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50 Jedi Sentinel PvP - Watchman Spec


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Your comment about taking the bottom of watchman was correct even though you didn't think it was. That 1 focus refund is HUGE... It makes a massive difference.


This is my build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#5010cZGGrbddrorsZh.1


Combat can do just about as much as damage as watchman, its easier to play, and it has more cc.

woah. no force camo? Either +focus on rebuke, or offhand mastery, should be i force camo.

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I find both Force Camo improving talents to be significantly overrated. The snare/root break in Combat is much better in general than the 100% damage reduction in Watchman, but it's still not worth the tradeoff IMO.


Camo already gives you +movespeed on top of Ataru's ms bonus.

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I find both Force Camo improving talents to be significantly overrated. The snare/root break in Combat is much better in general than the 100% damage reduction in Watchman, but it's still not worth the tradeoff IMO.


Camo already gives you +movespeed on top of Ataru's ms bonus.


A second CC break is not as good as increasing your sustained dps by 1%? whaaaa?

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It's not a CC break. It's a root/snare break.


When do you use a root/snare break? To close distance after a CC, or to escape.


What does Force Camo already do? Give you a movespeed buff and stealths you so you can escape or close distance.


How effective is Force Camo already? Almost 100% reliable in the vast majority of situations.


What gap of situations does the additional root/snare break actually help you in, over the baseline effects of Force Camo? Few -- primarily centering on the events where you get rooted right as you try to **** with Camo.


How often does this occur? Once every 10 Warzones maybe?



Not worth the talent points.


What happens when your Precision Strike gets dodged by a Sorc*? Baby Jesus cries.



* Situations where random enemies dodging your Force Leap also apply.





Sidenote: I didn't actually look at the posted spec, but for me to get Fleet-footed, I would have to drop the root on the heal debuff or on Master Strike, both of which are more significant tradeoffs. Not sure why he's fatting up the bottom tiers of Combat.

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After watching this vid and talking with Faroh in game, I gave Watchman a shot and I have to say I do love it. It took a bit to get used to coming from Combat spec, but in warzones I have noticed I seem to live a bit longer and 1v1s I get them down in a faster amount of time. I avg around 160-190k damage a match and I'm only lvl 40 at this point. I'm curious to see how I do with the rest of my points and higher gear.
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Hey everyone! After being Combat for 50 levels (and then some after) I decided to give Watchman a go.


Here are my thoughts, included is a brief spec overview and discussion of talents:



Hope you enjoy!


G'Day Faroh,


Great videos dude, you've really piqued my interest in the Watchman build.

Any chance you could post a link to your Watchman build or PM it if you don't want to post it?


Thanks In Advance :i_biggrin:

Edited by LiGhThOrSeMaN
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for anyone interested. this is the spec he was using(i paused the video and wrote it down)




he said this spec was not optimal though. just what he was using at the time of the video


Thanks mate, I should have thought of doing that :i_embarrassed: much appreciated.

Edited by LiGhThOrSeMaN
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What happens when your Precision Strike gets dodged by a Sorc*? Baby Jesus cries.


Hmm, Precision Strike is a 100% armor penetration self buff, not a -100% armor debuff on target from what I've seen. I've had it work regardless if the target missed or dodged as long as I could activate it and finish the animation.


In fact, I often use it on the closest target then use Blade Storm on someone else low life.


Guess I'll double check it again tomorrow just to be sure. I encourage you to test it as well.


Force Leap being dodged/missed sucks though, no root :mad:

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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500k never done by anyone? I play with a guardian that has broken it a few times. There's no medal for it sadly, only for the 300k.


However, I want to roll a melee alt and can't decide between sentinel and guardian. It appears that you're doing good damage, but it more looks like you're just stomping on low levels in the video. I know for a fact that guardian measures up at level 50 and scales very well for dps, especially since singularity-sweeping people is absurd and crits for 5.5k.


Has he posted a video where he's fighting level 50s? It just really doesn't feel like sentinel measures up to anything, especially since I basically ignore their sith counter-part when I'm playing my medic.


Toss up for me since I feel obligated to use leap and taunts to protect baddies in pugs which will lower my damage, but if sentinel just does less over all then ... I know a balance patch will (attempt) to fix it but.. hmm

Edited by LordKivlov
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It's not a CC break. It's a root/snare break.


When do you use a root/snare break? To close distance after a CC, or to escape.


What does Force Camo already do? Give you a movespeed buff and stealths you so you can escape or close distance.


How effective is Force Camo already? Almost 100% reliable in the vast majority of situations.


What gap of situations does the additional root/snare break actually help you in, over the baseline effects of Force Camo? Few -- primarily centering on the events where you get rooted right as you try to **** with Camo.


How often does this occur? Once every 10 Warzones maybe?



Not worth the talent points.


What happens when your Precision Strike gets dodged by a Sorc*? Baby Jesus cries.



* Situations where random enemies dodging your Force Leap also apply.





Sidenote: I didn't actually look at the posted spec, but for me to get Fleet-footed, I would have to drop the root on the heal debuff or on Master Strike, both of which are more significant tradeoffs. Not sure why he's fatting up the bottom tiers of Combat.



I'm curious as to if you've actually tried the talent? More often then not, most knockbacks in this game are also couple with a root or a snare, which this talent negates. Without it, with a 50-30% movement speed debuff they've already negated your untalented force camo buff. It sounds as if you're looking at this purely from a loss/gain perspective as to what the actual situation entails. I can't count the number of times this talent has allowed me to make it back to a target in time to interrupt a heal, that untalented I would not have.


Also, technically a root/snare break is a CC break. That would be like saying a stun break is just a stun break. CC is an encompassing term that refers to loss of control of your character, such as moving. Simple things, all that.

