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Does anyone else think that Starwars galaxies was a much better game?


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Better game? Well, I think so.


But SWG was a game made for a very different crowd.


It was launched before WoW, before players were spoonfed their gameplay bite by bite from devs, and before everything that happens in a game was expected to be "fair".


You had to find your own way, and no matter what you did, bad stuff was gonna happen to you lol.


BH's taking my mission in groups of 20 to cost me 552k XP per death was considered fair play, it didn't even occur to me to report any for "griefing". That was after the "three deaths and you're out" permadeath days.


You know how many players ground missions on Dant just to pay for armor they would burn up in a single defense of the bases in their city that weekend? Noone thought it wasn't worth it then, but gamers now wouldn't do it. :p


In spite of the bugs, imbalances, and shortcomings, SWG was an exciting sandbox to play, with unlimited options on how you could play it, and we made it what it was.


But gamers today expect something much different from an MMO.


I'd wager that even most of the SWG vets, having played in more structured, balanced, and fair games would not enjoy it the way they once did.



Was hella fun tho. :cool:

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SWG sucked. The community was cool, but the game itself was awful IMO.


Pretty much this, played SWG for quite some time, customization was great so was housing and space combat, aside from that, the quests were garbage and they never were able to balance the classes very well. Only thing that held me on SWG for so long was the RP community on starsider.

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I'm with those who say that the community and some ideas seen in SWG were awesome, but the game itself was not good.


SWG was great for roleplayers, especially with all the player event stuff they added after the NGE. But the game itself, even in the CU, which I consider to be the gameplay's high point, was pretty bad.


TOR is a game that I want to play as well as roleplay. It's fun, no matter the class. I would like to see some more of the promised "sandbox elements," but the game is great right now.


I really miss the friends I made in SWG, though. And if anyone from THM on Starsider reads this, send me a note and say hello. :)

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SWG had a better open world, housing and such.... If SWG had this UI and combat, flashpoints, kept its crafting, but allowed 'pets' to go and do stuff. It would be alot better.


ATM swtor has awful space combat, its just so.... arcade single player shoot em up. SWG had great space combat for its time. I hear that swtor are going to revamp the space combat, hope it edges towards SWG style, with swtor story and depth (like allow spice running, but dodge imps/rebels etc...

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Anyone care to share there opinions on SWTOR vs SWG?


Depends on what you define as better. I played until its bitter end this month. Did it have a better community? absolutely it did, but then tor just started, so you can't really say yet. But game play wise, content wise. Not on your life.

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TOR already has much much more content than SWG ever did, in a dungeon/quest aspect. That is a definite plus.


SWG had a much better community, closer feel as far as a guild goes, and things to do when you don't want to grind/quest.


Overall, I much prefer the SWG style of sandbox game....however (besides the obvious reason) there was a severe lack of combat content in that game which caused me to quit a few times.

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Better game? Well, I think so.


But SWG was a game made for a very different crowd.


It was launched before WoW, before players were spoonfed their gameplay bite by bite from devs, and before everything that happens in a game was expected to be "fair".


You had to find your own way, and no matter what you did, bad stuff was gonna happen to you lol.


BH's taking my mission in groups of 20 to cost me 552k XP per death was considered fair play, it didn't even occur to me to report any for "griefing". That was after the "three deaths and you're out" permadeath days.


You know how many players ground missions on Dant just to pay for armor they would burn up in a single defense of the bases in their city that weekend? Noone thought it wasn't worth it then, but gamers now wouldn't do it. :p


In spite of the bugs, imbalances, and shortcomings, SWG was an exciting sandbox to play, with unlimited options on how you could play it, and we made it what it was.


But gamers today expect something much different from an MMO.


I'd wager that even most of the SWG vets, having played in more structured, balanced, and fair games would not enjoy it the way they once did.



Was hella fun tho. :cool:



Well said. I can only wish a MMO comes along with a similar sci-fi (won't be Star Wars) setting with the features that SWG had. I can only imagine the uproar player bounties would have in a MMO today. I lived with waiting in lines for buffs in Coronet, all the while getting a whole 3-5fps during prime-time, and I loved it. I did not feel like it was a waste of time, nor did I find the 10 minute wait at the spaceports aggrevating. Things like that would never pass in today's MMO development, at least not right now.

