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Well, I guess Kotaku gave us their own Producer's Note. SWTOR could Shut Down


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The cats out of the bag now. I highly doubt they’ll get an new players from now on.


Why not? The game still has value if you treat it like a Star Wars story experience.


The only cat out of the bag is that they're considering going into maintenance mode, not shutting it down.

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This is awesome....it's not every day you get to see mass hysteria play out in real time.


One sentence in an article about how hard a different game that comes out in early 2019 is being pushed and staffed, and we've got 5-6 front page threads, one of them 25 pages long and analyzing all 36 words of that sentence, the journalistic integrity of the author and his outlet, and journalism in general. We've got discussions of kickstarters, gofundmes, and open source. The Sentence isn't even 24 hours old, and not only has the funeral already started, the post-funeral riot has burned half the city.


Games are awesome, man :)


Look, ok, it's possible, sure. The way The Sentence was built, it sounds like any product strategy discussion ever: "Hey, we have a lot of eggs in this basket...what are our ideas for how to increase its chances of success, and/or contingencies if it burns?" "Cut dev on TOR? Ok, yeah, that might work....what else?"


More product strategy meetings than I care to remember tell me that's what "discussed, but up in the air" means. Probably.


Either way, it's way too early to start planning the funeral...there's time to wait for something a little less ambiguous, and all the downward spiral speculation is just driving people nuts.

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The cats out of the bag now. I highly doubt they’ll get an new players from now on.


The only way to salvage this mess is... announcing an expansion right NOW. Otherwise, the news already spread - maintenance mode/shutting down (makes no difference for most potential customers, both mean no new content for the game)

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Well, I worked in some game journalism in my past, and I tell you, Kotaku always works in half-trues. I have no evidence, of course, but I think Bioware is just waiting to see how Anthem goes. They can't sustain 2 Massive multiplayer at the same time, and I think they have assumed SW.TOR is not going to come back from the dead. So, if Anthem solds well (which is probably going to happen) and performs well, they're going to shut down SW:TOR. It's impossible to sell it to other company, or pass it to another EA company. No one can work on this game's story if not Bioware. Other people could focus on PvP or hardcore PvE, but not the story.


Also, again, personally, I think they are not going to put it on mantenience or anything like that. If Anthem goes well, then SW:TOR is going to be totally shut down. Servers erased, and the game will be no more. End of the story. Of course, if in 2018 the minimal team working on this can make some magic, and Anthem goes not that well, then maybe it's a hope. And I say this because Anthem has not the best hopes right now. A lot of people are too much burned out with online shooters, specially coming from EA, and Anthem may be put in the freezer just because Bioware has no more money to develop it right now.


Bioware future itself is on stake. And maybe they have still one last card to try in SW.TOR before losing all hope. Persoanlly, I think they are basically desperate, and trying everything they can to kee themselves alive while EA is already making plans of how to shot down the studio. And you don't make another full story (I'm talking about Theron stuff) if you don't have anything in the store. I think they just have one last shell in the barrell, and they are going to try it. Maybe this one will work. Probably not, but...

Edited by Breech
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Anthem is a bad joke and it will not go well, there are hundreds of games just like it on the market, Destiny for example. The ugly characters and the "find other 3 guys to do quests with" will not attract a certain segment of players, we WANT to be "space Barbies" and own hundreds of armors,customization,hair styles, sexy outfits.. Anthem cannot replace SWTOR and needs to be not put in the freezer but in the garbage bin.
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Good grief people.


It amazes me that many of you are treating this Kotaku article as if it was some kind of serious journalism.


Kotaku is a marketing clickbait business, not a news business.


This so called 'journalist', Jason Schreier, is on record as stating that Truth and Objectivity are not something he values or aims for. Want proof? Here's the link again that I posted a few pages back:


Take a look at that, then reread the article the OP links to, and decide honestly whether any weight should be given to Schreier's supposed 'insights'.


Why waste valuable brain cells debating his nonsense?



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No one can work on this game's story if not Bioware. Other people could focus on PvP or hardcore PvE, but not the story.


Let's be reasonable here. Austin is not Bioware, just as the people who did Andromeda are not Bioware. The writing in this game has been pretty terrible for a few years now and I think it would be an insult to the legacy of Bioware to actually throw the likes ot KOTFE and KOTET in with Knights of the Old Republic or Mass Effect.


I say let someone else handle it, let these people go do other things, they are probably all sick and tired of this game by now.

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But Anthem better be good at this point. Ruined Andromeda, delayed DA4 and has taken resources from SWTOR. At this point, everyone, who has been a subscriber for SWTOR this past year and bought Andromeda should be given a free copy of Anthem. Who is with me? :cool:


Since I detest FPS games.. no.

