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"thanks" bioware that you force us to play certain content to be able to get mats


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You have a rather warped view if that is all you saw given everything takes time but what we know is PVP can and does take little effort and you can still get reward. You can put in effort and you can also not put in effort and take home the reward. So effort really doesn't come into play here, just time and since time is what we are looking at, I'll move to your next statement.




Incorrect! It's already known it isn't instant gratification be it through PVP or PVE or crates. Nothing is instant. I'm not sure you could be more wrong than you are in making that statement.



Maybe they have time, maybe they go in there and work on it. But unlike PVP where you can fail spectacularly and still walk away with the reward. That cannot be said for NM OPS (or any ops for that matter). If the OPs fails then they get nothing no matter the difficulty mode.


So it boils down to if you are going to waste time in a game at all but still want to upgrade your toon beyond the augments most currently have. The best and most efficient way to do that is RPVP. You win no matter what you do. So it's not a can't be bothered vs whats the best use of your game time if you go after the next level of augments.




Sure they do. When stats matter you will want to be as competitive as possible and take every advantage. only a fool wouldn't.




Given the whole game is a want and not a need. I look at that quote as one of the more stupid things I've read today. However, the gear grind doesn't stop just because you get to max level. The gear grind doesn't stop because you out-geared the content. The gear grind that has been instilled since day one in games like this never stops and thats what keeps people playing. Hunting that carrot. It's not a want or need thing. It's just what drives the game and gamers. When a new upgrade comes, it's what you go after and like most, you do it the most efficient way possible.




No one wants to play that RNG garbage as their main means of getting mats. SO don't be foolish. It's a cheap throwaway secondary mechanic you hope gets you what you are after but no guarantee. So it's a joke.


So that leaves NM OPS. There is not enough of those groups around doing that high level content nor are the ones left just open arms taking anyone in. Combine that with the extremely low percentage that actually tries that content and actually does well in it and well NM OPS as a mat resource is a joke for what I'd wager is 95% of the gamers left in game and thats being generous.


So that leaves RPVP where you can get them no matter what you do. Make a group of like minded people and have at it. Win or loss get your reward. This is what will drive players to continue that gear grind that is instilled on nearly every single gamer out there since the dawn of most MMOs.


Now, you harp on want and need but no one gives a rats arse what you think people need or want. Thats hard to take in but there you have it.


If gear in anyway helps any gamer shave time off whatever they do, no matter what content it is, no matter how mediocre/easy/hard it is, no matter if it's solo only or story or whatever. Thats becomes a need. It's the next thing to go after and bioware knows it as designers. So expect gamers to go after it if they can and given their options, RPVP is the best way to go about it while hoping the RNG crate Gods will smile down on them as well every once in a while.


And yet my words made you care enough to reply to everything I said. If you truly didn't care about what I said then why did it bother you that much that you made an elaborate response (with multiple valid points I will admit)?


As to the part where you found my quote to be the most stupid thing you read, if we are going to think in those terms then any luxury we have in life is a want and not a need but that was not my point which you completely and utterly missed (but I guess you just really wanted an excuse to call my response stupid, so I'll let it slide). My point was that if you want to do for example Story Mode Operations then you will need, by the rules set out in the game and the way it operates, some decent gear. If you want to do Veteran mode operations then you do need at least some better gear than what you had for Story mode. I didn't think I'd have to explain it, but it was "needing" in a relative sense, not an absolute one.


Of course you don't need SWTOR in your life (I beg to differ but I am a fan of the game so you'll understand), but if you play it there are some parametres that you will have to take into account. Again, you "need" things in a relative sense in regards to SWTOR and the parametres set up in it. But I am confident you understand that but just really desperately sought an excuse to make me appear lesser than you by calling something in my reply stupid. No worries, it's already forgiven.

Edited by Ylliarus
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The problem is that the drop rate of such mats from crates are significantly LOW, and no there is no analogy with getting gear since we can gear up through everything we want, for example i geared up all my chars via ONLY regular warzones (i didnt play ranked or NIM ops) but now we are forced to do high difficult content - ranked and NiM or spend millions for one augment. I think that devs went crazy to be honest.


