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In a few months, we'll all be playing Diablo 3 and Guild Wars 2......


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I'll definitely try out GW2, but it won't make me give up TOR.


Diablo 3 I have no interest in since it's just Starcraft II all over again, a combination of a graphical update and expansion pack over the previous game with little real gameplay changes at all. If I want a Diablo experience I'll save myself €50 and play D2.

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The debate here is not about D3 or GW2 , that is just an example, what he means is that when another good game realeases like these ones because are famous lots of ppls of swtor will quit for em if not now, i understand thats true, leaving to swtor only a small base of players like happened to other fail mmos.
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A lot of comparison with WOW is unnecessary because


1. The debate whether SWTOR is a WOWKiller is unnecessary. WOW is already a dead game. WOW is full of bots.


2. There is no need to wait 6 months (or whatever period) to measure the success of SWTOR. SWTOR is never meant to last as long as WOW in the current MMO industry. EA and BW know that. SWTOR was released to recover some $$$ before the MMO fanbase starts on Diablo 3 and GW2.


3. In the current MMO Industry, there will be release after release. There will never be another WOW to command the majority of subscribers, simply because there is more choice now. (In fact, WOW lasted 7 years not because it was really good, but because there wasn’t any competent alternatives.)


i guess i am saying that every MMO is designed to fail, but only after recovering a certain amount of $$$.


I guess this explains why with Diablo 3, Blizzard appear to be moving towards a different business model involving payment for items on AH

Edited by alaizon
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Oh come on... you're smart enough to know I was referring to GW... why give me a counter-argument just for sake of it?

GW nor GW2 have any elf races.



GW is never going to be a true MMO. Instanced game with a few players online.

GW2 is not instanced and is a true MMO. No one ever claimed the original Guild Wars to be an MMO (including it's developers).

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Too many people are not going to resub after the first month due to this launch being a complete failure. Literally 1/2 of all the bosses on FPs 40+ do not drop loot. This includes hard modes (in fact, it happens MORE in hard modes). BHs can't even complete their class quest due to a huge bug. The game crashes to desktop quite a bit. If you've tried doing some of the 'end game' encounters (like hard modes) its clear that they weren't tested well (or feedback wasn't answered). Literally, there's nothing for people to do who've hit 50 already besides PvP or roll alts.


PvP endgame items are 100% dependent on LUCK, that's right, you spend a ton of commendations at a chance that you MIGHT get something. That's a terrible grind/system in general. I know one guy who is already in full PvP gear, another guy has PVP'd more than guy 1, and hasn't gotten anything except for the 2 'cheap pieces' of loot he could get with the 3 commendations per bag.


So after Jan 20 when they have half their player base unsubs they will do exactly what the OP says. Go for the short term and just market the game to get sales, cut staff on the game and let it ride out for a bit.


I was super hyped for this game, I had a good impression in beta, but its not clear to me why they wiped chars every 4-6 weeks in beta. Because they didn't want too many people seeing how they've failed the endgame.


Unless Bioware fixes their entire game in 3 weeks (hint, they won't) I'm done with the game. Maybe if they send me an email with a full bug fix list in a few months I might try it again. But if many people do that, this game won't last long anyway.

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Oh come on... you're smart enough to know I was referring to GW... why give me a counter-argument just for sake of it?


Why were you referring to GW? The OP clearly stated GW2.


And I'm looking forward to Torchlight 2 far more than D3. Though I will have GW2, and will be watching TSW closely, despite it's affiliation with EA.

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Cool, a new thread on new and interesting topics. Enough with the predictions. This isn't the psychic hotline, lol. Your opinion of the game is just that....an opinion. Quit trying to tell everyone else whether they should like the game or continue playing the game. People can form their own opinions. I can tell you I have absolutely zero interest in playing either of those games and never played their predecessors either.
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Diablo is not an mmo... and gw2 well... its not an mmo either. So... What exactly are you trying to say?


By the way... dont speak on my behalf cause starwars has done something I trully appreciate: NO ELVES.


GW2 is more of an MMO than this game is. Sorry but I disagree.

