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Jaesa Willsaam not being back is a crime.


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Who the hell would want LS Jaesa? She's boring, she doesn't enjoy killing people and, most importantly, she doesn't give up the skins. The whole idea of LI companions is that you can eventually boink their brains out in every room on the ship.


Darkside Jaesa is awesome, IMO she's the best companion in the game [no accounting for taste of course], and she's funny as hell in a morbid, bloodthirsty, twisted kinda way, which as a Sith Warrior you should cherish in a companion. What possible value could a LS Jasea be to a Dark Lord Of The Sith??


As far as which side Jaesa will be when she returns - I don't recall where they said it, but they did say something to the effect like if you use a token to create a Sith Warrior it assumes you are a darksider and thus Jaesa is, by default a darksider as well. So those people, if they want to play a former Sith who fell to the Lightside are pretty much screwed because Jaesa is darkside by default and you can't change that. Just like Theron is Lightside whether your a cold blooded sith tyrant or some Jedi wannabe.


When she returns in the storyline it's not going to matter one way or the other because companions are the same alignment when you get them back as they were before they went away. The storyline is going to be completely unaffected by your companion's temperament as BW doesn't make alternate storyline variations depending on temperament. You might get a scowl instead of a smile, but the storyline [in substance] is gonna end up the same pretty much no matter what you do. They don't even let you decide which companion you can use when doing Eternal Empire storylines, you use whichever companion they wrote into the storyline for that chapter.


Those sorts of things only effected storylines in vanilla, and you probably won't even be allowed to use her in a chapter as a companion other than the one she returns in to the storyline.


Besides, Jaesa is the hottest peice of ...'ahem' in the galaxy, why would you not want to hit that? Lightside Jaesa is just a waste of a great rack.


Sums up how I feel as well.

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Guys, there's not going to be a "chapter" or story to bring Jaesa or any other companion back. BW's track record so far shows that. There'll be two minutes (max) of cut-scenes in a flashpoint "explaining away" 7 years (in game) of absence by the time of their returns. There will be one set of dialogue. That dialogue could easily be used for either dark side or light side Jaesa. They'll bring back just one though because it's easier and has less artwork involved.


There is no story for any of the returns at this point. They'd honestly be better served by a flashpoint mission to bust the remaining 14 out of carbonite prison.

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Not too bright, aren't we? I've never asked you to back up the fact that Jedi Knight has been the most prevalent class created. I asked you to back up these claims:


No, your most/more recent quote at the time was...


Still waiting for the exact metrics supporting your previous claims.


Which you posted after I posted about my statement about the Jedi Knights and Imperial Agents. There's nothing in that statement about Jaesa, and using "claims" plural instead of singular which would apply to the one thing I said about DS Jaesa even shows that you weren't talking about Jaesa.


You're just continuing to prove yourself to be a liar so that you don't have to admit you're wrong.


So are you saying that any data collected back in 2011 is somehow still representative in 2017? Don't be ridiculous.


No, I'm saying that data exists and they have shared those types of metrics before even though you were acting like they didn't.


Oh and someone brought up a good point earlier...


As far as which side Jaesa will be when she returns - I don't recall where they said it, but they did say something to the effect like if you use a token to create a Sith Warrior it assumes you are a darksider and thus Jaesa is, by default a darksider as well. So those people, if they want to play a former Sith who fell to the Lightside are pretty much screwed because Jaesa is darkside by default and you can't change that. Just like Theron is Lightside whether your a cold blooded sith tyrant or some Jedi wannabe.


Now what's your excuse for that?


"The info I asked for"? It's a 32-minute video from 2011 which may or may not contain something to back up your claims. I have no way of knowing without watching the entirety of it. And I'm certainly not going to do that since it's your job, not mine. The burden of proof is on you.


No, it's not my job, you asked me to back up my claims and now you don't want to admit to your ignorance and lies it's as simple as that.


When it comes to SWTOR, I believe most people upload their walkthroughs just to share them with others, very few do so to actually show a potential audience something unusual. But then again, it's your opinion vs my opinion so this particular argument is pointless. It just annoys me how you try to paint your opinions as facts.


Another lie. The romance SWTOR videos are far more popular and prevalent than the walkthrough videos and it's been that way since SWTOR launched.


Also like I said before far more people have watched the secret endings, achievements, etc, videos than those that have actually completed those tasks. Guess why that is?


And certainly not you. Get off your high horse.


Yeah I can see how me pointing out your lies equates to me being on a high horse.


