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Powertech AP Is it still viable?


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I love my Powertech (AP), atm I am slowly slowly slowly grinding tier 2 set. Which I plan to upgrade very quickly with all the coms I have from command crates. I have already augmented everything except the ear/implants and relics. But whenever I go to play pvp I get vile whispers and rude remarks directed my way due to my class and not being ******** (God min-max like them). Usually see them write spit emotes and tell me to "go kill u self!!!" "useless" and "delete ur character!!!".


I even had the milder less aggressive team member tell me that PT dps sucks and has bad survivability. That I should respec tank and not troll others with my class.... :confused:


I am not sure if people will even want to consider grouping with me, because according to the PvP community (not sure about pve) I am stain to everyone in the team. :t_frown:




[This is a cut from another thread I posted in about PT except it's buried under 2 pages, thought it would get more attention here]

Edited by DarkEcIipse
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I love my Powertech (AP), atm I am slowly slowly slowly grinding tier 2 set. Which I plan to upgrade very quickly with all the coms I have from command crates. I have already augmented everything except the ear/implants and relics. But whenever I go to play pvp I get vile whispers and rude remarks directed my way due to my class and not being ******** (God min-max like them). Usually see them write spit emotes and tell me to "go kill u self!!!" "useless" and "delete ur character!!!".


I even had the milder less aggressive team member tell me that PT dps sucks and has bad survivability. That I should respec tank and not troll others with my class.... :confused:


I am not sure if people will even want to consider grouping with me, because according to the PvP community (not sure about pve) I am stain to everyone in the team. :t_frown:




[This is a cut from another thread I posted in about PT except it's buried under 2 pages, thought it would get more attention here]



AP has the strongest burst in the game. The can do insanely good damage. The problem with PTs is not their offense it's their defense. They need another DCD along the lines of Saber Ward [damage mitigation, not something with heals] as they are a melee spec. They also could use an anti-focus ability. You can still do well in regs if you have a good healer. In Ranked they get targeted and focused and their defenses aren't always up the the challange of Ranked depending on class's represented. When you are going up against mercs and snipers, it's all over. PT's are perfectly viable in any PVE content.

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In regs they're fine unless you're solo queuing into regstar premades. In 4's, you better have one hell of a tank and a healer, because any sort of swap to you is absolutely punishing now that they took away stun DR.


In group ranked this season, most of my losses on AP have been to hardswap. I mean, you can hopefully get kolto and aoe taunt to survive one swap, and then energy shield and adrenal in anticipation of another swap, but after that you're stuck breaking and counter-carbing and then...yeah. 3rd or 4th swap is where things fall apart. You basically have to counter with hardswap of your own and you have about 2 and a half minutes to pull it off, assuming everyone is competent on both teams.


Against average teams or non-hardswap comps, AP still has decent synergy with a PT tank (for double carbonize) and marksman sniper (for utility, burst, and range). This was actually my guild's a-team in 3.0/4.0. Triple melee, sadly, is a no-go against pressure comps, especially as AP. Double carbonize is still nasty as long as your healer control is on point and you can secure a kill on an unguarded target.

Edited by Hoppinswtor
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PT has even worse issues than Guardian dps. I.e. perfectly good damage but squishy as crap. The "buffs" granted to the two classes were a joke too. Not sure how it affected sin since I don't play that regularly.


My guild started running imp side some and I have 3 juggs, 2 PTs, and a sin (the only class I do any form of damage on is vigi guardian / veng juggie, so the PTs and sin are tanks). Playing my PT tank makes me miss my guardian tanks. I can only imagine that if I feel squishy as a tank (an actual one fyi since this guy has no skank gear... yet anyway) , it can only be worse in the dps department. That said, the harpoon is nice.... Yeah I'm trying to find a plus lol.


Note I do have a VG pub side but little reason to play him over the like 10 guardians I have that I'm better at anyway.

Edited by KendraP
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they were already the weakest class in the beginning of 5.0 and after for AP PT :


- they nerfed prototype missile silos, especially shatter slug damage


- they nerfed stabilized armor, especially 30% damage reduction while stunned.


leap is still bugued..


so No it's not really viable, more than frustrating tbh.

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For regs yes. You can top DPS boards quite abit but you WILL die alot. 8-12 deaths for a PT is pretty common nowadays.


For ranked, unless your some savant at this game, PT (dps spec) is not viable.


Hello, That's the whole dang point they are suppose too! It's a simple concept DPS|Tank|Heals the trinity system pure DPS specs are glass cannons they do insane DPS then die that's their role. Along comes Biofail the epic fail of mmo and implements the Hybrid class which puts out insane DPS but also has huge survival i.e. ....your merc's, Sniper's, jugs etc etc high bursting DPS specs with 3-4 lives depending on which OP class your running. They break trinity always have always will you can't have I win classes because human nature being what it is people will flock to the one that gives them the edge and it doesn't take a mental giant to realize ....Hey wait a minute if i spec into a merc I can do a crap ton of damage if not more and not die like I would on a SIN or a PT. At the very least if you absolutely have to have a hybrid class then you adhere to the rule where they do LESS DPS then pure DPS spec's! It's common fricken sense you have uber defense your DPS gets nerfed because after all your now a hybrid and I don't mean the lazy lame #$$ crap these GFS dev's did to merc either that was a complete joke didn't do a dang thing.