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They can still last long even if they don't "rule them all". There is older MMO's out there than WOW you know.

If this where IRL you would be one of those guys with a big sign on your chest sayin "The end is near, the world is dying tomorrow".


Relax... :cool:

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IMHO, EA and BW are not in this for the long term. My view is that SWTOR was released to mitigate the loss of the $300m or whatever was pumped into the project, before other new MMOs take over as FOTM.


The MMO industry is a short term thing now. WoW lasted 7 years because it had a head start. Now, the release of MMO after MMO in waves means there will not be a juggernaut like WoW "to rule them all" for 7 years ever again. (in any case, most of the playerbase in WoW is botting anyways)


There is no need to wait 6 months to measure the success of SWTOR. By that time there will be Diablo 3 and GW2, and the same debate will start for those games.


Such is the state of the MMO industry.


First of all Diablo isn't an MMO, and second of all you are wrong. MMO industry isn't a short term thing. Most MMOs have a very long lifespan, some more successful than others. When an MMO has 1 million subs it doesn't mean it's doing bad. The problem with the MMO community is that a large amount of the player base is spoonfed by WoW, and as a result measures everything against it.


The issue with that is that a large portion of the player base thinks that all other MMOs should have the same features as WoW as they've not played any other MMO. While they obviously have good points concerning certain features which have become a quality of life, there's simply no way that a new MMO can launch with all those. Creating an MMO is a very time and resource consuming business and corners have to be cut here and there. The problem I see a lot nowadays is that gamers judge an MMO based on what it launches with (this in effect already determines the success or failure of an MMO) while most MMOs get better during the first year as they add those features they had no time for during development time.


This is not the fault of the software developers but of the player base in general.

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Its still NOT an mmo... not "more of an mmo than xxx" its NOT an mmo. (period)

Care to explain why it's NOT an MMO? The topic is clearly based on GW2 and not the original. If by your standards GW2 is not an MMO then neither is WoW, Rift, AoC, EQ, EQ2 or any MMO that has ever been created.


A little clarity would help.

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I won't be playing diablo 3. when they first announced it, I was excited, but the more detailes they released, the less excited I became. I'm sure its going to be fun for a lot of people. I'll stick to watching cinematics on youtube.


I WILL be playing guild wars 2 along with SWTOR and I will be playing Torchlight 2 rather then diablo 3 (which is shaping up to be everything I thought Diablo 3 was going to be.. and isn't). and probably other games as well.


that said. people STILL play original guild wars (me included) people played Star wars Galaxies up until its shut down. DnD and LOTRO are thriving and making more money now then they did before they went free to play. Champions online is running just fine. my SO is enjoying himself immensely in Warhammer and will continue to do so, probably until the Warhammer 40000 comes out, at which point, he'll most likely switch over. Aion is actually pretty successful, maybe not in a western world as much, but its still profitable. as is Rift. Eve has a strong following that shows no sign of abating. and that's just to name a few.


just because something is not advertised with costant silly commercials on TV and on every freaking game related page you go to and doesn't have 5 million subscribers in China, doesn't invalidate their success or longevity. just becasue some games have chosen a different payment model doesn't invalidate their existence.

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IMHO, EA and BW are not in this for the long term. My view is that SWTOR was released to mitigate the loss of the $300m or whatever was pumped into the project, before other new MMOs take over as FOTM.


The MMO industry is a short term thing now. WoW lasted 7 years because it had a head start. Now, the release of MMO after MMO in waves means there will not be a juggernaut like WoW "to rule them all" for 7 years ever again. (in any case, most of the playerbase in WoW is botting anyways)


There is no need to wait 6 months to measure the success of SWTOR. By that time there will be Diablo 3 and GW2, and the same debate will start for those games.


Such is the state of the MMO industry.


the only reason why GW2 will get ALOT of players is because they dont ask monthly fee.

for the rest GW2 is just a MMO like any other.


Diablo 3 is not even a MMO.


the only thing Swtor might have done wrong, is that they ask Monthly fee, wich will determen the race to be the marketleader, between swtor and Gw2.

or Swtor will have to proof there patches are a mayor succes and awesome.

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