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Vanguard PVP Skank Tank - Finally seen the light


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Lvled a tactics vanguard to 70 mostly via PVP. Switched to tank spec but kept my dps gear and mods and omg it was the best. Most of the squishiness is gone. IMO the tank spec makes your 10m attacks much more viable. No more dying in 3 hits, guarding actually works, feels like I am finally making an impact on wzs. PVP is fun again even when I lose. I know skank tanks are frustrating to play against but when the alternative is basically getting one-shotted it's an easy choice. Edited by jomfalcona
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Bioware has no grasp on the whole trinity system! tanks that do DPS break trinity. people aren't happy unless they have an I win class. Game is dying.....& Bioware is killing it soon to join its forebears SWG seeing as they are duplicating everything they did save having an awesome crafting system. Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Bioware has no grasp on the whole trinity system! tanks that do DPS break trinity. people aren't happy unless they have an I win class. Game is dying.....& Bioware is killing it soon to join its forebears SWG seeing as they are duplicating everything they did save having an awesome crafting system.


Sad but true indeed. I mean Bioware kinda feel their Anthem project is their last chance to save their company. A small team is still working on Swtor yes but I fear we might see the plugg coming. Ever noticed how more rare armors and packs are back on the CM recently? Hmm I wouner why :rolleyes:


"BioWare has also discussed ending development on the multiplayer online game Star Wars: The Old Republic, those sources said, although one person familiar with the studio told me recently that plans are still up in the air."



For me personally who grew up with the first SW trilogy and the fact that there's only one SW mmo out there afaik, SWG might have some private servers up and runing still so I can be wrong there, does make one feel a little sad but I guess it's inevitable. After all the game went from sub - f2p - server merge - add packs/armor BW know ppl want. All to drain what they can before.


Maybe, just maybe they will keep this game up and running cause CM did turn the tide for the game's survival. I choose to remain hopeful tho. Something is going on for the new roadmap which is coming very soon and the talk about new expansion. Have a good guild with quite many active players all day long so I try have as much fun as I can in the meantime :)


"Keith, sadly, said he is not ready yet to discuss the Summer plays for SWTOR and beyond. He can’t also tell us anything about 6.0, but his words can at least serve as a valid proof and confirmation that a new expansion is happening!"

Edited by vXCozmoz
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Yeah, PT with tank armoring but full blown dps mod/enhance/augs is very disgusting in arena battles. The amount of elemental damage attacks they have causes so much pressure in bundled situations. It's hard to handle. I've seem them consistently outdps other dps because of that damn Proc cleave (elemental dmg too!).
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Yeah, PT with tank armoring but full blown dps mod/enhance/augs is very disgusting in arena battles. The amount of elemental damage attacks they have causes so much pressure in bundled situations. It's hard to handle. I've seem them consistently outdps other dps because of that damn Proc cleave (elemental dmg too!).


Word. I mean 8k dps as PT/VG skank is "working as intended" I guess.


EDIT: Sure some may think "well then don't box-up too close" but it goes both ways. A competent cleave team will either trick, force or know exactly how to make it so.

Edited by vXCozmoz
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I used to be bad at PvP but now I've switched to skank and can trollololllololllololllolll my way through warzones, doing great damage and not dying. I mean why die if you can choose not to?


Thanks for reading.

Edited by Schoock
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Bioware has no grasp on the whole trinity system! tanks that do DPS break trinity. people aren't happy unless they have an I win class. Game is dying.....& Bioware is killing it soon to join its forebears SWG seeing as they are duplicating everything they did save having an awesome crafting system.


Just another low information poster that thinks tanks doing taking has a place in PvP. I'm sure you'd be the first to throw away your fun DPS char and roll up a tank that does nothing in PvP except die a little slower than the other characters. No kills, very little damage, but at least he dies slower than he would without the tank stats. Oh but maybe he can guard a node, yeah after someone else takes it for him. Oh but maybe he can hurry up to the node and get it early before the classes that have speed boosts can get there. Pure tank has no place in PvP, the skank role at least gives the tank the ability to do a little damage, stay alive a little while, while hopefully if he is smart extends shield over key teammates that are getting tunneled. If a smart healer he is with realizes keeping him alive also keeps the addl defense alive, so much the better.


When I play DPS I handle the skanks easy, why don't you also? Because you need to learn to play. When you see one paired with a healer, make the right choice and you'll beat them. Keep in mind you'll need a teammate, but is it really too much to ask that you need 2v2 instead of marching in 1v2 and take them out? Sheesh, PvP on here is watered down too much already.


Guys like this thought the whole problem with the game was healers were too strong, they nerfed healers and guess what, those who do not know how to play are back here again asking for other nerfs. You know what? Every nerf you ask for will not make you succeed. First of all, no nerf makes you a smarter player. And when you nerf the other classes to the ground, where do you think those smart players go, eventually to your DPS class and since they are smarter they'll be pounding you into the ground there too. Then what nerf will you ask for? "Uhm, can you please nerf smart players, they are total BS.". The game will conduct IQ tests, if you are too smart you are not allowed to PvP.

