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Jaesa Willsaam not being back is a crime.


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but would be interesting IF ds Jaesa DID come for Theron --- ds folks would have to choose ---

us light side Republic folks would just kill her or put her away in prison forever .... my bh and agent would have no qualms killing her though ......

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I'll just say this here & now.


As a LS Sith Warrior - my main, Vette was the most important one to return first. Wife needs to be there, apprentice second. Quinn, I can do without - I actually killed that useless char.


Now, on to Jaesa - since they have said they are bringing back DS Jaesa - stupid idea.


I hope they do one of the three options at the end, or start.


You can accept her if you were (IMO) dumb enough to DS her.


You can straight up kill her,


or you can find a way to remove the DS and bring her back to the light, and if that fails, kill her.


Either way - I don't want a DS char, and I'll straight up kill her if I can't bring her to the light. I hated the voice, hated the look, and I don't want someone like that as a character companion, its light Jaesa or I kill Jaesa. There is no other option.


Bioware used to be good on story telling, its like they are slipping now and turning into Blizzard. Which is a repeat of the disaster of Warcrafts storyline T_T

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Bioware used to be good on story telling, its like they are slipping now and turning into Blizzard. Which is a repeat of the disaster of Warcrafts storyline T_T


Wow, tell us how you really feel! :D


However, you are most correct in your conclusions about BW's storytelling abilities morphing into...well you stated it succinctly enough already.

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  • 4 months later...

Nadia and Doc will also return in Alliance Alerts at the same time DS Jaesa does. Kira and Scourge are supposedly returning after that in some sort of story update in the relatively near future.


And LS Jaesa is something they are working on.


Everyone else who has not returned doesn't have a clear release schedule.

Edited by OldVengeance
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All I know is is looking at how atrocious returns like Ashara's was handled I will continue watching the forums for spoilers before I answer any Alliance Recruit notifications. I refuse to be stuck with a similar decision like "accept me as equal or watch helplessly as I smugly walk away". Edited by Sinhammer
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The only positive I see is that they didn't insist on foisting DS Jaesa on those of us who had LS Jaesa.


With only one or two exceptions, the two-minute returns we've had this year have been so poorly done that at this point i don't care. I will still do them for the sake of having something to do, but I expect nothing. My Sith Warriors have Jaesa back from the Odessen terminal and have my own head canon on why she's back.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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All I know is is looking at how atrocious returns like Ashara's was handled I will continue watching the forums for spoilers before I answer any Alliance Recruit notifications. I refuse to be stuck with a similar decision like "accept me as equal or watch helplessly as I smugly walk away".


Jaesa's an interesting example. I think you're right that Jaesa behaving like Ashara did would be both lame and out of character. I'd like to think the writers are smart enough to know better. We'll have to wait and see.


The difference is that Ashara seems to be still thinking like a Jedi apprentice, which she always did in the class stories, so that's actually consistent on her part. Jedi Masters hope to train their pupils to one day become their equals, but Sith do not. Even Sith Lords still are expected to serve their Masters. Xalek's reunion with the Inquisitor is very much in this mold.


And Jaesa seems to be someone who always enjoyed serving the Sith Warrior. Even if she marries the Wrath and wants to be seen as more of a wife than an underling, she prefers him to take charge.

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An earlier poster suggested that DS Jaesa might come back DS-lite, as an amalgamation of the two splits, because an LS Jaesa wouldn't survive long without the PC without being caught and retrained [at best] or if DS, was too psychotic and had to be 'tempered'. This idea appeals to me, and if that's how they did it, it would be all right. Though, bug aside, if she's sending crazy death threats to the SW if he romanced Theron, it doesn't seem like tempering her did much.


My head canon theory is that the comps we don't have back aren't back because they're either dead or don't want to come back.


Generally the returns have been prioritized with the least interesting, NFU comps. They're the comps who would have slipped under the radar between losing the PC and five years [7 years now] later. The high powered ones like Scourge, Khem, Nadia, etc are dead. They were too visible in the galactic eye and didn't last long without the PC protecting them. Someone early in the thread pointed out that Khem would have died anyway because of the bond they share.


Whereas NFUs like Theran, Zenith, Doc, Akaavi, Mako etc didn't come back because they don't want to come back. They don't want to be reunited with the Commander and consider that part of their lives to be over. This applies to Tharan, Akaavi and Doc in particular. Zenith actually is probably dead too, considering he had planned to return to Balmorra to join the government, and we discover Tai as a refugee later on in KOTFE. Or maybe he's back on Balmorra still shooting grunts and realized that his dream was never to save the galaxy, just his home. Mako's a young kid who, if romanced, probably just moved on with her life afterwards. Maybe she realized her dream to be a mandalorian and now has eight kids with some shabuuir.