Is this "everybody knows" statement supposed to somehow strengthen your assumption? If so, it failed since an assumption is still an assumption until there's actual proof behind it.


Oh so now you're saying that Bioware didn't say they were bringing back DS Jaesa only. Awesome. You've gotten even more ridiculous in your ignorance.


Uhm, learn to read then? That is exactly what my words say.


Uhm no liar it's not. Throughout this thread you've spoken in very vague terms and it's easy to poke holes in those statements when you don't speak specifically.




Well, all the other classes (except Inquisitor) eventually got back exactly what had been taken from them.


See genius? Where do you specifically mention companions there? You say eventually got back what had been taken from them, but that's not true because over time various things like class quests, faction quests, etc, have been taken away and companions are so much further down on the totem pole of things that we've lost at this point.


It is you who decided to bring in quests and stuff to derail the discussion about returning companions.


Only because you lied about what has been taken away.


Oh, so we now resort to whataboutism? Cute. You're still wrong, however, since unlike you I'm never afraid to admit that my opinions are just opinions when they actually are.


But yet you can't seem to admit that you lied.


Now that's just pathetic. It's clear that you have no interest in constructive discussion, you'd rather pointlessly bicker about every little thing.


No, you constantly lying is pathetic. You constantly asking me for time stamps in a video is pathetic. You non stop arguing with me about this thing that ultimately doesn't matter is pathetic.


Nope, my analogy still stands. The terminal has always been outside the actual story.


Except your analogy had nothing to do with the story, only what was taken away. See this is yet another example of you speaking vaguely.


But the people who used to have LS Jaessa and who are now going to get shafted actually do care about the story.


That's not being debated, however people have been getting shafted this entire time when it comes to companions.


There's what 40 companions you can have at this point. How many of them were introduced to you in a satisfying way? How many of them become completely irrelevant to the story after you acquire them?


The LS vs DS Jaesa in the vanilla game was something special and unique, but companions haven't been special or unique and have been treated poorly since 2.0 so the fact that Jaesa too can/could/would/will be treated poorly shouldn't be a surprise at this point.


Why do you think people, in general, are so excited when yet another returning companion is announced if they could simply claim them all via terminal?


You mean the same people that still haven't figured out that they've been constantly disappointed with the results every time an existing companion returns?


The story matters.


You keep saying that as if I've said otherwise.


They are incapable of using any other character but Jaessa to move their story forward? No, I don't think so.


Wait, do you not understand that they're going to bring back all of the companions before the Commander story line wraps up?


If Jaesa isn't in the next story update, she'll be in the one after that, or the one after that, etc. We know she's coming, and she'll be wrapped up in this terrible story line of us being the Commander. There's no getting around that.


All that said, with each post you're growing more and more desperate.


Says the guy who keeps responding to me.


You're starting to resort to bickering and personal attacks instead of trying to have a constructive discussion and staying on topic.


No, I tried that, but then you wanted to keep spouting lies, didn't want to listen, etc, which is why we're here now.


You know that DS Jaesa was the more popular choice of the two, you know that Bioware isn't what they once were, you know that everything from KOTFE onwards has been disappointing, but yet you keep arguing as if those things aren't the case. There was never any reason for you to reply in the first place and even less to keep this whole thing going. Anyone reading all of this can see that.

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Who the hell would want LS Jaesa? She's boring, she doesn't enjoy killing people and, most importantly, she doesn't give up the skins. The whole idea of LI companions is that you can eventually boink their brains out in every room on the ship.


Darkside Jaesa is awesome, IMO she's the best companion in the game [no accounting for taste of course], and she's funny as hell in a morbid, bloodthirsty, twisted kinda way, which as a Sith Warrior you should cherish in a companion. What possible value could a LS Jasea be to a Dark Lord Of The Sith??


Which very much sums up why I came to the opinion that Bioware made an "Empire Game". Only for empire side players. They got the most interesting stuff and the best creativity within the whole game.

I assume that the Repubvlic side was never meant to become interesting - because they thought that "Jedi" would carry this side all by themselves. No creativity needed.


The LS vs DS Jaesa in the vanilla game was something special and unique,]



Yeah, and of course Empire side only. The Republic side NEVER got such a thing. ALL creativity was funneled into the Empire side.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Who the hell would want LS Jaesa? She's boring, she doesn't enjoy killing people and, most importantly, she doesn't give up the skins. The whole idea of LI companions is that you can eventually boink their brains out in every room on the ship.