There seems to be a disturbing trend away from MMOs :(

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Let's be reasonable here. Austin is not Bioware, just as the people who did Andromeda are not Bioware. The writing in this game has been pretty terrible for a few years now and I think it would be an insult to the legacy of Bioware to actually throw the likes ot KOTFE and KOTET in with Knights of the Old Republic or Mass Effect.


I say let someone else handle it, let these people go do other things, they are probably all sick and tired of this game by now.


It ain't like KOTOR and Mass Effect didnt have its own share of writing issues lol. Remember ME3 ending fiasco? didn't happen because fans exploded in awe of Bioware's writing... I'm definitely going to say KOTFEET was way better written and more interesting than Andromeda though.

Edited by Pietrastor
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Giving F2P full content is a bad idea IMO. The only way this game can make a profit in maintenance mode is through new players buying access to expansion story content. Preferred should get full access though, with subs getting more XP/CXP/CC.


That said, I'd really like more sandbox content developed before the game's put in maintenance mode.

I think you can forget about sandbox content, this game was never really set up that way as it was.


As for F2P ...they just need to look at how they can get people playing and enough of them paying. But at this stage segregating player groups by content seems only detrimental. Keep restrictions on amenities like inventory, display options etc.


But to me it doesn't really matter, it's just an idea. Whether it's officially maintenance mode or an underwhelming roadmap, for me the game will be over and done. I have this 0.001% of hope left but for that the roadmap will have to be awesome. I don't expect it but I still want to believe it. So all I'm asking is that Bioware put me out of their misery and that I can make a clean cut and move on.


I've put too much into this game to give up just before a roadmap but not enough to have any realistic hope. I just want it confirmed. Then I can make someone happy with some creds and items. And others with the character names that I will make available. The times I quite before were definitely with the idea in the back of my head that I still expected to get over it and come back and I couldn't get myself to delete my characters. I'm not too bothered anymore. I just want to make sure I'm not that guy who gave up just before the Roadmap that actually turns the game around. I'll give it those extra few days just to make sure that's not the case. It's the only thing keeping me from giving someone my stuff and deleting my toons to free up the names (it's the least I can do for fellow players who still want to stick around).


In the end the game can close for me but if others are happy to play it in its current state for years to come, why would I begrudge them that? I just don't want to quit and clean out my account and then 3 days later they announce a roadmap that makes me wish I hadn't done that. Again I don't expect it but that 0.01% is stil nagging at me.

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As for F2P ...they just need to look at how they can get people playing and enough of them paying. But at this stage segregating player groups by content seems only detrimental. Keep restrictions on amenities like inventory, display options etc.

Agree. Less players engaging in endgame content pool is just not good especially now. I doubt the few who got annoyed enough to sub make up for all the Preferred/F2P who were participating via Ops/WZ passes.
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Remember ME3 ending fiasco?


Yes. I was there, in the middle of it. The unprecedented fan outrage, the #holdtheline fundraiser, the BBB and FCC complaints that were filed against Bioware. And Bioware's response was....disappointing to say the very least. Fans be damned, they defended the ending (which turned out to be EXACTLY what they promised it wouldn't be) on the basis of artistic integrity, massive plot holes and all. To me, it confirmed that they had lost their way, as it marked the point when in their arrogance, they believed what they wanted to create was more important than what the players wanted them to create. We witnessed some of that very same arrogance in response to player feedback when SWTOR was first released. It was no coincidence that ME3 was also Bioware's first release under EA, and popular speculation was that the contentious ending was a consequence of EA deadline pressure.


The obvious rhetorical question is, has Bioware released anything under EA that was as successful as what they had released before they sold out to EA?



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Why not? The game still has value if you treat it like a Star Wars story experience.


The only cat out of the bag is that they're considering going into maintenance mode, not shutting it down.


The game is still good, but it’s neigh impossible to get new people to play a game that is considered dying or in maintenance mode.


Maintenance mode usually = game is dead.

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The only way to salvage this mess is... announcing an expansion right NOW. Otherwise, the news already spread - maintenance mode/shutting down (makes no difference for most potential customers, both mean no new content for the game)


This is very true. But I doubt we’ll see another expansion. Even when people started asking last year about an expansion, I said I doubted there would be anymore.

Maybe I’ll be wrong, I hope so, because I’m sick of predicting bad stuff in this game and it coming true.

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Good grief people.


It amazes me that many of you are treating this Kotaku article as if it was some kind of serious journalism.


Kotaku is a marketing clickbait business, not a news business.


This so called 'journalist', Jason Schreier, is on record as stating that Truth and Objectivity are not something he values or aims for. Want proof? Here's the link again that I posted a few pages back:


Take a look at that, then reread the article the OP links to, and decide honestly whether any weight should be given to Schreier's supposed 'insights'.


Why waste valuable brain cells debating his nonsense?




The problem is, even if it’s fake news, people will think it’s real and it will spread like all fake news does these days.