Edited by Stellarcrusade
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Just another low information poster that thinks tanks doing taking has a place in PvP. I'm sure you'd be the first to throw away your fun DPS char and roll up a tank that does nothing in PvP except die a little slower than the other characters. No kills, very little damage, but at least he dies slower than he would without the tank stats. Oh but maybe he can guard a node, yeah after someone else takes it for him. Oh but maybe he can hurry up to the node and get it early before the classes that have speed boosts can get there. Pure tank has no place in PvP, the skank role at least gives the tank the ability to do a little damage, stay alive a little while, while hopefully if he is smart extends shield over key teammates that are getting tunneled. If a smart healer he is with realizes keeping him alive also keeps the addl defense alive, so much the better.


Just another low information poster that thinks healers doing healing has a place in PvP. I'm sure you'd be the first to throw away your fun DPS char and roll up a healer that does nothing in PvP except die a little slower than the other characters. No kills, very little damage, but at least he dies slower than he would without the healer stats. Oh but maybe he can guard a node, yeah after someone else takes it for him. Oh but maybe he can hurry up to the node and get it early before the classes that have speed boosts can get there. Pure healer has no place in PvP, the trolllollolol-I-heal-while-bursting-you-down role at least gives the healer the ability to do a little damage, stay alive a little while, while hopefully if he is smart extends healing over key teammates that are getting tunneled. If a smart tank he is with realizes keeping him alive also keeps the addl healing alive, so much the better.


This is why nobody queues healer in PvP.


Oh, wait.

Edited by Schoock
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Bioware has no grasp on the whole trinity system! tanks that do DPS break trinity. people aren't happy unless they have an I win class. Game is dying.....& Bioware is killing it soon to join its forebears SWG seeing as they are duplicating everything they did save having an awesome crafting system.


The most detrimental thing to this game is Bioware and they don’t even realise it.

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Just another low information poster that thinks tanks doing taking has a place in PvP. I'm sure you'd be the first to throw away your fun DPS char and roll up a tank that does nothing in PvP except die a little slower than the other characters. No kills, very little damage, but at least he dies slower than he would without the tank stats. Oh but maybe he can guard a node, yeah after someone else takes it for him. Oh but maybe he can hurry up to the node and get it early before the classes that have speed boosts can get there. Pure tank has no place in PvP, the skank role at least gives the tank the ability to do a little damage, stay alive a little while, while hopefully if he is smart extends shield over key teammates that are getting tunneled. If a smart healer he is with realizes keeping him alive also keeps the addl defense alive, so much the better.


When I play DPS I handle the skanks easy, why don't you also? Because you need to learn to play. When you see one paired with a healer, make the right choice and you'll beat them. Keep in mind you'll need a teammate, but is it really too much to ask that you need 2v2 instead of marching in 1v2 and take them out? Sheesh, PvP on here is watered down too much already.


Guys like this thought the whole problem with the game was healers were too strong, they nerfed healers and guess what, those who do not know how to play are back here again asking for other nerfs. You know what? Every nerf you ask for will not make you succeed. First of all, no nerf makes you a smarter player. And when you nerf the other classes to the ground, where do you think those smart players go, eventually to your DPS class and since they are smarter they'll be pounding you into the ground there too. Then what nerf will you ask for? "Uhm, can you please nerf smart players, they are total BS.". The game will conduct IQ tests, if you are too smart you are not allowed to PvP.


Boy aren't you full of assumptions and an Argonaut $#$ to boot! To bad your wrong on almost all fronts. To begin with IMHO Tanks should have been a fricken support role where they don't do any DPS because having a tank that does DPS makes having a pure spec DPS POINTLESS because to many players such as yourself will flock to it because they want the benefit of the DPS and the fact they don't die quickly! (Which is painfully obvious by the influx of Mercs/snipers in every match) Just because I commented on a glaring fact that even someone as slow as you should be able to see yet you refuse to acknowledge..........or perhaps it's not glaring and you don't see......... Well for the GFS if you have a Pure DPS spec see those are the ones that are glass cannons (<----That means they die quickly) Why in the nine hells would peeps play those classes when they can play a class that does the same or more DPS yet are not glass cannons? (psst the answer is they wouldn't that is why we have so many merc's and snipers and skanks.) Yeah i know right ...seems like a logical argument kinda why I made it ! Well that and the unintended consequences that happens when you have classes setup like this such as GROSSLY unbalanced que's which thanks to a crappy queing system leads to really really bad team makeups. I mean one or two merc's can be a pain but 3-4 plus a skank and sniper plus heals...... mean while your team consists of oh will say a well balanced mix yet no heals. Yeah I know at this point your just going through the motions. Playing smartly only takes you so far when the deck is stacked against you and sadly this is an all to common occurrence now days. So because I have the incite to see what the inevitable outcome will be, because I have seen this before in SWG, I post about like many others in an effort to instill change that is beneficial to the game a long shot to be sure but one can hope. Only to get criticized by some pimply faced adolescent who spends all his time in mom and dad's basement and probably devotes all of his time playing......probably on a merc, sniper, or skank and is offended they might actually take his I win button away! Oh wait that was not right I was making an assumption I shouldn't have called you pimply my bad.

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