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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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Also, the author of the article broke a lot of the news for the ME:Andromeda debacle and has written other accurate articles about by BioWare as well.


That might be, but remind me again, what was it that happened to everyone in Montreal? Oh, yeah they were swallowed up by another EA division and has nothing to do with BioWare anymore. There is a chance that his "source" isn't that good anymore. Especially not if that source leaked information to him in the past.

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While I am inclined to, and still do now, take articles as linked with a grain of salt, it's the current state of the game making it so very believable and that's what we should worry about.


Look at the scraps we were given in 2017, at the lengthy silence we endure between each update. Take a look at the latest update; an OPs boss and three LI's quickly tossed in via alerts (and two of those forced into the same scene which conveniently saves time/resources) that take about 2 minutes to get through, and are only available to their original class, again saving both time and resources.


Could the article just be a lot of BS? Sure. Problem is, the actions of the SWTOR team and the poor man's development we've gotten, do nothing to contradict the article and if anything, they support the article. Where is the communication, where is the roadmap?

Edited by JennyFlynn
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While I am inclined to, and still do now, take articles as linked with a grain of salt, it's the current state of the game making it so very believable and that's what we should worry about.


Look at the scraps we were given in 2017, at the lengthy silence we endure between each update. Take a look at the latest update; an OPs boss and three LI's quickly tossed in via alerts (and two of those forced into the same scene which conveniently saves time/resources) that take about 2 minutes to get through, and are only available to their original class, again saving both time and resources.


Could the article just be a lot of BS? Sure. Problem is, the actions of the SWTOR team and the poor man's development we've gotten, do nothing to contradict the article and if anything, they support the article. Where is the communication, where is the roadmap?

Pretty much this.
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While I am inclined to, and still do now, take articles as linked with a grain of salt, it's the current state of the game making it so very believable and that's what we should worry about.


Look at the scraps we were given in 2017, at the lengthy silence we endure between each update. Take a look at the latest update; an OPs boss and three LI's quickly tossed in via alerts (and two of those forced into the same scene which conveniently saves time/resources) that take about 2 minutes to get through, and are only available to their original class, again saving both time and resources.


Could the article just be a lot of BS? Sure. Problem is, the actions of the SWTOR team and the poor man's development we've gotten, do nothing to contradict the article and if anything, they support the article. Where is the communication, where is the roadmap?


That is absolutely possible. It could also be that we are lucky, and they decide to keep the game running and once Anthem is out, the resources will be returned SWTOR again.


But Anthem better be good at this point. Ruined Andromeda, delayed DA4 and has taken resources from SWTOR. At this point, everyone, who has been a subscriber for SWTOR this past year and bought Andromeda should be given a free copy of Anthem. Who is with me? :cool:

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While I am inclined to, and still do now, take articles as linked with a grain of salt, it's the current state of the game making it so very believable and that's what we should worry about.


Look at the scraps we were given in 2017, at the lengthy silence we endure between each update. Take a look at the latest update; an OPs boss and three LI's quickly tossed in via alerts (and two of those forced into the same scene which conveniently saves time/resources) that take about 2 minutes to get through, and are only available to their original class, again saving both time and resources.


Could the article just be a lot of BS? Sure. Problem is, the actions of the SWTOR team and the poor man's development we've gotten, do nothing to contradict the article and if anything, they support the article. Where is the communication, where is the roadmap?


Agree with this 100%. While the internecine gossip of the inner workings of companies makes for good click bait and forum fodder, at the end of the day for me the equation is not complex.


Is interesting content being produced? If yes, continue playing. If no, happily salute fellow players and devs and move on. If new content is subsequently introduced, consider returning.


I have no problems taking breaks from game (as I'm doing now from WoW, but will certainly play when BoAzeroth hits) and I'm semi-enjoying ESO (don't like the combat). If my days here at SWTOR are numbered due to lack of new content, I can happily say that my return for the last year plus has been enjoyable and my money well-spent. But it would be naive to think the lack of a roadmap at this stage bodes anything positive...