You keep missing the point. The only thing you "need" these for is the very content you don't want to play.


If you are this upset about being "forced" to do Ranked PvP or NiM operations, be happy that absolutely no other content in the game requires these. So don't pretend that they are "forcing" you, when it is really you forcing yourself to believe that you NEED them. You don't. Problem solved. You don't need the augments, so you don't have to do Ranked or NiM raids. Simple.

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You keep missing the point. The only thing you "need" these for is the very content you don't want to play.


If you are this upset about being "forced" to do Ranked PvP or NiM operations, be happy that absolutely no other content in the game requires these. So don't pretend that they are "forcing" you, when it is really you forcing yourself to believe that you NEED them. You don't. Problem solved. You don't need the augments, so you don't have to do Ranked or NiM raids. Simple.


100% agree. Couldn't be more true!

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You keep missing the point. The only thing you "need" these for is the very content you don't want to play.


If you are this upset about being "forced" to do Ranked PvP or NiM operations, be happy that absolutely no other content in the game requires these. So don't pretend that they are "forcing" you, when it is really you forcing yourself to believe that you NEED them. You don't. Problem solved. You don't need the augments, so you don't have to do Ranked or NiM raids. Simple.


It's less about getting an item you need, and more about getting a gear upgrade for your char. People just want to progress and have fun, and if they can't do both at the same time they'll just find another game where they can.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but that in reality players just don't care. It was the same thing with 248's.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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^^ Winner.


Players are also forgetting that something like this is best quickly ramped up for production through the team effort of either a guild or a circle of friends working together. Our guild is already on this, like we were with crafted gear earlier in 5.0, and it looks like we will have every members mains equipped within the week and will then move on to selected alts. After that, depending on the economy... we will either suspend gathering them through game play, or keep doing so and selling them into the market (at discounts as we like to keep pressure on materials costs for other crafters).


Note however that for most players these augments are not needed... just desired. There is a difference. Competitive PvPers need them as to hard content OPs groups. Guildless individuals that do neither activities DO NOT NEED them.


Not a winner.


You are talking about leveling planets, where these augments and all augments in general are used in endgame. Endgame bolster does not bolster the augment slot to 236 rating, I'm not exactly sure where it bolsters to but 228 rating augments are better than what bolster provides at endgame.


People who do endgame actually do need these otherwise they won't make the cut against people who do have them for Ops and PvP.

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It's less about getting an item you need, and more about getting a gear upgrade for your char. People just want to progress and have fun, and if they can't do both at the same time they'll just find another game where they can.


I'm not saying you're wrong, but that in reality players just don't care. It was the same thing with 248's.


Is it progressing to deck yourself out with augments that you don't need? Or is it a waste of time, effort and money for something that won't really matter to you in the end, as you are not doing the type of content where these upgrades matter. It's not really progression, it's gratification that you have all the shiny toys too, even if you aren't going to play with them.


248s I can understand, as there is a much bigger stat differential between that tier of gear and previous tiers. The augments are not nearly as drastic an upgrade, plus they are only really useful in the very situations you're complaining about having to participate in to get mats for them.


It's like people need to find something to be upset about - and they've chosen this augment that they don't need to be upset about because they don't have them.


How about you guys just play the game and be happy that you don't need the things and therefore won't have to play the content you don't like? You don't like that content, and it's the only content that requires this level of upgrade. Don't need it, don't gotta do it - that's a win, not a loss that you come to the forums to cry over, in my book.

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PS - people are doing Ranked and NiM operations just fine without these very items now, and the content isn't being tuned up with the addition of these new augments.


For me, I'm thrilled because I can now make a fortune off people who are going to run solo and lower level content after telling themselves they NEED these new augments, and they will pay big for the mats that I could actually use, but realize I do NOT need and therefore will be selling those mats to the highest bidder on the GTN. Plus, I can get them from crates. Super awesome - piles of credits in T2, and T3 crates? Yes, please!

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PS - people are doing Ranked and NiM operations just fine without these very items now, and the content isn't being tuned up with the addition of these new augments.


