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Can I get some assistance with the Darth Arho fight please?

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Took me 4 tries first too. Basically you have to avoid the aoe he does - interrupts like cryo grenade and concussion are a must. I'm assault so I kited the rest of the way - finished the fight with no scratch on me - my companion was healing me.
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1 shotted it on the first try, both the Jedi died giving me full hp. When he hits like 20% hp, it goes into a burn phase of killing him before he kills you.


Extremely easy, and so far has been my favorite "epic" battle in all the quests from 1-50. I reset it just so I could do it again lol

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As a healer sage I set Iresso tanking him interrupting the sacrifices in first phase. Second phase starts with the dramatic cutscene of unexpected jedi help. Iresso again tanks him while I interrupt the resounding blasts.

When last phase starts and he begins channeling the crazy storm I set Iresso to dps mode and keep him up as long as I can while self staying out of the storm. When Iresso fell I put in DoTs and kited him untill his last 5k were gone. Took couple of tries to see which spells to interrups in each stage.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I just did this guy as a Gunnery Commando, no need to interrupt "resounding blast" as it requires line of sight. Just be sure to be close to a piller, when you see him beging to channel it jump behind it and keep peppering him with non channeled abilities. The little pillars by the big ones are great for this.
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  • 2 weeks later...

After a quick preview of the whole topic I didn't find anyone else who had said this so I think this is an important thing to add.


In his second phase he has a non-removable debuff that disrupts ALL healing. I was sitting there spamming Emergency Medpack on myself and... nothing. It just went, "0", "0", "0".


I even hit him with a flash grenade and still no healing by the time he broke out.


I'm about to try kiting him as suggested here.


Edit: Tried kiting him around pillars. Utterly useless. Then I tried seeing if I could identify the skill that gave the debuff. It was a easily noticeable and disruptable skill. The solution, as usual, was to kick my opponent in the nuts.

Edited by AndiusTheGreat
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  • 2 weeks later...

I tried this a bunch today as scoundrel (full sawbones tree *_* lol) and got my *** kicked a few times. But then decided to sacrifice corso (sorry buddy!) and then pretty much played peek-a-boo the whole time behind one of the big pillars and do nothing but throw thermal grenades after phase 1.


Phase 1: straight tank with corso, only needed kolto cloud + 2stack of emergency medpack to keep him alive


Phase 2: peek a boo!, throwing thermal grenades like a muppet. Arho will chase you around the pillar so you can keep running in circles, turn to face him and toss a charge at him. Flash grenade works if you think he's getting too close for comfort and you need to get a few seconds break.


Phase 3: hug that pillar! (no, really!) if you LoS and sick right on it, you don't take damage from the huge storm, so duck out, toss a grenade and keep kolto cloud on to recover any hp you might lose (I didn't dip below 95% in this phase)


Long fight, maybe like 5~10min? but it was fun!

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holy crap that was a hard fight,i tryed a few times and got smashed every time then i read this post.

I used incendiary round and sticky grenade and kited him around the polls in phase 2 then when he was low on health i hit cyro grenade and ripped it up him and it was easy as!!!!

THX for the tips they helped heaps :)

Edited by bejay
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  • 2 weeks later...
I can't beat him solo, I've respeced, tried all the strategies I can find, I can't kite him. I have MS and have limited functionality in my left hand so I have to play as a mouse clicker/wasd and I just can't get him. My left hand moves the wasd keys and I just can't get my abilities off to interrupt/damage him. I can get through the first stage but 2nd stage he just facemelts me. It's frustrating to know that I can get past two 50 elites but he just murders me. I guess when the first expansion comes out (if I'm still playing) and we get a level increase and I haven't assembled a group yet, I'll revisit the issue. UGH!!!:(
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I was pulling my hair out over the emperor on my JK a couple days ago. I gave up, then logged in the next day and got him 1st try, not even close. Now here we go again with this creep. The worst part is, you can't retreat to the medical droid nearby liek on the emperor, you either have to wait it out after a few deaths, or go all the way to the republic way station. Once my 10 minute wait is over I'll try interrupting that thing that gives you the debuff now that I know what it is, but I still don't think my companion will last very long, then I'm toast.