Edited by Jdast
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That might be, but remind me again, what was it that happened to everyone in Montreal? Oh, yeah they were swallowed up by another EA division and has nothing to do with BioWare anymore. There is a chance that his "source" isn't that good anymore. Especially not if that source leaked information to him in the past.


Or, its also possible some people are in denial - the first stage of grief.

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While I am inclined to, and still do now, take articles as linked with a grain of salt, it's the current state of the game making it so very believable and that's what we should worry about.


Look at the scraps we were given in 2017, at the lengthy silence we endure between each update. Take a look at the latest update; an OPs boss and three LI's quickly tossed in via alerts (and two of those forced into the same scene which conveniently saves time/resources) that take about 2 minutes to get through, and are only available to their original class, again saving both time and resources.


Could the article just be a lot of BS? Sure. Problem is, the actions of the SWTOR team and the poor man's development we've gotten, do nothing to contradict the article and if anything, they support the article. Where is the communication, where is the roadmap?


just because there is enough proof for a witchhunt, doesn't mean a witchhunt should take place because someone brought loaded rifles and a noose. I don't know what the truth is here yet and between this article with it's clear intent on clearly stirring the pot and zion not budging from the dim view of SWTOR and the lack of communication from Bioware regarding the clarity of what is going on with SWTOR, right now i'm not going to make a case to do anything yet until i know more, that isn't denial, that is simply wanting to know what the truth is.

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just because there is enough proof for a witchhunt, doesn't mean a witchhunt should take place because someone brought loaded rifles and a noose. I don't know what the truth is here yet and between this article with it's clear intent on clearly stirring the pot and zion not budging from the dim view of SWTOR and the lack of communication from Bioware regarding the clarity of what is going on with SWTOR, right now i'm not going to make a case to do anything yet until i know more, that isn't denial, that is simply wanting to know what the truth is.


Nope, but it doesn't change the face that it now needs to be addressed.. Preferably by Keith.

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Nope, but it doesn't change the face that it now needs to be addressed.. Preferably by Keith.


Well Bioware have been far too quiet around what is going on, especially with SWTOR for a few years. I don't know if they will respond to this or just keep quiet despite the inflammitory pot shots being hurled in their direction.


The only good thing to come out of this one way or the other is what Keith will post with this next roadmap, it will either be a more solid confirmation that zion may have a point or that it is all baseless when suddenly a new expac is on the way, with all the bells and whistles bioware usually throw at them.


Until then.

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just because there is enough proof for a witchhunt, doesn't mean a witchhunt should take place because someone brought loaded rifles and a noose. I don't know what the truth is here yet and between this article with it's clear intent on clearly stirring the pot and zion not budging from the dim view of SWTOR and the lack of communication from Bioware regarding the clarity of what is going on with SWTOR, right now i'm not going to make a case to do anything yet until i know more, that isn't denial, that is simply wanting to know what the truth is.


Oh, I'd love the truth as well, seriously, and I'm not someone who's very quick to walk the path of pessimism but I do find a combination of the article, state of the game, the quality and quantity of development this past year and silence to be concerning to a point where I refuse to keep any rose tinted glasses on or deny that maintenance mode/shut down of the game is quite possible. I would also love to be wrong and have the developers themselves call me a negative Nancy, seriously, bring it on, communicate.


Now, IF the article bears truth, there might be a gag-order in place to avoid an exodus of players but I would prefer honesty and transparency. If the game is nearing its end, tell us. Let people return or hunker down on the game for a last hoorah before we lose it all.


In any case, bring on the 2018 Roadmap, please, and show your cards.


PS: Regarding the release of Loot boxes/Cartel stuff... these things will generate income until the very last minute this game is live. Of course that is the one thing they will keep putting out.

Edited by JennyFlynn
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It's that type of publicity Bioware doesn't need, and the freedom of the media leads them to more often than not create more foolishness by design or by accident because they want to publish something like this instead of leaving it be. In addition the person writing the article doesn't name any sources and with that he could be just talking out of the side of his neck without a way of backing it up.


it's like me saying that The new Dragon age game is a prologue according to a source within bioware, through a friend of a friend, who knows someone in Bioware who had a talk with another guy in administration and that lead to the developer mentioning it to this person... you can tell when you got someone stirring the pot for no good reason.


