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A great game


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Thank you for dragging us into thte future of great games to come.


This bashing is crazy. I have some problems with the game but I still play all day since I am off work. Regardless of my dislike of Shards I still think this is ground breaking game and will be the future.

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Thank you for dragging us into thte future of great games to come.


This bashing is crazy. I have some problems with the game but I still play all day since I am off work. Regardless of my dislike of Shards I still think this is ground breaking game and will be the future.







Title: A great game.


Answer: NOT.

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Thank you for dragging us into thte future of great games to come.


This bashing is crazy. I have some problems with the game but I still play all day since I am off work. Regardless of my dislike of Shards I still think this is ground breaking game and will be the future.


to be fair, wait till you reach end game (when your class story ends)

just wait


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Thank you for dragging us into thte future of great games to come.


This bashing is crazy. I have some problems with the game but I still play all day since I am off work. Regardless of my dislike of Shards I still think this is ground breaking game and will be the future.


Bro, there is a fine reason why 100k players are bashing whats your problem? Whats everyones problem against us bashing a F* bug bro? Get real.


I paid for it I paid for a computer upgrade, Ill bash on it all day long bro untill I get what I paid for.

Edited by chiselyou
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Bro, there is a fine reason why 100k players are bashing whats your problem? Whats everyones problem against us bashing a F* bug bro? Get real.


I paid for it I paid for a computer upgrade, Ill bash on it all day long bro untill I get what I paid for.


Because you came from a MMO that was so dumbed down a monkey could play it. Sorry if you don't have a I WIN BUTTON.

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End Game is what exactly?

Its what all the Hardcore (Xcore) people rush to when a game launches, rush to beat it all, then come to the forums and complain that the company (In this case BW) is not pushing out new content every other week.

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Its what all the Hardcore (Xcore) people rush to when a game launches, rush to beat it all, then come to the forums and complain that the company (In this case BW) is not pushing out new content every other week.


yes because they missed the most important part? That is getting to the end game.


What is it they want a 60 level so they can monkey their way there I am just wondering

Edited by Caldric
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Thank you for dragging us into thte future of great games to come.


This bashing is crazy. I have some problems with the game but I still play all day since I am off work. Regardless of my dislike of Shards I still think this is ground breaking game and will be the future.


It certainly has me hooked. And honestly I was never that "into" Star Wars. I was interested in this because I trust BioWare to make a good story driven game and wanted to see how they brought that to the MMO space.


I am not disappointed. I do not regret my Collector's Edition pre-order.

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yes because they missed the most important part? That is getting to the end game.


What is it they want a 60 level so they can monkey their way there I am just wondering


Yea instead of you know playing in moderation (I.E not playing 48 hours straight) they binge infront of their monitor for days and completely forget there is a world outside of video games. In fact, I bet that most of them need a new spacebar.

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Wrong it is a great game and FAR more othan any other MMO I have played in the last 2 years and ground breaking. Unless you like your feet in WOW to be larger than your EPEEN.


The only thing groundbreaking here is the amount of story. Beyond that it's just another WoW clone, and a piss poor one at that.

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I love Swtor, and if you dont I dont give a ****. If you dont like something why stick around and force yourself to play it?


"I payed 60$ blah blah blah"

Who cares, that was YOUR choice no one forced you to buy it.


"I wont be here after the first month"

100 bucks says you are.


Swtor is an amazing STORY DRIVEN MMO! it never intended to be anything else.

It has all the elements a theme park mmo should have PVP/END GAME/ Exploring and STORY (crazy huh? someone actually bothered to put the RP in a MMORPG), what else did you expect?


I`ll be playing swtor FOR YEARS and years, everyday i log in i have fun. Alittle PVP, alittle questing, alittle exploring but there is always something new to do. (FOR ME)


the bottom line is, if you dont like SWTOR then get the hell out no one cares!!! :)


Good bye.

Edited by Jedi-Ondo
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So much hate and anger towards a game that is nowhere close to it's prime yet. It came out last week. The hate is just insane for such a young game. I haven't been angry at a game this new unless it just plain didn't work at all. And to all the haters out there. There is a game called WoW where you came play as pandas and have the instant kill buttons with free loots for the same cost and no creative storylines.
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