Darkside Jaesa is awesome, IMO she's the best companion in the game [no accounting for taste of course], and she's funny as hell in a morbid, bloodthirsty, twisted kinda way, which as a Sith Warrior you should cherish in a companion. What possible value could a LS Jasea be to a Dark Lord Of The Sith??


As far as which side Jaesa will be when she returns - I don't recall where they said it, but they did say something to the effect like if you use a token to create a Sith Warrior it assumes you are a darksider and thus Jaesa is, by default a darksider as well. So those people, if they want to play a former Sith who fell to the Lightside are pretty much screwed because Jaesa is darkside by default and you can't change that. Just like Theron is Lightside whether your a cold blooded sith tyrant or some Jedi wannabe.


When she returns in the storyline it's not going to matter one way or the other because companions are the same alignment when you get them back as they were before they went away. The storyline is going to be completely unaffected by your companion's temperament as BW doesn't make alternate storyline variations depending on temperament. You might get a scowl instead of a smile, but the storyline [in substance] is gonna end up the same pretty much no matter what you do. They don't even let you decide which companion you can use when doing Eternal Empire storylines, you use whichever companion they wrote into the storyline for that chapter.


Those sorts of things only effected storylines in vanilla, and you probably won't even be allowed to use her in a chapter as a companion other than the one she returns in to the storyline.


Besides, Jaesa is the hottest peice of ...'ahem' in the galaxy, why would you not want to hit that? Lightside Jaesa is just a waste of a great rack.


Sums up how I feel as well.


Yes, it's a good summary of things, and he brought up a good point that I think most everyone (myself included) overlooked about the character tokens or the fact that if chose to advance the SW story without completing it the game assume you made mostly DS choices much like the JK with LS choices. Which in turn means that all those player's stories would be DS Jaesa.


He's also right about how bad/unsatisfying it will be too because that has been the entirety of KOTFE forward and we know it's not going to ramp up in quality.


The whole Commander storyline has dragged on for far too long at this point. They need to finish it off and make a clean break from it with the next storyline. It sucks that they devoted so many resources to it because what they're ultimately left with is a large chunk of the game's content (story, etc) that people don't want to play through.

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Which very much sums up why I came to the opinion that Bioware made an "Empire Game". Only for empire side players. They got the most interesting stuff and the best creativity within the whole game.

I assume that the Repubvlic side was never meant to become interesting - because they thought that "Jedi" would carry this side all by themselves. No creativity needed.


Yeah, and of course Empire side only. The Republic side NEVER got such a thing. ALL creativity was funneled into the Empire side.


"Have you seen what the Sith are wearing? It's like every fashion designer in the galaxy went over to the dark side." -Kira Carsen


One of the best lines in the game, however it's also an acknowledgement of how lacking the republic designs are. It's like when games put in a bunch of collectibles and your character says "I really don't hope I have to collect a bunch of these." It means the game is acknowledging that it's a problem but is making a joke about it to laugh it off even though the problem still exists.

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Says the guy who keeps responding to me.

You know, out of all the drivel and insults you've been spouting, this line is the only one that actually makes sense. I should have recognized you for what you are and stopped responding long ago. Talking to you is like stepping into a pile of dirt at this point. It's also not worth it to waste time and energy on a schemer trapped in his own delusions who is simply unable to listen, comprehend, and think logically.

I'm no longer going to reply to your posts. Feel free to believe that you've "won" and gorge on your "glorious victory" if that makes you happy.

Leaving you, your delusions and your ego alone now. Take care.


P.S. You're on my ignore list now by the way, so it would probably not make much sense responding to me anymore either.

Edited by Trollokdamus
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You know, out of all the drivel and insults you've been spouting, this line is the only one that actually makes sense. I should have recognized you for what you are and stopped responding long ago.


No, you should have never bothered to respond in the first place. You knew what I stated was true. It was moronic to try and refute it and then when you asked for proof I provided it but then you didn't want to acknowledge it, or admit that you were wrong, and just started flat out lying.


Talking to you is like stepping into a pile of dirt at this point. It's also not worth it to waste time and energy on a schemer trapped in his own delusions who is simply unable to listen, comprehend, and think logically.


Says the guy that responded for no reason, kept responding, and lied at various points in the conversation.


I'm no longer going to reply to your posts. Feel free to believe that you've "won" and gorge on your "glorious victory" if that makes you happy.


P.S. You're on my ignore list now by the way, so it would probably not make much sense responding to me anymore either.


In other words it got to the point where you couldn't keep defending the BS you were stating, and you feel that by ignoring me it's some how a victory for you or that you don't have acknowledge your faults, lies, and decided to take an easy way out instead of owning up to your mistakes.

