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Jaesa Willsaam not being back is a crime.


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You mean to tell me that, a person who you invest time and resources in turning to whatever side you want them on. Your apprentice and the rule of two should still be part of the lore in this time. The first thing a sith lord would do once you can, is to send top people to track down her, and put her in check. She is a powerful tool, and the fact that she is still not part of the story line puts shame to the sith code, and breaks immersion on who the sith are.


KOTFE is/was basically the start of a new class story, that of the The Outlander. You're no longer Jedi, Sith, a Smuggler, or any of those things. You're this Outlander/Commander character that is at war with an army headed up by a crazy force family.


Trying to apply rational to it at this point is beyond pointless.


I understand, I am just shocked it has not happen sooner.


Why? She was a character that had multiple outcomes, which means she would require more work to have her return versus the other companions, her voice actor (Rachel Leigh Cook) probably demands a higher salary than many of the other actors, she seems to keep busier (TV & movies) than most of the other companion actors so scheduling would be more of an issue, so why exactly are you shocked? Given all that, it's not exactly surprising why she hasn't returned yet.


Bioware confirming that they're bringing back Dark Jaesa solves one of those issues by decreasing the work load required to bring her back, but it doesn't fix/solve everything and creates a new problem in that it's just going upset who favored/picked Light Jaesa.


I take a year break, and come back to see her not around is just crazy to me.


Why should the game revolve around your schedule? You're not the only person that plays, not to mention some people have been playing without taking a break. Why are your issues more important?


As a consumer, it is myduty to let a company know when I am not happy. I take a year break, for a reason..and the bad combat, and chars that i invested in not part of the story is one of them.


You've got quite the ego on you.


Sad thing is..I have not caught up with the story yet as I have much more to do. But I see on the main page.


"A traitor among the chiss."


I was just thinking you know what would come in handy? A person who had an ability to discern any being’s true nature and uncover a person’s most secret intentions. You know how helpful that would be in building a army?! A person like that would be so handy that top resources would go into tracking them down.


The Traitor Among The Chiss doesn't involve you trying to uncover the identity of a traitor, so Jaesa isn't much use there, not to mention they just wouldn't do a story like that if a character like Jaesa could undo it so easily like that.


Also your character as the Outlander/Commander has acquired such a force of people that nothing is really an issue or problem for them at this point and none of the companions really stand out nor can they when you now have the potential to have like 50 different companions.

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For some bizarre reason, it looks like we don't get our Morose Monster back at all. The Dashade we bound way back on Korriban "has to be" replaced with Ac'ghal Usar ... because Dashade are so common it makes sense that a Sith might bind two in their life. :rak_02:


The reason why that happened was due to Khem potentially still being possessed. It was dumb, but it was an easy solution.

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My JC is my pub side main and she's pretty lonely. I'm betting we'll get another IA or BH companion back before anyone else though, just a feeling. :p

Nah, my feeling is that we'll get jedi knight, smuggler, and inquisitor companions back next. Consular will continue to be neglected for a while - even though I wish this wouldn't be the case. It just seems from dev comments that the ones I mentioned are more likely to show up sooner. And fans of these classes have certainly been waiting for a long time for a good portion of their crew, so this is fine... But I really want Bioware to make the waits worth it. As long as the returns are good enough that they justify the long wait, I think the wait is fair.


I just worry that they'll rush returns. I don't think any of the post-KotET returns so far have been as good as the KotFE chapter returns. And that's really unfair. Those who waited longer should actually get something better in return.

Edited by Estelindis
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The reason why that happened was due to Khem potentially still being possessed. It was dumb, but it was an easy solution.


Khem is dead.

Read the lore entries and listen to his dialogue, he clearly states he cannot go to Hoth for his class quest unless the SIth goes with him because the bond they have formed will not allow the separation.

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Khem is dead.

Read the lore entries and listen to his dialogue, he clearly states he cannot go to Hoth for his class quest unless the SIth goes with him because the bond they have formed will not allow the separation.


Fairly certain the players follow plot points like that more closely than BW does. Khem will prob still turn up in some shady-handed way.

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It's kinda weird how the Zakuul Expansions have been flagged by so many as "KOTOR III" and that the Zakuul story is really aimed directly at the Jedi Knight (and perhaps, somewhat related the Consular, because ALSO Jedi) and yet the returned companions are so heavily skewed away from the Knight (and Consular).


