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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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Since I don't do ranked PVP, let alone grouped, can you please explain why people would care if 4 people got together and allowed themselves to be stomped just to get the mats? Why would the other team care if they won the match? Is it due to the ranked leaderboards or some other reason I'm not aware of as to why the winning team cares if the losing team did nothing in the match? Very confused here. :confused:


I already wrote that devs just consider everyone who queues for team ranked due to mats farm as a meat for this se who wants to get rating and playing for pvp itself. In fact no one was playing team ranked except of 4-5 groups on each server so devs decided to throw them some easy meat so that these pro groups could play, increase their rating and farm these poor guys who queues ranked only for mats. Devs are acting like hk-series droids watching on their players as on meat-bags.

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Your mind is entitled to feel anyway it likes.. but it does not change reality. Reality is: A) they can and will action players reported for throwing matches in Ranked PvP just for some non-PvP goal if the studio confirms the reported behavior in their logs to some level of certainty. Why? Because Ranked actually means something because of season rewards. B) They will NOT action any player who is selling any CM item on the GTN... no matter what the listed price is (because they let the free market forces between players sort out fair market pricing).


You made my point for me. Ranked having rewards and leaderboards should matter little when the people going mat farming wouldn't be getting them anyways as they'd be on the bottom for always losing the match as quickly as possible. So it inflates the other team unfairly, oh well, that's BW's fault for gating these mats behind a reward/leaderboard action.


Just because someone has thousands of CC and can purchase an item from the CM and then put it on the GTN for inflated prices, or a person can go into a ranked pvp contest and do minimal work for what they need to then sell an item on the GTN for inflated prices should be considered the same. They are not, and why not? Because one MAY be purchased with real world currency and the other is normal game play.


That was the point I was making. It is unfair to report players for not playing the way some people want them to play and having their accounts banned just because BW put something they want behind an activity they may not like or be good at and not have the same thing happen for people using the CM market to inflate prices on the GTN. If one is actionable then the other should be as well, otherwise, stop complaining and reporting people for not playing Ranked PVP the way the elitists want them to.

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we dont NEED new ops, the ones we have are perfectly fine. Same for warzones. so quit complaining that there is little new content, you dont need it any way.


Oh yes, because new content to explore to keep the game fresh and enjoyable for ALL is totally the same thing as new gear with a little more power/endurance that no one needs to complete the super old content in the game. Yep. Completely equivalent. :rolleyes:

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This has been the case for warzones since 5.0. PvP is a welfare function for almost a year now. It used to be for UCs, now it's the rare material.


The problem also is that you need 2 of those mats instead of 1 but the drop chance from crates is equal so that makes no sense either. I think that the least they could do is reduce the craft requirement from 2 to 1 to at least make it more equal.


Well, technically first it was that way due to the CXP value being higher, then UCs, and now mats. They will throw Ranked PvP out there as the preferred method of gaining the new shiny thing (whatever that is) until the end of time, apparently. #GroupRankedisWelfare

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Oh yes, because new content to explore to keep the game fresh and enjoyable for ALL is totally the same thing as new gear with a little more power/endurance that no one needs to complete the super old content in the game. Yep. Completely equivalent. :rolleyes:


you dont need either one to play the game. the devs need to decide if the elitist few are enough to finance this game, because they are making it clear to the solo casuals that they are just fodder. You seem to have decided who "needs" those augments. who died and elected you jesus? you dont need them because you are already completing nim without them. so actually, no one in the game needs them. bioware keeps on making these asinine decisions. At this point, they cant be doing this by accident, it has to be on purpose

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Well, looks like you already put my answer to this yourself:


In the end even if there is a sync agreement, which is not always the case, proving it is another matter entirely.


Which is impossible. So when I see someone say just report them, what can I say, except 🤪

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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and do the devs start banning people that are bad at pvp?my team dies real fast so we must be win trading? thats not a good business model.


This is also my point. Without proof, it’s hearsay and they could just be bad players. But I’m sure they can investigate and look at metrics if they are so inclined.

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People who can't be bothered or don't have the time to do MM Operations and RPvP don't need the new augments. They want them thus "need" them through wanting them, but that is the same as wanting a treat, chocolate or a sweet. You don't need it but you want it thus you start to demand it based on your wanting and not your needs. Well, actually... that is what children do.