For me, I'm thrilled because I can now make a fortune off people who are going to run solo and lower level content after telling themselves they NEED these new augments, and they will pay big for the mats that I could actually use, but realize I do NOT need and therefore will be selling those mats to the highest bidder on the GTN. Plus, I can get them from crates. Super awesome - piles of credits in T2, and T3 crates? Yes, please!


Exactly!!! Preach it because this is exactly what is going on and will be happening!

Edited by Ylliarus
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PS - people are doing Ranked and NiM operations just fine without these very items now, and the content isn't being tuned up with the addition of these new augments.


For me, I'm thrilled because I can now make a fortune off people who are going to run solo and lower level content after telling themselves they NEED these new augments, and they will pay big for the mats that I could actually use, but realize I do NOT need and therefore will be selling those mats to the highest bidder on the GTN. Plus, I can get them from crates. Super awesome - piles of credits in T2, and T3 crates? Yes, please!


It doesn't matter if the Ops are tuned or not for them, the very fact that they exist will mean people will require them to get into Ops groups. Heck, the first day of the new patch within hours of the server getting back online there were people in general chat doing LFG for Nahut SM, with the requirement that you already have the achievement. Think about that for a moment...


That's what everyone who is arguing that you don't need these augments is ignoring. That your average player will need them just to get into groups to do stuff if they don't already have a set progression group because people ask for stupid requirements from PUGs.

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Is it progressing to deck yourself out with augments that you don't need? Or is it a waste of time, effort and money for something that won't really matter to you in the end, as you are not doing the type of content where these upgrades matter. It's not really progression, it's gratification that you have all the shiny toys too, even if you aren't going to play with them.


Let's be honest here, none of this stuff really matters. We're all playing a game of electronic make-believe where gratification comes in the form of data, made to look shiny enough for us to buy in.


People don't want their shiny bits walled off behind play-styles they don't enjoy or real life money, and right now that's the case for a lot of people. You can do the content you hate doing or shell out cash so you can get enough credits to buy the mats. And that's a dangerous feature to have in your game nowadays.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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It doesn't matter if the Ops are tuned or not for them, the very fact that they exist will mean people will require them to get into Ops groups. Heck, the first day of the new patch within hours of the server getting back online there were people in general chat doing LFG for Nahut SM, with the requirement that you already have the achievement. Think about that for a moment...


That's what everyone who is arguing that you don't need these augments is ignoring. That your average player will need them just to get into groups to do stuff if they don't already have a set progression group because people ask for stupid requirements from PUGs.


So starting a group yourself not asking for any achievements or requirements has not crossed your mind even remotely? Not even once?

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Many posts in this thread really come across as "I want something that takes time and effort to obtain and I don't like that as I want it to be easy, everything must be easy to obtain for me". It comes across as wanting and being addicted to instant gratification without lifting a finger.


People who can't be bothered or don't have the time to do MM Operations and RPvP don't need the new augments. They want them thus "need" them through wanting them, but that is the same as wanting a treat, chocolate or a sweet. You don't need it but you want it thus you start to demand it based on your wanting and not your needs. Well, actually... that is what children do.


If you don't want to do MM Operations or RPvP you can either obtain the mats from Command Crates or the GTN. If you can't or don't want to do that, then you have perfectly excellent alternatives in the form of 228s and 230s augments which are quite accessible and easy to obtain.


Dude stop ignoring my messages! What means we dont need it? In pvp stats play a role lol. Bolster gives us 242 but everything what goes further depends on your gear/augments. And pvp is a competition where players must have best stats or they will underperform to others. No one asks that new mats must be obtained easily we ask it to be LIME IT WAS BEFORE THIS TRASH PATCH. The pre 5.6 system of farming mats were twise BETTER than this garbage because crafter could get some mats while doing the content with difficulty HE COULD ACTUALLY DO. Bad pvp players wasnt forced into ranked and bad pve players into NiM. Besides, why you say about doing MM operations? On mats we can see that it drops from NiM but not MM (or MM is NiM? Pretty not sure because i dont play pve). And once again why solo ranked doesnt provide these mats? Those who play solo ranked dont deserve to get these mats? I hate group ranked because it requires forming a group which takes much time considering in swtor only afew are willing to play group ranked.