I personally like the idea that how you may feel about the most interesting or romanceable comps, may not be how they feel about you once they've had 5-7 years to mull it over. It's certainly less enjoyable - it confounds player expectations and bias - but it's a workman solution to the problem.

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You mean to tell me that, a person who you invest time and resources in turning to whatever side you want them on. Your apprentice and the rule of two should still be part of the lore in this time. The first thing a sith lord would do once you can, is to send top people to track down her, and put her in check. She is a powerful tool, and the fact that she is still not part of the story line puts shame to the sith code, and breaks immersion on who the sith are.



Apply Kira Carsen Romance code on Jaesa Willsaam for lightside.

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My head canon theory is that the comps we don't have back aren't back because they're either dead or don't want to come back.


IMHO this is fair. It's nice to think that all the class story companions were buddies but for many of them, even if they liked the PC, it was a job. It's reasonable that they'd want to move on to another job and do something else with their lives. Even if there was a romance, after so many years many people would move on there, too.


Given how many people the Eternal Empire was supposed to have killed, it's also reasonable that some of them just didn't make it.


And then there's the flip side which is that the PC might not have even wanted to find some companions. My Jedi Knights hate Doc. Despise him. Would never look for him and don't care what happened to him. If he shows up he will be told to go away again.


My own head canon is that characters who have been pulled from the terminal all came back voluntarily between KOTFE and KOTET. The ones I haven't pulled are ones that my PC doesn't care to find.

Edited by IoNonSoEVero
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And then there's the flip side which is that the PC might not have even wanted to find some companions. My Jedi Knights hate Doc. Despise him. Would never look for him and don't care what happened to him. If he shows up he will be told to go away again.


My own head canon is that characters who have been pulled from the terminal all came back voluntarily between KOTFE and KOTET. The ones I haven't pulled are ones that my PC doesn't care to find.


Wouldn't that be nice. Sadly for me, many of the comps who we did get back were characters I didn't really want. Broonmark, Xalek, Yuun, Skadge and / or Rusk are at the top of the list of those I wished had died ignominously or went far far away. Now, those are alliance alerts, and only Yuun is technically mandatory [to get the alerts you do want].


Kaliyo should have been at the top of the list of comps who don't care about the PC - even when you're romancing her - and don't need to come back. She should have been an alliance alert for the IA. For everyone else, even DS psycho toons, it's a stretch figuring out a rationale for why any commander would want her at all.


She has one useful role to play later in the story: the attack on the spire, and what they should have done is to bring back Zenith and have him face-off with Jorgan. It's believable you'd send him into the spire, and he'd definitely be impossible for Jorgan to work with. I was going to suggest Felix as an alternative - it would beat his actual alert - but I completely blanked out his name and had to google it, and realized in the process that he's too unmemorable to be interesting. Although he's met Jorgan, so that would have some drama.

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Wouldn't that be nice. Sadly for me, many of the comps who we did get back were characters I didn't really want. Broonmark, Xalek, Yuun, Skadge and / or Rusk are at the top of the list of those I wished had died ignominously or went far far away. Now, those are alliance alerts, and only Yuun is technically mandatory [to get the alerts you do want].


Kaliyo should have been at the top of the list of comps who don't care about the PC - even when you're romancing her - and don't need to come back. She should have been an alliance alert for the IA. For everyone else, even DS psycho toons, it's a stretch figuring out a rationale for why any commander would want her at all.


She has one useful role to play later in the story: the attack on the spire, and what they should have done is to bring back Zenith and have him face-off with Jorgan. It's believable you'd send him into the spire, and he'd definitely be impossible for Jorgan to work with. I was going to suggest Felix as an alternative - it would beat his actual alert - but I completely blanked out his name and had to google it, and realized in the process that he's too unmemorable to be interesting. Although he's met Jorgan, so that would have some drama.


I really like some of the AA KOTFE companions and I've done the quests at least twice for the sake of completionism, but there are some I just ignore now.


Bringing SCORPIO and Kaliyo into the Alliance was brainless IMHO. They're so concerned about keeping the base a secret, and yet they bring in two people who would cheerfully sell the PC out to the highest bidder. I think Kailyo would have been best as a more minor character who worked with them as a contractor on Zakuul. If they needed a diversion, they could have given her a call but she would have been at a safe distance, and then they could have used that chapter for someone else.


Zenith would have worked, and I think Pierce could have been another good choice as a foil for Jorgan in the Spire mission, because they're both so strongly patriotic about their side and would have had such different fighting strategies.

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