Or maybe its just the final goal they have after doing all the content multiple times. Who cares? They pay the same $15 a month you do, so why should it be geometrically more difficult because they can't or wont play the style or content BioWare forces people to? The whole 5.0 expansion has been based on this mantra, and its been one of (if not THE) biggest mistake BioWare has made with this game. I'm not saying casual players should have it as easy as hard core players, but really, for it to take nearly a year for a casual player to get fully 248 geared (and that only because of the 5.6 changes) is ridiculous.

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Which is impossible. So when I see someone say just report them, what can I say, except 🤪

I don't see the point in reporting them. The system is the problem here and Bioware are doing this knowing full well what's going on. They want this situation cause it fills the queues I guess. Why blame the players for using the system pretty much as intended?

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They want this situation cause it fills the queues I guess.


So you think they do that just like for Umbara when they released it ? You know, the weekly cap, that made peoples who wanted the SH farm the fp for two weeks, just to say that it was successfull because peoples played it a lot ?


That would be so dumb honestly, but not that surprising. :rolleyes:

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I don't see the point in reporting them. The system is the problem here and Bioware are doing this knowing full well what's going on. They want this situation cause it fills the queues I guess. Why blame the players for using the system pretty much as intended?
Pretty much this. It sucks for ranked PvPers who want to play legitimately because most of the competition they face isn't up to the challenge. It sucks for the competition because they're essentially forced to run content they don't enjoy if they want to gear up as fast as possible and remain competitive in PvE. The only people who "win" here are the people who abused the low number of people listing to win trade before - now they don't have to, since 90% of the people listing are noobs and can just be farmed for ranking.
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There is nothing wrong with giving MM Ops rewards for actually doing them and not just for the challenge. Which is flat out boring end of story. Once you do the Op for the challenge it's done and over. You don't feel no sense of accomplishment completing it again after the first time. It is also just a fact that solo players and people that don't do ops and ranked pvp do NOT need 248 gear and legendary augments. It's just a fact. There is not a single solo content in this game that requires it. It can all be completed in ****** green gear.


Exactly, they non-endgame players never needed BiS gear but now with Galactic Command throwing gear at them that they didn't earn they feel entitled to get all gear with little to no effort hence the stomping of feet and whining about having to actually do something for their new gear.

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I dont really have a dog in this fight, but I wanted to comment anyway.


One thing about this game, as well as other games on the market, is the prevalent "you don't need it, so its hard" mentality. This irks me, but its one of those "yes, its irritating but i get it" things.


I really dont need BiS. Especially not now. Why would I like to have BiS? Because it would make certain specific parts of the game more enjoyable by making them much easier. And for certain parts of the game much easier would be much better for my playstyle.


But again, that is really a "want a lollypop" sort of thing. If for some reason too much gets shut out by the lack of end game gear for casuals, I simply walk. And I have done that in this game more than once.


What I do like is to see prior BiS come available to casuals later on as new BiS takes its place...which doesnt always happen here. That is a legitimate gripe IMO...some "tiers" of gear are much easier to craft than others, mainly due to MASSIVE differences in gathering ability. Over time that has been alleviated a bit here and there with some changes, but still remains an issue with the latest Iokath gathering area.


Very few spawns overall with slow respawn rates

No real Bio sources other than ground spawns

The usual Arch spawn problems


So, though I really dont have a part in the conversation with respect to BiS, nor will I likely EVER....I would like to interject a self serving dig at the current state of top end casual gearing and gathering areas. Some improvements are definitely needed IMO.

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Pretty much this. It sucks for ranked PvPers who want to play legitimately because most of the competition they face isn't up to the challenge. It sucks for the competition because they're essentially forced to run content they don't enjoy if they want to gear up as fast as possible and remain competitive in PvE. The only people who "win" here are the people who abused the low number of people listing to win trade before - now they don't have to, since 90% of the people listing are noobs and can just be farmed for ranking.


I've played this over the last few days and this cynical assessment is not at all what I found. I've run into 1-2 teams that are not trying. Most people try to assemble a reasonable team. I have seen 1 win trader on Harby East. Reported the obvious que sync person joining imp side ranked and then doing nothing and then booted them and replaced them.


I've got 25+ matches in the last 2 days and didn't find ranked trashed. It's got more weaker players participating, but in no way does that affect the ranking of the elite status teams. In fact, its likely helped them out.

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The prices on mats/augments are damn high... tr revived yet sr became more passive since many stopped queueing it with lack of rewards. This forcing policy sucks really, this is not swtor i knew


Given that they have only been available for a week and people are still gearing out their mains, possibly a couple alts, this is not a surprise. Once mains are geared, it is only logical to conclude that prices will drop.


