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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Conquest Changes Coming in 5.8


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Alright, here is how it is going to work. Duplicates DO count towards your bonus. If you have three Coruscant Strongholds, all three count towards the cap. Reminder that this is only possible following United Forces.




Pardon this newb type question but after the server merge it was stated that duplicates did not count for Conquest bonuses, so I deactivated a couple of StrongHolds. Now they count and I can't seem to figure out to re-activate ones I de-activated. Any hints?



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how exactly can you go out and get multiple dk or coruscant strongholds? the only way to have them is to have had them BEFORE the merge. cant be done at this point. If someone payed for 3 unlocked sh's before the merge, they own them and should not have them taken away because you have hurt feelings.


I never said to take them away. It's pure bull that they make it so that after the mergers duplicates didn't count, so people deactivated them, only to turn around and change it to making them count. Personally, I had all but Manaan in duplicates. But because only one of each counted, I ended up deactivating the duplicates. I don't care if I don't get the credits back. But these changes are just stupid.

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Thanks for the info, Eric Musco.

Duplicates DO count towards your bonus. If you have three Coruscant Strongholds, all three count towards the cap. Reminder that this is only possible following United Forces.

Good for: Players who kept their duplicate SHs from the United Forces server merge.

Bad for: Some players who closed duplicate SHs from the United Forces server merge.


Allowing duplicate SHs to count towards the Conquest bonus punishes players who closed some/all duplicate SHs after the server merge because BW's position was only unique SHs count towards the Conquest bonus. I think sticking with only unique SHs to count towards the bonus with 5.8 is a better idea. Aggravating players who took BW at their word, and closed some or all of their duplicate SHs, is not good business.


I'm not negatively impacted by this. I closed my duplicate SHs after the server merge, however I have 6 of the 7 currently available SHs fully unlocked on my primary servers. And, I seldom participate in Conquests.

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Pardon this newb type question but after the server merge it was stated that duplicates did not count for Conquest bonuses, so I deactivated a couple of StrongHolds. Now they count and I can't seem to figure out to re-activate ones I de-activated. Any hints?




I don't think you can re-activate those after they have been deactivated. The only reason they allowed you to have multiple copies of strongholds is because of the mergers but if you had deactivated they cannot be re-activated.

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It takes 481 Level 5 Pink gifts to bring a companion from Affection 1 to Affection 50, presuming you have all the three perks. That equates to 4.81 million credits, so you'd still be ahead by 56k credits if you buy the new thingy.


Now, 18,666 credits per Dark Project may be a bit unreal, but they're not that hard to craft. Heck, by the time you get the nearly 5 mil to buy the new thingy, you should have enough mats to make the three DPs.

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So it's still preferable to just buy Level 5 Artifact gifts and stuff your companion with it.


Yes, you can buy the 477 purple tier 5's for 10k and spend 4.77 million, and not have to craft 3 dark projects. All it save is the time spent giving the gifts to the companion and a little over 500k

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I can't believe that the no. 1 topic in this thread is about the stronghold bonus. Is that really an issue for so many people? I was sure that most players who are interested in conquest have been on 150% for a long time and they will remain at 150%. I can't imagine that it can be so difficult to get 150% that this is topic no. 1 here.


What I find much, much more important are questions about how this new conquest system makes more fun than before.


Are there new missions added to the conquest, for example will the Activities window be connected to conquest?


What will the rewards be like?


I find it very interesting that Eric has not commented on any of those questions at all.


If, at the end, all we get is a new conquest UI and a different way to conquer planets, but everything else remains the same, then I don't see that much of a benefit: I still have to do the same stuff, except, if I understand correctly, I have to do the same stuff MORE OFTEN, because there won't be a planetary bonus applied anymore. If e. g. crafting a supply gives now 750 points (with 3 x bonus), it will be 250, thus I have to craft three times as much. The new rewards better be worth having to do the same old chores, but more often! I won't do that for a measly 25.000 credits token.


I'm currently very irritated about the lack of answers aside from stronghold calculations (which seems to be the least concern to me, because at the end, it won't be difficult for anyone to get 150%, if you just want).

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The Compendium sells for 4.25 million credits and 3 Dark Projects each.


Are you joking? You must be.


Have you guys even done the math? Do you even know how to?

FYI the current price to raise a companion to 50 is 3,465,400 credits, using vendor-sold gifts only. (Can get lower if you find good GTN deals and/or factor in crate drops.)


This is a big Bioware-approved official scam, nothing more.