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Yes, it's a good summary of things, and he brought up a good point that I think most everyone (myself included) overlooked about the character tokens or the fact that if chose to advance the SW story without completing it the game assume you made mostly DS choices much like the JK with LS choices. Which in turn means that all those player's stories would be DS Jaesa.


He's also right about how bad/unsatisfying it will be too because that has been the entirety of KOTFE forward and we know it's not going to ramp up in quality.


The whole Commander storyline has dragged on for far too long at this point. They need to finish it off and make a clean break from it with the next storyline. It sucks that they devoted so many resources to it because what they're ultimately left with is a large chunk of the game's content (story, etc) that people don't want to play through.


Not all the comments are actually directed at you so please don't mistake the intent. All in all I think we're of a mind actually.


I think at this point there seems to be more people than not who have had more than their fill of the Eternal Empire crap. That's not to say that it was all bad, there were some very interesting things they did with it, it's just not "Star Wars" this way, in feel.


Some may ask, why. Why does it have to be Empire Vs. Republic, Sith vs Jedi, Good vs. Evil? It doesn't have to be, it's that most people want it to be like that. Even if the Jedi who are more philosophical than the Sith would be willing to work as needed with Sith for the "betterment of the Galaxy" [which I can see a Jedi maybe thinking] The Sith is not interested in that. He wants to rule. He wants to be feared. He wants to conquor, he wants to subjugate, and he want's it to be his way. If other's have to suffer for that, so be it, the Darksider doesn't care about those other considerations. He should rule.


Same thing with LS/DS Jaesa. Why are they gonna make Jaesa DS by default? Because Sith are darksiders inherently. So it makes perfect sence that Jaesa should be darkside by default. Sith/Jedi, they are not races[in the context most often intended], they are not governments, they are not political distinctions, they are philosphies and views of the universe. That's why their is a Jedi Code and a Sith Code. They are ways of life. If a Sithlord goes to the lightside, he is no longer Sith. He was Sith, but he isn't anymore. Just like Anakin Skywalker was a Jedi Knight, but fell to the Darkside and than was a Sithlord. No one referred to Darth Vader as a Jedi Knight.


I don't think it's that the game is "geared" to the Empire, I really don't. I think more people choose to play the Empire because they recognize the very real differences between Sith and Jedi and they acknowledge them for what they are. Jedi are prissy psudo-preist like figures who are suppose to be chaste and they're not suppose to like killing people. They are not suppose to use the force to hurt people. Who the hell wants to play that?


People should have the right to choose whether she is Light or Dark when she comes back because they already made that decision, so they shouldn't have it forced on them now, but, that should obviously have a great effect on who and what she is, and what options you have with her, and that's why they wont give you that choice because in that case you literely do need there to be two distinct and noticable ways she effects things. She will be Darkside, at least when she first returns. If they ever do any changes to the game in 6.0 lets say for companions, than you might get some say again.


There's a reason why people choose the play Empire over Republic and it's generally because they want to be able to kill people whenever they feel like it, they don't want to have to be a goody goody, and they want to be able to light people's asses up with Force Lightning or crush their windpipes when they didn't lower their gaze at your approach enough for your liking. Same goes for Jaesa. I want her on her knees.She's not my equal, she's my servant. I don't want her opinion, I don't want her making her own decisions for herself, and I sure as hell don't want her giving the slightest crap about anyone but me. I want her to worship and obey me like a dog and I want to be able to slap her around a bit when I feel she's said more words than I really cared to hear from her. I have better uses for her mouth than speaking words I didn't ask for.


That's why people play the Empire, that's why people wanna play the Darkside, because it's funner to be feared than loved. And most of us think Jaesa looks a lot better on her knees than standing next to you.That and the fact that the Darkside really is more powerful than the Lightside. - - - Yoda Lied =]


You want to play Lightside? Than you're on the wrong side of the fence. Sith are Darksiders. If you're not Darkside than you're not Sith anymore and should be executed on the spot.

Edited by WayOfTheWarriorx
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Sith/Jedi, they are not races[in the context most often intended], they are not governments, they are not political distinctions, they are philosphies and views of the universe. That's why their is a Jedi Code and a Sith Code. They are ways of life. If a Sithlord goes to the lightside, he is no longer Sith. He was Sith, but he isn't anymore.