No Doc, no Kira, no Scourge.

Also, no Iresso, no Nadia, no Tharan.


Way to go, SWTOR. That's some fine story telling.

Edited by LordFell
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It's kinda weird how the Zakuul Expansions have been flagged by so many as "KOTOR III" and that the Zakuul story is really aimed directly at the Jedi Knight (and perhaps, somewhat related the Consular, because ALSO Jedi) and yet the returned companions are so heavily skewed away from the Knight (and Consular).


No Doc, no Kira, no Scourge.

Also, no Iresso, no Nagia, no Tharan.


Way to go, SWTOR. That's some fine story telling.


Agree with this, I always saw KOTET/KOTFE being aimed more specifically for a JK (male), as depicted in all the trailers, so it surprised me that they didn't bring LI Kira back.


At least we got some info about Kira and Scourge from Hexid, nothing about Doc at all, I think some JK ladies are waiting to hear at least something about him.


Also no Zenith yet for JC's either, so they're missing 4 companions at this stage.

Edited by BlueShiftRecall
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Agree with this, I always saw KOTET/KOTFE being aimed more specifically for a JK (male), as depicted in all the trailers, so it surprised me that they didn't bring LI Kira back.


At least we got some info about Kira and Scourge from Hexid, nothing about Doc at all, I think some JK ladies are waiting to hear at least something about him.


Also no Zenith yet for JC's either, so they're missing 4 companions at this stage.


That Zenith hasn't returned yet is a bit puzzling because it seemed it was planned at some stage. There was a bug where if you brought up the preview window with Zenith he was not in his default appearance, or the gear you were trying to preview, but in a unique appearance that was obviously designed for KoTET. I'm guessing since KoTET was shortened from what was originally planned by the devs he must have been part of what ended on the cutting room floor.


It is a bit odd as well how some player characters were favored over others when it came to returning companions. Troopers recruited ALL of their original companions with the exception of Tanno Vik, whose VA unfortunately had passed away before KotFE, and even he got a cameo. Bounty Hunters and Agents also had all except one of their companions return. Meanwhile you have the Consular as you mentioned who has only has had one companion return and he Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor who have only had two return.


The Consular, Jedi Knight, and Inquisitor really should be prioritized at this point when it comes to returning companions. Agents, Bounty Hunters, and the Sith Warrior have all been fairly lucky and can wait a little longer for their favorite characters if bringing them back means delaying the return of Consular, Jedi Knight, or Inquisitor companions.

Edited by Aeneas_Falco
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I used to say this rather tongue in cheek but now I'm almost serious ... Have all the remaining missing companions step off a GSI inter-stellar transport ship all at the same time and say, "Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"


It'd be better than some of the returns anyway. And they'd all be back. ;)

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I used to say this rather tongue in cheek but now I'm almost serious ... Have all the remaining missing companions step off a GSI inter-stellar transport ship all at the same time and say, "Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"


It'd be better than some of the returns anyway. And they'd all be back. ;)


What I thought they should have done is had a selection of companions in the new flashpoint. Maybe four of them each saying why you should take them on the mission. "Take me I can slice the security systems." "Take me I know a shortcut through the maze." "Take me or I will crush you." The one you choose you get to keep and the rest you can never have. Choices matter .

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That Zenith hasn't returned yet is a bit puzzling because it seemed it was planned at some stage. There was a bug where if you brought up the preview window with Zenith he was not in his default appearance, or the gear you were trying to preview, but in a unique appearance that was obviously designed for KoTET. I'm guessing since KoTET was shortened from what was originally planned by the devs he must have been part of what ended on the cutting room floor.


It is a bit odd as well how some player characters were favored over others when it came to returning companions. Troopers recruited ALL of their original companions with the exception of Tanno Vik, whose VA unfortunately had passed away before KotFE, and even he got a cameo. Bounty Hunters and Agents also had all except one of their companions return. Meanwhile you have the Consular as you mentioned who has only has had one companion return and he Jedi Knight and Sith Inquisitor who have only had two return.


The Consular, Jedi Knight, and Inquisitor really should be prioritized at this point when it comes to returning companions. Agents, Bounty Hunters, and the Sith Warrior have all been fairly lucky and can wait a little longer for their favorite characters if bringing them back means delaying the return of Consular, Jedi Knight, or Inquisitor companions.


I get the feeling that the only reason Zenith hasn't returned is due to how similar of a character he is to Theron combined with the fact that they both have the same voice to top it all off.