Edited by Mavick
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Hello Friends!


I am a Jedi Sentinel that has done some major mistakes with my character when I choose my skills. I have problems to complete the main missions of my character even if I have higher level than other players in the same missions. And I realy what to have my character and continue to play with him. I am lev 29 right now.


I have gone to a skill trainer and reset my skills in order to make a better character.



What I want to know is following:


* What is best, Combat ore Watchman?


* Whitch crewskills is optimal for my character?


* Where do I play PvP matches agains other players?


* Other tips from U is MOST welcome!


Thanks Boys and Girls for helping a dude from Sweden!

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reading things like "with watchmen u r more mobile in pvp" is pretty funny if u consider the 15% bonus movespeed of ataru form...


if watchmen would have the root in pvp like combat id say it is superior but because that isnt the case i like to play combat in pvp. with combat u get debilitation, fleet footed and displacement, which are abilitys which root or break roots... way to important in my opinion

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Hey everyone! After being Combat for 50 levels (and then some after) I decided to give Watchman a go.


Here are my thoughts, included is a brief spec overview and discussion of talents:



Hope you enjoy!


I agree. I still stand by Combat during more damage. Thing is getting in and sustaining that damage. With all the kiting and running around. Its difficult to land DPS especially hard hitting DPS. Watchmen they continued to get damage overtime adding up to your overrall damage.


Now concerning the whole Blade rush vs Merciless Slash. At first glance it does look like Watchmen endgame attack does more damage. Combat you have to set it up abit more w/ persicion slash since Ataru form increases accuracy to do more direct damage. When you use Blade Rush in Ataru form your getting direct damage as well which from on screen calc is around 20-40% (I need to see some better calcs with stats boost) from each hit. So thats like 20-40 of around 2 1400 blows. Now you also get an extra Ataru form that deals 30% more damage automatically including the 189 energy damage as well in ataru form with the direct damage from the accuracy range.


Now do you see where Im getting at when you Play combat role. Skillfully. But in actuallity how much does this actually happen during pvp with all the kiting and target shifting.


Combat does do more Damage imo than Watchmen. But that damage is alot harder to sustain in pvp than watchmen. It almost like Watchmen is more of the Pvp build while Combat is more PVE.



Also thats also without all the crits bonuses.

Edited by Csdabest
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1. - in watchman i cant remove root by invisible - so i cant break the distance without force leap

2. - watchman dont have +15% speed

3. - watchman dont have range immobilize

4. - try to make video against 50 lvl premaid in your watchman build lol - this LOW TICKING DAMAGE coudnt make game, only burst in short time(combat) can help in focus.

5. - for best dps in watchman you need to do 5 strikes

6. - overall watchman build is only for duels, outdoor gang, PVE, but not for premaid.

Edited by InFear
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I can honestly say I've never seen anyone get over 350k damage in a warzone, 500k+ sounds somewhat far-fetched.


What you WILL notice if you watch my future videos, me and Grodo notice I often have 30k+ healing. It's not a huge amount, but with your self-healing from Zen and the 1% party heal it provides (per burn crit), you can do a decent amount of healing.


I've had a number of fights I wouldn't have lasted to keep control of a door/node/what have you if I hadn't had the small self-healing from Watchman.


I'm usually #1 damage in most warzones I play, not even other classes top me very often, much less other Sentinels. Until I see a Combat Sentinel pull 500k damage I'm not inclined to believe it.


I can do 500k easily on my Scoundrel, and I play with Sents that do it also. I just have to not be w/ my premade, b/c there's not enough bodies to go around. Focus will net you bigger hits, and AE damage.


After watching this dude's video, and looking at his spec I don't know why anyone would be taking his advice. This sounds like the musings of a PvE'er.

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i loved your video, but my biggest grip is the fact that while your owning left and right, most (if not all?) are relatively low level to you as i do not recall many 50 vs 50 fights usually your fighting 20's or so skewing how much a watchman actually owns.
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i loved your video, but my biggest grip is the fact that while your owning left and right, most (if not all?) are relatively low level to you as i do not recall many 50 vs 50 fights usually your fighting 20's or so skewing how much a watchman actually owns.


I was about to comment similarly from what I gathered from the video as well. The poster was playing well, but I couldnt really gather that much from the video because of the opponent's levels and also having dedicated heals.


On Helm of Graush, you're lucky to find a non-50 in a warzone these days and if you do, he's supported by several 50's.

Edited by Leekae
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The sentinal class just really takes a while to learn to play. I've played tons of pvp in a lot of games and this class took a while for me to get down. Now that i have some pvp gear and know how to play watchmen i completely destroy people (including other 50s). Yes, sometimes if im being chain cc'd its fustrating, but if you play sentinal smart and dont jump into 5 people you should always be ok with the huge bag of tricks we have. Also, yes, you do have to use almost all our abilities very often so if u cant manage them just reroll.
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I've only been focus and watchman so far but something tells me I should try combat because the only people trying combat have no clue what they are doing. Certainly not when it comes to math, talent choices, and builds that aren't all over the place.


A perfect example, who takes the talent that gives four focus every minute over a snare break in a mobility and control build? Speaking of control you take the talent that makes ms root but then don't lower its duration. A word of advice when the guy is rooted he isn't just rooted for you but for your entire team making him a prime target for a stomping. The only way to pvp in this game for rewards is group based. Learn to be part of the team and not just an individual.


Isn't ataru an offhand proc? If it is, you can't give up dual saber mastery. If it isn't then two of those points are better spent elsewhere.


Anyone who does not take crusader is doing it wrong and all of their opinions on what is "good or bad" in pvp can be summarily discarded. I know it's too early for cookie cutter builds bit when you make a build decide what you want it's focus to be and then build around that.

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