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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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You're simply wrong. Alpha is still closed, as you can't go sign up and play it. Some of it is still under NDA, and the community has not been yelling at the devs about the combat system, have you even signed up to the forums? Where are all these detractors at? lol. And if you have actually followed the game you would know that a lot of the art and animations are temporary, and not the final product. They've stated that on numerous occasions, and said they have a few more passes, and then a final revamp of it once it's actually closer to beta/launch.


I am on the forums. Stop being a AoC fanboi and realize that the game is DOA. Closed Alpha is in reference to the Alpha that was closed to Family and Friends and the big game package purchases that were 1K-3K. That Alpha testing for them is over. Alpha 1 and 2 will start for the players who purchased the 250-500 dollar packages sometime this year. The testing that was done already by friends/family and big donors are saying stay away from AoC. When you have those people who paid big money already saying to stay away from AoC, I will take their word over yours. You're a nobody.

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....I wonder which question is going to dominate the livestream....


I think it might be in their best interest if someone high up on the chain put out a public statement to one of the major game review sites around the net. This could use some positive spin before it gets out of control.

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I agree with you, there is no other game like this one. It's the only fully voiced, interactive game with companions and it's Star Wars, nothing or no one is going to fill my need to play a proper Star Wars game but Star Wars. I'm not interested in orcs, elves, muppets, grinders, medievals, or shooters. I've tried all the other games out there and none of them have satisfied me to the levels that SWTOR has. If this folds, I don't have anything else I care to go to. :(


I've realized I actually agree with you, at least as far as PC games goes. I love MMOs. I love Star Wars. I love having companions in this game.


I tried to go back to WoW a couple of times and it was so boring for me I couldn't force myself to keep playing. I've tried almost every MMO that's come out in the last bunch of years and I just don't like them (although the Secret World was pretty cool. That held my attention for a couple of months.)


Well, it's how things go. Nothing lasts forever. Although, I have to say, I think it's unlikely they will stop development altogether. The cartel market still provides a revenue stream, and without at least the hope of new content, I can't see people spending money on cartel stuff any more. So there's hope.


But now I really want them to bring the companions back as fast as possible... you know... just in case...

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That's what They Have to do, if EA really cares, they should do something NOW.!!!


They really should say something before this weekend and before the weekend keyboard warriors make it worse. It’s already getting bad, but the longer it’s left, the worse it gets.


If it’s not true and they say nothing, it will kill the game regardless.


I would say they are formulating a response, but if they don’t hurry it will be too late. Now is not the time for them to drag their feet.


Even a one liner from Musco to say it’s rubbish would be enough till they can formulate a more formal response,


I guess if we hear nothing, that is confirmation in itself that it’s true.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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I am on the forums. Stop being a AoC fanboi and realize that the game is DOA. Closed Alpha is in reference to the Alpha that was closed to Family and Friends and the big game package purchases that were 1K-3K. That Alpha testing for them is over. Alpha 1 and 2 will start for the players who purchased the 250-500 dollar packages sometime this year. The testing that was done already by friends/family and big donors are saying stay away from AoC. When you have those people who paid big money already saying to stay away from AoC, I will take their word over yours. You're a nobody.

Haha, I tried to make an account on the AoC website and then I got an activation email and the link doesn't work.

So I mailed their CS. A few DAYS later I get an email that their CS service has stopped and to go to the support forum...which I can't because I cannot activate my account.

I then messaged them on twitter yesterday. No reply still.


Definitely encouraging.

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....I wonder which question is going to dominate the livestream....


I think it might be in their best interest if someone high up on the chain put out a public statement to one of the major game review sites around the net. This could use some positive spin before it gets out of control.


When is the live stream supposed to happen? I’ve not seen any schedule

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Haha, I tried to make an account on the AoC website and then I got an activation email and the link doesn't work.

So I mailed their CS. A few DAYS later I get an email that their CS service has stopped and to go to the support forum...which I can't because I cannot activate my account.

