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Star Wars Film Just Released and....


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I attended the local showing with two local radio personalities and a physics professor from the local college. Also attending were some officers from the local pd simply because the theater manager was afraid that there might be some problems if all tickets sold out (the fact that the theater has 10 screens and could have put the movie on all ten, seemed to have slipped the manager's mind.)


Our goal was to ask the fans some very basic questions concerning the physics of star wars.


By the time that everyone got into the theater, two of the four officers were accusing us of trying to start a riot, because the local star wars geek community seemed to get nearly violent trying to explain how you can 'stop' a concentrated light beam 3 feet from the source and basically make it react like a solid.


Of course, I am the type of person that will point out the technical and historic flaws in movies like Pearl Harbor, Titanic (Rose let her lover drown, that piece of debris could have held them both) and lets not even mention the fact that Mal's pistol when fired in the vacuum of space would have sent poor Mal bouncing off anything and everything behind him.


But hey, the movies require some suspension of belief, and the complete ignoring of the basic laws of physics.


And it is fun to rattle the cages of some of the costumed nut jobs that show up at the local premiers of star wars movies.

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While that's true, it isn't always true. Our raid designer worked on Anthem and ME:A iirc, drew worked on swtor and Anthem. Gaming corporations and EAWare shuffle staff around.

One of their requirements on being a game designer iirc was knowing how to work with the frostbite engine. Swtor doesn't use it.




Its actually very common for game companies to pass on some of the work for a big upcoming title to different offices. They dont have to work in the same office or the same state, the wonderful thing known as the internet and uploading sees to that.

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Okay if that is so how come when I and my friends have gone to the theaters it is filled with adults to see the new movie.


Why as a parent then do I want to see the new movie but wont even let my kid see the first one?


Oh yeah, could have something to do with Kylo sticking a lightsaber in his fathers gut. Wont let my kid watch ep III when Anakin kills a bunch of kiddy jedi either.


So not kids movies.

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I remember watching TFA's at the cinema and seeing trailers for other games, one was a MMO with James Corden and the other was for a Star Wars Game but not this one. It made me wonder why these companies saw the potential of advertising to an audience that liked Star Wars but this game didn't.


However you want to cut it, one of the big draws of this game and for many when asked the first reason they play is Because its Star Wars. So if your looking to attract Star Wars fans, a good place to look would be a Star Wars Movie, or at least try to direct some of the movie hype in the games direction.


However if there is anyone left in the marketing department, it seems there focus is on twitting what direct to sale items are available that week.

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The OP appears to has little or no understanding about promotional tie-ins with movies and how they work/do-not_work. This is a Marketing effort that is completely under the control and direction of the studio producing the movie.. NOT the other way around.


If the studio sees revenue value in doing so, or "pull-through" for move people seeing a movie.. they are usually all over it. However, in the case of Disney and the Star Wars franchise movies.. they sell them selves, with little or no actual promotion or tie-ins being required to enhance Disney's bottom line on the movie.


Now... is there a lot of commercial value with an MMO promotional tie-in for a movie? Over the years, I have seen little evidence of this, though it does make the MMO fans happy in some cases.


Much more likely that games, both MMO and non-MMO that use the SW IP will do some limited pull-through from the movie in coming months.. not the other way around. The pull through value in this case is an after the fact model.. when players have both recognition and craving for some item or feature. What will likely happen is the same as with the last movie that was part of the 9 chapter series ---> over the coming months, as people become broadly aware of notable items or creatures in the movie.. the studio will inject a few similar or identical items into the player economy.. just like they did last time around. So OP has the cart before the horse here.

Edited by Andryah
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Why as a parent then do I want to see the new movie but wont even let my kid see the first one?


Oh yeah, could have something to do with Kylo sticking a lightsaber in his fathers gut. Wont let my kid watch ep III when Anakin kills a bunch of kiddy jedi either.


So not kids movies.




The movies have a PG-13 rating. Sure kids can go see them but the movies are indeed not made for kids.