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I played SWG from 2003 to 2007, Acolytes of Fayth


The thing that SWG did that really no other mmorpg I know of did was approach the game from a deist point of view. SWG made the game, and then let players decide what to do with it. If your toon was outclassed by TK's or BH's or CM's, then that, ultimately, was your fault, not the designers. If you couldn't make any money making stims, that was your fault for not making armor, or guns, or what have you. It was player driven crafting, player driven economies, player driven pvp (attacking bases, etc). Guilds were better because they could build cities and real community. The skill trees were complex, but so is life. I could be a rifleman/medic if I wanted, or BH/TK if I wanted, the possibilities were endless. TOR tries to mimic this iin a way by building three skill trees inside two possible specializations among 8 different classes and 4 different races.

TOR is a game played on rails. I love the graphics, the voice overs, and the story line provided, but I cannot turn my player right or left from the story line. I have to follow it if I intend to level up.

I love TOR, and play it for hours each day. I enjoy it because it looks like I always hoped SWG would look. If TOR can provide open world, open world pvp, player houses, and player driven economies, I'll be thrilled. It's early, and we are in the first weeks of the game, so there is every reason for hope.

Puck, Bigwheeler, Lowy, Yez, come to TOR! I've got room for you. Long live AOF! The oldest and best guild in SWG.

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SWG was a different type of game. If you prefer that more than obviously TOR will be inferior to you.


It's like comparing Skyrim with Witcher 2 - both are extremely different types of games even if they are in the same gene.


Exactly this. :)


One was sandbox, "do what you like" and SWTOR is more story-driven (with less "options", but more cinematic).

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There are things that SWG did better, and there are things that, so far, TOR has done better.


I played SWG from 2004-2010 and loved every second of it. I'd stay on for as long as I could, and wake up as early as I could to play it. It was just so addicting. Though. towards the end of 2010 I started to get bored, there was really nothing left to do. The Devs were incredibly slow with bringing in new content, and when they did it would really only take a week at max to achieve the "goal" of the new content.


SWG shined with its crafting system and its open world system. Those are the only two things that I really feel are unforgettable about the game. The ability to wear the dinkiest clothing/armor that resemble something that maybe a Level 5 would wear, yet have them be modded to be one of the best sets of armor for your class was amazing, and nothing comes close to that sheer amount of customization. Same goes for the open world system. When I say open world I'm referring to both the open world pvp, and the ability to have your own communities with houses, guild halls, etc. It was so great. When I look back now I'm sad because those are the two things I will miss most from SWG, while at the same time no other game will probably ever do anything like that.


I tried playing WoW over the summer for about 3 months, but I could just never get into it. I really had to force myself to play every day, and the fact that my girlfriend played, subsequently the reason why I started playing, was one of the only things which kept me logging on.


I was skeptical about TOR after watching so many videos of Beta play that it would be just like another WoW experience for me, yet I wanted another Star Wars MMO adventure. I can say that I really am amazed at how this game has been working out for me thus far. I'm back to how I was with SWG with staying up late, and waking up early just so I could have some more play time.


I really feel that TOR could become something really great if it brought back some of the things which SWG did so well such as the open worldness, and the crafting system. The TOR Devs have already stated that they have the ability to add in new planets and worlds, and with the vastness of planets such as Tatooine and Hoth I really see how it would not be possible for them to create a couple planets which were just as vast and large as them, but with an open terrain free from the patched routes and put in the ability to place townships and bases for guilds. Personally, I think it would be cool to add in a new crew skill which would specialize in crafting player and guild housing...would be *********** cool actually.


Anyway, I'm really liking how TOR is going so far, and it excites me to think about how much potential the game has.

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SWG did the space game ok and the resource system was second to none, the rest was bad, class balance? do you not remember combat medics? or TK's at the start.


then the game got worse and worse and then they did the NGE


I agree, The resource and crafting system was amazing, the ability to build and create your own ships, droids, outfits and weapons from scratch was something i loved and am going to miss, i think if SWTOR were to implement a simaler crafting system, and allow space missions (other than pre-defined tunnel sequences) TOR would be amazing.


I hated the combat and Quest systems in Galaxies, but i would spend days building droids and ships.


