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Do You Like The New Eye Design? I Do!


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Setting my anger, desperation and frustration briefly aside regarding the fact that the Twi'lek, Togruta and Rattataki are for some inexplicable and incomprehenisble reason excluded from the new eye colours in the new Appearance Options: Expanded Selections bundle...


I do have to admit that I absolutely love and adore the new eye design for all the characters ingame! In all honesty the new textures are an improvement of galactic proportions, really, I absolutely love it and send praise to the person/people who made and implemented the new designs. The eyes of our toons look much more realistic now, the textures have a lot more depth and the eye colours simply look gorgeous and fantastic!


Whatever you do, do not remove the new eye textures that you have implemented with patch 5.6, the new eye designs are gorgeous and beautiful! The only thing you can do is include the Twi'lek, Togruta and Rattataki into the new eye colours from the new appearance customization options bundle...


Do others also like the new eye designs? I have seen some mixed reactions and I was surprised some people didn't seem to like the new design. The new designs look so much more realistic and in depth, why wouldn't you like that? In all honesty, I disliked the former eye designs they looked like coloured plastic in my opinion and now the textures look much better!

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I don't think realism is what you should be looking for in a game like this. :) Allthough I do love the new design, though I discovered it by complete accident. The eyes now have a more red/orange-ish look rather than bright red, aside from that I feel they're a tad more detailed. Also, I'm not sure but I think lightsaber blades have been improved as well, though this may just be my eyes playing tricks on me.
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I like it, but I wish some were a bit more similar to the old ones. I miss the bright yellow eyes! I think they would have been better as options rather than replacements, but that's me.

Other than that, I don't have much to complain about really. I do have to get used to seeing companions with different looking eyes.

While they do have more detail and are close enough, they still aren't as nice as Arcann, Senya's and Acina's eyes.

Edited by Eshvara
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I don't think realism is what you should be looking for in a game like this. :) Allthough I do love the new design, though I discovered it by complete accident. The eyes now have a more red/orange-ish look rather than bright red, aside from that I feel they're a tad more detailed. Also, I'm not sure but I think lightsaber blades have been improved as well, though this may just be my eyes playing tricks on me.


You know about the lightsaber blades, I did notice as if the design of the Unstable Peacemaker's lightsaber was more textured. It could have indeed been my eyes playing a trick on me as well but now that I see you noticed it too it may be more than just our imagination!


And frankly, I don't need 100% realism but the textures that the eyes have now are exactly what I would want in a game like this. Because you have to admit the previous ones were without depth or detail, just coloured plastic circles in comparison to what we have now.

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I like it, but I wish some were a bit more similar to the old ones. I miss the bright yellow eyes! I think they would have been better as options rather than replacements, but that's me.

Other than that, I don't have much to complain about really. I do have to get used to seeing companions with different looking eyes.

While they do have more detail and are close enough, they still aren't as nice as Arcann, Senya's and Acina's eyes.


The Bright Yellow Eyes is the only thing that went bad in my opinion because it indeed is a weird greenish hue now instead of Yellow. Then again, in the new appearance customization options bundle you do have a new yellow design that is basically what Bright Yellow Eyes was before.


As to the Arcann and Senya eyes, sadly those are made specifically for those characters so our toons won't be able to have a 100% copy of that :( but honestly, what we got currently is perfect in my opinion (except for the fact Twi'lek can't pick the option).

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I don't really care about them either way, but I'm afraid I can't see the depth you're referring to. They look like painted on doll eyes to me, but like I said, I don't feel strongly negative or positive about them. So.. at least that's one thing I don't feel like I have to crusade about :o
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I don't really care about them either way, but I'm afraid I can't see the depth you're referring to. They look like painted on doll eyes to me, but like I said, I don't feel strongly negative or positive about them. So.. at least that's one thing I don't feel like I have to crusade about :o


Everyone their own of course :) but I will admit that I thought the previous eyes looked more like "painted on a doll" eyes to me. At least now the colours are more realistic and the texture in my opinion creates a feeling of depth in them. But naturally someone else can view it differently :)