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So starting a group yourself not asking for any achievements or requirements has not crossed your mind even remotely? Not even once?


I do, but not everyone does or even has the knowledge of the Ops to do that. I hate to tell you how inventive I have to be with tactics to pull some groups through it so I know not everyone can do that. Most groups will want to straight up power through anything which means these augments will be a virtual requirement given the dps/hps gain (and 100 bonus damage is a substantial dps/hps gain when you factor in how skills scale that up).

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PS - people are doing Ranked and NiM operations just fine without these very items now, and the content isn't being tuned up with the addition of these new augments.


For me, I'm thrilled because I can now make a fortune off people who are going to run solo and lower level content after telling themselves they NEED these new augments, and they will pay big for the mats that I could actually use, but realize I do NOT need and therefore will be selling those mats to the highest bidder on the GTN. Plus, I can get them from crates. Super awesome - piles of credits in T2, and T3 crates? Yes, please!


For what I've seen on Malgus, it's better to actually craft the augment. Mats go for under 2M while complete augment don't go below 5,5M.

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Let's be honest here, none of this stuff really matters. We're all playing a game of electronic make-believe where gratification comes in the form of data, made to look shiny enough for us to buy in.


People don't want their shiny bits walled off behind play-styles they don't enjoy or real life money, and right now that's the case for a lot of people. You can do the content you hate doing or shell out cash so you can get enough credits to buy the mats. And that's a dangerous feature to have in your game nowadays.


If you hate doing the content necessary to obtain the stuff for the Augments then you obviously don't need it. I want the Wings of the Architect too. Am I a Nightmare mode raider? No. Do I complain like a little child for Bioware to make it easy for me to obtain the Wings of the Architect? NO. If I want the Wings of the Architect I can either go and try to earn it myself or pay hundreds of millions of credits to a guild to do the work for me. Or I can just be an adult and get over the fact that I won't have the Wings of the Architect and move on enjoying other parts of the game I can absolutely perfectly enjoy without the Wings of the Architect. The same applies for the new Augments. You want them? Go work for it. Don't want to work for it? Pay for it on the GTN. Can't be bothered to do that? Tough luck, there are 228s and 230s augments that are perfectly fine alternatives.

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Adding the mats ONLY OBTAINABLE in TEAM RANKED was a horrible idea... and the person who decided that must be living in a parallel universe.


Nobody plays team ranked and getting 4 people is a pain in the ****.


Now you are forcing us to beg for someone to join us or TR and lose 4 times and maybe 20 times for weekly to get those damn mats.


Add it for Solo ranked too if you want to be obtainable via ranked because it's easier for people to get pops.




When will the avarage player be able to buy those ?


I am a PVP-er and as soon the others purchase them, I and many others will be at a disadvantage, because 14 of those augments will make a difference in terms of stats. ;)


Agreed, seems like devs gone mad completely. Pretty sure They want us to things from CM for $ then sell it for credits in order to buy augments. It's a new stealth gambling system, probably from Andrew Willson

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If you hate doing the content necessary to obtain the stuff for the Augments then you obviously don't need it. I want the Wings of the Architect too. Am I a Nightmare mode raider? No. Do I complain like a little child for Bioware to make it easy for me to obtain the Wings of the Architect? NO.


Far more people care about getting gear upgrades than getting a rare speeder. You don't complain, I'm not even complaining that much right now. It is not us BW needs to worry about, it's those little children. Because they're paying customers.

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I do, but not everyone does or even has the knowledge of the Ops to do that. I hate to tell you how inventive I have to be with tactics to pull some groups through it so I know not everyone can do that. Most groups will want to straight up power through anything which means these augments will be a virtual requirement given the dps/hps gain (and 100 bonus damage is a substantial dps/hps gain when you factor in how skills scale that up).