I feel like that whenever Theron's story concludes they'll bring Zenith back.

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Three companions for the entire year and not one of them from the top five most wanted of Mako, Jaesa, Lord Scourge, Tharan or Corso. I love the game but really this is pathetic.


Scourge will most likely be in the next story update given that his actor has already recorded the VO and referenced the new direction the character is going in via his Twitter.


Jaesa not being back isn't really surprise. She was a character with multiple outcomes, which means more work, her voice actor (Rachel Leigh Cook) probably demands a higher salary than many of the other actors, and seems to keep fairly busy in terms of other acting projects which no doubt makes scheduling an issue. So, given all those things I'm not surprised she hasn't returned yet.


Really popularity is completely irrelevant to the order the companions have returned. Yes, it makes the most sense to return the most popular characters first but if they can't get the actors back there's not much they can do beyond recasting them.

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Jaesa I can get why she is troublesome to bring back... which version do you bring back? Sure some might say the DS version and I can get that might be the 'default', but what of the odd LS SW... I spent a lot of work grooming my apprentice and would be annoyed to find out she slipped to the DS while I was gone.


Scourge I think they waited too long to bring back... Somewhere around the time the Alliance became a power would have been natural.


Akaavi.. why she didn't come back during the Mando chapter is perplexing to me.


I still wonder why Risha and Andronikous haven't made it back...


For most of the rest, I cannot shake the feeling that many were planned for ET, but that the content got cut due to time/ money.


All I want for Lifeday is Mako, Risha, and the force users...

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What I thought they should have done is had a selection of companions in the new flashpoint. Maybe four of them each saying why you should take them on the mission. "Take me I can slice the security systems." "Take me I know a shortcut through the maze." "Take me or I will crush you." The one you choose you get to keep and the rest you can never have. Choices matter .


Excellent idea !


I get the feeling that the only reason Zenith hasn't returned is due to how similar of a character he is to Theron combined with the fact that they both have the same voice to top it all off.


Not in German-language SWTOR. Theron was definitively a new, fresh voice at least for Republic side players.


Akaavi.. why she didn't come back during the Mando chapter is perplexing to me.


I wondered about that as well.

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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Jaesa I can get why she is troublesome to bring back... which version do you bring back? Sure some might say the DS version and I can get that might be the 'default', but what of the odd LS SW... I spent a lot of work grooming my apprentice and would be annoyed to find out she slipped to the DS while I was gone.

I don't see any difficulty in them bringing both versions back.

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What I thought they should have done is had a selection of companions in the new flashpoint. Maybe four of them each saying why you should take them on the mission. "Take me I can slice the security systems." "Take me I know a shortcut through the maze." "Take me or I will crush you." The one you choose you get to keep and the rest you can never have. Choices matter .


That really doesn't seem to make their return all that grand. Not that Quinn or Elara's seemed all that grand.

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I used to say this rather tongue in cheek but now I'm almost serious ... Have all the remaining missing companions step off a GSI inter-stellar transport ship all at the same time and say, "Sorry I'm late. Did I miss anything?"


It'd be better than some of the returns anyway. And they'd all be back. ;)


Heh. I wrote this back in July, after I played through Iokath:


If this is how future returns are going to go, we may as well find the rest of them on the Nar Shaddaa Promenade having the galaxy's most awkward party and recruit them all in one go; at least then they'll be back.


and also...


When it became apparent there weren't going to be companion returns in KotET, I half-jokingly suggested in Twitch chat that the next expansion be Knights of the Returning Companions and bring them all back. At this point, it feels less like a joke and more like what I'm holding out hope for.

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Heh. I wrote this back in July, after I played through Iokath:


If this is how future returns are going to go, we may as well find the rest of them on the Nar Shaddaa Promenade having the galaxy's most awkward party and recruit them all in one go; at least then they'll be back.


and also...


When it became apparent there weren't going to be companion returns in KotET, I half-jokingly suggested in Twitch chat that the next expansion be Knights of the Returning Companions and bring them all back. At this point, it feels less like a joke and more like what I'm holding out hope for.


I need a "Like" button for this post.


Just bring them back now. Have some janitor in a Zakuul storage facility stop you in passing and say "Hey, what do you want me to do with these carbonite frozen people of yours in storage?" "Oh, I thought you knew." The end. :p

Edited by Keta
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