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I hope with 6.0 SWTOR can return to its roots.


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What about the rumor that there will be no 6.0 that SWTOR is now on maintenance mode due to Bio ware putting all of it's focus on Anthem.


What about the rumor




Of course they are not going to come out and say this directly because people would quit and they would lose the money they are making on the game now.


You answered your own question. The internet is full of trolls. This forum especially so.

Edited by kodrac
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They could return to class stories but not all of them at once (trying to do all of them would result in very unsatisfying content for all classes - think companion return size). If they set aside each "minor" update to add a chapter sized piece of story for one class and the major versions to add in group content, I think a lot of people would be happy with that. The "story" people would get their expansions and the Operations/FP people could get their OPs and flashpoints all in one piece (and hopefully less buggy since there should be time to properly test the Operation boss coding). PVP WZs should be relatively easy to produce so they could be added in either updates or versions.


The problem is that the overall story has reached a conclusion. Where do you go after being Emperor of the Galaxy. Story wise, what you could do is add to the existing story content. You could also add additional planetary arcs on the leveling planets or add class stories into the content that currently does not have any (like Makeb) or even make explorable worlds out of Zakuul, Umbara, and Copero.


How about an "expansion" that covers the war with the Eternal Empire that supposedly happened in the 5 years you were in carbonite. You could even change the lead in to KotFE to reflect your "winning" of that war but everything collapses again when you are captured and frozen. It would seem odd for characters that had already completed KotFE and KotET but how many people have actually taken all their alts through those story lines (you could always start a new character if you had).


There are a lot of options for bringing class stories back into the game, just not on the scale there was at launch.

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I think they made a pretty big mistake in making the stakes and ending in KotFE and KotET so "big." As noted, you end up as the head of a small but potent galactic-level faction. I'm not very hopeful that the current storyline will tear all that down. If it were up to me, I'd end up with the Alliance wrecked as an overt galactic power, the Eternal Fleet gone, the Alliance militarily defeated or marginalized, and a new Cold War between the Republic and Empire on, with the remnants of the Alliance existing in the shadows and covertly putting their meager weight on the scales for one side or the other.


But, that last part is how I wish the Knight Of storylines had gone - covert actions, secret missions, and nudging the course of galactic history, and it seems Bioware can't Do That.

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I hope not. The roots of SWTOR were horryfing tedious. At least, from my point of view. I still remeber things like "FAST! WE HAVE TO SAVE THIS PEOPLE TRAPPED IN THIS FACTORY!! WE MUST ATTACK AT ONCE OR THIS PEOPLE WILL DIE!!" Ok, yeah, I can't go right now. I'm in lvl 38, and this quest is lvl 42 minium. I have to spend a week leveling before saving this poor bastards.


Yeah, class stories were nice, but again? So I need to wait 2 months to the chapter of my main, while BW announces the rest of the classes stories? No thanks. Instead, again, personally, I prefer a more custom story. A story that adjust well to my decisions, and evolves with them. Not only with dialogue and companions deaths. A more challenging encounter because I choose "a heroic approach" to a quest with my Jedi Knight, or a most easy encounter with my selfish bastard Sith but less resources in the future.


Something like Koth, or Senya with Arcann. Choices that alters not only dialogues, characters and story, but the game itself as well. A lot more of that choices in a much more little scale. Details, and two or three big plot decisions that can be altered with minor stuff along the way. Something that makes your story truly unique.

Edited by Breech
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I think they made a pretty big mistake in making the stakes and ending in KotFE and KotET so "big." As noted, you end up as the head of a small but potent galactic-level faction. I'm not very hopeful that the current storyline will tear all that down. If it were up to me, I'd end up with the Alliance wrecked as an overt galactic power, the Eternal Fleet gone, the Alliance militarily defeated or marginalized, and a new Cold War between the Republic and Empire on, with the remnants of the Alliance existing in the shadows and covertly putting their meager weight on the scales for one side or the other.
Your ending would have been a million times better...right now we're the most powerful force in the entire galaxy and we're chasing down a single traitor...there's no good way out of this story now that we're the leading ruler of the galaxy.
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Well, stepping aside from most of the speculation, if I had my way the very first thing I would do to reverse a bad decision (IMO) would be to return animations to their prior state, where triggers for abilities were at the end of animations.


I think that was a horrible change that really hurt the games overall presentation to players.


I would also make the original storylines playable as chapters so they can be replayed (like KotFE/ET), boost CXP payouts by about 50 percent across the board and move all events to a constant play schedule, having them all run at once.


Finally I would add a world invasion PVP/PVE event that would periodically effect all planets except the starter/homeworld.

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Your ending would have been a million times better...right now we're the most powerful force in the entire galaxy and we're chasing down a single traitor...there's no good way out of this story now that we're the leading ruler of the galaxy.


You remember back shortly after the KotFE story finished release, when Max and I knocked around some alternative ways to execute the story that didn't require over-the-top galactic-class Plots? That's what I wish they had done - keep the Alliance as what it was on Yavin, dealing with a Revanite-level threat; with the Empire and Republic having gutted themselves with open warfare culminating in simultaneous successful Capital strikes; leaving the remnants of the Revanites and your character's Alliance to fight it out in the shadows over $MACGUFFIN$ - the rebirth of the Sith Emperor would still work in this case, and you could still have Zakuul and its Eternal Emperor, but you don't need them to be inexplicably more powerful than the Empire and the Republic together at the heights of their strength. Heck, the threat could be Valkorian/Vitiate gaining control of the Eternal Fleet, which is currently dormant, even.


You could still have had the time skip (though I'd have done it a different way, basically your faction throws you in jail for the events on Yavin and Ziost), and the reasoning for the lack of action from the major powers is apathy first and weakness inflicted on each other second, rather than being wrecked by the Eternal Fleet. The alliance is never much bigger than the named characters (alliance alert characters, alliance specialists) and a couple of redshirts, which explains why the Alliance Commander has to always go out and get their personal hands dirty. Turn the intensity dial back down from 11, rewrite chapter 12 somewhat to account for why Shan and Marr have given up on their own factions (and change the item being forged from a weapon to a relic; that was a fiasco), and I think you could tell the EXACT SAME STORY without necessarily peeving large chunks of the audience (including myself - I've seen more sloppy storytelling, but not often). You'd have to change the Star Fortresses somewhat (make them covert outposts of $THE_ENEMY$ rather than planetbusters), but that's skin and paint, not skeleton and muscle.


At this point I'm hoping that whatever SPOLIER is doing, it will end up in the devastation of the Alliance as a potent force in the Galaxy; even if I think that's a waste of a perfectly good character.

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