thing (outside of crafting anyway).


This is me planning, a few days in advance, how to get 3 toons up to 20k points for Revenge of the Revanites, which was "SUPPOSED" to start today. I put it on a guild web page so others could have a reference if they wanted.


Here's my plan for hitting the 20k mark on three different toons. This is w/o running any ops or pvp. These are calculated with a full 150% Stronghold bonus.

Toon 1:

War Supplies = 7000 (not invasion force - do this first)

Yavin Weekly = 3750

Battle of Ilum = 2500

Legacy of Rakata = 3500

Assault on Tython = 3500


20250 points


Toon 2:

Yavin 250 kill count = 2500

Rishi 250 kill count = 4500

Yavin Weekly = 3750

Blood Hunt = 4500

Korriban Incursion = 3500

Depths of Manaan = 3500


22250 points



Toon 3:

Yavin Weekly = 3750

Invasion Force = 5000

Athiss = 2500

False Emperor = 2500

Battle of Rishi = 4500

Red Reaper = 2500


20750 points

Edited by Darevsool
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What exactly are you planning? Every week has heroics, flashpoints, uprisings, operations, Invasion Force crafting, killing commanders, GSF, and PVP and they are all worth basically the same number of points. Do you really need to "plan" for a specific setting to be "competitive" (outside of lining up final boss runs I suppose which is also a lucrative CQ point generator). The only things that vary are crafting (whether Invasion Forces are repeatable or not) and the NPC kills on planets (a really minor impact). Now with no guild bonus it won't even matter which planet you choose to invade. I just don't understand this whole "planning" thing (outside of crafting anyway).


I am one who mentioned planning. Its less of a "on monday i will be doing this, on tuesday that, on wednrsday ..." type thing and much more of an "oh whats conquest tomorrow?" "Oh we should plan on going for planet blah"


I dont (nor does the guilds resident crafter) preload crafting as we like to see if we even have a chance before wasting millions of credits (jawa vendor, time). Ergo, i don't particularly care about preloading. The larger guilds will post their tens of millions of points, be it in the first 5 minutes or the first couple hours. I'd rather it be sooner than later.


My main protest is the sheer randomness. I do not like uncertainty. I do not like it being theoretically possible to get, say 5 iokaths in a row. Being the guild leader of a small guild, i rather despise crafting weeks anyway because of the cost in guild resources (which ends up being a drain on my personal resources, since I've never utilized the credit scammers nor do i play the gtn game, I'm funding a guild based on primarily heroics).


Basically I'm a planned, settled, and decided type person who cringes with new unnecessary uncertainties. And the first time we get multiple crafting weeks back to back to back however many times, you will not want to be within earshot of me on tuesday afternoons when i get on.


TLDR: random is unnecessary and a nuisance. And given my small guild size and personal hatred of crafting week, should RNG bless us with multiple in a row, i will not be a happy camper.

Edited by KendraP
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What exactly are you planning? Every week has heroics, flashpoints, uprisings, operations, Invasion Force crafting, killing commanders, GSF, and PVP and they are all worth basically the same number of points. Do you really need to "plan" for a specific setting to be "competitive" (outside of lining up final boss runs I suppose which is also a lucrative CQ point generator). The only things that vary are crafting (whether Invasion Forces are repeatable or not) and the NPC kills on planets (a really minor impact). Now with no guild bonus it won't even matter which planet you choose to invade. I just don't understand this whole "planning" thing (outside of crafting anyway).


We are planning WHICH of the planets available is needed and necessary for our members to earn titles toward Galaxy Conqueror. We are planning whether or not those people will be able to be in the game and playing enough that week to earn said title, or if we should focus on another faction of members who need a different title and WILL be around to earn it. Believe it or not, we interact and discuss this with our members at length to make sure we're making the most of our efforts.


And Group Finder operations may always be available, but they are NOT always worth the same amount of points. Add to that the rotating schedule of Group Finder and there will be weeks when it makes much more sense to go after a planet with specific bonuses for operations (weeks when Oricon is on offer, and Dread Fortress and Dread Palace are also part of the group finder, for instance). If DF/DP are not available in group finder for that week, then Oricon might not be worth the effort if your guild would rely on those operations points (which are available only during that invasion event specifically outside of the additional Group Finder Daily). Yes, I realize they are removing the "bonuses" on each planet per objective, but that doesn't speak to the objectives that are available in addition to the usual Group Finder, and whether or not the Group Finder schedule lines up properly to make the most of it or not.


I should be careful talking about it, or they will randomize the Daily Group Finder for operations too and we'll have no idea what is going on ever.


There are a multitude of other examples I could make, but you can just look at Dulfy and the objectives for each Invasion Event and see for yourself that they are not all created equal, even if they offer similar objectives from week to week.


Just because YOU don't plan guilds Conquest events doesn't mean none of us do.

Edited by PennyAnn
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I also agree with the notion that Random is BAD.


Large guild or small - NO ONE will be happy when we get 6 crafting weeks in a row and none of the planets that most people need to complete their achievements (Rishi, Yavin, Oricon, Section X) ever show up in the "rotation" because it is randomized and we get crappy RNG that affects all of us who conquest at once... large or small.


It's just plain a BAD idea.


Add to the BAD idea that they are only doing it to stop pre-crafting and at the end of day one it won't matter much to the scores and it's just not an idea that makes sense. I think that's why they SAID they were changing it, but I'm more likely to believe that they just don't want to be responsible for announcing a schedule anymore (particularly when they announce something and then a completely different conquest gets underway, like we saw today).


It seems they are very stuck on this idea though, so it's happening... bad idea or not.

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I also agree with the notion that Random is BAD.


Large guild or small - NO ONE will be happy when we get 6 crafting weeks in a row and none of the planets that most people need to complete their achievements (Rishi, Yavin, Oricon, Section X) ever show up in the "rotation" because it is randomized and we get crappy RNG that affects all of us who conquest at once... large or small.


It's just plain a BAD idea.


No, no, no!


Random is "exciting"!


Every Bioware employee must chat that as a mantra at the start of every shift.


All The Best

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