I see what you're saying, but it's a bit more complex than that. At least in TOR era, the Jedi Order and the Sith Order are distinctive organizations. If you're a member of either of them, you have certain extended rights and responsibilities. In this sense, being Jedi or Sith means not just following a certain philosophy, but also officially being a member of an organization. You can't become a Jedi if you haven't been a padawan of the Jedi Order promoted by the Jedi Council, or a Sith if you haven't been an acolyte/apprentice of the Sith Order promoted by an actual Sith.

What I'm trying to say is you can secretly or unconsciously follow the Light Side and simultaneously still be a Sith with all the rights and responsibilities this position entails. That one Sith Lord from the Jedi Knight story comes to mind. He was more of a misguided honorable warrior than an embodiment of the Sith Code.

Same goes for the Jedi. There was a Jedi in the Warrior storyline who was filled with rage and would rather murder a Sith than accept their surrender.

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You know.. if she comes back and I don't get the option to kill her I'll be disappointed. I mean I had to chose between two of my favorite companions (Vette and Torian) which honestly still ticks me off. And others that I absolutely cannot stand are forced onto me.. Makes a guy want to lose his lunch.
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I see what you're saying, but it's a bit more complex than that. At least in TOR era, the Jedi Order and the Sith Order are distinctive organizations. If you're a member of either of them, you have certain extended rights and responsibilities. In this sense, being Jedi or Sith means not just following a certain philosophy, but also officially being a member of an organization. You can't become a Jedi if you haven't been a padawan of the Jedi Order promoted by the Jedi Council, or a Sith if you haven't been an acolyte/apprentice of the Sith Order promoted by an actual Sith.

What I'm trying to say is you can secretly or unconsciously follow the Light Side and simultaneously still be a Sith with all the rights and responsibilities this position entails. That one Sith Lord from the Jedi Knight story comes to mind. He was more of a misguided honorable warrior than an embodiment of the Sith Code.

Same goes for the Jedi. There was a Jedi in the Warrior storyline who was filled with rage and would rather murder a Sith than accept their surrender.


I guess in a way its silly to limit the manner in which people play and various perceptions among players, at the end of the day it's just a game and it's about having fun. In that sense my opinion perhaps is more academic than practical in a game. I'm a big canon supporter but not everything in canon can really apply to the game even if for no other reason than TOR takes place 1000's of years before the canon time period we see in the movies. A little wiggle room in that regard doesn't seem a far stretch for interpretation.


A.K.A. Play your game your way if it works for you.

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I don't think it's that the game is "geared" to the Empire, I really don't. I think more people choose to play the Empire because they recognize the very real differences between Sith and Jedi and they acknowledge them for what they are. Jedi are prissy psudo-preist like figures who are suppose to be chaste and they're not suppose to like killing people. They are not suppose to use the force to hurt people. Who the hell wants to play that?


I disagree with you here. I think they really pushed empire whether intentionally or not through their design. Agent has 3 possible outcomes. Both Khem and Jaesa have different outcomes to their characters (Jaesa even had an achievement for being LS and DS). None of this is the case with the republic. All stories end the same. All companions end up the same. Even Kira makes a joke "Doesn't it seem like all the good designers work for the empire" when comparing the gear choices early in the game.


Intentional or not, they made it cooler to play the Empire.

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You know.. if she comes back and I don't get the option to kill her I'll be disappointed. I mean I had to chose between two of my favorite companions (Vette and Torian) which honestly still ticks me off. And others that I absolutely cannot stand are forced onto me.. Makes a guy want to lose his lunch.


If DS Jaesa is the only Jaesa we can get back, they had better make her return completely optional and not part of the story. No way do I want to be stuck with her or suffer seeing my LS Jaesa ruined. Plenty of people detest DS Jaesa!

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If DS Jaesa is the only Jaesa we can get back, they had better make her return completely optional and not part of the story.


Given the popularity of the character and the fact that it's DS Jaesa they're bringing back I can't see her not being a major part of the story update she's included in.


If she were coming back as something simple as an alert it would be way easier to bring back both versions of Jaesa. The fact that it's DS specifically leans more in the direction that she's part of whatever story update she's being included in.


No way do I want to be stuck with her or suffer seeing my LS Jaesa ruined. Plenty of people detest DS Jaesa!


I'm guessing you'll most likely be able to get LS Jaesa back however it will no doubt be the last dialogue option in the story and won't be anything more than...


"Jaesa turn back the light side." - Sith Warrior


"Okay." - Jaesa


"You've successfully recruited Light Side Jaesa."


At which point you'll have LS Jaesa back exactly as she was prior to KOTFE, but there won't be any significant story to getting LS Jaesa back. It will be the bare minimum.