For informational purposes only, having now opened roughly 1000 crates, the vast majority being T1/T2/T3 (as in -- not T4), I can confirm what others have found...I'm at about a 5% drop rate for the new crafting mats. While I was watching movies while disintegrating these crates, so it's hardly scientific, I didn't really notice a difference between the tiers. Though, as stated earlier by a poster (sorry forgot name!), I would have thought higher tiers had higher percentage rate to drop, which doesn't appear to be the case.


TL-DR: The fact you can get BiS augments AT ALL without doing ranked PvP or NiM Ops is a bonus. Drop rate seems reasonable to me.


/shrug Dasty

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I don't see the point in reporting them. The system is the problem here and Bioware are doing this knowing full well what's going on. They want this situation cause it fills the queues I guess. Why blame the players for using the system pretty much as intended?


I think that’s a slightly simplistic explanation of what’s happened. Bioware quiet often don’t think things through to the conclusion of their ideas. They’ve repeatedly had good ideas and intentions over the years, but implemented them poorly or not considered all the consequences.

Its obvious they want to reduce queue times and get people playing group content. The problem is they haven’t thought the process all the way through. If they had, Im confident they would have implemented this differently to mitigate this more.

The way I see it, is someone says “let’s do this, it will get people to queue”. Then another says, “will this have a negative impact else where?”. If no one can think of a negative impact, they have a green light to move forward.

How many times over the years have they implemented something and later come back and said we never intended players to use the system in this way, so we have removed or changed it.

They know players will always take the fastest and easiest route to get something, the problem is if bioware can’t think of what that route is themselves, they wait for us to discover it and then they make changes.

I think that is what will happen here. They will either nerf the mats or how easy it is to get them by throwing games or they’ll put the mats in the game some other way.

So I think this is a ledgitmate discussion and one we need to keep alive so they can get the feed back and allow them to tweak the process

Edited by TrixxieTriss
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Given that they have only been available for a week and people are still gearing out their mains, possibly a couple alts, this is not a surprise. Once mains are geared, it is only logical to conclude that prices will drop.


For informational purposes only, having now opened roughly 1000 crates, the vast majority being T1/T2/T3 (as in -- not T4), I can confirm what others have found...I'm at about a 5% drop rate for the new crafting mats. While I was watching movies while disintegrating these crates, so it's hardly scientific, I didn't really notice a difference between the tiers. Though, as stated earlier by a poster (sorry forgot name!), I would have thought higher tiers had higher percentage rate to drop, which doesn't appear to be the case.


TL-DR: The fact you can get BiS augments AT ALL without doing ranked PvP or NiM Ops is a bonus. Drop rate seems reasonable to me.


/shrug Dasty


I've gotten 1 of the PvP mats from about 200 T2/T3 crates spread across 2 characters, RNG is RNG and a very poor method for obtaining these mats since you can get 10% return, or you can get 0% return. Not to mention the true drop rate is probably closer to half of that 5%, everyone seems to be neglecting the cases where people get nothing after opening hundreds of crates.

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I've gotten 1 of the PvP mats from about 200 T2/T3 crates spread across 2 characters, RNG is RNG and a very poor method for obtaining these mats since you can get 10% return, or you can get 0% return. Not to mention the true drop rate is probably closer to half of that 5%, everyone seems to be neglecting the cases where people get nothing after opening hundreds of crates.


The best-CXP-Mat-ratio is using only T1-crates. The drop-ratio ist overall the very similar out of all crates - a friend of mine opend about 2.000 crates and made some statistics out of his drops.


So, pick a level 70 toon, throw in some cxp-packs and move along as soon as you reach level 90.

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The best-CXP-Mat-ratio is using only T1-crates. The drop-ratio ist overall the very similar out of all crates - a friend of mine opend about 2.000 crates and made some statistics out of his drops.


So, pick a level 70 toon, throw in some cxp-packs and move along as soon as you reach level 90.


I have 4 toons and 1 crafting alt, like hell I'm making a mass of alts just to farm mats for augments that I don't even need to beat out the DPS of most players in the game today. Doing just fine with 186/208 augments right now, even stepping up to 228 is a step above bolster which is basically what I'm going to do at this point.


And for every person like your friend, there is likely someone like me who RNGesus frigging hates with a passion and will never grant these mats to except as a 'free sample of crack.' Need/Greed or Roll, I'm the last person to get gear in every raid group I've been in since this game launched, ironically I win every speeder drop though, go figure.

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