Edit: Wow, just kicked him out of that blast move a couple times and he went down hard, my companion survived and we didn't come close to dying. Didn't use pillars or anything. Maybe I got lucky.

Edited by Jinwe
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  • 2 weeks later...

Jedi Sage level 50, full healing spec.


This fight was so LOL after I read this thread. This was after half a dozen very frustrating attempts where heals on my companion or myself had zero effect and my companion (Felix) naturally kept dying.


So I read this thread - went back in after zoning out, got out my dps companion (zenith) who was there really just for giggles - he has mostly orange/mod gear to around level 42 or so only. He died pretty fast, but i just LOSed Arho around a pillar, peeked out and dotted him to death. Took around 1.5 mins. He ran after me when he finished each aoe, but i ducked back in when he started casting again. Only one of his debuffs stayed for any length of time.


Very easy.

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Took this guy today down as a sawbones lv50, died about 7 times and then went reading torhead.


Then interrupted all I could in ph2 and somehow we did him, good geared Corso under presence buff lasted almost up to the end (if only companions steped out of AOEs...sigh), and I had to finish it with couple of blasts. Main thing is interrupting here, imo, but some trick is that there are (minimum) two casts in ph 2. If you waste your kick\flash\distract on a wrong one - then ouch. Debuffing cast is called "resounding blast".

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Jedi sentinel, straight dps using Doc. I have to admit I had no real idea what was happening until I played the video back and saw that the jedi healers arrived part way through, healed then promptly died. The add ons seemed to be easily defeated btw. Apologies for poor quality, I did upload it again in two bits.

Edited by Zylaro
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It eludes me how people figure out the names of enemy spells and what they look like.


Anywho, "Resounding Blast" has a green icon next to the cast bar (green usually signifies an enemy heal...Always a good idea to interrupt).


I killed him on my third try (Shadow Tank). The first two times I was using Tharan Cedrax. I used Nadia on the third attempt. The extra DPS made the huge difference.

Edited by GlennWippenberg
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  • 3 weeks later...
He puts a debuff on you that increases your damage taken and reduces healing taken (to practically 0) after the Jedi come in to help you.


The key is to save everything you have for this, and don't even bother trying to heal. AVOID DAMAGE. He should ONLY be hitting you with his lightning storm ground AoE, nothing else should be hitting you, you can los anything else or kite him. If you find yourself slowed in his aoe, use your 2min cd CC break or use energy shield and run out asap.


DON'T USE A HEALING COMPANION. Use a DPS companion so that they can take him down while you're kiting in phase 2. THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO STAY ALIVE. He doesn't have much health and your companion will kill him, do not risk taking unnessecary damage just to get some hits in.


He is EASILY the most challenging solo boss in the game, but I still worked him out after 2 tries.




Sage seer - Hide behind pillar healing/bubbling tank pet every now and then. Wait for phase 3. Pet dies. Play ring around the pillar while you dot him up. Bubble and heal as necessary. don't let him cast on you. he goes down to dots... burn him at around 5%.


Finished with 90% health. died 1st time, read this and bingo.. killed him on 2nd try.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thank you for this thread. Was having a tough time figuring out the mechanics of the fight like others.


First time after reading the strats here, I was hiding behind the pillars but got impatient and thought I could do something . .. nah ..


Went back, did everything as I normally do as a 49 balance sage with Tharan out - 2nd phase kited/attacked him until he did his eletrical storm, all I did was hide behind a pillar healing and protecting Tharan until the stacks dropped on the debuff then I came out, hit Arho, hid again, let debuff stacks drop, rinse and repeat. Tharan was up the entire time, and then in phase 3 burned Arho without problems.

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