And eyes are the gates to the soul... lol. Also, we see them like 99% of the time in the cutscenes so they have to look good in my opinion if one would want immersion into the story and a feel for our characters ^_^

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In addition to the new eyes, I would love it if they remastered faces to the quality of the new expansions cutscenes. The difference of detail was evident, especially in Valkorian and Arcann. Chapter 1 looked like a mish mash of two graphic systems. In general, vanilla game graphics needs to be in stride with the fidelity they are pushing out now. Edited by TonyTricicolo
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In addition to the new eyes, I would love it if they remastered faces to the quality of the new expansions cutscenes. The difference of detail was evident, especially in Valkorian and Arcann. Chapter 1 looked like a mish mash of two graphic systems. In general, vanilla game graphics needs to be in stride with the fidelity they are pushing out now.


That is something I heavily agree with! Perhaps the new eye designs are a first step because better textured faces was something that has been talked about often on the forums and mentioned to the developers! Perhaps they will slowly build towards that because I heavily agree with the fact that when putting Valkorion and our character side by side there is a galaxy of difference between the two designs :p

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I've had the opposite experience to you. All the eyes on my toons look like they're covered in some thick yellow-green jelly, giving them the looks of cataracts and extreme jaundice in the sclera of the eyes. I'd rather have the sparkly eyes than this nonsense, it looks terrible.


Well, it seems opinions are mixed about this so I guess a solution would be a toggle in the Graphics settings to be able to choose which eyes you see in your game :) that way people like me will remain satisfied as well as players such as you who don't like the new design

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So wait... There's people complaining the eye colors have changed. Was that intentional because of this texture change? Or did they just hose up the palette on top of changing the textures? Without a yellow post it's hard to know which is correct.
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I really do hope this is some kind of awful bug. The eyes just look dreadful. People complained about the ones we had as too cartoony. yet our characters are stylised they are not suppose to be realistic, or maybe it was they were too shiny? But these textures look bleak and the colours look way off. Bright yellow looks dreadful and so do the other cosmetic ones. It's like someone swapped out the palette with the wrong colours and forgot to wash their brush. The brown from what I am told is non-existent now.


So if you're happy with these muddy coloured eyes with the incorrect colour code and LOVE green hair instead of black. Then you're in for a treat! :rolleyes:

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Aside from the fact that our eye colours have been changed against our wills, a lot of the new eyes don't have enough contrast (in terms of lightness moreso than hue/saturation - some of them have a jarring amount of the latter two!). I think we're all entitled to keep whatever colours we picked at character creation (or paid cc to change to!), so the original colours clearly need to be back. If they can be faithfully applied to the new texture, respecting the original hue/saturation, and given an artistic amount of contrast in terms of light/dark, then they'll be a success. But unfortunately I don't like them as they are.


If you like them, I feel there's a good chance that the eye colours you had for your characters were ones not too badly affected by the change. But some are completely unrecognizable (in a bad way), and that's not fair.

Edited by Estelindis
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I do not. Rather, I want to know why everybody in the game either has jaundice or pinkeye.


I really didn't see it to be that bad :( maybe it's just my view and perception (it's not my graphics, I have them on highest settings) but I really don't see it to be as bad as you describe. However, I do recognise that I am in a minority regarding this.

Edited by Ylliarus
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So if you're happy with these muddy coloured eyes with the incorrect colour code and LOVE green hair instead of black. Then you're in for a treat! :rolleyes:


Look, I understand you disagree with me and that is fine. What is NOT fine however is that you ridicule me because I don't share your view.


For your information, I am one of the people who have made threads speaking out against the new "green is the new black" that seems to be going on with the new hairstyles. I absolutely hate it just as much as you.


However, I don't seem to experience the new eye colours the same way you do. It happens to be so that I am a minority regarding this, that is fine, but that doesn't make my view invalid. Honestly, the new design is much more appealing to me than what we had before. Do I see room from improvement? Most definitely! I never said they were 100% divine and perfect, I just like them a lot in their current form and they can only improve.


I respect that you detest the new design, I ask that you respect that I happen to like them.