Edited by Schoock
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So people can buy 6 of the cheap Capitol World apartments (Dromund Kaas and Coruscant), spend a total of 8.64 mil and get the full 150% bonus, when those of us that have spent well over 40 mil to have non-duplicate strongholds get shafted. Good job.

This is NOT possible. You can only have multiples of any stronghold if the server merge resulted in it. You CANNOT buy more than one of any stronghold, as much as I'd like to as Yavin, Tatooine, Manaan and Umbara are just too big and after I decorate them they don't get used.


Are you joking? You must be.


Have you guys even done the math? Do you even know how to?

FYI the current price to raise a companion to 50 is 3,465,400 credits, using vendor-sold gifts only. (Can get lower if you find good GTN deals and/or factor in crate drops.)


This is a big Bioware-approved official scam, nothing more.

I don't think it is. I will happily pay for the convenience as I have dozens of alts have spent far too much time (and money) feeding dozens of companions gifts to get them to 50 for the crafting benefit top level gives and/or the achievement (there are a number of companions I hate so getting them an instant 50 thing will avoid me having to look at them or hear them for long). I was one of I suspect many people who requested this perk. I will happily pay this to get at least my many new alts main companion to insta-50 influence, since as well as buying tonnes of gifts I always unlock the legacy perk for faster gift giving on every alt and that is not cheap (so add the cost of the legacy perk millions - 1,200,000 I think) to your estimate of 3,465,400 credits and it works out cheaper for me to do the insta-50 as the dark project crafting mats I already have stored.

Edited by Sarova
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Are you joking? You must be.


Have you guys even done the math? Do you even know how to?

FYI the current price to raise a companion to 50 is 3,465,400 credits, using vendor-sold gifts only. (Can get lower if you find good GTN deals and/or factor in crate drops.)


This is a big Bioware-approved official scam, nothing more.


Plus all the time clicking, which at minimum wage of about $10 per hour, quickly adds up.


{But again, at least you're saving that fictional currency. Woot}

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Are you joking? You must be.


Have you guys even done the math? Do you even know how to?

FYI the current price to raise a companion to 50 is 3,465,400 credits, using vendor-sold gifts only. (Can get lower if you find good GTN deals and/or factor in crate drops.)


This is a big Bioware-approved official scam, nothing more.


The extra cost is worth the time saved for me.

Plus, on toons where I level up multiple companions I spend the money for the legacy unlocks to speed up each gift. That's only once per toon, but still, it's now money I won't have to spend.

This is a great deal for me, and I spent millions on the cheap artifact gifts a couple months ago (still have 15k in two different stacks).

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Are you joking? You must be.


Have you guys even done the math? Do you even know how to?

FYI the current price to raise a companion to 50 is 3,465,400 credits, using vendor-sold gifts only. (Can get lower if you find good GTN deals and/or factor in crate drops.)


This is a big Bioware-approved official scam, nothing more.


Using only Vendor gifts your number is off. from rank 20-50 it takes 430 purples. So 4.3 mil credits. from 1-20 it takes 326 rank 2 green gifts at 195,600 For a total of 4,495,600 so it'll be a savings of roughly 200k. The big thing with this is you won't have to click on all of those gits. It's about time they put in something like that.

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Well, let's make the game even more interesting and fun to play. Let's give endgame gear to those who never played endgame content -- OHHH WAIT, we already did that. let's make leveling a bit easier -- OHHH Wait, we can go from lvl1 to lvl 70 in 2 days easy, already did that. Let's nerf most classes because we don't want to take time to learn how to really play a class -- Uhh, already did that. And the list goes on (history is a boring and sad subject).


We can now add the SH for CQ bonus to that wonderful list. Just sit at your pc and grind away, the world is yours. You no longer need to learn, or earn anything. now we have everyone running around in top-end gear that don't know how - and most importantly - don't wish to learn how, to play the game - yet consistently jump into groups and drag them down, not even willing to hear what they should do - that experiment went real well.


Yeah, call me a whiner, don't care. It used to be there was some prestige in this game by accomplishing things, only having what you worked for, and earned. Ya want end-game gear, play end-game content. Ya wanna play a certain class, learn the class. There are/were plenty of us out there that would help. I certainly asked for help plenty of times, and listened/learned. Problem is, no one wants to anymore.