So to that article writer, get to it: produce your source information or keep the BS to yourself until you can actually confirm it.


I also don't just take one source at face value, not with the media, confirm it with other sources first if Bioware is on the verge of calling it quits on SWTOR.


Its Jason Shreier not random blogger49 when it comes to BioWare he knows his stuff, he wrote a book about Inquisition's development and reported on the Mass Effect Andromeda DLC months before BioWare confirmed it.


Also rule 1 of dealing with sources is you don't reveal them publicly thats how you 1. Get people fired and 2. Make sure no one ever tells you a thing ever again.

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Its Jason Shreier not random blogger49 when it comes to BioWare he knows his stuff, he wrote a book about Inquisition's development and reported on the Mass Effect Andromeda DLC months before BioWare confirmed it.


Also rule 1 of dealing with sources is you don't reveal them publicly thats how you 1. Get people fired and 2. Make sure no one ever tells you a thing ever again.



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Its Jason Shreier not random blogger49 when it comes to BioWare he knows his stuff, he wrote a book about Inquisition's development and reported on the Mass Effect Andromeda DLC months before BioWare confirmed it.


Also rule 1 of dealing with sources is you don't reveal them publicly thats how you 1. Get people fired and 2. Make sure no one ever tells you a thing ever again.


well if your don't reveal your sources then you can't confirm it, in which case it's a pile of BS. Either reveal those sources or keep it to yourself.


This is the thing, the man hasn't written anything concrete in his article, most of it is about what might happen which is just speculation and misinformation until it can be confirmed.

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I think that considering the state of the game it may be a good thing if SWTOR would close down. Then again, if they can put it in maintenance mode so that the hardcore fans can still play on for a couple of years, why not? But please let them stop acting like this game is still going somewhere else but down. Sure, 4.0 gave a peak in subs and since then it's been 3 years of downhill. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower but ever downwards.


I just think it's better all around that Bioware get real about this game. I mean, is anybody really still believing Bioware can turn things around in terms of adding more content and attracting more players than they lose?


They'd have to come up with some massive expansion later this year that really turns things around and then bring out meaningful content on a regular basis.


I no longer believe they are capable of either. They do not have the resources and EA sure as hell isn't going to give them more to work with.


Maybe it is time to call it, while there's still some dignity left in them. I have to feel for the devs who tried what they could even though the cards were all stacked against them for years. They couldn't please the player base no matter how much they wanted to. Maybe it's time they can step away from this, sigh a big relief and let those huge blocks of pressure drop from their shoulders. Honestly, all criticism aside, I bet there's some people there that have really given it more than they had and they deserve a break...and a fresh new job or project while we're at it :cool:

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well if your don't reveal your sources then you can't confirm it, in which case it's a pile of BS. Either reveal those sources or keep it to yourself.


Ugh no.


It's better to have an educated guess or even educated sources and in the case. I'd wager, it is more correct than not given how things are going around swtor.


You don't not report something because someone doesn't believe your sources. You seem to know nothing about journalism.


This is the thing, the man hasn't written anything concrete in his article, most of it is about what might happen which is just speculation and misinformation until it can be confirmed.


No but his past articles on on bioware were dead on. His sources were correct in the information. No reason to think that is not the case here other than just hoping they are not true.

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This is stuff I've been telling you guys about a long time, about EA is really at fault, and not Bioware, so ppl have to stop that Bs right now. EA does not unfortunately care about Swtor like they should and Disney does not want to get involved with Star Wars games. Which is why Disney gave EA the rights to do Star Wars games.


The best thing i'd say that can happen, and Disney can do it , it get all the programming and coding, engine software, etc. And give this game to a Much better Gaming developer, or if Disney would have the "you know what", then they should make a Lucasfilm Disney gaming company. But that's hoping.