They will be absolutely not important or vital at all for story mode operations. By what you say it is already evident the people you speak of won't be participating anytime soon in Master Mode Operations. With the current bolster and the 228s augments you are already able to power through operations at story mode level, so the Superior Augments really are no need at all for that. If a group isn't able to do story mode operations in 230 rating gear with 228s or 230s, then the problem is not stats or gearing at all. Then the problem lies with not knowing your class, not understanding the tactics and Superior Augments aren't going to solve that.

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They will be absolutely not important or vital at all for story mode operations. By what you say it is already evident the people you speak of won't be participating anytime soon in Master Mode Operations. With the current bolster and the 228s augments you are already able to power through operations at story mode level, so the Superior Augments really are no need at all for that. If a group isn't able to do story mode operations in 230 rating gear with 228s or 230s, then the problem is not stats or gearing at all. Then the problem lies with not knowing your class, not understanding the tactics and Superior Augments aren't going to solve that.


You might know that, I might know that, but the general population of the game won't know that and they will think that they absolutely NEED them to complete the content because they exist. Tera had the same issue when they introduced +15 enchantment. The content was balanced around +12 that never changed, but nearly all the groups required +15 unless you had your own static. PWI was R9 (even though most stuff was easily clearable in Nirvana gear). I've seen it happen in too many other games to expect it to not happen here. Players will want to take the path of least resistance, and with the vast majority of end game content that means having the best possible gear. You just can't ignore that fact, and that now you are creating a have and have-nots scenario in the game.


Never mind the impact it will have in PvP where the stats will actually play a huge difference between 2 equally skilled players.

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You might know that, I might know that, but the general population of the game won't know that and they will think that they absolutely NEED them to complete the content because they exist. Tera had the same issue when they introduced +15 enchantment. The content was balanced around +12 that never changed, but nearly all the groups required +15 unless you had your own static. PWI was R9 (even though most stuff was easily clearable in Nirvana gear). I've seen it happen in too many other games to expect it to not happen here. Players will want to take the path of least resistance, and with the vast majority of end game content that means having the best possible gear. You just can't ignore that fact, and that now you are creating a have and have-nots scenario in the game.


Never mind the impact it will have in PvP where the stats will actually play a huge difference between 2 equally skilled players.


Yes and if a player had earned the augments through work and effort and the other chose not to, why shouldn't he or she be able to use the earned advantage? If person A built their own computer through saving money and taking on jobs to earn money and ended up with an epic gaming pc and person B settled for a slightly lesser gaming pc but still a very good one because they couldn't or didn't want to put in the same amount of effort and time, would it be fair for B to demand that A can't use their better PC because they're not the same? Some people will have better gear and if they earned that then all power to them.

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Yes and if a player had earned the augments through work and effort and the other chose not to, why shouldn't he or she be able to use the earned advantage? If person A built their own computer through saving money and taking on jobs to earn money and ended up with an epic gaming pc and person B settled for a slightly lesser gaming pc but still a very good one because they couldn't or didn't want to put in the same amount of effort and time, would it be fair for B to demand that A can't use their better PC because they're not the same? Some people will have better gear and if they earned that then all power to them.


Pvp players do care about difficulty of becoming competitive in pvp, and they hate to be forced into long-grind or doing pve which they dont like or spend millions of credits which they may not have. Just check threads about buffing bolster and you will see how pvp players spit on the idea of spending long time to become powerful in pvp. All they want is skill-dependent fights, not spending much efforts on getting better stats. OFCOURSE regs and lower difficult operations must provide mats for new augment. The quantity though must be lower (1 for daily, 2 for weekly for example) compared to ranked and NiM operation rewards but it must be there! If pvp players spend their time and efforts on regular wrzs and lower difficulty operations they also deserve to have good rewards, same quality like for ranked/NiM but with less quantity to maintain incentives to play NiM and ranked. But ofc biogambles decided that forcing us to play only for best rewards aka ranked and NiM must be the only way to get it without spending millions of credits or opening tonnes of crates.


Time for unsub and show them how we like their trash and toxic ranked or looking for hours for a good NiM group

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And yet my words made you care enough to reply to everything I said. If you truly didn't care about what I said then why did it bother you that much that you made an elaborate response (with multiple valid points I will admit)?