Now that I've got that off my chest - I'll go the SH issue. I refuse to pay for anything in this game except my sub fee. It took a lot of time and work to get the creds to unlock the sh's. Could care less about the deco issue, as that is an individual choice. To allow one to just purchase them w/o unlocking the whole thing, and get the percentage, is just crazy. Again, a slap on the face to subscribers that did work to obtain things. My list of knowledgeable, veteran players (whom also had no prob mentoring), is almost gone. Let's whittle that down to zero.


Lots of good points posted in this thread about the other CQ changes. As a member of both small and large guilds, all of which are active to various degrees in CQ, guess we'll just have to wait for the patch to see how things go.

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Well, let's make the game even more interesting and fun to play. Let's give endgame gear to those who never played endgame content -- OHHH WAIT, we already did that. let's make leveling a bit easier -- OHHH Wait, we can go from lvl1 to lvl 70 in 2 days easy, already did that. Let's nerf most classes because we don't want to take time to learn how to really play a class -- Uhh, already did that. And the list goes on (history is a boring and sad subject).


We can now add the SH for CQ bonus to that wonderful list. Just sit at your pc and grind away, the world is yours. You no longer need to learn, or earn anything. now we have everyone running around in top-end gear that don't know how - and most importantly - don't wish to learn how, to play the game - yet consistently jump into groups and drag them down, not even willing to hear what they should do - that experiment went real well.


Yeah, call me a whiner, don't care. It used to be there was some prestige in this game by accomplishing things, only having what you worked for, and earned. Ya want end-game gear, play end-game content. Ya wanna play a certain class, learn the class. There are/were plenty of us out there that would help. I certainly asked for help plenty of times, and listened/learned. Problem is, no one wants to anymore.


Now that I've got that off my chest - I'll go the SH issue. I refuse to pay for anything in this game except my sub fee. It took a lot of time and work to get the creds to unlock the sh's. Could care less about the deco issue, as that is an individual choice. To allow one to just purchase them w/o unlocking the whole thing, and get the percentage, is just crazy. Again, a slap on the face to subscribers that did work to obtain things. My list of knowledgeable, veteran players (whom also had no prob mentoring), is almost gone. Let's whittle that down to zero.


Lots of good points posted in this thread about the other CQ changes. As a member of both small and large guilds, all of which are active to various degrees in CQ, guess we'll just have to wait for the patch to see how things go.


Hey, go check out the dev tracker before you get too upset about something that's not gonna happen. The bonus you get is by room unlocked, not buying it and getting 25% immediately.

Edited by LordTurin
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Well, let's make the game even more interesting and fun to play. Let's give endgame gear to those who never played endgame content -- OHHH WAIT, we already did that. let's make leveling a bit easier -- OHHH Wait, we can go from lvl1 to lvl 70 in 2 days easy, already did that. Let's nerf most classes because we don't want to take time to learn how to really play a class -- Uhh, already did that. And the list goes on (history is a boring and sad subject).


We can now add the SH for CQ bonus to that wonderful list. Just sit at your pc and grind away, the world is yours. You no longer need to learn, or earn anything. now we have everyone running around in top-end gear that don't know how - and most importantly - don't wish to learn how, to play the game - yet consistently jump into groups and drag them down, not even willing to hear what they should do - that experiment went real well.


Yeah, call me a whiner, don't care. It used to be there was some prestige in this game by accomplishing things, only having what you worked for, and earned. Ya want end-game gear, play end-game content. Ya wanna play a certain class, learn the class. There are/were plenty of us out there that would help. I certainly asked for help plenty of times, and listened/learned. Problem is, no one wants to anymore.


Now that I've got that off my chest - I'll go the SH issue. I refuse to pay for anything in this game except my sub fee. It took a lot of time and work to get the creds to unlock the sh's. Could care less about the deco issue, as that is an individual choice. To allow one to just purchase them w/o unlocking the whole thing, and get the percentage, is just crazy. Again, a slap on the face to subscribers that did work to obtain things. My list of knowledgeable, veteran players (whom also had no prob mentoring), is almost gone. Let's whittle that down to zero.


Lots of good points posted in this thread about the other CQ changes. As a member of both small and large guilds, all of which are active to various degrees in CQ, guess we'll just have to wait for the patch to see how things go.


Read Eric's post about the stronghold how it will work.


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This is NOT possible. You can only have multiples of any stronghold if the server merge resulted in it. You CANNOT buy more than one of any stronghold, as much as I'd like to as Yavin, Tatooine, Manaan and Umbara are just too big and after I decorate them they don't get used.