I then messaged them on twitter yesterday. No reply still.


Definitely encouraging.


You won't get a reply. I lost my PW and the Forgot Password Link doesn't work so I sent a "message" through their "contact us" widget, supplied my email address and the problem, it's been two months and no response. Their customer service is non existent and so is their tech support staff. Don't bother with Ashes of Creation.

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Agree. This is not just going to blow over, it'll get much worse before it gets better if they say nothing.


Someone needs to start another thread that actually asks for a response. I would do it, but I’ve been told I create too many threads :rolleyes:


The title needs to be to the point, but also catch their attention. The words “Musco” or “Keith” sometimes help. It also needs to capture the urgency needed to get this addressed now

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You won't get a reply. I lost my PW and the Forgot Password Link doesn't work so I sent a "message" through their "contact us" widget, supplied my email address and the problem, it's been two months and no response. Their customer service is non existent and so is their tech support staff Don't bother with Ashes of Creation.

Hehe, don't think I will. Wasn't this a crowdfunding thing? Not too good then if it bombed already.

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Someone needs to start another thread that actually asks for a response. I would do it, but I’ve been told I create too many threads :rolleyes:


The title needs to be to the point, but also catch their attention. The words “Musco” or “Keith” sometimes help. It also needs to capture the urgency needed to get this addressed now


I started one lol



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The only way EA will be moved to do anything is if all players stood together via a petition, a reddit (a la SW BF), or a massive drop in subs and even then there's a chance they'd shrug and simply close the game down rather than invest further. And I do mean all, not just the forum goers. A united front to make enough noise that even Disney will raise a brow and demand EA deal with things. I'm not sure the SWTOR community is big enough to cause the sort of uproar folks caused with the Lootboxes stuff but anything less than that won't reach or bother EA. I also don't think BW turning to EA and saying "Hey, people are really unhappy" will do much. Their EA guy will likely tell them to smooth us over with a placating gesture and then that's it.


No, I have no faith in EA.


I agree with you on that Jenny, and for the Poster below, we don't have as many players as we used to. But i sure as hell know that most gamers from around the globe are getting really sick of how EA seems to only care about 1 Thing, and that's "money", gamers are not as stupid as EA thinks, and people that have played other EA games hate this MTX/ Micro-transaction bs. It's not just Swtor, but Most of EA's games that has the MTX loot problems or pay to get a certain player, a certain skill, etc.

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I'm the same way, there isn't another MMO for me, and if EA tried to make another kind of Star Wars MMO, i would not sub to it because I know how bad of a company EA is, and they are never willing to go all the way with any Star Wars game and stand by them financially without trying to get into peoples pocket books for thousands of dollars.


Unless they do something drastic to change their image, my faith in the company has been damaged enough, that if they kill SWTOR, I'm not interested in their products anymore. Why subject myself to this? :/




I've realized I actually agree with you, at least as far as PC games goes. I love MMOs. I love Star Wars. I love having companions in this game.


I tried to go back to WoW a couple of times and it was so boring for me I couldn't force myself to keep playing. I've tried almost every MMO that's come out in the last bunch of years and I just don't like them (although the Secret World was pretty cool. That held my attention for a couple of months.)


Well, it's how things go. Nothing lasts forever. Although, I have to say, I think it's unlikely they will stop development altogether. The cartel market still provides a revenue stream, and without at least the hope of new content, I can't see people spending money on cartel stuff any more. So there's hope.


But now I really want them to bring the companions back as fast as possible... you know... just in case...


Thanks :) There just isn't anything comparable for me, so it could well be, that my gaming days are over unless something else that's meaningful and interesting to me comes along some year. I don't blame you about wanting the comps back asap. I do too.

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I am on the forums. Stop being a AoC fanboi and realize that the game is DOA. Closed Alpha is in reference to the Alpha that was closed to Family and Friends and the big game package purchases that were 1K-3K. That Alpha testing for them is over. Alpha 1 and 2 will start for the players who purchased the 250-500 dollar packages sometime this year. The testing that was done already by friends/family and big donors are saying stay away from AoC. When you have those people who paid big money already saying to stay away from AoC, I will take their word over yours. You're a nobody.