Because when one is as wrong as you were. Something needs to be said but caring isn't the cause of it.


As to the part where you found my quote to be the most stupid thing you read, if we are going to think in those terms then any luxury we have in life is a want and not a need but that was not my point which you completely and utterly missed (but I guess you just really wanted an excuse to call my response stupid, so I'll let it slide).


Sorry but life and gaming do not really coincide as gaming in and of itself is just a want. SO the same concept doesn't apply to things in a game. The whole thing is a want from start to finish and what individual gamers want to get out of it. Whatever someone else wants means nothing unless you join a like-mined guild or group of people but beyond that. It's all individual wants and as I described, when it comes to gear nearly everyone wants better and we have been conditioned to go after that "better" gear no matter what it is or where it is or what crappy things we have to do to get it and now suddenly.


But I stand by what I said.



My point was that if you want to do for example Story Mode Operations then you will need, by the rules set out in the game and the way it operates, some decent gear. If you want to do Veteran mode operations then you do need at least some better gear than what you had for Story mode. I didn't think I'd have to explain it, but it was "needing" in a relative sense, not an absolute one.


And again using the terms want and need on content or gear isn't up to you or even bioware. There is no metrics that apply when it comes to the individual gamer. If gear in any form helps someone do what they do better and faster even in small margins. It's a now a need. It allows them to be more efficient in any and all content they decide to do. Even if that content is designed for less gear. No one gives a POOP. It is and will always be used as a carrot on a stick and nearly every single gamer is after that carrot.


If that entices you to do content you hate. Gamers will still do it as we have seen in the past. Doesn't matter how content was designed or what it was designed for. Gamers will go after that gear in the best and most efficient way possible and we will see in RPVP for the grade 10 mats. It is the quickest and easiest way to get the next level of gear.


Same reason people run Hammer Station. Same reason people ran Fractured. This is not new and bioware nerfed that CXP gain because they know what gamers will do. Stupidly putting grade 10 mats where they did is a mindbogglingly screw up on their part. What bioware has done is created a design mistake once again by putting the mats people will go after in RNG (which is rather dumb), in NM OPS which has never had a large population of participants (and these days even less) and PVP which hands them out win or lose.


It's no huge leap to make an educated guess what gamers will do to go after the new grade 10 mat and any claim of they don't "need" it means nothing. Content they do isn't designed for it or whatever reason to can come up with will not in the slightest matter in a case like this.


Of course you don't need SWTOR in your life (I beg to differ but I am a fan of the game so you'll understand), but if you play it there are some parametres that you will have to take into account. Again, you "need" things in a relative sense in regards to SWTOR and the parametres set up in it. But I am confident you understand that but just really desperately sought an excuse to make me appear lesser than you by calling something in my reply stupid. No worries, it's already forgiven.


There is no parameter you can set for that me or anyone will care about. Thats the point and why the whole Need and want makes little to no sense in the grand scheme of this game or any as if you get to label or even bioware. It's all need if it brings the gamer entertainment or makes them have a better time.


Myself, and others will go after whatever makes our game more enjoyable and you mean little to nothing in that equation. Again, it doesn't even matter if the content that is being done is out-level, or out-geared. If it's gear and it helps us do whatever we do better. Then it's as much a need as anything else in the game.


By this point you have to realize, you don't get to make the call.

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Gamers will go after that gear in the best and most efficient way possible and we will see in RPVP for the grade 10 mats. It is the quickest and easiest way to get the next level of gear.


The actual quickest way to get the next level of gear is to buy it from the GTN. But it's expensive right? So, what's the easiest way for players to address that problem? Cartel Market.


Welcome to P2W.

Edited by Eli_Porter
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The actual quickest way to get the next level of gear is to buy it from the GTN. But it's expensive right? So, what's the easiest way for players to address that problem? Cartel Market.


Welcome to P2W.


While not the easiest or most convenient, I do agree with you mostly.


However, It takes no real money and little to no effort to throw a group of people together, step into RPVP and win or lose to the grade 10 mats. It's a guaranteed return at no cost.

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