I loved the open worlds and the ability to create your own city/community as players saw fit.


I also miss the ability to manually fly from world to world, thats the only thing about KOTOR i hated, to fly across the galaxy you just click a button and watch a loading screen and done, why is space systems in games almost always ether overlooked or poorly implemented?

Edited by Utra
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SWG did the space game ok and the resource system was second to none, the rest was bad, class balance? do you not remember combat medics? or TK's at the start.


then the game got worse and worse and then they did the NGE


You rang?


But really after the hologrind started the game and community went to hell.

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Was it a game where I could have fun without being force fed a character roll like a gosh darn 5 year old? Yes, on that note I prefered swg.


Was it a better game overall? Eh, both have their downfalls, but TOR is much more refined. I loved the class system of pre-cu swg compared to TOR, but it was about as balanced as an elephant unicylcing on the wing of a landing plane x.x

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I can't believe anyone would even ask such an idiotic question as this. Cmon, really? This has to be a joke just to see what crazy responses you will get from people. If someone can't tell the difference between SWTOR and SWG they are both blind and deaf. There is such a Night and Day difference that there is no comparison.......SWG=worst MMO of all time.....SWTOR=best MMO of all time!
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I can't believe anyone would even ask such an idiotic question as this. Cmon, really? This has to be a joke just to see what crazy responses you will get from people. If someone can't tell the difference between SWTOR and SWG they are both blind and deaf. There is such a Night and Day difference that there is no comparison.......SWG=worst MMO of all time.....SWTOR=best MMO of all time!


SWG was hardly the worst, and SWTOR is -definitely- by no definition the best. It is a good game, but it has alot of kinks that seriously needs to be addressed before it can even be in the same category.


Right now the game is new, and that brings in the "oooooooh!" factor, but it'll die down in time. There is alot of things an MMO needs to be successful, it needs Endgame content, replayability, and a good PvP system. Replayability is fairly good, considering the class missions obviously are different for each class, but the PvP isn't really anything to be bragging about. Endgame I can't quite judge yet :)


What made SWG great, was the crafting system, and the ability to go where you want to go, and do whatever you want to do. You could see something in the distance, go "hey that looks cool", and go there. In SWTOR you'll get out-of-zone damage before you step 10 yards outside of Anchorhead, and the backgrounds are just artwork, not something that's really there.


You -are- however, right, that the two games aren't very comparative, because of the really different styles in the design decisions and character building system in the games.

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I miss SWG tbh. I feel like there are so many restrictions on what you can do, who you can be, etc. in SWTOR.


In SWG, you were basically thrown into this Star Wars thing and told to do what you want with it. SWTOR feels like I'm in a prequel. There are alot of ****** little side quests and although there is way too much going on at once, the universe feels tiny. Star Wars Galaxies was not a game for everyone because it too a serious love for the franchise as well as the ability to make decisions for yourself.


Bioware holds your hand through this one.

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I miss SWG tbh. I feel like there are so many restrictions on what you can do, who you can be, etc. in SWTOR.


In SWG, you were basically thrown into this Star Wars thing and told to do what you want with it. SWTOR feels like I'm in a prequel. There are alot of ****** little side quests and although there is way too much going on at once, the universe feels tiny. Star Wars Galaxies was not a game for everyone because it too a serious love for the franchise as well as the ability to make decisions for yourself.


Bioware holds your hand through this one.


Quiet thou opinions, lest the kiddies who need to be told their role to enjoy Star Wars rise up and kill us both! xD

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I can't believe anyone would even ask such an idiotic question as this. Cmon, really? This has to be a joke just to see what crazy responses you will get from people. If someone can't tell the difference between SWTOR and SWG they are both blind and deaf. There is such a Night and Day difference that there is no comparison.......SWG=worst MMO of all time.....SWTOR=best MMO of all time!


You clearly dont play many MMOs then, Galaxies overall game rating is around 7/10 thats both from users and reviewers, the problem with galaxies was NGE it changed too much to fast, then took too long trying to fix its own mistake.

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they have both good sides.


now if, someone actually realized that they could merge the good sides of both games ...


Wow...TOR with player cities, better space combat, and an in depth crafting system? I would probably foam at the mouth lol...


BTW, is your toon's first name Url? As in Url Enako?

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