Go ahead and link me a bunch of your proof. I doubt you can show some legitimate backers that have played that are saying that. Here is a good summation of the current status of the game

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I agree with you on that Jenny, and for the Poster below, we don't have as many players as we used to. But i sure as hell know that most gamers from around the globe are getting really sick of how EA seems to only care about 1 Thing, and that's "money", gamers are not as stupid as EA thinks, and people that have played other EA games hate this MTX/ Micro-transaction bs. It's not just Swtor, but Most of EA's games that has the MTX loot problems or pay to get a certain player, a certain skill, etc.


This is so true. EA don’t get it and the bad press they are getting lately won’t help them. Up to now they’ve just expected players will put up with them. But I think that era may be coming to an end, at least in games that aren’t sports.

EA should have just stuck to sports games and left the rest of the industry alone. Disney made a massive mistake giving them the SW licence. They should have left it open to allow the best developers to pitch their ideas to Disney.

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Go ahead and link me a bunch of your proof. I doubt you can show some legitimate backers that have played that are saying that. Here is a good summation of the current status of the game


If you followed the community, you would know. Now back to the topic. It's about BioWare ending SWTOR not how bad Ashes of Creation is.

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If you followed the community, you would know. Now back to the topic. It's about BioWare ending SWTOR not how bad Ashes of Creation is.


LOL. That's what I thought. I do follow the community, which how I am able to say that you are wrong.

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This is so true. EA don’t get it and the bad press they are getting lately won’t help them. Up to now they’ve just expected players will put up with them. But I think that era may be coming to an end, at least in games that aren’t sports.

EA should have just stuck to sports games and left the rest of the industry alone. Disney made a massive mistake giving them the SW licence. They should have left it open to allow the best developers to pitch their ideas to Disney.


Yeah, EA has the European Union on them and the State of Hawaii in the US trying to make laws against at least minors. Though last i heard in Europe, was that a Belgium or Denmark High Court said what EA was doing with loot boxes and MTX's were gambling and said it was illegal, though i haven't seen a European Referendum on any Anti-micro-transactions laws on loot boxes and such.

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But it won't get more resources and if EA doesn't get a new license from Disney in 2022 that may also be the end of SWTOR since the Star Wars IP belongs to Disney and EA is just leasing it for now.


I'm not saying the game will shut down this year. I don't believe that...but you may want to consider some other hobbies for future reference. Nothing lasts forever.


Oh I do have other hobbies, such as creative writing, the thing is, gaming was one of those hobbies and when SWTOR shuts down then gaming will never be the same again for me. It's not that SWTOR is my life, but if it's gone then it leaves a big hole in my enjoyment of gaming.


It always was there in the background, I could always go back to it when no other game satisfied me. I'm in a bit of a Stellaris craze lately, but I know that SWTOR is there to return to once I'm bored with Stellaris. I have played the class stories dozens of times, have had many many toons over the years, but SWTOR never bored me, not once. The last time I had that was with KOTOR 1 and 2, I have replayed those games a million times surely. But other games like ESO or Guild Wars 2, sure, I'll play them for a day or two but then I'm done. Not to mention my severe dislike for WoW. Believe me, I tried to play it but no, it simply didn't appeal to me even remotely. But SWTOR... this game always managed to captivate me, be it with ingame stories or the Roleplay I had with people and guilds. There is just nothing like it and I doubt there ever will be if this game shuts down.


At this point I have come to absolutely hate Anthem, really, to me it's like a disease that is killing this game. I want nothing to do with Anthem if it releases and SWTOR shuts down, if that happens I will be hoping so fiery Anthem will be an enormous fail. It simply does not deserve to be successful if it will be at the expense of SWTOR. Honestly, to hell with Anthem, I don't want or need it. I want SWTOR. Period.

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