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While that's true, it isn't always true. Our raid designer worked on Anthem and ME:A iirc, drew worked on swtor and Anthem. Gaming corporations and EAWare shuffle staff around.

One of their requirements on being a game designer iirc was knowing how to work with the frostbite engine. Swtor doesn't use it.


Spot on, i've been around the industry a Long time, and sometimes our Bioware Austin Team, gets Re-shuffled around to other EA projects, like Battlfront 2's storyline and Anthems, etc. So ....... Unfortunately for us We do Not get a full Dev team like we should, and EA workers are a bunch of Cpt.Cheepo shirts that don't know how to run a good Family, and Adult gaming Company like the Eighties and 90's, and even early 2,000's.

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I attended the local showing with two local radio personalities and a physics professor from the local college. Also attending were some officers from the local pd simply because the theater manager was afraid that there might be some problems if all tickets sold out (the fact that the theater has 10 screens and could have put the movie on all ten, seemed to have slipped the manager's mind.)


Our goal was to ask the fans some very basic questions concerning the physics of star wars.


By the time that everyone got into the theater, two of the four officers were accusing us of trying to start a riot, because the local star wars geek community seemed to get nearly violent trying to explain how you can 'stop' a concentrated light beam 3 feet from the source and basically make it react like a solid.


Of course, I am the type of person that will point out the technical and historic flaws in movies like Pearl Harbor, Titanic (Rose let her lover drown, that piece of debris could have held them both) and lets not even mention the fact that Mal's pistol when fired in the vacuum of space would have sent poor Mal bouncing off anything and everything behind him.


But hey, the movies require some suspension of belief, and the complete ignoring of the basic laws of physics.


And it is fun to rattle the cages of some of the costumed nut jobs that show up at the local premiers of star wars movies.


Um... Because blasters aren't lasers, they throw bolts of high energy plasma. Quoting wikipedia:

A blaster was any type of ranged weapon that fired bolts of intense plasma energy, often mistaken as lasers.

That is why they travel at a sub sonic speed and why it can be stopped mid air by the force.

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No one at EA or BW is a STAR WARS fan.


They have done precious little to tie in with the last couple of movies. I was expecting a big SWTOR advert right before TFA - with lots of promos, events and tie-ins. I think we got a regen ( smashing console) and a Vented lightsabre in the end- after a lot of people pleaded for months afterward.


A media company across town in Austin TX makes amusing holiday specials for some of its shows - even shamelessly plugging its merch. - and I expect they sell bucket loads at haloween, thanksgiving, Christmas.....


Bioware are obviously not interested in making money from die-hard fans of the franchise. All that groundwork when the original film was released - and the billions in revenue since - means nothing to them.


- Didn't' Bloomberg reckon the movies and the merchandising was worth 30-Billion+ before taking 40-years of inflation into account? - Who wouldn't want a slice of that pie.....?

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Nothing, no news, no cool event, no special armor or weapon, no announcement of an expansion, no tie-ins... Ya'll must be allergic to money. :eek:


Is this still the topic of the thread? Looks like it's been derailed big time.


Anyway, when TFA came out it wasn't right away that unstable and vented lightsabers were added to the game. People are so damn impatient nowadays. They added the emo kid tantrum regen item. If you're gonna be upset that they didn't put new toys in the game from the movie that just released this last week, then buy that and show the galaxy that you can throw a tantrum with the best of them.

Edited by PorsaLindahl
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What we really need to 2018 is Arcann romance and new playable species the last specie was Togruta and this was in 2013 or 2014 whatever, they could add Niktos, Nautolans or Kaleesh toadd a little more spice in the game because SWG had a great option of species even Mon Calamari. And to end new companions and i mean amazing new companions a Gen'dai Bounty Hunter or a Terentatek handler license
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R2 and especially C3-PO, at least in their initial forms were not necessarily aimed at children as much as they were tropes common to ScyFy at the time.

I read once, that those two were the sci-fi version of the two peasants in Akira Kurosawas "The Hidden Fortress".

Two characters to gude the viewer through the film.

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