Then this fake news becomes a self fulfilling prophecy and they make the decision to shut it down because people start leaving.

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Yes. I was there, in the middle of it. The unprecedented fan outrage, the #holdtheline fundraiser, the BBB and FCC complaints that were filed against Bioware. And Bioware's response was....disappointing to say the very least. Fans be damned, they defended the ending (which turned out to be EXACTLY what they promised it wouldn't be) on the basis of artistic integrity, massive plot holes and all. To me, it confirmed that they had lost their way, as it marked the point when in their arrogance, they believed what they wanted to create was more important than what the players wanted them to create. We witnessed some of that very same arrogance in response to player feedback when SWTOR was first released. It was no coincidence that ME3 was also Bioware's first release under EA, and popular speculation was that the contentious ending was a consequence of EA deadline pressure.


The obvious rhetorical question is, has Bioware released anything under EA that was as successful as what they had released before they sold out to EA?



If you really want to trace it, BioWare "died" when EA ran off the founders of BioWare due to creative differences over SWTOR.


That was the opening Salvo and the beginning of the end, because after that was when the majority of the original team that worked on the game was fired and they brought in a bean counter for producer and a whole different staff.


BioWare lost its Soul at that point and has never been the same since.

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Yes. I was there, in the middle of it. The unprecedented fan outrage, the #holdtheline fundraiser, the BBB and FCC complaints that were filed against Bioware. And Bioware's response was....disappointing to say the very least. Fans be damned, they defended the ending (which turned out to be EXACTLY what they promised it wouldn't be) on the basis of artistic integrity, massive plot holes and all. To me, it confirmed that they had lost their way, as it marked the point when in their arrogance, they believed what they wanted to create was more important than what the players wanted them to create. We witnessed some of that very same arrogance in response to player feedback when SWTOR was first released. It was no coincidence that ME3 was also Bioware's first release under EA, and popular speculation was that the contentious ending was a consequence of EA deadline pressure.


The obvious rhetorical question is, has Bioware released anything under EA that was as successful as what they had released before they sold out to EA?




Dragon Age Inquisition was hugely successful and one of the best dragon age games so far.


Now onto SWTOR, this seriously sucks. First Andromeda and no dlc for it. Now SWTOR.


I already hate anthem because of andromeda getting no dlc and stealing all its workers. Guess I will juat hate it more since I cant boycott it twice.


This is the only EA game that still gets any $$ from me, take it away and I guess they completely lose a customer.

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Yes. I was there, in the middle of it. The unprecedented fan outrage, the #holdtheline fundraiser, the BBB and FCC complaints that were filed against Bioware. And Bioware's response was....disappointing to say the very least. Fans be damned, they defended the ending (which turned out to be EXACTLY what they promised it wouldn't be) on the basis of artistic integrity, massive plot holes and all. To me, it confirmed that they had lost their way, as it marked the point when in their arrogance, they believed what they wanted to create was more important than what the players wanted them to create. We witnessed some of that very same arrogance in response to player feedback when SWTOR was first released. It was no coincidence that ME3 was also Bioware's first release under EA, and popular speculation was that the contentious ending was a consequence of EA deadline pressure.


The obvious rhetorical question is, has Bioware released anything under EA that was as successful as what they had released before they sold out to EA?



But that’s nearly exactly what Bioware have done with swtor, especially when Ben was running things.

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Dragon Age Inquisition was hugely successful and one of the best dragon age games so far.


Now onto SWTOR, this seriously sucks. First Andromeda and no dlc for it. Now SWTOR.


It was successful for not being DA2. Not much of a high bar there.

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Dragon Age Inquisition was hugely successful and one of the best dragon age games so far.


Now onto SWTOR, this seriously sucks. First Andromeda and no dlc for it. Now SWTOR.


I already hate anthem because of andromeda getting no dlc and stealing all its workers. Guess I will juat hate it more since I cant boycott it twice.


This is the only EA game that still gets any $$ from me, take it away and I guess they completely lose a customer.


Inquisition was garbage. It had barely a tenth of the story or decision making of Origins. The companions were a joke compared to DA:O or DA2. The VAST majority of the quests were fetch or kill 10 bears. I spent 120 hours playing that game and I had to force myself to finish. This was after I abandoned it for 2 years because the first 6 hours was so boring.


ME:A had 10 times the story as DA:I.


Inquisition basically killed the DragonAge property for me.

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The real test is today. If Musco does nothing to respond to the various threads, then you know that the Kotaku article is the solid truth.


True enough. I am going to bank on a response not happening. Too much to lose and nothing to gain, unless they drop the producers note today and either come clean, or it blows us all out of the water and Keith one a huge battle behind the scenes to not only keep SWTOR and development but get bolstered resources.


That latter part is a pipe dream in my opinion, but it is the only way BioWare can beat these rumors.


Any other path is simply the development team picking a slow bleed now that this is out over a quick death.

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