Aside from the fact that our eye colours have been changed against our wills, a lot of the new eyes don't have enough contrast (in terms of lightness moreso than hue/saturation - some of them have a jarring amount of the latter two!). I think we're all entitled to keep whatever colours we picked at character creation (or paid cc to change to!), so the original colours clearly need to be back. If they can be faithfully applied to the new texture, respecting the original hue/saturation, and given an artistic amount of contrast in terms of light/dark, then they'll be a success. But unfortunately I don't like them as they are.


If you like them, I feel there's a good chance that the eye colours you had for your characters were ones not too badly affected by the change. But some are completely unrecognizable (in a bad way), and that's not fair.


As I said, there is definitely room for improvement. If the devs do what you wrote then that is fine, so long as we don't permanently return to the coloured plastic design we had before patch 5.6. I never said they need to remain untouched, I will applaud any improvements the devs can make. I only don't want a full reversion to what was and not move forward again :)

Edited by Ylliarus
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No. I despise the new design. My characters' eyes have all changed into bizarre, hideous colors that are not what I chose at character creation. I hate to use this dead-horse parody, but don't choices matter? ...nah, never mind, not sorry. I'm mad about this (to give the understatement of the year).

Brown eyes are now an ugly shade of greenish-gold (or bright yellow, in my zabrak's case). Green eyes are either puke-yellow or so intensely green it looks like someone replaced their eyes with laser beams. Red eyes (natural red eyes, like for the mirialan species) are now a fiery orange/gold (admittedly, this looks interesting, but again - not what I chose). Blue eyes are now either a flat, opaque shade of blue with jaundice around the iris, or flecked with strange lighter blue/hazel spots. Purple eyes are pink.


I want my characters' eye colors back. This is unacceptable.

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No. I despise the new design. My characters' eyes have all changed into bizarre, hideous colors that are not what I chose at character creation. I hate to use this dead-horse parody, but don't choices matter? ...nah, never mind, not sorry. I'm mad about this (to give the understatement of the year).

Brown eyes are now an ugly shade of greenish-gold (or bright yellow, in my zabrak's case). Green eyes are either puke-yellow or so intensely green it looks like someone replaced their eyes with laser beams. Red eyes (natural red eyes, like for the mirialan species) are now a fiery orange/gold (admittedly, this looks interesting, but again - not what I chose). Blue eyes are now either a flat, opaque shade of blue with jaundice around the iris, or flecked with strange lighter blue/hazel spots. Purple eyes are pink.


I want my characters' eye colors back. This is unacceptable.


But do you want a full return to what we had and nothing else? Or would you also be satisfied if the devs heavily improved what we have now? Because with the new design I have come to hate what we had previously, which in my opinion looks too simplistic and plastic-y. The new design has a lot more beautiful texture and depth to it :)

Edited by Ylliarus
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But do you want a full return to what we had and nothing else? Or would you also be satisfied if the devs heavily improved what we have now? Because with the new design I have come to hate what we had previously, which in my opinion looks too simplistic and plastic-y. The new design has a lot more beautiful texture and depth to it :)


Full return to what we had previously. (Well, minus the hideous sparkly reflections, of course. Gah...that was a nightmare.) In my opinion, there was nothing wrong with the eyes beforehand - now they look flat. You think they looked simplistic and plastic-y beforehand...? That's what they look like to me now. And yes, I have my graphics settings turned up quite high. The "depth" in the eyes looks hideously fake and jarring to me.


You'll forgive me if I seem a little tense, I hope. I'm not angry at you - I just hate these new designs.

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Full return to what we had previously. (Well, minus the hideous sparkly reflections, of course. Gah...that was a nightmare.) In my opinion, there was nothing wrong with the eyes beforehand - now they look flat. You think they looked simplistic and plastic-y beforehand...? That's what they look like to me now. And yes, I have my graphics settings turned up quite high. The "depth" in the eyes looks hideously fake and jarring to me.


You'll forgive me if I seem a little tense, I hope. I'm not angry at you - I just hate these new designs.


Of course, of course, no offense taken :) I would find it a huge loss if the designs were fully reverted to the design that was before. It is why I hope that the developers will improve the new designs in such a way they you'll come to like them and appreciate them! As I said, while I like them, there is a lot of room for improvement!

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