So I'll rephrase that:


So people can HAVE up to 6 of the cheap Capitol World apartments (Dromund Kaas and Coruscant), and have spent a grand total of 8.64 mil and get the full 150% bonus, when those of us that have spent well over 40 mil to have non-duplicate strongholds get shafted. Not to mention the 30 mil+ that I had spent on those that I have deactivated because they were duplicates and DID NOT count. Good job.


Call it whining. Call it ranting. Call it what you will. I still say it's BS.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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Sigh, i guess the complainers got their way. Now i have to spend another 40+ million to unlock everything so I can have huge empty strongholds.. congrats thanks for wasting my hard earned money when you already had the 150% bonus, (rolleyes).. its my opinion that unlocking the expansions is because you wanted more room to decorate and expand, and isn't just for the conquest bonus. Edited by SaerethDL
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Sigh, i guess the complainers got their way. Now i have to spend another 40+ million to unlock everything so I can have huge empty strongholds.. congrats thanks for wasting my hard earned money when you already had the 150% bonus, (rolleyes).. its my opinion that unlocking the expansions is because you wanted more room to decorate and expand, and isn't just for the conquest bonus.


I mean, that's basically how it works now. You have to unlock every room, and fill it to 100% capactiy to get the full conquest bonus. All they are doing is changing it so you don't have to fill it to 100% capacity, so anyone who hasn't done so is strictly better off than they were before (if nothing else, you will save the time to fill up the stronghold). So up till now, unlocking every room for a lot of people is for the stronghold bonus and nothing else (hence Eric's "stronghold full of chairs" comment).

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So I'll rephrase that:


So people can HAVE up to 6 of the cheap Capitol World apartments (Dromund Kaas and Coruscant), and have spent a grand total of 8.64 mil and get the full 150% bonus, when those of us that have spent well over 40 mil to have non-duplicate strongholds get shafted. Not to mention the 30 mil+ that I had spent on those that I have deactivated because they were duplicates and DID NOT count. Good job.


Call it whining. Call it ranting. Call it what you will. I still say it's BS.


or they paid real money for cartel coins and taking that away would be very wrong. you just spent credits which are easy to get anyway.

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Let me try to let it out with an example and see if I can make more sense of it. Let's say a Conquest has 3 planets that you can invade...


Planet 1

Low point requirement to complete

Low reward for completing that conquest


Planet 2

Medium point requirement to complete

Medium reward for completing that conquest


Planet 3

High point requirement to complete

High reward for completing that conquest


If you look at planet 1, since there is a lower point requirement to complete the Conquest, it is loosely targeted at smaller guilds. However, since it is easier to complete, it means less rewards. If a large Guild still wanted to go for it, they still can. It will obviously be easier for them with larger player contribution, but they would be sacrificing conquest rewards to do so (since planet 2 and 3 would reward more).


TLDR - Small planets mean small rewards, big planets mean big rewards.


Can we get an itemized list of what constitutes each level of reward please?

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I mean, that's basically how it works now. You have to unlock every room, and fill it to 100% capactiy to get the full conquest bonus. All they are doing is changing it so you don't have to fill it to 100% capacity, so anyone who hasn't done so is strictly better off than they were before (if nothing else, you will save the time to fill up the stronghold). So up till now, unlocking every room for a lot of people is for the stronghold bonus and nothing else (hence Eric's "stronghold full of chairs" comment).


But it absolutely screws those of us who took actual time, and money, to decorate the SH's with more than just chairs. So once again, the punishment stick is taken out on everybody, instead of just the ones that were abusing the system.

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But it absolutely screws those of us who took actual time, and money, to decorate the SH's with more than just chairs. So once again, the punishment stick is taken out on everybody, instead of just the ones that were abusing the system.


How? Putting chairs out vs not having to put chairs out saves about 5 minutes and 1000 credits. Vs you, is that that big a difference?


You can be upset at how it is now if you spent 30 hours and $400 decorating if you thought you had to do that, but the chairs is not new at all and has been around for a while, so they aren't screwing you over with the changes they are making. I'm happy to hear your arguments about how they are screwing you over now/in the past, but this change won't make a difference to that at all.

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But it absolutely screws those of us who took actual time, and money, to decorate the SH's with more than just chairs. So once again, the punishment stick is taken out on everybody, instead of just the ones that were abusing the system.


who is being punished? maybe I like lots of chairs? what are you, an interior design critic? In this world there will be those who like Van Goghs on their walls and those that like velvet elvis. who are you to decide which is right? I like this system as it lets those that want to decorate for actual appearances to be able to do so without gimping themselves, while those that wand a spartan use oriented sh can do so.

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