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A MSG from Yolo. Launch SWTOR is better than SWTOR 6 years later.


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Solo ranked is fun but I'm tired of how little the developers do for this game. Going on nearly since the inception of ranked arenas and you have wintraders and backfillers queueing on throwaway accounts to decline the pops for their main accounts, all to get top 3 rewards to sell those accounts and nothing has been done to stop it lmao. I honestly wonder what the devs do when they go to work everyday. Must be thrilling to know your online single-player game with online chat rooms and a few co-op minigames (I mean MMO) is a complete wash and has been since 3.0.


Then you had dead servers opened for years when merges were due at least 2 years prior to when they actually happened (November 2017). Servers like Jung Ma, BC, Bastion and Pot5 were still open for (god help them) any NEW players. A new player picks Bastion and it's a complete ghost town. What a great first impression to an MMO. Is SWTOR even classified as an MMO anymore? Seriously. Now you 2 east coast servers which shouldn't even be competing with each other (it's Jedi Covenant vs. Shadowlands all over again) and effectively killed off any remaining APAC population since west coast servers no longer exist.

You also have an intrusive cash shop with an economy that is heavily hinged on it. There are players that admittedly buy hypercrates of these lottery loot boxes then flood the market with the packs or items they do not want from opened crates. Good luck trying to play F2P or preferred when you're bombared with cash shop pop-ups telling you to "subscribe to have full access" to this or that. You need to subscribe to have full access to dye your armor to your chestpiece, or to show titles! What a joke lmao.


Last but certainly not least, you have the hyperinflation that's been plaguing this game since 3.0 due to exploits the devs allowed to run rampant, only to suspend people for a few days (NOT ban) and not even drain the illegal currency from the accounts players exploited on. Then these suspended players went to the game's subreddit to gloat on how they got away with it and came back sitting on hundreds of millions of credits.


Launch SWTOR is better than SWTOR 6 years later. I didn't know games go backwards. It's like I paid for a full-release game then as the years go by it slowly turns into a pre-alpha game. So sad, this game had such great potential. I unsubbed and won't be coming back.


This was a message from Yolo Sorc. He wanted me to post this for him since he unsubbed.

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it is pretty sad though that the game is 6 years old and they are still trying to "balance" the classes.


That statement makes no sense. All mmo's constantly adjust classes through out their existence. Sure, some of them muck them up a bit but never less, its still a never ending process in any mmo.


Name an mmo that has never adjusted or attempted to balance its classes through out its lifespan.

Edited by HiltoftheDragon
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it is pretty sad though that the game is 6 years old and they are still trying to "balance" the classes.


I'll bite since you are obviously trolling and cannot be serious at all. WoW is 13 years old and still balances it's game. Balance is an ever changing thing. You obviously have no know-how on how games work. Perhaps you should just stick to pressing buttons in warzones.

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Let's look at 6 years age SWTOR:


Illum is a FUBAR waiting to happen.


Illum fix number one, 6 weeks in. Illum fix number two 12 weeks in. Then the enter planet just shut down as a war ground.


Let us not foreot the Warlard boxes.


There was no Legacy

You played Republic or Empire not both on the same server.


BioWare decided which server your guild would located on prior to release. If you decided its not the planet you want, ( Guild rivalries, RP server, whatever) your members could end up on the wrong server.


SO you can take those Rose colored glasses off now


And Im sure there are a few things I missed from 6 years ago

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Let's look at 6 years age SWTOR:


Illum is a FUBAR waiting to happen.


Illum fix number one, 6 weeks in. Illum fix number two 12 weeks in. Then the enter planet just shut down as a war ground.


Let us not foreot the Warlard boxes.


There was no Legacy

You played Republic or Empire not both on the same server.


BioWare decided which server your guild would located on prior to release. If you decided its not the planet you want, ( Guild rivalries, RP server, whatever) your members could end up on the wrong server.


SO you can take those Rose colored glasses off now


And Im sure there are a few things I missed from 6 years ago


None of this makes any sense.

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SWTOR at launch was pretty rough.


People loved the class stories but found their way to a dead end-game with horrible gearing mechanics and an unrealized and buggy concept of open-world PVP which continually crashed.


The innovations that players today take for granted and want expanded (Legacies being prime among them) were hard earned developments that took a good long time to make it to live.


And class balance was always an issue: back in the day I could cross-spec as a Madness/Lightning Sorc and be an invincible death machine in PVP.


Balance was not well thought out.

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I remember swtor 6 years ago: desperately saving up every credit I could so I could buy the speeder piloting skill, and then still having to walk though every space port and space station where speeders were prohibited.


Oh god....walking....


The horror....


Turns out the game is undeniably better now than it was at launch afterall Vace. Tell Yolo I said Hi.


BTW I had no problems at launch buying my speeder as soon as I could because I used the awesome crafting system to make more than enough money selling purple Crit+Surge gear for 10k+ a peice. Too bad you can't RE for whatever stat combination you want anymore. But I guess dumbing down the game makes it undeniably better?

Edited by fortyfivedollars
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Swtor at launch was a terrible mess. Almost every bad decision that COULD be made when developing this game WAS made IMO, and to make matters worse the original dev team was pretty arrogant about it.


...to the point where they even openly mocked those that wanted to see improvements.


Of course the very design of the game likely came back to bite them when the game began hemorrhaging players.


The game today has flaws...some serious ones, a few recent ones. But this game is LEAPS AND BOUNDS superior to the game at launch IMO.