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The latter parts of the tragically bad Zakuul Expansions we've had to date definitely left players with strong reasons to ally their character (regardless of whether they were Imperial or Republic) with the Sith Empire.


Empress Acina takes the time to reach out diplomatically, and throw a lot of support your way. When you show up on Iokath, and have to choose between siding with the Empire or the Republic... if you're a Republic Toon, the realistic reason you would have to go with the Republic is simply that it's what you grew up with; what you're comfortable with now.


The honest truth is, there's a LOT of subtle, or even blatant, Imperial bias in game. If you don't believe that you probably also lie to your friends about not thinking Darth Vader is cool.

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Given the popularity of the character and the fact that it's DS Jaesa they're bringing back I can't see her not being a major part of the story update she's included in.


If she were coming back as something simple as an alert it would be way easier to bring back both versions of Jaesa. The fact that it's DS specifically leans more in the direction that she's part of whatever story update she's being included in.




I'm guessing you'll most likely be able to get LS Jaesa back however it will no doubt be the last dialogue option in the story and won't be anything more than...


"Jaesa turn back the light side." - Sith Warrior


"Okay." - Jaesa


"You've successfully recruited Light Side Jaesa."


At which point you'll have LS Jaesa back exactly as she was prior to KOTFE, but there won't be any significant story to getting LS Jaesa back. It will be the bare minimum.


I'm afraid you are probably right. It will be a huge middle finger to everyone who chose light side Jaesa and is shows Bioware totally gave up on quality story telling. Sad days indeed. They really don't care about the story or story players anymore.

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I'm afraid you are probably right. It will be a huge middle finger to everyone who chose light side Jaesa and is shows Bioware totally gave up on quality story telling. Sad days indeed. They really don't care about the story or story players anymore.


I can see them doing something like "after you disappeared, Jaessa went back to the Jedi to get help to find you. They turned her away. Seeing the Jedi wouldn't help, and the Sith didn't care... she let her anger get the best of her and fell to the dark side." You'll make choices during the mission that will ultimately end with redeeming her or making her journey into darkness complete.

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I can see them doing something like "after you disappeared, Jaessa went back to the Jedi to get help to find you. They turned her away. Seeing the Jedi wouldn't help, and the Sith didn't care... she let her anger get the best of her and fell to the dark side." You'll make choices during the mission that will ultimately end with redeeming her or making her journey into darkness complete.


Ugh stupid, since we've already done this arc with Jaesa and which side she leans to, be silly completely especially considering her LS conversations for her to fall to the dark side. Because she's passed every test and is incorruptible / able to resist it thanks to a warrior's LS training with her.

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Ugh stupid, since we've already done this arc with Jaesa and which side she leans to, be silly completely especially considering her LS conversations for her to fall to the dark side. Because she's passed every test and is incorruptible / able to resist it thanks to a warrior's LS training with her.


I never said it'd be good.... lol I just said I can see it happening :D It'd be the "easy out" for them.

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  • 4 months later...

I just got a very odd e-mail on my jedi-consular

(who married Theron)

from Jaesa Willsaam:



I heard about your new plaything. It would be a shame if any trouble were to befall him, wouldn`t it?

It would be so easy for an accident to happen in a place like this. A slip of the hand.....


Keep him away from me.



Now I doubt Bioware is using my family tree where my consular`s sister is a Sith Warrior or her former husband who was also a Sith warrior. I think this is some clue about her for future story to come.

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I just got a very odd e-mail on my jedi-consular

(who married Theron)

from Jaesa Willsaam:






Now I doubt Bioware is using my family tree where my consular`s sister is a Sith Warrior or her former husband who was also a Sith warrior. I think this is some clue about her for future story to come.

It's a bug, I got it on my JK as well.

But it's funny to think that she'd threaten to kill the lover of someone she does not even know :D



And if Jaesa is part of the main story as DS Jaesa, i want a kill option on her, I can't see any of my 8 main toons willing to be paired with that psycho.

If she can be redeemed and it does not look and sound completely stupid, then I may try that on my most LS JK (well unless she does try to kill Theron that is, if she does, she's dead anyway) and JC, but all the other 6 would just kill her because she's far too dangerous to roam the galaxy freely.

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It's a bug, I got it on my JK as well.

But it's funny to think that she'd threaten to kill the lover of someone she does not even know :D


I'm glad to hear that, my smuggler was baffled trying to figure out why Jaesa was threatening her LI companion :D

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