That Stupid journalist didn't give a damm about Swtor in his stupid article, just Anthem and the so-called New DragonAge, which is killing Swtor because all the resources are going to those games.

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Ugh no.


It's better to have an educated guess or even educated sources and in the case. I'd wager, it is more correct than not given how things are going around swtor.


You don't not report something because someone doesn't believe your sources. You seem to know nothing about journalism.




No but his past articles on on bioware were dead on. His sources were correct in the information. No reason to think that is not the case here other than just hoping they are not true.


i don't care what he wrote in previous articles, if he isn't willing to put his cards face up on the table in this instance, then all we got is destruction and chaos following because you are making excuses for his shoddy research instead of looking at it more objectively.


This leads into asking for more proof from other media sources to confirm if others have that information which would of gotten a heck of a long way closer to reinforcing the position that this article is the real thing.

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Revealing his sources would be stupid. He'd lose those sources if he did while those sources might lose their job and face a lawsuit from BW/EA. Journalists depend on their sources a lot of the time, the last thing you want to do is alienate them by not protecting their anonymity while at the same time setting a precedent where everyone knows they cannot trust you if there's a story to tell.
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Revealing his sources would be stupid. He'd lose those sources if he did while those sources might lose their job and face a lawsuit from BW/EA. Journalists depend on their sources a lot of the time, the last thing you want to do is alienate them by not protecting their anonymity while at the same time setting a precedent where everyone knows they cannot trust you if there's a story to tell.


this thing is going around in circles. i'm not going to repeat what i already mentioned elsewhere.


he either gets to it and confirm his info or he don't. i've said my bit.

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I think that considering the state of the game it may be a good thing if SWTOR would close down. Then again, if they can put it in maintenance mode so that the hardcore fans can still play on for a couple of years, why not? But please let them stop acting like this game is still going somewhere else but down. Sure, 4.0 gave a peak in subs and since then it's been 3 years of downhill. Sometimes faster, sometimes slower but ever downwards.


I just think it's better all around that Bioware get real about this game. I mean, is anybody really still believing Bioware can turn things around in terms of adding more content and attracting more players than they lose?


They'd have to come up with some massive expansion later this year that really turns things around and then bring out meaningful content on a regular basis.


I no longer believe they are capable of either. They do not have the resources and EA sure as hell isn't going to give them more to work with.


Maybe it is time to call it, while there's still some dignity left in them. I have to feel for the devs who tried what they could even though the cards were all stacked against them for years. They couldn't please the player base no matter how much they wanted to. Maybe it's time they can step away from this, sigh a big relief and let those huge blocks of pressure drop from their shoulders. Honestly, all criticism aside, I bet there's some people there that have really given it more than they had and they deserve a break...and a fresh new job or project while we're at it :cool:


I got a feeling they will run out the clock by giving us the companions we wanted back, but in brief cutscenes like Revel and Risha/Corso

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i don't care what he wrote in previous articles, if he isn't willing to put his cards face up on the table in this instance, then all we got is destruction and chaos following because you are making excuses for his shoddy research instead of looking at it more objectively.


This leads into asking for more proof from other media sources to confirm if others have that information which would of gotten a heck of a long way closer to reinforcing the position that this article is the real thing.


Right, because all journalists should burn their sources to satisfy an internet Forum poster. :rolleyes:

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This is stuff I've been telling you guys about a long time, about EA is really at fault, and not Bioware, so ppl have to stop that Bs right now. EA does not unfortunately care about Swtor like they should and Disney does not want to get involved with Star Wars games. Which is why Disney gave EA the rights to do Star Wars games.


The best thing i'd say that can happen, and Disney can do it , it get all the programming and coding, engine software, etc. And give this game to a Much better Gaming developer, or if Disney would have the "you know what", then they should make a Lucasfilm Disney gaming company. But that's hoping.


That Stupid journalist didn't give a damm about Swtor in his stupid article, just Anthem and the so-called New DragonAge, which is killing Swtor because all the resources are going to those games.


I don't know how Disney can be impressed with EA.


Barely any games whatsoever since they got the license, and the ones they did get have been surrounded by controversy.

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