It is NOT, however, as good as it should be at this point with the amount of time that has passed. And it still has a long way to go before it really hits its stride and becomes a truly solid game IMO.

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it is pretty sad though that the game is 6 years old and they are still trying to "balance" the classes.


Every multiplayer game that has a PVP element constantly balances and rebalances classes. It happens in MMOs, it happens in FPSs it's a fact of life when they take player feedback. I just wish BW would find a way to balance PVP and PVE completely seperately because one of those two communities always get the shaft when balancing changes are made.

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That statement makes no sense. All mmo's constantly adjust classes through out their existence. Sure, some of them muck them up a bit but never less, its still a never ending process in any mmo.


Name an mmo that has never adjusted or attempted to balance its classes through out its lifespan.


I'll bite since you are obviously trolling and cannot be serious at all. WoW is 13 years old and still balances it's game. Balance is an ever changing thing. You obviously have no know-how on how games work. Perhaps you should just stick to pressing buttons in warzones.


Every mmo does it but I think that difference is that other mmos actually do it. And in swtor you have classes in extreme power difference, for months, and when they do "balance" they do not address the most important issues. The class balance for 5.x should have happened last year, within the first two months of releasing expansion, not stay broken until new expansion hits (if it ever does).

Edited by BoySaber
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it is pretty sad though that the game is 6 years old and they are still trying to "balance" the classes.

What's sad is that players are still believing in actual class balance in MMOs. The so called balances are basically updates for PvP to throw things around a bit so it doesn't get too stale. Even if real class balance was possible they wouldn't do it.


It simply isn't a goal for game makers to achieve class balance but to change things up from time to time to keep it fresh and ultimately keep people playing. Not that SWTOR has been that successful at that.


Class balance is a myth. You can never balance group play with synergies between players, wildly varying skill levels and non damage skills vs damage skills in play.


How does one balance stealth with dps in other words? You can't really.


But since people, like a bunch of sheep as normal, get their kicks from parsing, they chose the path of balancing those numbers out against each other while taking into account whether it's ranged, melee etc. A pretty good idea all things considered.


At the same thing, there will never be actual class balance. It's why they curb some excesses and create new ones at the same time. Unless you give every class exactly the same skills, there just will never be class balance.

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Actually class balance is absolutely possible under two scenarios....


1) All players have the same abilities and weapons. Gameplay in PVP is purely based on skill alone.

2) A game uses a "strong vs weak" or "boon vs bane" system to balance classes. One class is always stronger than one and weaker than another. Each class counters another in some way using this method.


Imbalance is not as noticeable in this scenario because the game is engineered so that there is at least one class that is your nemesis, and one class you will always dominate.


Now, as others have mentioned many times you can go the route that Bioware did and still strike some semblance of balance by having two rule sets...this has two direct benefits


1) Changes to one set does not generally effect the other set. As a result, changes are made far less frequently.

2) Since the goals and output of each playstyle is different, the numbers can be catered to each individually, making the process MUCH easier to implement.


The caveat is that players must learn both rule sets. But lets face facts...even if you do very well in PVE scenarios you will still have trouble walking into PVP....after all, players are better than NPCs period. So you have to learn how to play differently no matter what you do.

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He wanted me to post this for him since he unsubbed.


ROFL thats a good one. I mean how often do you quit a payed service, cause you dont like it, then send them a message through someone else to say they are still crap?? : D :D :D :D


I mean what is the point in all this??

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Actually class balance is absolutely possible under two scenarios....


1) All players have the same abilities and weapons. Gameplay in PVP is purely based on skill alone.

2) A game uses a "strong vs weak" or "boon vs bane" system to balance classes. One class is always stronger than one and weaker than another. Each class counters another in some way using this method.


I agree with option 1 as I mentioned it myself as well. Option 2 I do not agree with. It can improve things but the question still is what is considered strong and weak and how do you compare skills like stealth, cc and movement boosts or reductors with damage and mitigation? With a boon vs bane system you run into that complexity problem just the same I fear. And the more classes you have the more difficult that becomes unless those classes are purely flavour.


So for me only option 1 can achieve pvp balance.

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This thread isn't even about class balance. It's about how this game was superior at launch compared to where it's at now. Say what you want about the "crap" we had to deal with at launch; at least this game was an MMO during that time up until we got the Keeping Up with the Valkorians reality space opera shoved down our throats, and since then have continually alienated the MMO PvP and PvE playerbases for more singleplayer content and gameplay.



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This thread isn't even about class balance. It's about how this game was superior at launch compared to where it's at now. Say what you want about the "crap" we had to deal with at launch; at least this game was an MMO during that time up until we got the Keeping Up with the Valkorians reality space opera shoved down our throats, and since then have continually alienated the MMO PvP and PvE playerbases for more singleplayer content and gameplay.





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This thread isn't even about class balance. It's about how this game was superior at launch compared to where it's at now. Say what you want about the "crap" we had to deal with at launch; at least this game was an MMO during that time up until we got the Keeping Up with the Valkorians reality space opera shoved down our throats, and since then have continually alienated the MMO PvP and PvE playerbases for more singleplayer content and gameplay.




The game had some serious problems at launch including, but not limited to, lack of any end game, a management team that was openly critical of players and its beta testers and hostile to constructive input. As 'bad' as the current BW overlords seem, I'll take them over the release team in a heartbeat. That said, there were actually real people everywhere and stories. 6 years later we still have the same stories and a few postscripts.

Edited by Keta
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