Edited by Kazz_Devlin
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Hello, That's the whole dang point they are suppose too! It's a simple concept DPS|Tank|Heals the trinity system pure DPS specs are glass cannons they do insane DPS then die that's their role. Along comes Biofail the epic fail of mmo and implements the Hybrid class which puts out insane DPS but also has huge survival i.e. ....your merc's, Sniper's, jugs etc etc high bursting DPS specs with 3-4 lives depending on which OP class your running. They break trinity always have always will you can't have I win classes because human nature being what it is people will flock to the one that gives them the edge and it doesn't take a mental giant to realize ....Hey wait a minute if i spec into a merc I can do a crap ton of damage if not more and not die like I would on a SIN or a PT. At the very least if you absolutely have to have a hybrid class then you adhere to the rule where they do LESS DPS then pure DPS spec's! It's common fricken sense you have uber defense your DPS gets nerfed because after all your now a hybrid and I don't mean the lazy lame #$$ crap these GFS dev's did to merc either that was a complete joke didn't do a dang thing.


The problem is arenas. So many classes getting so much self healing was because solo ranked was the only thing that ever consistently popped and 98% of the time it was 4dps vs 4dps. Ever since they added in arenas the balancing act got 10x worse. The patch before arenas were introduced the game was actually really damn balanced. Not perfect, but it was damn good.

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I'm not going to be popular with this, but I'll leave it here anyway:


Powertechs are fine. For the damage and burst potential they have, their defensives are properly tuned. What is not fine, is almost all the other classes that have been made into walking trinities.

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I've been playing my AP PT recently and the burst is insane, still probably the best burst in the game. However, the survivability is crap - they are literally the glass cannon in this game.


It's easy to put up top numbers, have top kills but you will have a few more deaths as well, so be ready for that.

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PT AP - since 30% dmg red remove while stunned, it's not playable in SR. In TR it's fun to play, but if you're up against a better playing cancer setup you'll die within the first 2minutes. Also vs Hardswap teams, you won't survive the 4th or 5th hardswap, doesn't matter how good you play.


PT DOT - It's never been good in PvP I guess, but still fun to play. Even in TR. The DPS numbers are all right, but survivability is even worse than on AP.


PT TANK - Some way they even increased all defense chance from 25% up to 35% with explosive fuel - though it's already fotm class. I guess it's the only playable class in PvP. As some ppl already posted before on this thread, maybe.


ANYWAY - PT has been my fav 2 years ago, it's still my fav and it will always stay my fav class to play.


One good thing would be to actually add one or two dcds for PT DD. Don't add for PT tank. But fkn add some dmg red for DD speccs. So that it's playable again. And the burst isn't the best anymore either, so dcd buff is honestly fair.

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I found myself really struggling with ranked. Without a healer and a tank. When it's 4 vs 4 dps team the dps classes in the opposing team will just hammer into you. Instant death= 0dps = no medals. And your fellow team members will rage at you.


Regs seems like the only place where you stand a chance

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I found myself really struggling with ranked. Without a healer and a tank. When it's 4 vs 4 dps team the dps classes in the opposing team will just hammer into you. Instant death= 0dps = no medals. And your fellow team members will rage at you.


Regs seems like the only place where you stand a chance


the class is focused in ranked because its easy to kill, same for dps sorc and juggs.

you focus them, kill them and once its 4vs3 your team gets a pretty big advantage

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Yes they are bad in ranked, but 99% of the people who try them in ranked has no clue how to make them work. If you expect to be targeted, you don't jump in the middle and get yourself killed in 10 seconds. Instead you run, run, run and let them chase you all over. Save HO until you are whitebarred and go play follow the leader with the opposing team. It should be possible for you team mates to kill one of theirs in the meanwhile.
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AP PT is still "viable" in the sense of the term but not verse meta specs in ranked. It is very weak defensively verse meta classes such as marauder / sniper / merc, making it bottom tier in ranked play. You can still make it work but verse good players playing meta classes in ranked, you will lose 100% of the time.


I struggle to understand why the developers thought it was a good idea to remove 30% stun DR from PT's DPS specs. It gutted the survivablity of a class which was already barely sc****** by in PvP. The replacement utility that they received by all accounts is incredibility worse. FeelsBadMan


Play AP and Pyro in regs but if anyone wants to play PT in ranked, I would advise you to play tank spec. You will largely be more successful and not a hindrance to your team. Unless you enjoy to die over and over again lol.

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Yes they are bad in ranked, but 99% of the people who try them in ranked has no clue how to make them work. If you expect to be targeted, you don't jump in the middle and get yourself killed in 10 seconds. Instead you run, run, run and let them chase you all over. Save HO until you are whitebarred and go play follow the leader with the opposing team. It should be possible for you team mates to kill one of theirs in the meanwhile.


"When The Hunter Becomes The Hunted"-



I tried..... X_X RIP Advanced Prototype.


On a serious note. I'll keep at it. atm the solo ranked is bugged anyways and finding a group that will take me will take time.

Edited by DarkEcIipse
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